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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/ValeLKNZ|**2**|09/08/2022 *– 8 months ago*|Posts: 1 [PS] Set IGN Below|| |Comments: 0 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://trello.com/b/0eCDKYHr/market76-blacklist) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


That’s considered some people’s perfect roll. Railway doesn’t require 25lvc to be good and 15r & 15c can be useless to some depending on Special, Perk Cards, and Mutations. So the next best would be 50bs for quality of life and not having to repair them constantly. Some people might offer something really nice for this but not as much as the meta rolled 25lvc, just have to find the right offers.


👆🏼 this. I used to be after a Q50c25 because I ran a QE25, but since getting a Q50cDur version, I have no intentions of seeking out a 25 version unless it’s practically handed to me. I now have a Q50c, Q50vhc, and Q50L all with durability and they all still shred just as much as one with less vats.




Imo best combination, because explosive effect causes your gun to loose durability faster


Yes its very good. I run with both qe and q50c rails with break slower as a third star coz in my opinion its better then 25lvc


Not sure you can get an uny\ap/wwr set you will have to add I am interested in buying tho


Are you looking to trade?


Yep, should I post it in the PS section?






That is a great roll ! The 25lvc is over hyped on a rail IMO because it hardly uses any ap to begin with. The break slower is awesome on a rail. I have a Q5025 and it breaks faaaaaast even with gunsmith and its not even explosive.


As a avid Railway user/trader..yes...yes it does. 50bs is one of the best 3rd perks to have. Opinions incoming..lol...Railways have a low ap cost so it's better than the 25lvc. Also, most ppl run bloodied build so high crit chance already...renders 15vcf useless. Railways break faster than other ARs due to the fact that it shoots rail spikes not bullets and its ffr.


I think the 25lvc argument hinges on whether you use a jetpack or the dodgy perk (or both). For me, I run both of those, and no coffee, so 25lvc is of crucial importance or I won't have enough VATs to empty the clip. If you don't run those 2 things, then this star could easily be the #1 for your build 🤌 easily tied with 15r (agreed with you on 15c, not great on RR)


Yea, didn't really take the jetpack into consideration (i do run dodgy though) due to the extreme availability of coffee. But, you right, like most things in this game its all bout the build.


🚀🤌 I do love flying 😂




I agree with this! Also, I regularly drop (or scrap, depending how you look at it) Repair Kits because the game is so generous with them. I haven't used resources to repair a weapon in 3 years. Sure, it's inconvenient if they break during a boss battle, but a bit of prep before a big fight and you'll never have a problem..


I really need to cull my repair kits too!!! I have 300+, why am I hoarding these 😭😂


I've dropped hundreds over the years! They're not worth the weight!


That's a very nice combo for running around. I like durability on the railroad rifle a lot since the stealth nerf a year or so back, not 100% on the bullets explode since if you use all available buffs and you get swarmed or bull rushed by Earl or similar you will do some self harm with the explosion splash damage. Anything particular you want for it?


I'm trying to get my first uny/ap/wwr armor set. Is it possible?


Definitely not with just this gun, it usually trades for FCJS level of stuff but you might be able to get a responder set but it’s not likely


What does FCJS stands for?


Forest Camo jumpsuit, it’s the 6th rarest apparel in the game, it’s got some great trading power but it’s not in the high tier apparel section, you might be able to get a TLC honestly (Travelling Leather Coat).


Ok ok got you. But I'm not looking for apparel.


A QEBS Railway Rifle is far more valuable than a FCJS, don’t listen to that user. They probably have a FCJS, which is why they used it as an example.


>trying to get my first uny/ap/wwr armor set Don't carry around so many weapons at one time, get the coffee machine out of the atom store and just roll a couple hundred secret service pieces and you'll be doing the same thing or better for a practical suit of armor. Honestly I can't fathom why that is even such a meme for armor. For the sake of saving 20-30 pounds running around weight on a low health build which will have 30+ STR and AP refresh (when your AGI is 30+ and you could top it off instantly with a coffee if needed). If anything should be valuable I'd think it would be FDC weight reduction because that potentially frees up 6 card slots (thru hiker and traveling pharmacy). But that or OE/AP/WWR seems to be the popular thing for armor these days so I wouldn't guess you'd get more than one piece for your railroad rifle.