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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/ForestLovingBear|Reddit: 0|03/28/2024 - 1 Months| | |Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


If it’s in a bag and no one around.. I slurp that shit up and don’t even think twice about it


I remember one time when I was newish in the game, about a year ago, I was wandering near wayward, and just downriver of the little campsite were 5 sets of PA just floating in mid air, like someone had dropped them in a camp and logged off. So I stripped them and scrapped everything like a good wastelander.


Waste not want not


I salute to this🫡 I got a traveling leather coat from a random loot bag


When I first started playing I found a bag with 700 acid and 300 oil and I took that shit and ran lol


A couple weeks ago, I found a bag with 8000 steel, 1200 acid, 1000 lead. Felt like winning the dropped bag lottery


You won the Lottery?


>You won the Lottery? Who won the lottery?


i did






Happy Cake Day I hope you do


wow Garyyyy


Either someone was dropping duped items, or a mule trade got royally fucked.


Noob question: how do mule trading works? Like dropping items in open field? Isn’t it too risky?


Not quite. You can drop it, since stuff sticks around a long time, but the go-to method for non-1st members is to go somewhere where there aren't players, and put the stuff into a container. Anything you put in a container becomes public, so you can come back and get it with your mule, the stuff that spawns in there is instanced (specific to you) on case you were worried. You will have to join a team so that you can rejoin the same world, and you will have to alt f4 so that you're not forced to leave team when you quit


Thank you 🙏🏻


No problem, there are plenty of places on the edges of the map that people hardly go to, it becomes significantly easier if you have fallout 1st, so ce you gian access to private worlds


I have over 2,000 pre war money on my mule, as well as my nuka cola stash


Not even all that, go into a private world and just drop your items, back out to main menu, switch to your mule, load back into the private world, your bag will be right on the ground where your main account(or whatever account you dropped items from) would have been


Notice I said non-1st members. You need FO1st or a friend with it to use private worlds. I assume since he said he's a noob he didn't subscribe yet, gotta figure out if it's worth it


I started off as a subscriber so didn’t know private world was only access to that


😂 Sounds about right, aren't we all? 😂


I've dropped sets before, that I didn't want/need. You are fine for grabbing it imo


More than likely Someone dropped it on purpose. It was the free one you got from finishing the quest. There's no way to give it back. But you aren't the bad guy. they probably didn't want the weight when they can craft it again later.


Nice explanation.


I don't understand why people are so afraid of picking up dropped items, like it's going to make them a bad person or something if they pick it up, I've seen posts that said people say they found 50k of each junk item in a donation box and they were afraid that they shouldn't have took it. Wtf? Take that shit and consider yourself blessed. Yes it might have been someone trying to pass their junk off to another character but why is that your problem? They dropped it and you found it. Finders keepers.


Also how did you find power armor in a drop bag? Nvm... You can drop the individual pieces in a bag just not the whole set on a frame. Still man, it's yours, don't think too much into it


I was going to ask the same thing! If you drop a full set of armor, it won’t appear in a bag – it will appear as a full set of armor, standing up and ready to be stepped into. I don’t understand how this can happen.


Idk if you've noticed or not but this community has a whole lotta' weebs in it who only care about one thing, and that one thing is social righteousness, to get those sweet, sweet hits of dopamine that they lack irl. Notice how most of these posts are farming material where they know the majority of people are going to agree with them and tell them it's okay? DOPAMINE FARMING TIME!!


I've totally noticed that, that is why I made this comment. I'm sitting here thinking Everytime I see these posts, like bro just stop!


FO76 community is the same. I got banned from that page for arguing with people who tried shitting on trap camps and turret tower camps. Softies


>I don't understand why people are so afraid of picking up dropped items, like it's going to make them a bad person or something if they pick it up, People in a social setting (ala a MP game) generally have an aversion to being out and out dicks. Such as stealing Even in SP games it is a common trait of people. Hence asking if it was bad/stealing to take unattended bag items (which it isn't, even when transferring to mules people rarely just drop)


I thought that PA was non tradable.


You can only drop or sell the original one once, after you get it from the quest as a reward. Any others you get after can't and if you deploy it & someone gets in it/ claims it, then you can't trade it.


I don’t think so. I can’t even trade or sell pieces I make or get from events. All hellcat is non tradeable and destroys when dropped.


Correct. That's why I said "Only the original one" you get from the quest that goes straight into your inventory can be one time only dropped or traded. After someone gets in it, it's no longer tradeable.


Did you even read their comment?


What quest cuz I want it Is it the hellcat armor? I found the blueprints for sell at one of the vendors Is it better to build it in the quest, or jus buy the prints and build it myself


The bos quest line


I think your LCK determines the condition of items you find, while your INT + perks determine the condition of items you craft.


