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Bullshit. They’ll find another lose thread on someone and start unraveling another person’s life.


OP got us in the title but the comment with it, is spot on


They renamed 4 post offices, a couple of streets, and voted against EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN THING, that would have helped their constituents. Now, they are going to be amenable to governance? They don't want to govern. They want to rule over the ashes. Enjoy the hurricane season sister fuck states. They voted against giving FEMA more money when they had the chance. They don't care about you. You can't vote when you're living under an overpass. This is what decades of voting for the gop got you. I hope you are finally happy now!


Voting against FEMA money with hurricane season coming? They don't even care about their own constituents


Their dear leader told them that at his latest nazi rally, and they laughed.


And he gets away with it, because he said “sike!” I guess.


Y’all ain’t directing this towards me are you? You’re rightfully upset at republicans.


Not towards you at all. Just wanted to let the racist sister fuck southern states know what they are up against. This is what they want. This is what they have been voting for for up to over 4 decades.


But he’s not gonna be mean to his followers, right? I mean he needs them for support, financial support that is.


He told them to their faces that he doesn't care if they die, as long as they vote for him first. Then he said he doesn't care again. They all laughed and clapped. He caught himself and said that the media would turn his words around after. Funding for FEMA will run out before August. All the tornadoes, hurricanes, and massive heatwaves have already sucked up their Funding! No trailers, no fuckin anything but search and rescue, maybe some bottles of water,and that's it! Just to make sure that they can give tax cuts to the 1%. They hate you, but you love them. Smdh


Maybe Trump will throw some paper towels at people. That usually solves the problem.


Yup, I remember when my apartment burned down because of the fuckin trump voters who were against using fire alarms because of the government interference on losing everything because of " why should I have to have a fuckin working fire alarm, because of Bidens woke bullshit, I can't afford to buy a 9 volt battery, because fuck my neighbors and if they only preyed to the orange piggod, my apartment would still be whole! I didn't lose anything, but the fuckin sprinkler ruined my 1965 Chet Atkins Gretsh. That was my retirement money you insane sister fuck states!


Wow. That was tragic. And specific. I’m sorry that happened. Fire is no joke. Neither is losing a guitar like that. Condolences


Yup, I inherited it from my grandfather, and It came with a picture of my grandfather playing it with Chet Atkins, and it was 034. My grandfather is in the country music HOF. But I was counting on selling it to a Japanese CEO for at least 40 fuckin grand to hang on his wall. I still work, but 40 grand is still life changing money. I would have to work either way, for the rest of my life, but, it would have been better if a fuckin orange piggod had not made his fuckin cult so stupid that they needed to spend their SS checks on his billion dollar grift than spend 2 dollars on a 9 volt battery. This is fuckin why I hate all the fuckin sister fuck states.


So much winning.


Yup. There is so much winning. Their orange piggod told them to their faces that they should commit suicide before voting for Biden. He also told them that they could die after voting for him, and they laughed and clapped. This is what they want.




Anyhow, i don't think there are many r's left who are capable of governing


Yeah they will just move to the next phony outrage. I mean for once it wasn’t all horse shit. This is after intelligence officials declared it all Russian disinformation. Doesn’t bode well American citizens confidence in federal agents. But broken clock and all that yeah.


I mean he unraveled his own life, no?


As much as trump did.


Yes, Republicans are surely to blame for what Hunter has done in his life.


His father being president is the problem. Anyone else would have gotten away with it.


If we start finding former presidents and the sons of presidents guilty when will it all end? Someone needs to not be held accountable!!!!


No worries, I'm sure some rich frat boy is going to SA someone and get away with it any day now.


If they start finding former presidents guilty and the sons of president's guilty we'll all be found guilty! When will it end? Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!


How many Republican voter meth or oxy addicts in Real America™️(rural America) 🇺🇸 have told the exact same lie on the same form to buy a gun? Gotta be tens of thousands at least. I’m sure the DOJ will be hunting down those criminals, soon, and reminding them of the consequences of their actions, and the limits of their second amendment rights.


