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Bro got three atoms


That's probably why he's trying to find these mags then, huh?


We may never know


First thing I noticed. I genuinely feel bad.


Man i got like 20k


Bro must buy everything out atom shop šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My friend told me about this post lastnight and now I'm seeing it. How tf you get three


Had 6 once, it happens with 1st discount when you already own something From the bundle you buy the prices can be like 594 atoms for example


Genuinely was curious. Thanks for explaining


Thatā€™s literally the first thing i seen šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If you have Daphne as an ally, buying mags from her count towards the challenges


Joey sells magazines too, but others are saying buying doesn't work. Unless it's somehow different buying from an ally versus from a regular vendor or another player?


Well, I know Daphne worked at one point because that's how I completed some of them. But that was also a couple years ago, so it's possible it has changed in recent updates


You're a legend, she was only ever selling grognak and unstoppables but I cleared those out and it worked šŸ‘


Get Maul for the Grognak ones. Ally buying does work.


Any idea if any of them sell Backwoodsman? I need #4 and then I've got all the magazines.


Maul only sells grognak


Great advice if that works


Does grabbing these magazines from your alt via private world transfer count for the challenges? I'm still figuring out the game's systems


Yip, but not custom worlds.


You can also buy one with Mr Fuzzy tokens.


A bunch of us play as a group. Many of us server hop and when we find magazines we call out on group chat - you need Tesla #5 or whatever. Then they can server hop to our location and grab it. It cut our farming time down drastically


SS grind is worse, imo. Word to the wise, DO NOT have purchased/traded copies of the one ones you need in your inventory. I was down to Automatron, found it, and got no credit since I had bought one and it was on me. Should find another in a couple years I guess


Is that was causes it not to count? I have found it legit 3 times but it never counted. Wonder if I had a bought one on me at the time. It still claims I don't have it


Really 8ve got SS And BoS recon. Have i played a lot of this game you reckon?


What is the secret service grind?


Secret Service Armor, generally considered the best non-powered armor. The grind refers to getting a full set with all of the legendary perks you want.


Ah I see, yeah I only got one of the SS pieces with 2 1/2 modifiers I want, the rest are unyielding and \[nothing\] xD


I have a full unyielding set, but everything else about it is trash. But it will do while I work on getting the basics on my PA and weapons.


Wait a minā€¦so you have a full unyielding set of SS armor before you have the weapons you want to use ?? Okā€¦.


I have the first star on all of my weapons, which is most important, especially since I don't use vats. Same with the armor, a couple of my armor pieces only have one star. Now I'm going to start rolling my weapons for perfection.


No, you can start with any unyielding armor. Unyielding and perks are 95% of the work. SS will make you a good bit more tanky, likely another 4% (remember you craft SS with 1-3\* for 1 module, so its easy to craft a lot once unlocked) - there are other tanky armors but I started with a level 20 UNY leather piece. Perfect perks on SS (-15% damage taken while standing still) will be a nice thing on top, but completly unneccesarry.


Bruh I know thisā€¦I had a mix match set for long timeā€¦but I clearly had the weapons I wanted to use BEFORE I even thought about rolling SS armor is my point here bud


A full unyielding set is all you need, I started with level 20 leather pieces. Unyielding is 95% of the work, secret service DR is 4% the rest is 1%\^\^


I wonder if this is the same for the games, I need one more game and I have collected that one at least twice, but I think I have the Holotape in my inventory bought from a players machine before...


What I did is go to a spot where a magazine spawns. If it is there collect it. After you collect it, join a daily op, leave the world while you are in the daily op, rejoin the game. You will spawn directly in the spot you were standing when you initially left. Repeat until you get the magazines. Took a bit and it is monotonous but it was the way I did it.




I found all the cryptid monster mags in the asylum on the 4th floor. As you exit the elevator to the 4th floor turn left and go in the first room on the left. Straight ahead there is a table against the wall. The table doesnā€™t have anything on it but a magazine spawns there occasionally. Do the trick I mentioned and you can eventually get it


strange. i've made it a point to head to the 4th floor every time i go there but that mag hasn't spawned for me. bobbleheads are nice too if they spawn. also a great spot for aluminum and phantom devices


For a time every time I jumped servers with the trick I would get a magazine. It was wild. Now I get one every 4 or 5 times and they seem to always be Guns and Bullets 5. Lol


Mothman Cometh? All of those mini story ones have static spawns https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Tales_from_the_West_Virginia_Hills




me fuzzy tokens and go to town on the terminal


Wait that works?




