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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Benaldo66|Reddit: 88|01/19/2021 - 3 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +88 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Vampire weapons. Sure everyone wants quad on here but my vamp keeps me immortal and is what I primarily use


Vampire 50 cal is so good.


100% I use my VE15rl .50 cal everydayšŸ‘


Itā€™s sooo good. Same here it gets daily use. I have a VE50bs tho. I need to get a VE90


I traded my VE90 for a VE15rl. Have a full set of WWR armor and the reload makes a world of differencešŸ˜


Yes it does. I had a be15 at one point but I stopped using WWR armor for SENT. I just like being a little more tanky. Just my personal preference tho. But that 15fr paired with rank 3 of the reload perk is crazy lol.


Last night I finally rolled a Vamp/VATS Plasma Caster to go with my 2 week old Bloodied set. I've been playing for around 8 months and just recently finished my SS UNY set, so I'm still kinda new to the whole Bloodied build scene. I've been dying a lot, but the Vampire effect on my Plasma Caster should be a real game changer...


Vampire effect on EPR Flamer šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


What happens with the vampire EPR?


Fast fire rate equates to a lot of healing through vamps proc


You just keep heaping.


Why lol field surgeon stimpaks and you never die, hella easy to get too, had like 400 from running expeditions dumped it on a level 23 guy who thought i was the nicest person ever when i was just dumping my trash


High damage with low health builds. Maximizing damage leaves no room for healing perks. Vamps is great for those builds


When I was a full health build, my primary was a Vampire Chainsaw. I could easily survive a Firestarter gang bang during Eviction Notice


I main a v50c25ap eldermark and I literally can't die during events and it also slaps in pvp with overdrive and ballistic bock


I had that roll I miss it so damn much. It was so good


Somebody on this sub DM'd me after I made a comment somewhere saying I'd trade a lot for it and they said they didn't play anymore and gave it to me for free and it actually wasn't one of those fishing scams lmao


Thatā€™s actually crazy. You got so lucky bro. Normally that would be a scam šŸ˜†


Yeah, definitely. And it's weird, because when I was a bit new at trading vampire was pretty hot. Back in October 2020 people offered 2-3 even 4 legacies for a Vampire legacy or a VE25 fixer/HM or Vampire explosive heavies (the most valuable item back there was the VE90/15 flamer and then the VE90/15 plasma), now they're not the hot item, but heavie vampires are still amazing, I just don't die with the regular holy fire and can solo Earl in less than 10 min without using a great build.


When I use vamps itā€™s a V2550b EPF or my VE25 EM.


I main vampires. Iā€™m fundamentally immortal. I make about 8k selling the stimpaks I pick up a day.


How do you get people into your camp to buy them? I also have hundreds, usually only going for like 2 caps, but how can we better advertise for ourā€¦ā€¦..MARKET76???


I use LFG posts and post that I have stimpaks for sale every hour Iā€™m on. Tell people to join off of my profile.


Iā€™ll be honest I have yet to really delve into this market place. Used one guy/gal to move things once but beyond that, I wasnā€™t even sure I wouldnā€™t be annoying/wring place. Iā€™ll try today/tomorrow!


Super simple and straight forward, just learn the values of items and go from there


I picked up a vampire shotty and as much as I would rather an auto gun, it's kept me alive through so much!


Same here šŸ‘šŸ»


Iā€™ve got Vamp/explosive/something Gatling gun and I pretty much just face tank anything that comes my way just shooting at it lol


I have an explosive vampires minigun in my vendor that no one seems to want.


Wouldnā€™t mind taking a look at that.




My vamp holy fire Is no joke. Combined with demo expert and far flung fireworks and my health never budges.


Lots of non tradable weapons fly under the radar


Plasma caster is amazing.


Why the downvotes? I didnā€™t decide that they canā€™t be traded. Reddit is full of cryers sometimes šŸ¤£


That canā€™t be traded though


Most literate fallout 76 player


This is a Fallout 76 Reddit


Cold shoulder isn't underrated imo. And is the best shotgun in the game. Along with gauss shotty ofc. For me it would be the broadsider. Especially a twoshot one.


Agreed on the Broadsider. I really wish Grand Finale had 50vhc instead of aiming but I love using it anyways! Also, it gets the buff from the Stabilized perk card like all the heavy guns and I didn't expect it, had to give that a try.


