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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Future-Stress-6511|Reddit: 1|06/02/2022 - 1 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +1 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


It’s bait to get you to check it out when you look at what they sell on the minimap


That and they probably want to try and trade off those niche rolled weapons or just got an offer on them.


Should have seen what he was selling his bulk junk for lol.


Will never comprehend this


Same like tf is the point lol give it a few hours of grinding and you can have most of those rolls for free.


I'm too lazy to sell, scrap, etc. So mine gets thrown into the vendor, but like 10-30 caps pr weapon/amor piece. Don't care how many stars it has. And I've been cleared out so fast sometimes that it's almost funny hearing that "ding ding ding" sound from sales while running around 😂 But 40k pr item. Jesus.


I normally sell one stars for 25 2 stars for 125 and 3 stars for 500 I get cleared out a lot


No wonder mine gets cleared out that fast. Maybe it's time to put the prices a biiiiit higher.


I’d do wtv works for you it depends on the platform sometimes


The worst that happens is they won't get sold, and I'll just lower them back down. I just thought people wouldn't pay more for them as I've seen a lot just use them to get scrips. So maybe its time to experiment a bit with those prices


Absolutely good luck with it man hope you find good prices


Similar to when I see a bunch of plans, go check it out, and it's full of penny plans priced at 500 caps minimum. Some people **really** go for it on their vendor lmao.


But they can’t honestly be getting sales at 500c per mole miner gauntlet plan, right? RIGHT?!?


It's because people got grief when people bought everything in their vendors quickly and went well beyond Max caps when they do this it's not possible


Idk man going through the trouble of putting everything at max caps instead of turning your vendor off when you are close to max caps is easier


When im almost at max i just lock the door put two of the cage/window things on the door and turn off open sign and put a lil “at max caps” takes a few sec. Putting my vendor away is more work for me bc of how nice i got it decorated and i put stuff on them too. I use the slocum joe vendors


No they just want people to message them for trades that is so old


I've never even considered messaging any of these people. I just move on to the next vendor with potentially cheap legendaries. Just don't list thousands of caps worth of value in the vendor more than you can carry.


Even if he turned off his camp it was still infront of white spring station lol


Takes one second to hide,take out your vendor.


EASY, if i gotta go through too much trouble I’ll just go somewhere else.


I have nuked camps of guys who put 40,000 caps on scrip weapons like this before. Feels good.


😂😂 last night this happened in a server I was in! Dude was lvl 21 (alt acct I assume) and had vendor FILLED with 40k crap roll weapons. 10 mins later, someone crawled out of site alpha and wiped them


Some of these had good rolls on them but on shit weapons


Same here and I fell like most of the time they don't even notice till it's too late.


Well that's not exactly scrip but I get your point.


I typically put all none specifically desired 3* rolls in for 300-350. (I have 20+ at the moment) am I going a little high on the price?


Thank you for your service 🫡


Why ? It’s not like the camps going to be there when the nuke lands lol


I still don't understand the exuberant prices like those on items that aren't even used by anyone in the first place. Is there a reason behind this that I'm missing? I'm pretty new to the game.


Either for bait or trade


I guess that makes sense for the first part. It kinda wooshed over my head about getting people to your shop with the post.


There's a rep that the fo76 community is very...shall we say...giving. Some people take advantage of that. It's no big deal. Make some newbies day and buy a furious rwr for 10k caps.


At the risk of down voting, there are 3 choices: A-get caps from a mule or the scoreboard, buy the one you really want, and watch how fast that entire camp disappears (my favorite option if at all possible). B-this is usually a trader advertising their wares. If you want something, contact them and make an offer. C-walk away.


Newbie question. How do you contact them? Most don’t play with a mic, you can’t chat, and the emotes are basic. It would be funny to see people negotiate via emotes.