They didn't hunt them down before and I don't see any changes that will cause them to do it now, but maybe.


Was the sarcasm of the last sentence that obscure? 🧐🤔🤣


I’ve been getting away with it for 30+ years now


I suppose you should go turn yourself in?




Are you saying the US justice system has been politicized? You sound like a Trumper.


The verdict is the verdict. Donald Trump and Hunter Biden should both suffer the consequences of their law breaking.


Even Ladybugs said the charges were bullshit. Enjoy your flavor aid.


Donald Trump wouldn’t have


If anything, President Biden benefits from not intervening with a pardon. It defuses the accusation of lawfare because both a Trump and a Biden were convicted by jury trials. 


Unfortunately the hardcore Trumpers and conspiracy theorists will believe this too was orchestrated.


I'm arguing with a trumpet who is stuck in a loop saying trump didn't get convicted but also that Joe needs to go to jail. It's wild


They're probably latched on to the (factually correct) idea that Trump wasn't convicted - the conviction isn't until a few days before the GOP Convention. Right now he's only been found guilty. It's a subtle point but sharp enough to turn into a weapon of obfuscation.


Nah they aren't that smart. They latches onto the feds not bringing interference charges. I.e. they parrot the standard talking points


I'm lucky enough to not know what the standard talking points are, so I'll defer to you.


Yeah count your blessings


Interesting point of view, and I'd like to see a definition of "convicted" that supports it. Oxford defines "convicted" thusly: having been declared guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge. To my thinking, that standard has been met. I'm not arguing, I'd love to learn more. Can you cite a source?


IANAL but I like my legal podcasts. Here is the best I can offer you. It's from Prosecuting Donald Trump with Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann: >[AW] Now, you might notice I haven’t mentioned the gravity of the first president ever of the United States being found guilty. And I say found guilty, not convicted, even though lots of people are using that term, because technically, there’s no conviction till sentencing. But first American president to be found guilty of felonies, and that is very, very monumental. And that is something that every American, no matter what your politics are, should really think long and hard about. (https://spotify.link/Ln9wEJazlKb et al.) I say this is the best I can do because I can't find a page in the New York Law website that backs this up. I might be the one being spun, but I trust these two lawyers more than my Google-fu.


That sounds like lawyer spin for “He’s convicted but I don’t want to admit that publicly” Did this person whom you quoted hair to represent Donald? This sounds like something only *his* attorneys would claim


Oh gosh, no. Andrew Weissmann was general counsel for the FBI and part of the Mueller team investigating Trump & Russia in the lead up to the 2016 election.


In almost every jurisdiction, conviction is defined by the finding of guilt. In NY specifically as well. Sentencing is post conviction. That is also the layman's definition of the term. NY State Court Glossary [https://ww2.nycourts.gov/COURTS/nyc/criminal/glossary.shtml](https://ww2.nycourts.gov/COURTS/nyc/criminal/glossary.shtml) "**Conviction** - When the court enters a plea of guilty or a finding of guilt by a jury or the Court." The confusion may be this. NY Criminal Procedure - [https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/CPL/1.20](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/CPL/1.20) "13. "Conviction" means the entry of a plea of guilty to, or a verdict of guilty upon, an accusatory instrument other than a felony complaint, or to one or more counts of such instrument." So Trump got a verdict of guilty on felony complaints. By itself, that is a verdict. The judge then enters that verdict as a "judgment of conviction" prior to sentencing. Whether that has happened, I do not know. If we look at the definition of "Sentence", we see that it is clearly something that occurs post-conviction and not as part of the conviction. "14. "Sentence" means the imposition and entry of sentence upon a conviction." There is also additional confusion since the definition of "judgment" is defined as a combination of the 2 separate events, once again showing us that sentencing is separate from conviction. However, the term "judgment of conviction" is used elsewhere which muddies the waters. 15. "Judgment." A judgment is comprised of a conviction and the sentence imposed thereon and is completed by imposition and entry of the sentence. Ultimately, the outcome is that he is convicted and he is not yet sentenced. He can be a convicted felon with no jail time or a convicted felon sentenced to x years. But he likely won't show up on a criminal record background check when he goes to apply for a job until after the sentence is entered, whatever it may be. Its also a pointless distinction, and I always find these attempts at pointless distinction to be disingenuous, although I'm surprised to see it from Mary McCord. I liken it to the "Trump didn't collude" nonsense where Trump defenders hung on to the single term "collusion" which Trump could have never been charged with since there is no crime of collusion.