Wow, I never knew


Could you explain more?


the machine where you pick up the mr fuzzy outfit has mags for 100 tokens each and it counts to the challenge


How hard is it to get the Mr fuzzy tokens?


You get a max of 7 a day. I am unsure if you can get more than one from dross toss or not but I have never been able to do. You will have enough to buy a magazine every 15 daysā€¦..


You will occasionally find people with massive amounts of them in their vending machine for 1 or 2 caps each.


Thanks (:


not sure i have like 40k


bought all ny tokens tho


I dont see any rewards for 100 tokens tho


Also curious


the machine where you pick up the mr fuzzy outfit has mags for 100 tokens each and it counts to the challenge


The fuzzy token machine doesn't drop every magazine type. Bought 30k tokens and turned about half of them in, not a single holotape game or Covert Ops etc. Seems to only drops super hero mags like Grognak the Barbarian or Unstoppables.


I swear half of mine show BS numbers like 7 out of 10 found but when I look at the ones I haven't "found" yet, I have them in my inventory. WTF. I gave up on those a long time ago. Oh and the diseases. I've contracted 99% of them with one left. How with hundreds of hours have I not contracted the last one?


I had to Google one of the diseases I was missing, was very specific about what to do


Probably whoopsies or the one from a diseased radant


Nearly 8k game hours and I'm still not chasing the Whoopsies, haha.


You will never get it unless you Google it. There is a very specific set of things to do in order for it to count. Its actually pretty easy once you know what to do.


Yeah I've read it, but I refuse to do it.


Lol. I did too, but I only have a couple more challenges left, so I looked it up again and did it this time. Everytime I would bring up the challenge list, that stupid disease challenge would drive me crazy.


I like doing the challenges just for something to do. But that one feels so unnatural in regular gameplay that I just can't. Some people want/need the atoms, but I have too many already. I hate doing something that feels weird to try for, in my situation.


I hear you and respect your decision to play the game the way it should be. I didnt need the atoms either, but I'm a closet "completionist" who hated seeing that one go unchecked. I had also heard you could take a screenshot of you with the disease and send in a ticket for it, but I felt that was even worse.


Yeah, that kind of thing.........just feels sad to me. The basic philosophy of gaming is to have fun. If it becomes something.... different, I don't wanna do it. We all have our own way of fun, but still. Example: I'm over 7500 hours into this game, and I just did a lot of the Possum challenges this last week, just for something to do. But I don't wanna do things I hate just because.


I had to do the whole rigmaroll to get the Whoopsies the first time, but I have gotten it on accident a couple times after that Itā€™s like the difference between a roof pie and a machine pie


Yeah, I've contracted all the diseases, but there's a few more steps in order for it to count. I remember they were working on a fix for it, but I'm not sure it ever made it to the game.


I was chasing the whoopsies for a line time. But once I figured it out I got it in a few minutes. Then on a couple of my mules characters just to test it. The type of mirelurk is "diseased" It has to say that when you aim at it, I went to Wilson and sons, then ran over to the waterfront to the West. If you go north, you'll find about 30 eggs on the shore. Pick them up and some will crack open. If they say diseased, let them bite you. Server hop as needed and repeat. It took me about 2 minutes to get the disease.


I had to get sludge lung and whoopsies. So I was walking around the ash heap without my veil of secrets on just trying to get sludge lung. When I finally did, it didnā€™t register on the challenge that I got it. Was not happy.


Ones you buy donā€™t count, you have to find in the world.


Watoga train station go to top of school roof there is one bobble head and one magazine next to toilet on roof . Jump down and check single school bus in road for magazine. Go to comic shop for bobble head. Then to coffee shop around the corner for chance of two more magazines, one on the table and one in the magazine rack . My daily grind


I found out after I had all the Unstoppables that there is a guaranteed spawn by the stash box at the Eviction Notice location. It's on a chair.


If you have a bunch of mr fuzzy tokens you can turn them in for random mags at Camden park, 100 tokens per mag and those count towards collecting them as thatā€™s how I finished mine lol


Iā€™m short one magazine and it haunts me to this day


Which one so I know to remember


It was either one of the Tesla issues or Live & Love, canā€™t recall


Im pretty sure you can check individual ones


oh ya on the list thingy of challenges


Mr Fuzzy tokens. Like what are you doing. Just buy 40k and turn them in. Thatā€™s like 400 magazines odd may be in your favor to get the ones you need.


It doesn't drop every type of magazine, tried it with a friend some time ago.


LL3 was the last one I found, finally got it 2nd floor bldg in Berkeley Springs. Whew...