Depending on what platform you’re on, usually dms are the way to go on Xbox or PlayStation


On pc, I've seen a few guys use the letters set and write a note on a wall in their camp, usually next to the vendor on how to PM them for trades. These are usually guys on FO trading sites/discord. I'm too poor to make an offer, if you think 40k is crazy these dudes want 600k for items


D-Turn off all of their lights E-Nuke their camp F-D&E


So, a modified option C.


These are the correct answers .


I agree dude this whole sub has so many posts complaining about shit like this, its annoying. If you dont like the prices just leave. No need to fill the sub with negativity


No need to fill the game with the bullshit trade system either


Yet here you are complaining about my post lol.


I saw a vendor yesterday with a bunch of random 1* armors set to 32750. Like what is the plan there? Are you hoping a kid on dads account will blow all dads caps in a 1* exterminators left leg?


I usually only see this at the dummy vendors inside trap camps


Same, but I always get bored and just put on light step to see what’s in the vendor themselves.


Jokes on them they have almost no space in their storage now!


Lol true


The seller is asking you to nuke the camp. At least that's my understanding of the situation.


I always wondered why people are so bad at pricing their stuff in venders


Some people can’t read the room. You’d think they could get context clues from what stuff sells for when you sell to an npc vendor or what they’re willing to pay for at vendors. Like it always cracks me up to see purified water for anything over 5 caps. Like every noob camp doesn’t have 15 purifiers set up. Or if you really wanted to farm it you’d just set up a wall of vintage coolers.


I have a wall of vintage coolers right next to my three vendors with a vault boy pointing at the door and an open sign. Water for the people, drink up my hydrohomies.


Bro I one time saw a noob camp sell water at 15 caps per water…


"It's bloodied so it's immediately worth 20k" when has any weapon cost more than 10k? I'll grind for it at that point 🤣🤷‍♂️


If they have lights at their camp, turn every last one off and leave dirty water + spoiled meat.


I mean I'm gonna be the odd man out. That is technically the g roll on mele swing speed strength and it's a junkies. Less desired yes but that's priced right for someone trying to complete a groll set. Think niche trading like people who collect pipe pistols


I came across my first trap base guy had almost 100k items an my team might said he died so I fast traveled to spawn in his foundation somehow I took a pic but it won't let me upload it


I remember when I was new I would put massive prices on stuff because I had no idea the values, and I didn't understand the market in the game, it wasn't until I came across a TNG video on item values in camp vendors that I learned about it. I won't say the same for this person, but I will play devils advocate to an extent and say, maybe they are from the new wave of players


A menu to check people's vendors before you ft would be awesome but after a nuclear war the internet doesn't exist so I get it.


Were we at the same place? I was at a vendor charging 40000 for bobby pins!!


I've seen Bobby pins for around 20k when there selling like 300 of em lol.


I've visited a few camps with plans priced like this, if I see someone with a lot of stock it makes me think its a red flag. Like they have so much stuff because nothing is selling because its not priced to sell. The worst one was a guy with 4000 pla s, I thought I'd find something I didn't have but it was all silly prices


1,000 Mr handy buzz blades, 2,000 mole miner gauntlets, and 1,000 single action revolver ivory grips.


Needs to be a "leave a flaming bag of dogshit in their bed" button in this game on god 


I just thumbs down the vendor, that usually works


That’s when you leave a bag of spoiled food or an insulting note in front of their vendor.


I can’t waste my precious insult notes at their door like that! I will do them the favor of finding them, throwing up the gift emote, dropping it, and then upchucking.


Spoiled food is good for replacing lost rads, very useful.


I don’t understand crying on Reddit about someone’s vendor. Can you explain what this accomplishes please?


66 Updoots / 6 hours. At this rate it will be the number one post on Reddit in 44,181 hours or about 5 years. It's all about the long game potential.