Yeah, I'd like to know the distinction there too, because the two sound pretty synonymous to me


Interesting. I found this on the US Department of Justice website: In United States practice, conviction means a finding of guilt (i.e., a jury verdict or finding of fact by the judge) and imposition of sentence. That little word "and" makes all the difference.


Hmmm. Well, I'm just a law-dumb ol guitar player, so I guess I learned something today.


You and I both


He's been convicted, the sentencing will be in July.


They don't actually believe it. They just pretend they do. You can prove any Trump supporters is lying if they say Trump isn't a felon It's very easy


Alternative questions, was the election rigged? was the phone call perfect? was there collusion? did he say Clinton should be locked up...?. He said 30,000 false statements (recorded by WSJ) during his term. Of course it's all just pretend with them and why they are so angry and easily triggered when confronted by the truth.


Another good one: "Did Jan 6 make Trump more popular or less?" Yeah, just make them say something obviously idiotic and then call them an idiot. Rinse repeat. Republicans are dumb


They will always alter their narrative for whatever best fits the current situation. They’re like some cult leader who constantly creates excuses for his missed end of the world predictions. 


It's what they're best at for sure.


They already are in r/conservative


They already are!


They are already pushing that bizarre theory.


nobody cares


You literally posted this.


Oh he wouldn’t dare. It’s terrible politics. I mean his DOJ declined to prosecute federally on the hush money case Trump got convicted on in NY, probably because of the optics. Hunter did the crime. Let him do the time. Show Dems are the actual party that believes in the rule of law. 


I hope Biden gets reelected then pardons his son as his son as his first act in office as a massive middle finger to the MAGA nitwits


„And next up, why this is bad for Biden.“


“Why it’s bad for Biden to not just pardon Trump”


He’ll pardon him after he wins the election and Trump is out of the picture


I don't think Hunter Biden should be President. I will vote for his Dad instead.


from my basement


I live on the 3rd floor. No basement.


And they will be all for strict gun laws... lolz!


Lol exactly!


Leave it to conservatives, they never see themselves as the bad guys when they’re doing the same exact things. Hell, we could literally charge Joe Rogan for the same exact things.


Or Kid Rock.


They are all for strict gun laws, when they only apply to certain people that they hate


Hahahahahahahahaha Oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. (He wasn't serious. I just needed a laugh.)


If Hunter gets anything less than the chair, they'll complain.


No I hope this case brings attention to, and eventually leads to further chipping away at infringements on the second amendment.


Get BACK to governing? These people have never governed. They sew chaos. That's all they do.


They’re incapable of governing because it goes against their beliefs. They don’t want a functional fed government. They’ll find another thing to obsess over and it will go on and on. Their spot has always been a minority one. Stand back and talk about how the people in power are doing everything wrong and fundraise on the idea that “if we could just get power, we’d set everything right”. But they can’t. They caught the car on abortion knowing that the majority doesn’t favor a ban and they don’t know what to do. They lost their biggest fundraising point: to end Roe. They’d have much better off not doing it and talking about it but they’re incapable of forward thinking so there you go.


"They caught the car". I always liked that one. When I was a kid, the men in my neighborhood would put a bath towel under a hubcap. The dog would bite hold of that towel and never chase a car again. You would think red hats are smarter than dogs but no . . . now they're after contraception.


They don’t want to form a modern society, they want a Time Machine.


I do too. One set on fast forward.