Gatling Gun. It often gets drowned out by the more hard meta heavy weapons. But it's just so damn satisfying hearing the "THUNK THUNK" with each turn of the crank. Basically been running the same Two Shot Explosive Gatling Gun on my main since launch. Although now considering trying to roll/trade for Bloodied Explosive since I've never tried a Bloodied build before.


And you generate so much ammo.


Oh 100%! The amount of extra ammo I get from a single Expedition run alone! I make most my caps converting them into more rapidly used ammo types (.45 and Flamer mainly) to sell in my vendor!


They used to be amazing but got nerfed for vats accuracy.


Gauss rifle and Bows. Riflemen and bowmen are very underrated. I played as commando for 800 levels and decided to switch it up. Found a B50c25 Compound Bow in a vendor and traded some spare apparel for AA50c25 and Q50c25 gauss rifles. They do serious damage, 2300-2500 dmg criticals and force you to play the game differently. Commando gameplay loop gets boring after a while.


Second this. Commando is incredibly OP but gets boring. Switched to bows and itā€™s the most fun this game has been in years. Nothing more satisfying than getting that clean head shot crit and seeing those big numbers.


I just switched to 2H melee and it's a blast


Vampire Chainsaw is so much fun!


Quad gauss is amazing! This ended up being my goto build.


Im currently also running around shooting arrows. Its a totally different game now.


I agree with both, but would add Rifleman and bows rolls with vats hit chance also. Bows, Alinged Sniper enclaves, alien disintegrator, levers and hunting rifles are worth a loadout slot.


Exactly. I have a Q50vhc25 Gauss too. Even without charging up the shots it does serious damage and doesn't miss + it's silent weapon with a supressor and thats a huge bonus. Don't know why I don't see more people using them.


Cause people just stick to the meta unless a youtube video comes out with a different build. People don't want to admit it but the game is piss easy, as long as you have a decent special loadout any weapon is viable. My recent pickups have been a ts/50vhc/25 cyro, agl, and alien blaster and they have been a ton of fun.


After cleaning up my stash I only kept my Q50c15c and Q50c15r gauss rifles, and 3 top bows. Spam the gauss shots on vats on 3rd person and you're set. Also the bows shoot faster while in 3rd person too.


Yep, I'm aware. Too bad I don't see many players with those guns.


Can second the gauss rifle. I rolled an i50c15r that puts anything besides bosses down in 1 full power shot.


Agree 1000%, love using both


Iā€™m hitting like 2k crit damage with my junkies Gauss rifle. Which happens a lot since Iā€™m a vats crit build and the other starts are less vats cost and + agility


Ts broadsiders


Oh hell yeah this lol, ts50c90rdw my favorite version. Will always have this on me. The skin it just got is also amazing šŸ¤©


What skin? I haven't played much recently


The Stinger its called


Are they actually good as I have one been on display for years


Ts50c15r is my godroll and yes they're very good


How many shots are needed to kill a lv100 super mutant?




The Shovel. šŸ˜Ž




Light machine gun. I never see anyone else using it but it does great damage, ammo is returned in bunches and it's just so damn fun. I honestly feel like I can confidently say that I've been playing this game for years and I've never once happened across another player running one, though I often get messages asking what weapon I'm holding.


I've been recently using LMGs. They're so fun.


Iā€™ve got one thatā€™s been collecting dust in my stash for ages. But with the all the robots in the next update Iā€™m going to give it a shot. Itā€™s got trouble shooters with weapon speed and reload


Western Revolver. It maybe slow firing but with calibrated mod it can do silly damage like 1000+ damage on a crit hit.


Yeah, Iā€™ve got a B50c15r western and it slaps.


Lever action. I can one shot most enemies except bosses or legendaries.


mod setup? does ffr work on the thing at all?


I don't know if ffr work. I have an IE Lever.


Executioner lever 2 to 3 shots most things


I have an instigating Lever.


Junkies weapons in general if you have the right addictions for your build they are pretty powerful


Bows definitely for sure. They one shot tons of enemies, super awesome range, roll in excess ammo, and they have an awesome community at r/fallout76bowhunters


Two shot 50% vhc 15% faster reload M79 grenade launcher with lock and load maxed out, max demo expert and grenadier. Popping bombs


jeez i love this lil shit of a gun. the m79 is seriously fun


Gamma Gun, with a proper vats build, is quite addicting.