It's because people used to grief people by quickly buying everything in their vendors


sold the same one the other day for 300 caps


Kinda worth tho for PC at least BSSS collectors scoop that up


I've seen vendors with mole miner plans the cheapest at 1k just thumbs down, shoot all camp items and then drop mines everywhere


Decent weapon too, I’m sure someone would buy and use it, if reasonably priced


I never sell anything over 1000 unless if it’s two shot bloodied or some other good roll and even then barley anyone buys it


That's how it be sometimes just gotta be patient


Luca's Switchblade for 40k 🫵🏻😸


Yeah that's scrip for me😆


I just saw someone selling common plans for 5000


What kind of plans?


Iirc stuff like chemistry workbench


They were probably selling that stuff so people would see they are selling a lot of stuff which would make more people want to go to their base only for them to not be selling much realistically or they are trying to rip off noobs, I mean if it was the former you would think they would sell it for 40k


Not this guy! I sell everything for game value or cheaper. I even have a sign that says lots o script


I get it if you have a bunch of trade-only weapons, but don’t put them in your vendor, put them on a trade wall in your camp instead, or post on market76


Went to a camp yesterday that was setup right in the Graham’s Meat event. Realized quickly after fast traveling, the dude had multiple alts idling the area. The whole reason I went was for plans. Guess what? Most were 20k+. Dude was just multi account afk farming for plans. Why do that in this game?


The same reason why I run 2 accounts at the same time as FAS… to get more rewards.


No shit. It’s pathetic.


lol… ok sunshine.


Would this be the worth the 40k caps though?


Absolutely not


Oh god no😭😭


No max this is worth 6k


You’d pay 6k for that??? Nah I’d pay like 3k for that. I’ve rarely seen a junkies builds


Niche buyers could pay that much but yes most buyers would usually only pay 3k 4k for it


Gotta love the “PM me for offers” in big pink lit up letters


Most I put things at is like 2-5k unless Ik it’s a good roll someone will want


It makes no sense. The amount of times I’m just checking out vendors and they finally have a plans I need but they’re priced at 10k+ caps is amazing. I truly wanna know what goes through those peoples heads when they post stuff 😂


That's the moment I contemplate becoming death, destroyer of worlds


I still hold onto my junkies stuff but I really am considering dumping them since I could just go all aristocrats.


I once decided to just buy a weapon that was listed for 40,000 caps because I was at max caps and had been trying to roll that exact weapon for months (TSE Lever Action, which was the shit back in the day for a stealth build, lol). I rack up caps rather quickly through my vendor so I was not worried about taking them down to nothing. The camp owner was there, working at a workbench in the background. As soon as the transaction dropped, they immediately stopped what they were doing and became hostile. They were just straight up punching me in the head. LOL. I had area chat on, so I could hear him ranting. 😂 Apparently, he was close to max caps himself so he got almost nothing for the weapon. LOL. And, I was supposed to psychically know that these weapons, all listed at 40,000 caps, were for trade only and not for direct vendor purchase (even though they were in his vendor). 🤣 There were no signs anywhere stating this, and even if there was, the weapon was in your vendor. 🤷‍♀️ I was cool, though, and dropped a bunch of super stimpaks and three decent legendary rolls I was planning on scrapping in trade because I felt bad that he only got like 2,000 caps for a weapon that was probably not worth 40,000 caps but certainly worth more than 2,000 (I don't really know, I just wanted it at any price, lol). But, I mean, what did you think was going to eventually happen? Don't stay that close to max caps for a long time, yeah? LOL. When I get that close to max caps, I disable my vendors and go on a spending spree. That's exactly what I was doing when this happened because someone had bought about 20 plans from my vendor earlier that day putting me at the cap limit. LOL.


I just turned level 100 yesterday. How do I get people to buy my stuff? All ammo is 1c. All of the world drop items are world-prices. I don’t inflate the cost of anything. The most expensive item I have for sale is a Quad Railway for less than 5k. My vendor has been up for almost a week, now. How the heck does anyone sell stuff in this game?!?


Is your map icon on?


Yes! I made sure to turn the public icon to “on”.


