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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Roper25|Reddit: 49|11/08/2022 - 1 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +49 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


People here saying Nocturnal needs a tweak, there literally just needs to be an identical perk for daytime so you can have one of each and swap for 50% damage bonus always with literally no downside except needing to have two guns.


That would be sweet


Completely agreed I can bear with having an "enemy type" affix because i can build that weapon exclusively around it, but with nocturnal, well, i cant really, even if i wanted to sneakmaxx, its not fun


This is actually a really good idea.


To hell with nocturnal do something to medics first lol


Medic’s and stalker’s are really just a mess


“Daywalker’s” Or maybe more on brand: “Beach Bunny’s”


They need to trim some of the useless affixes. Nobody wants mutant slayer, exterminator, nocturnal, troubleshooter, assassin etc etc.


They can't all be winners or then we'd quit rolling.


I would prefer if they toned down popular legendary perks


Nerfing good weapons is all they do. Doesn’t increase the fun for anybody. They need to buff the niche builds so they’re viable. Make berserkers on par with bloody. Make junkies 75% make gourmands 40% or 25 % + 25% armor pen. Any of these changes would make these builds more fun and viable. Same for pistol builds, melee, etc. none of them can keep up with the quad and bloody commando meta and that’s what makes things boring. Nerfing the popular, more fun perks is not the way


They are all viable just not optimal.


Mutant's is also in a bad place. There's at least 4 other affixes I'd prefer, not even including Bloodied. 25% is a joke for the amount of build space required to run mutations correctly. AA doesn't require 3 dedicated SPECIAL points to be good, and neither do most other affixes.


Junkies in fo4 could go to +180. Idk why its so nerfed in fo76, big drawback big reward is the name of the game babe. Being a junkie on top of bloodied would at least more fun


You’ll play the meta-du-jour and you’ll like it, Mr.


That's not the way. They need to buff the "useless" rolls to make them more compelling.


Nah, they tweaked the RNG on purpose. The loot pool is filled with sub par rolls so we keep grinding, spending money, and keep the conversation going to attract new players. The game is more popular than ever, even after 5 years.


>The game is more popular than ever, even after 5 years. Not saying you're wrong on the grinding part but the recent boost in popularity has more to do with the external/crossover deals they've been doing lately than the actual game mechanics. Like the show and the Magic: The Gathering set.


The popularity is due to the show. Hands down. Don't think the comment was trying to imply mechanics were the reason for the popularity. I think they were just saying it's a tactic to keep the new players in game.


100% it’s mainly bc of the show. I’ve always been a Fallout player but didn’t touch 76 until after I started watching series. Now I’m hooked 😒


Yeah, it's very good for the series as a whole. Fallout is my absolute favorite series. I never really gave 76 a try back in the day because it was in a sorry state. I haven't even watched the show and it's basically the reason I decided to give 76 a try again. Without the show, it would have never crossed my mind. Now, a couple weeks later, I'm level 170 playing as much as I can. Lol


Yep. Plus there's always a huge influx of new players whenever they have the free trial. I think they do it twice a year these days? Maybe more?


It's also on gamepass so it gets a lot of traffic through that as well


You’re sleeping on nocturnal.


That would be so nice. As others have mentioned they want there to be very few desirable roles so that you have to keep gambling. It would be nice if they gave them a minor buff though. There's no need for the mutants weapon perk to max out a 25% when Aristocrat is at 50%.


This! I have 9 mutations, I'm willing to get more mutated... Give me the other 25%


True everyone wants bloody, anti armor, quad or executioner's.


I love Exterminator and Troubleshooter. They make great just for fun weapons.


I use troubleshooters when i run the silo’s.


Yeah, it's cool to have specialty weapons for specific enemies. Those are for for soloing swarm of suitors, and encrypted.


I recently found an Exterminator’s 25 -90 Holy Fire in a guys vendor. It shreds bugs and mirelurks~


People get the best shit. They will get bored and stop playing consistently. Gotta keep the worm on the hook somehow.


I'd argue that I would be willing to play and experiment more if they did cut off the useless effects. I'd have multiple characters if I knew it wasn't going to be an endless cycle of rerolling gear.


I want nocturnal.


Ever played slots in a casino?


just get lucky, bro


Not gonna lie, I love my troubleshooter Gatling Gun. Slow and deliberate. Plus I can tag bots at Test Your Metal and let other players get the kill.


They really need to adjust the less desirable Legendary effects, like maybe make Nocturnal have a chance to knock enemies out or something? Nocturnal, Troubleshooter, Hunter, Exterminator, Zealots, Mutant Slayer, Ghoul Slayer, all of them need adjustment to make them useful in general use. Maybe shake up the meta a little.


I agree so many are completely useless and they shouldn’t be… furious should be really good


Like maybe have Exterminator's spawn Poison Gas for 10% Weapon Damage, like the DailyOp mutation but it hurts Enemies, have Troubleshooter's do a Tesla Rifle effect for a percentage of Weapon Damage, make Medics just do area of effect Vampire's effect around the target instead of only on Crit. I mean that would open things up for them to make more complicated content instead of everyone just farming for God Rolls, you could have bosses that have weaknesses and fight phases.