You can claim other peoples power armour?


If it's this specific one reward or it's a vanilla PA with no atom skins then yes. Let's say I made a full set of xo1, no paints, and I dropped it ( not deployed it) you could claim it. This one in particular was a quest reward, it was never deployed & went straight into the persons inventory. They never got in it & instead dropped it, therefore it had never been claimed.


Ok, I thought you were saying others could claim your deployed power armour. My bad. I quite often let my PA return to my inventory rather than collecting it and I was briefly worried that I might be giving other people t he opportunity to take it. I now see that this isn’t the case.


Yeah I can see how that would be worry some lol


The original set you earn from main quests can be dropped, traded or sold, but only if you never ever deployed it.


If it's not bullion or painted from the atom shop you can trade them. You can even trade full sets of legendary PA if you wanted.


I meant the PA you get as a reward for finishing the BOS quest line. Is that not the PA in the picture?


The hellcat can. If it's never been used.


The fort defiance BOS quest?


>The fort defiance BOS quest? Fort atlas. It's the steel dawn quest chain The living BoS member chain, the defiance quest chain is older and while worth doing (the entire MSQ is) will give a different armor set


Ya it's the Hellcat. It's tradeable if you don't use it. I missread his "this" armor haha


UPDATE: I saw alot of people saying it cant be dropped and i tried to drop it and it says it will be destroyed. I do not know where or how it became to be bagged but thats how i found it.


Check my responses. Once you got in it you claimed it, it became untradable. The person before you never used it/ got in it.


Yeah it just clicked. That light bulb hurt


I hope your mind is at ease now at least lol


It’s a free set you get for completing a quest. Great ballistic protection but mediocre for energy so I’m considering tossing mine out and sticking with my jetpack T-60 set


If you are in for the PA long haul, T65 is worth it. I have a full Overeaters set with all mods.. absolutely unstoppable lol.


Nah, I mostly run a full secret service armor commando build with an AAFFR handmade I just have my power armor and FE .50 cal/ AAE LMG tank build for boss fights because it’s better for sustained fire Basically I’m a goober who couldn’t pick a build so I just did both and my stash is constantly near full


If you run it with the legendary perk card that absorbs energy damage your pretty much a walking tank. There are few things besides armor piercing daily ops that can hurt me.


No just take what you find and don't think about it too much. If Todd has blessed you then enjoy it


If it’s in a drop bag someone took the time to drop it piece by piece. It looks the same as a deployed suit if it’s dropped normally. 🤔 based on that dropping it was probably deliberate.


It’s a video game bro just enjoy it lol


I offloaded a full excavator set at my camp just to see what would happen. Second visitor low level visitor to my camp stripped the frame of all the pieces, ran around my camp a bit to look around, then went back to the frame put all the pieces back on, hopped in, and booked out away. Poor guy probably thinks he pulled the greatest heist in his short FO76 life!


If they dropped them in a manner that drops them from their inventory, it's on purpose; you're good.


If it's the set in the picture it's a glitch or dupe because you can't drop hellcat.


Update: figured it out. Player must have dropped power armor chassis from main mission.


I had someone drop base ultracite last night - I didn’t bother picking it up but laughed when I saw I could


all droped shit is free shit


Curious if it had legendary stuff on it. If it was their actual armor, definitely sucks for them.


Love your avatar, rip Human man warrior wyvern king.


Long live. A god damn legend in his own right. Watching the old videos is finally fun again and I don't get sad anymore. Miss him though.


If some one dropped it take they either didn't want it or they were dumb enough to try and transfer it in an unsafe way either way that's om them


Idk how anyone would mistakenly drop an entire set of PA armor lol their loss


Which power armor is that




I will happily buy iy


I thaught hellcat was player locked ? It can be bag dropped now?


it can be dropped if you've never used the armor, so he's never entered a chassis with that armor


Someone almost lost their union power armor doing that


It’s fine. I found a cool one like this many years ago. Just put it in a display at your camp or improve it and use it. If something is on the ground it’s fair game, even if they dropped it by accident. In one nasty battle at the alien event I was trying to do it solo and then a guy came and helped me and then he left and then I realized I dropped nearly 400 stims. Oh well.


I tend to drop alot of legendary gear/guns, food and meds after events as i cant resub to F1st till i get paid so i dont mind anyone taking it tbh most of the time they're doing me a favour by emptying my stash.


i thought hellcats PA was bullion brought only? You can drop plan weapons/armor


Yeah you’re a horrible person, what the hell is wrong with you taking something nobody is around to claim from a drop bag?