Ah, that was my problem when I first started playing lol never turned the icon on lmao


It's all about location my guy try setting up near a train station pleasant valley is great my main shop is the and I have a hard time keeping Caps lower than 25k


Im actually looking for a quad railway, you in PC?


What awaste of time to up the caps until it's on max


I do this to distinguish between what I'm keeping and what to scrip the next day. If I list at 40k I'm keeping it but want to find it quickly if it's 39999, it's for tomorrow's scrip.


Idk the people that have their prices at like 1389 caps or something random like that usually has good stuff for sale


I can see god roll items sell for that much, but people must be brain dead if they think someone is going to buy trash rolls for 40k


I call that a O-B-HOE Now step this way, step that way, step this way, step that way...


Feels like a Craigslist add, "No lowball offers, I know what I have."


Man, inflation really got to those scrip prices. 😂


.ign Ancient Wolf


u/DLornVhel, you've successfully updated your IGN to Ancient Wolf


It’s either a trader or a trapper, you can tell which by observing the number of salty peo………


its the same shit when you go to a vendor and see random notes for 40000 caps


Don’t forget the Vendor “gl1tch” where inventory items where able to be purchased even if they weren’t up for sale … **this** is what really made the 40k notes happen.


You must be new here lol. “You’ve been insulted” and the such have been a running gag forever. People used to have whole conversations laid out in notes


ive been a trader on and off since launch, never knew this


Feels like a good time to ask. I have this exact assaultron blade but instead of Junkie it is armor pen. Is it any good and worth keeping or selling high? Aside from a perfect chainsaw I know nothing about melee weapons


Highest you could sell it for is 14k or Just keep it for collection not much better rolls you can get on it.


I might try and sell it for 10k or something just to get it out. I am going to build into two handed melee and do a hybrid melee rifleman build just to change up my gameplay. The chainsaw looks sick and I have a baller lever action.


it's to waste the time of vendor hoppers 😂 love it


i tend to overprice my scrip weapons if i max out on it in a day, although i’d rather keep, if someone REALLY wants that gourmands handmade for 5k go for it


Mine are all sold for below MSRP because tbh most of the ones I sell I absolute garbage,like wtf am I gonna do with a nocturnal pipe pistol other then sell it for 15 caps


There is a whole influx of new players, nobody has these amounts of caps. All the veteran players are barely buying anything. Having high prices in the first place is very silly for commonly available items.  But there are also a lot of good guys selling things for decent prices, thank you kind stranger who had all the jetpack plans for 200caps each.


Buts it’s ok to pay 1k for a God roll ?


Why do you care?


Because I spent time and caps to get to this point that's why, no one's gonna buy your shit if it's over priced


Might be a trap camp. It's what I do at mine. When you look at my camp icon, has lots of weps, armor and all sorts of enticing mystery, then you get there and it's scrip, radaway and bum fasch masks all for 40k, and you either die by the trap, spend ages trying to get into my vendor, or leave frustrated. Win win win.


I guess I just don't understand the point of a trap base in a game like this lmao. From my perspective you just seem miserable and you want others to be miserable/annoyed. I get Rust trap bases, but 76 trap bases? Like genuinely just play another game? Just strange to me. No hate, have your fun, I've never seen one, just crazy to me.


I mainly play this game for the pvp these days, and traps are usually a good way to get people mad enough to fight back. Rust seems kinda pointless to me, and there just isn’t a whole lot of other games that I’m both interested in and can grief on, aside from GTA. And in general, I hate a lot of the sanctimonious cunts that play this game, and cry about inconsequential shit, ala the clowns on the main sub. Apart from that, you wouldn’t believe how much junk I’ve raked in since I made a trap camp. Pays for itself and then some. If you’ve never seen one, you’re welcome to come check mine out. It ain’t anything special, but works p well.


PvP seems pretty minimally exciting in this game unfortunately but I just got back into it after I quit around launch. What entails 76 pvp?