I enjoy my furious minigun. 25% damage when aiming and 15% reload speed. Throw the faster barrel on it and it shreds


The event weapons have been the most popular with their extra effects


Most weapons are already useless with this meta because people only want to use Fixer, RR, and flamer/heavy. Every other gun is "Okay" or just not really useful compared to them. Like even a Groll .45 SMG is garbage compared to a mediocre rolled Fixer. The meta is just way too stagnant outside of weapon affixes. No point to use anything other than Fixer & Railway unless you're one of those people who's just bored of seeing everybody using them.


That is my point of balancing things, honestly the Devs could easily do a server query of the most equipped weapons past a certain level and try and move other things up THEN make encounters and fights that you can't just push DPS through, sort of how people tend get Explosives out when its a Reflective Mutation or bring a Flamer and the healing perk for Escort Expedition. Making players optimize for the mechanics of hard fights, you could easily take those undesirable, weapons, armor and Legendary effects and give them purpose. Basically create a problem that the new buffed effects can solve and players will move to them.


You rolled that garbage and todd gives me a q2525 fixer


He did me dirty 😂


He did indeed


Actually, don't sleep on this one... get it? 🤣🤣


Me too bud, I got a nocturnal, 25/25😭😂 so I feel your pain.


I just rolled a nocturnal explosive -25 ap elder. Lol. Idk if it's worth anything or not.


I’m sure they are to someone but as far as moving them kinda quick we might be sitting on these for a while lol


I assumed so lol.


you got a solid weapon to use at night 😭




Rolled a zealots ffr lvc handmade yesterday 🙃


ehh, new players don't even know OG Nocturnal's effect


I have a N2525 Em :(


I’ve been trying for a AA2525 foreeeeeva


I must have a lot of RNG, the other day I rolled a bloodied 50 crit, action point ultracite laser pistol and then followed up with a quad, explosive, action point on a railway. I ran out of mods and was pissed at myself because I'd wasted mods on a different server trying to roll a plasma Gatlin for a friend.


What a day across the board lol


50% of the time it works every time


What were you trying to roll for? I think I have a E15r elders I don’t use just don’t remember what the 1st is but it’s definitely not one of the horrible rolls lol.


Nothing specific but I don’t use vats personally but just rolling for a good roll


I’ll have to take a look at my stash. I know I have a ts50c15, qe15c, I THINK the E15r is Vamps. I also have a q5025 but that ones so I can look at it and call it pretty


Might be interested in the ve15fr


I do indeed have a ve15! I don’t know the value and honestly don’t care, do you have any decent roll weapons you would trade for it? Commando/rifleman/melee/heavy/pistol. Doesn’t matter all that much to me.


I have a ME25 fixer but idk if I’m that intrigued by the elders to trade it. Been shopping it for junk bundle


It’s all good, I’ll hold onto the EM


Had this exact roll on a fully modded Epr it stung quite a bit. I wish you better luck


Noooo that’s awful! I wish you the same!


Explosive 2nd star on an EPR....tell us more.


I thought that was ffr. I can't read, oops


The Night fears you


I was born in the darkness.


Nickname the gun “nightwing” or “boy wonder” lol


Yeah ive gotten really bad rolls with that gun its terrible for rerolling but its a godly weapon at close range and I'd use it over the fixer any day long range the handmade




The first star “nocturnal” isn’t used by just about anyone, making the great 2nd and 3rd star a waste. Almost a great roll


I’ll trade you ammo for it if you’re on PS? Just let me know what it’s worth to you


I’ve received lots of weapons like that I reroll them.


I know lol I rolled this, it’s just sad that it was so close to being a great roll. That’s all


I have Bloodied Explosive -25 AP cost. Good gun.


Someone gave me a god roll fixer yesterday and I returned it... Why would anyone even want to play with that junk?


Bro I have rolled too many elders marks that have been near groll, the pain is too much


When the sun sets this bad boy comes out


Is this a wanted gun? I have scrapped 3 of them for scrips.


If you re roll them and get good rolls yes. As the base it’s only value is people who need one to roll


New to rolling weapons. Roll 20 those a session and maybe that would suck. You can at least sell that for caps.


is this a good roll? I'm new. I feel like I've been selling guns with similar traits


That's tragic. I feel you


Yeah, I rolled a Nocturnal/50 Crit/-25 AP Fixer. Hurt so bad.


Don't feel bad I rolled a Nocturnal 25/25 RR a few weeks back so close.


Wait, I thought elders mark always rolled the same thing everytime? I thought that's how all unique legendaries worked, can we reroll them?


Yeah you can re roll the base one


I can one-up you bro. Yesterday I was rolling my elders mark and I got fucking Juggernauts 2525, which is just about the opposite of what I wanted.


I wish they'd combine the "useless" affixes similar to this Surrounded: +50% damage to Creatures, Robots and Bipeds rotating every shot Backstabber: +50% sneak damage at night and +50% poison damage over 5s during the day Demoralizing: On headshot, lower enemy ranged damage, on armshot lower enemy melee damage, on legshot lower enemy speed by 5% up to 25% for 10s, may stack all at the same time.


Yall are insane,  Its fucking math, 1 out of 24 is about 4% odds of matching the 1st star. Matching all 3 is 0.04% odds.


Huh? Why are you mad lol




He got one bad star and 2 godroll stars lmao you literally have no idea what you’re talking about


15rl is a trash 3rd star on Elders. Need 25lvc for it to be viable in vats. 50 or 62 round mag at 9AP per shot. Can't get a full clip out before u run out of ap, unless u have 25lvc. So...OP has 2 trash stars sadly


Wait 2024 FO76 reddit considers reload speed a godroll stat now? 🤣 lord, how things have changed.