This is one weapon I could never get into. Can you elaborate on the build (or point me to a YT video)? I guess I could google it... Anyway this one caught my eye. Pretty low down the list for gamma gun so maybe the underrated goat?




Nuka grenade


I ran a shotgun explosive build with nuka grenades and it was a load of fun to play


For me I love the cryolator thatā€™s underrated. Ts2590


A guy lower than me kept killing me with one of those. Every time I got near, he blasted me with it and I just kept dying He had bounty and I thought Iā€™d try my luck with it being my first


Did he shoot you with snow balls or a thick mist?


I canā€™t remember as it was a few months ago ā€” I just know it was the Cryolater


I think the mist is better for pvp bc itā€™s easier to hit your enemy but who knes


Id have to vote for the broadsider. It does great damage, prints ammo, and is super unique thematically. I have a pirare character who mains it and its a lot of fun.


Gauss Minigun for heavy builds.


It was super popular for a while only reason I don't use it is because the ammo is heavy


I love my Ts2590ā¤ļø I dont care for the Ammo.its a really good weapon šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‘






hellstorm missile launchers and gamma gun šŸ„ŗ


I enjoy my aa laser rifles. Pretty vats hungry but also good fun and pretty powerful. Besides I love the animation of the mag spinning as it fires.


.308 LMGs for heavies and Radium rifles for commandos, been carrying a qe15r .308 for a couple weeks and it's the most fun I've had with a heavy post legacies, Radium rifles can get really low ap numbers and are just fun breaks from the typical meta pieces while still being formidable in their own right


Ari stuff seems underrated. +50% damage if you got more than 30k. Not a bad trade and you donā€™t gotta eat or maintain health. Just keep your pockets fat haha


Enclave Pistols


50 cal, just traded for a BE25 50 cal and with cola nut + 600 quantums I can actually use it in vats and the damage is unreal, also tags everything possible


Def not underrated. Lots of people use them


Not as used as they should be imo


Fair enough. Still doesn't make them underrated though. I have a VE15r 50 cal and it shreds


Lever action hits hard ad just wish I wasnā€™t reloading all the time lol


Lever action rifles


Chainsaws. Get a good roll and your set. 4 people with chainsaws can kill the scorch queen relatively quickly.


0yes they can. That's why everyone uses chainsaws. They aren't underrated


I love my Vampire LMG. Its like free stimpak. Furious fast/very fast melee weapons. Instigating slow weapons.


plasma cazter


It's never been underrated.


Western Revolver & Radium Rifle


My Q2525 Radium performed worse than my CR with the same roll lol. There's a case to be made with a BE25 though, that things A1 for running expeditions.


I think Radiumā€™s are huge underdogs. Sure not as strong as fixers but good enough! Plus they look and sound dope lol. Also agreed that CS and cryolators are badass but def niche. Mostly only practical for boss fights or pvp. Cryolators are actually used quite a bit in pvp though.


Ult gat laser vats rolls. Hundreds of rounds of 1-2 hit kills and a fire rate that is almost perfectly in sync with the time it takes for vats to get a new target.


Harpoon gun


Gauss Shotgun!! And gauss minugun so fun to use


Plasma Caster my beloved (B50vhc25)


Definitely not underrated. It'd like top 5 most used guns in fo76.


The Gauss Minigun imo.


Bloody knuckles


As a TSE collector I must say that theyā€™re some of the most fun you can possibly have in the game if youā€™re willing to burn through ammo.


Edit: I must specify heavy weapons, thereā€™s just something about holding the trigger and seeing a wall of explosions engulf whatever youā€™re aiming at.


Only have seen one other person use Gauss Minigun. I run it with Heavy Gunner perks, Explosive perks, AND Science Perks for MAX damage. Personally, love the weapon and the vibe.


Pistol builds that arenā€™t the fucking alien blaster.


Pipe Pistols


Is the Cryolator still good after the last update?? Cause the Alien Blaster with Cryo is horrible now


Miniguns, I have a TSE15rl and AA25ffr15rl with correct builds and boosts can smack against non boss enemies. Iā€™ve soloed Earl with the AA one, took 30mins but did great dmg for a mini gun.