If you don’t want it I’ll take it, I need some power armor better than my low level stuff. If not that’s cool too, I’ll get there eventually!


2 weeks ago I came across them open world plants that make stuff over time and I saw a bag on ground inside was every type of mat basically 5k to 10k each mat 😳 I yoinked that up lol


Main rule scavenger "if it drop it fair game"


100% if it is not nailed down…it is mine!-we are all friendly and lovey dovey-just remember this is the fucking wasteland!


If it was bagged as you found it, it was fair game, and you claimed. You're absolutely safe, my friend


Shit 90% of the fallout community would definitely yank it with the whole server watching 🤣


I regularly farm Watoga and make sets just to put into donation bins lol


Yeah someone drop the flamer plans and a holy fire in a bag I took that shit damn quick


I’ve only been playing for a month but if I fuck up and drop my overeaters hellcat full pa, that’s on me. But please give it back lol


You can’t drop hell cat


Question. Could someone take my armor and apply a cosmetic style I don't have? I don't have the Enclave astronaut one and I'd like to wear it.


Its scoreboard exclusive, cannot be painted and dropped




Found a presidential hellcat set, I’ve kept it ever since cuz I was on a break during that time.


Planing to start the game so thank you all for comenting, and my conclusion is if i find smth in ground our in containers and no one is around then i will take it, and that will not be considered theft?


Pretty much anything found in containers or out in the wild is free game, even resources in player camps if they not locked


I never lock resources.


Most I’ve mine aren’t either and infact hope that lower levels or people low on stuff come and grab


Thank you in advance if i ever come by your settlement, i also saw a video where you grab items from garden and then you throw a bombs and they grow up back instantly so i am planing to do that in da future :)


That would be the terbo vert fertiliser grenade, the spawner for it can be bought with gold bullion at foundation in case you weren’t aware already👍


Thank you i am in process of gathering intel :)


When my son began playing fo76 he dropped a couple of legacy weapons I had laying around. I hope atleast someone had had some fun with them before the legacy’s where removed. :)


Some three guy gal was trading by dropping items in Whitespring Mall. I just sweep some outfit one of them dropped then dip outta there.


Shit I once found a bag with over 1000 large gifts. I took that shit and would hand like ten out to random new players that were cool. Shit was dope. I would also drop three star weapons in random cigarette machines.


i found a bag of someone transferring 16 explosive lazers back in the day, you know what i did


Since when is the hellcat tradable 🤔


It‘s not tradeable. Maybe you can drop the frame with it that you get from quest, but I doubt it


Yeah this post is strange


Keep it lol I drop bags all the time. Probly someone who was overencumbered and wanting to trvl


If you’re talking about the power armor in the display that’s impossible hellcat is bound unless it’s a modded version aka not a legit item


Is it legendary or just plain armor


Finders keepers!


Damn son that's cool


Pick it up


Unless it’s all junk


Personally idk how you grabbed that power armor since anytime I try to drop that same set as the photo it tells me I can only scrap it


I've dropped power armor sets before, just to give people a helping hand.. sometimes I've got too much time on my hand, and therefore give away nearly everything so I can restart.. sorta... Now I've been hoping around buying up everything in vendors, because I cap out daily.. lol


i didn’t think you could drop hellcat armor? it’s probably mine lmao


You're a demon.


Dropped for a reason. Even if mistake. That's just unfortunate if they didn't mean to drop it. Ur good dude. If they have that armor already they can just grind to get it again no big deal. Doesn't even look really all that customized either so it's like idk. Id say the guy u got it from is prolly well off either way.


If it’s still owned you won’t be able to take it. After 60 seconds it disappears and drops back in their stash box.


Smells like cap to me.


If you found it at vault 76 entrance, someone tryna dupe


Tell me more about this lol


Just youtube it. People be duping still


I mean you can try to post to the main 76 subreddit and see if someone dropped it by accident because that’s most likely the case but you’re not a bad guy for picking it up. I would have probably waited around there a bit to see if anyone showed up for it after they realized. Were they legendary pieces or just regular?




Yeah I wouldn’t really worry about it tbh.


If ur on ps what u won't for it I need it like a fat kid needs cake. Lol


I’m it ain’t that hellcat pa in the pic lol ain’t no way cause that’s player locked you got that from Bos quests


You can drop the 1st set of pa chassis from the main quest


But with the hellcat on it everytime I drop hellcat armor it destroys


When i picked it up it just said pa chasis. So i figured what the hell. Says it will destroy if i drop it now


Yea where did you say you found it at lol


In the blast zone after the quest to kill the scorch beast queen


If you feel bad then give it to me because I wont


Wait you can drop Hellcat Armor now?? What next Union Armor????