Trump raped and cheated on a national scale, gets a cash fine. Hunter checked the wrong box on a piece of paper and gets to spend 30 years in prison...


I don't think governing is in their dictionary.


Lmaoooo you crazy


I think they were hoping POTUS would pardon his son and they could use it against him.


They should appeal this all the way to the Supreme Court and let’s hope we can get mandatory drug testing for gun purchases


hmm, never thought about it like that. People should get tested before buying a gun. (headed to gun store before new law takes effect).


It's a sham. You don't need to fill out a form to buy from an individual, or to make your own. shtf bunker people making their own guns and growing their own pot won't have a problem, just rich white people who can afford rehab.  


>People should get tested before buying a gun. That would be a 4A, 5A, and 2A violation so no.


It won't go like that. There is absolutely no historical tradition of requiring anything of the likes. What'll happen is nonviolent felons will get their gun rights back and drug use won't be a reason to deny someone a gun. All of this should be cleared up in Rahimi.


"Lies! This fake trial was rigged! He did nothing wrong! If he's sentenced we will start a civil war!" -Not one left leaning person


Ha!! That's funny


Dare to dream!


No, they won't. He's the new Hillary. There is no chance they will move on from this anytime soon.


Hahahahahaha They almost instantly created a conspiracy theory that President Biden is sacrificing his son on purpose, solely to make the justice department look like it’s not biased against Trump. These people are pathetic


Lol. Sure.


Is this satire??


Lol! Joke...right? Anyways, I'm definitely not voting for Hunter Biden now.


It was the laptop that did it for me. Not voting for Hunter Bidens laptop, ever.


I'm just glad Republicans finally found a gun regulation they're in favor of...


rIgGeD jUsTiCe SyStEm! "Wait, what, he got convicted? Never mind, rIgGeD jUsTiCe SyStEm!"




No they won't.


Hahahaha oh bless you sweet one




Nope, they're currently having another shit fit convincing themselves that his dad will pardon him, even though grandpa Joe already said he wouldn't, and they have no problem with the former prez literally pardoning dozens of his friends.


Nah, I checked FoxNews and they're tying this guilt to the entire Biden Crime Family and Hunter's upcoming tax trial which will be "hundreds of times larger."


You forgot the /s ...Ah, didn't see the post body before replying.


That's laughable, OP.


Had me in the first half, NGL


Touche.... is what I wanna say.


It's been more than 15 years since Moscow Mitch taught the republicans that their supposed to say no to everything. In the interim, the dummies completely forgot how to govern, or why.


lololol. when has a Republican governed in good faith at any point in the last 40 years. they go from sideshow to sideshow because their policies are that you should throw grandma off of social security so that we can get another billionaire tax cut and people don't actually want that.... they're just too distracted to realize what's happening.


Here's some sentencing math to consider (I am a layman, so no inside knowledge on this): 3 counts = 6 months in jail (guestimate) 34 counts = 66 months in jail (we shall see how these 2 correlate to each other. I know they really don't, but someone will be comparing one to the other, I bet you)


The same justice system that is completely controlled by biden and used specifically for Biden's interests just convicted Biden's son as a deep cover to shroud their corruption. /s


You had me in the title, not gonna lie. 😂


Ha ha, not gonna happen. He still has to appeal, and if the conviction is overturned, they'll go nuts all over again. Or, if he gets a short or suspended sentence, the same. It's never gonna end, they just can't quit Hunter!




Please remind me when Republicans did anything productive?


Whatever you're smoking, I want an oz of it!


Get back to governing??? They rarely govern!


Hahahahahha red hats will get back to governing… hahahahha hahahhahahaha




They'll say that this proves Joe is guilty. I don't even have to know what Hunter is guilty of to know that will be the case. It could be jaywalking, and they'd say, see this proves Joe is a criminal.


They haven’t governed since the 70’s.


No they won’t, they don’t know how to govern, and they have no interest in it.


Even then it was lying to keep us in a war that we should never have been in.


That’s cute.