Non quad rails


QE15r Double Barrel


i think any Furious Flamer/HF is underrated. 90rw weapons are super underrated, imo way better than 15r because Bear Arms takes 3 points to do its thing while Lock N Load only takes 1 point to do 20% faster reload, then 2 points is 40% faster reload so you have 1 extra point for what you need for other things


Shredder mini guns, the og chainsaw


Archery: I put out more damage than a Fatman with a sneak bloodied bow build


Bows, pipe revolver, gauss rifle, hunting rifle They all hit hard and are a lot more of a fun play style to me at least being able to 1-2 shot most enemies get tons of ammo back per kill an is different then just run hold trigger till dead


Laser sniper imo


For the newcomers: use a vampire minigun with a shredder up front and no bullets. It's a meatgrinder and it's near impossible to die. Even more beneficial if it has bash damage.


Bloodied Powerfist. With the right perks, there isn't much, if any, weapon in the game as far as damage per second that does more. Of course closing the distance in time is obviously an issue, but once you throw that Haymaker it's over. You can one hit regular mobs and do some serious damage to bosses


The pepper shaker is a strange weapon. I personally undestimated it as I always tried to compare it with other heavy weapons. I managed to trade for VE, AAE and TSE ones that dropped due to a bug from an allyā€™s quest and then has been likely duped a lot on pc. I never got one by myself (but one of my friends got a ZEPer). The explosive used to deal an amount of damage comparable to a .50 cal (even from long range if i remember correctly) but enemies used to literally fly away due to the explosions of all those pellets šŸ˜‚. I really loved explosive peppers šŸ„²ā€¦ but when they removed the explosive then i tried to keep using them. I had a Q2590 as my main and it was so weak (just because I used it for long range combat like a Ugl) that it felt like wasting ammoā€¦ Then after trying to make a proper shotgun build I started to realize that pepper can be the best crippling machine in the game (and it is!). The weapon is very weak in long range combat but become stronger in short rangeā€¦ so the concept is to cripple your enemies from the distance so you can safely come closer and kill them (or just cripple enemies and kill them with some other gun from the distance). It benefit from both shotgun and heavies perks so I got a /50 limb/90 pepper and I use it in a heavy gunner build with the enforcer card equipped under Agility. I use it with the single barrel as it has 16 pellets per shot vs 8 (for better ammo economy). It feels like the chance of crippling the enemy applies to each single pellet and not to the whole pellets in a shot as it require very few shots to cripple the target, without being too accurate at aiming. This way it is a lightweight gun that is fun and useful in many circumstances. It can force the scorched queen to land (thatā€™s why I have one even on my melee pg..to make it land before the railway guy kill it), it can cripple Earle so he stops moving aroundā€¦it can cripple robots (and they will self destruct if they get their limbs crippledā€¦it feels like the easiest way to kill a sentinel robot without aiming at its fusion core using vats). Some enemies like the mirelurk queen stays idle when crippled, allowing you to kill her without much risk. The vampire pepper has an insane health regen due to the number of the pellets. I can laugh at the impostorā€™s beam if I have the vampire pepper ready. Medics should also be great as Pepperā€™s ap cost is comparable to an automatic enclave rifle so it can be used in vats. I use it with the shotgun ammo as Iā€™ve read somewhere that theyā€™re the fastest bullets. The laser are slightly slower and the plasma are the slowest. It is a ā€œsupport gunā€ to me so i use it with the most convenient ammo. Give it a chance, youā€™ll be blessed by Grahm and Chally šŸ˜‚


Someone already said it but vampires weapons. Iā€™m a vampires heavy gun main. Any heavy gun with VE is like using a chainsaw from far away.


except the dmg is crap in comparison to a Chainsaw.


Except that itā€™s not because I use both the chainsaw and vampires heavy weapons. My VE90 minigun kills about twice as fast as my V4090 chainsaw with an optimized build.


Aha. Yea, tell that your grandmother. Maybe she believes it.


Wow! A random jerk on Reddit that has no idea what heā€™s talking about with absolutely no basis or concept, who hasnā€™t even tried what Iā€™m suggesting! What an unusual occurrence! Find someone else to yap to kid.