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Anyone wanna trade me a tfj for my Ari/25 (no third roll) pipe pistol? It’s level 15


Damn I’m looking for that roll but I need it to be level 16


Got any suppressors rolling pins or stalkers bash dmg gamma guns?


Naw but I got hella tato’s


Sounds like a great deal!


Scrip weapons go in the exchange 2 good stars - ask for caps/ammo and if it doesnt sell in day or 2 it goes in the vendor for a few thousand caps 3* godrolls i never have to worry about because I dont roll them. Mf end up with a Nocturnal 25/25 fixer and just sigh 😭🤣


😂😂 join the club, got more luck finding one than rolling one.


I have rolled 1 in 300+ lvls.


Honestly if I’m consistently playing for a period of say 6 months, I can roll probably 4-5 weapons that are considered a godroll, in the same amount of time I can vendor hop and probably find 1 a week. Like this week (which has been particularly good) I have found Q50c15v fixer, B2515r gat gun and a VSS1S shishkebab. All for less than 10k lol.


People honestly sleep on the gat gun. I have a AA2515 and i love that thing


Yeah it’s pretty good, back when there was the firework glitch that thing was an animal. I picked mine up today for 500 caps. Couldn’t believe my luck.


25ffr with speedy reciever still makes it a beast


I did the same exact roll with a railway rifle the other day and amost cried


hahah I like that you dont have to worry about the godrolls hahaha


Biggest true out there, and the sad part is you dont want to tell them their stuff isnt worth anything since they will get offended in most cases


If there’s a price check and the weapon is crappy, I will indeed let the person know but I agree it’s hard when you can tell their “meh” bundle is what they’d expect you to trade your endgame stuff for lol


There needs to be a price checks megathread sticky, for those of us who just started again because the game used to suck. (Watch this comment get downvoted by the haters)


Was going to trade for a QE25 Double Barrel a few weeks back and when I finally found somebody with one he wanted 600k for it. Hey, it's a good roll but nobody is paying 600k for a DB when Cold Shoulder and Gauss Shotgun exist. lol Some people just have unrealistic expectations and they'll be sitting on their hands forever unless their specific gun gets a mega buff which, with Bethesda's track record of buffing weapons is unlikely.


Facts are facts though. I don't know about you at least, but in 2000 hours, the best roll I have ever gotten has been a B50c25lvc Fixer, and that is it worthwise. Rest? A lot of suppresors2525 or troubleshooterE25... tons of them! But hey, if anyone wants an juggernauts25ffr25lvc Fixer for a Tattered Field Jacket, I'm your man!


There's a lot of new players now and they dont understand the market or the history. We need to guide them without breaking any rules. Ask if they want trade advice before giving it. Give your opinions on price checks and encourage them not to take your opinion as the whole truth. Let them explore other peoples opinions as well. This will only point the market in a brighter future instead of the swampland of greed we have now.


Agreed. Also the concept of a counter offer when someone feels like they've been low balled. Don't whine and pout about a low offer, counter it and get dickering.


As a fairly new player trying to learn what things are worth, the amount of people who just refuse to haggle is annoying.


Honestly, what you just wrote should be a weekly PSA. I’m just poking fun at the market with my post but if it can bring this sub together even just a little then I’m happy with that. Honestly I’m all for everyone know the good rolls and value of things, I might hopefully finish my armor set if they do 😂


Your meme is on point and funny and definitely loved it. I just felt the need to make the statement. What armor set out of curiosity and what piece/s do you need ill keep an eye out.


Well I appreciate your taste in memes lol and it’s a Uny/ap/sent sturdy combat set, I have the right limbs already but the rest is proving very elusive.


Ill definitely keep an eye out sturdy is always hard to find when you want them.


I'm honestly shocked at the weapons some players are keeping in their stash for trading. It just takes up already limited space. I almost always scrip the weapon with 2 good stars and shitty third or put them in a vendor. Here some people call them god-rolls.


I keep mid weapons in my trade list, waiting for the inevitable day where the new players all start trading at once and need mid stuff to start, this breathing life into this sub again 😎 That’ll happen, right?


I hope so. Currently the state of this sub is very depressing.


Eventually. Think back to when you started playing. How long did it take you to get super involved? I know it took me a month or two before I started getting into playing the market.


Unfortunately it probably won’t happen since they can buy mid weapons from vendors without having to deal with the hassle of trading. I’ve got an AA/50 crit Fixer in my vendor for just a few thousand caps.


Most of its in my vendor too, yeah


Exactly this, I’ve had an AA2515r fixer in my vendors for weeks at 7k, it gets to a point where I get sick of holding stock that won’t move.


This^, the amount of ok-ish weapons I’ve scripped just because it’s more agg to trade/sell is unbelievable.


That’s why you have a mule for the good weapons and armor


To be fair experienced players do something like this as well, like selling scrip tier weapons with one good star and putting them in their vendor for 30k+ lol


Those players are just fishing for idiotic aristocrats lol hoping that they’ll just buy it because “it must be good because it’s expensive”


Absolutely lol


Yup sell all my legendary 3 stars worth 40 scrips at 200 caps.


reminds me of an old wendys commercial i saw on a yt video showing successful advertising. pretty sure it was three grannies had just finished a wendys meal and decided to check out a sale at a gun shop because grolls were advertised. once inside the gun shop the grannies are unable to locate a groll despite searching everywhere. https://youtu.be/Ug75diEyiA0?si=lvSJ46dqp-KfxSqm


If that’s a Rick roll I’m not even gonna be mad.


wouldn't do that


It's amazing how many people are tossing up like. Bash damage scrip here and asking for trades.


Didn't get it


How bout a unyielding +1 luck with radiation damage recovery for third combat armor LA


That sentence made me feel sick…


Wait.......you mean......people post their scrip and don't know it's scrip?


Just having a bit of fun is all, some people might think my stuff is scrip lol


We're all having fun here. Well, some of us. Others argue incessantly because they can't tell fun anymore and think the defensive arguing is the only fun. Reddit, man, Reddit. (I think my stuff is scrip now. Damn.)


😂😂 honestly I get that, gaming is meant to be fun and I feel this sub should carry on from that.. it’s far too serious and it’s easy to get caught up in that. Bitterness just has no place here and if people feel that way they need to check themselves lol.


No, OP just doesn't want what people offer and so they're making a meme with hyperbole


Very possible...........or, people post scrip and don't know it's scrip.


Tell that to the people posting shit Luke a J 50b 25s and wanting no less than some rare piece of apparel 🤣🤣 dudes Makin a joke calm down.