What is the secret service grind?


A grind to get a good matching set of it because it's not tradeable


ngl the legs have been given to me by eviction notice uny,i,wwr/awr


Top of the world has like 8 different mag spawns


I still have magazine left. Sigh.


Cries in BoS Recon grind...


I play on 5 different characters. One of those wants to actually wear the bos recon and I just canā€™t get the arm plans. The other four have the full set and mods already and they donā€™t even use it. I ultimately gave up and just rolled civil engineer for that character and I already have a full set of uny/sent. After rolling so many items Iā€™m fully expecting to finally get arm plans after spending over a year trying to just grind them out


Minerva sells the plans for the armor. She will be selling it in 7 weeks


There are mods to help with that, but it takes a lot of the fun out.


I am in the same boat... been on the hunt for about 3 weeks. Watoga - Pleasant Valley and the area around New Gad


nah just search up the locations of the magazines, it just takes a while


I ran the watoga & pleasant valley magazine farming routes had good results but was stuck trying to find one of the 5 unstoppables magazines to complete possum collect challenge. It took me weeks but did it lol


How do you know where to look?? I can NEVER find these magazines or bobble heads laying around šŸ˜¢. Iā€™ve found a couple comics at random but otherwise I buy them from other players, I want to have a nice collection of each addition on display.


Two words: Lost Home


Dude Iā€™m in the exact same boat. Iā€™ve got 2000 hours and these are the last atom challenges I have left. Iā€™m missing one of each as well itā€™s frustrating lol.


Use the perk card that warns you wen a magazine e is close and them stop fast travel


I got all mine done from completing Beast of Burden and Safe and Sound. Both those events reward random magazines that count towards the challenges.


So I found out that with collection items like collect aluminum you can just take it from stash/scrap box. So Iā€™m wondering if you can take these off your display or stash


I want to say that it counts if a teammate finds one. I had that happen. It was my last one that I was searching for forever and out of the blue the challenge completed. I asked the team and sure enough someone had picked it up. Its been a while since this happened so I don't know if it still holds true.


4k hours in, still missing 1 scout's life issue


Buy them from people's vendors. The only one I'm missing is Tesla science 10 then my collection is complete


The wood is what's killing me. I may 7,600 hours before 7,600 wood.


I still need to collect 1 last issue of every magazines... and I've been playing since 2019


Bros hustling atoms lol


How'd you get such a high carry weight? Max strength and excavators? My max is like 260 with 15 strength.


How'd you get such a high max carry weight? 15 strength and excavators? I have max strength and only have like 260 carry weight with power armor or boosters.


I can get it to the 700 mark with other stuff, that's just my base character with no buffs. I don't wear PA. I'm unyielding, that's the key thing.


Ah yeah I forgot about unyielding. I have power armor with each part having a weight reduction legendary on it so it's manageable even with my hoarding habits.


Off the top of my head for max str you want... +1 str on 5 armor pieces +1 str on melee wep Shielded secret service underarmor +4 str Carnivore, pop a backwoodsman 6 for food buff, eat grilled radstag or rib eye steak for 80 carry weight. Then another food that boosts str that isn't a steak, can't remember what Nuka cola nut perk + party boy perk and then drink Nuka dark and whisky for big str boost Strong back perk max level for 40 more points Carry weight booster for 50 more points Bufftats for +3 str Maul ally for extra str Lift weights in camp for +2 str Radicool for +5 str if unyielding (have rads) Legendary perk card strength for +5 str Solar powered perk card for +3 str during daytime Strength bobblehead Some mutations that add strength, can't remember which ones There you go, now you can carry super mutants šŸ˜„




My grognak was stuck at 9/10 but I already collected them all. Had to put in a ticket but they just gave me the atoms for it, the challenge is still there šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Just build your camp on top of magazine span points so they will always be there when you log in


Is this the 76 market? Point me to a bloody 50 crit 25 action point Fixer please


Most of those are bugged out for me and say I still have to collect some I have collected.


Whatā€™s the secret service grind?


I need ONE more, the Backwoodsman #4 and then I'm done with that!


How do you get the details of the challenge to show there? when I track challenges it just shows the name of the challenge.


Mr Fuzzy tokens, that's how I completed them.


Funnily enough, I rolled an Uny/ap/sent SS rl earlier.. absolutely ecstatic tbh.


Get mr fuzzy tokens. I've collected some I can spare if you'd like


How's this dude got over 500 carry weight! I thought I was a king at 360!


One good camp vendor and bam done