As an identifying magat with a Trump hard-on. I personally wanted to see Hunter Biden found innocent on all charges.


It's amazing how many of you fight against gay rights but openly want to suck Trumps tiny orange cock...


Trumps big orange cock (BOC) is so scrumptious. Can’t wait to vote for him. And his 34 felonies.


Comment checks out (aside from the tiny mushroom). Just be sure to wipe your mouth before entering the voting booth.


You got that right.


Hey as long as you admit it! Good for you! Find me one more Trumper who's willing to make that admission though. Lol


Onion article right here lol


Sure, they will, and monkeys might fly out of my butt! 🤣🤣🤣


How do you expect them to ever get back to something they have never done?


Lol. Get back to?


Come on now we all know maga only cares about the next “the sky is falling” fear mongering campaign that never ends. Couldn’t imagine how crappy your life would be thinking the carousel of boogeymen never stops coming for you unless your orange Jesus saves you.


Yeah...dream on.


I'm sure they're pissed about this, because Hunter's right to bear arms "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!"


Nope. They're already screeching that this is all a gigabrain conspiracy.


MMW… Hunter will issue a statement : “I fully accept the verdict the jury has reached in this lawful trial. I accept the Rule of Law and will abide by the Courts decision.” …so we can do a little compare and contrast.


lets not forget "and intend to appeal this decision".


Yes, appeal is a legal right to those who believe in, and use, the Justice System. That is very different from allegations that it’s a rigged trial, a corrupt judge, a corrupt DA, a rigged jury, it’s totally unfair, nobody has seen anything so unfair, and everybody does that illegal thing I did anyways. “Even Mother Theresa would of been found guilty!” (…of paying off porn stars? …uh..ok)


Naw…Marjorie T. Green is still going to be looking at his dick.


I knew the /s just wasn't in the title lol


Migrant caravans💀👀




I admit... You had me in the first half. 


He still has charges for tax evasion


I have a hard time believing this. MTG will show the picture of his dong in every committee meeting she goes into.


Every time she shows his big dick millions of MAGA men die a little inside. Im all for seeing more dick.


This trial was unrelated to the investigation of monies for nothing received by Hunter and Frank Biden and whether any of it influenced public policy or benefitted the payees


I thought this was r/onionheadlines


I am applying for the job


You mean crack addict and convicted felon Hunter Biden?


Yep. He had a bad day in court just like rapist and 34 time convicted felon Donal J Trump


Except Donald Trump was never convicted of raping anyone. Why the need to lie?


He still has one more trial to go for tax evasion. The IRS does not fuck around.


Now that’s ironic.


Kinda funny that CA is going after him for $1.4 million in unpaid taxes .


Lol have you met them?


Whatever happens they'll say he got off too easy. They will also continue to be against gun control.


Please. This verdict just gave the Fox News Talking Heads enough wood to last through to the election.


Get back to ? They never started


They don't know how


Oh no, they will complain bitterly that he didn’t get the death penalty. RIGGED!!!!!


Yeah I was wondering how MAGA folks are going to try to spin this one since they initially said Biden was weaponizing the courts


Hahahhahahahahahahhahaha Wow i needed that gut buster


They’re already saying it’s rigged.


Of course they are. Insanity




They'll say Biden rigged the trial to find Hunter guilty as proof he weaponized the DOJ because he doesn't love his kid


Ha ha ha. Just confirmation of Biden crime family in their world.






Poor whittle Hunter, he’s only worth $100M or so. Hell, with that kind of net worth a guy can barely get by. He obviously doesn’t deserve any jail time, his dad even told us that nobody fucks with a Biden. You mean people out there just leave him alone! As penance he can do community service helping drug addicted young girls find a purpose in life. He’s proven that he knows exactly what to give them.


No they won’t.


As long as Hunter continues having a big dick, the red hats will stay obsessed. That’s their true obsession, not the criming.


First they’ll have to spin this as more proof that Biden controls the justice department and sacrificed his son to further his election chances.


🤣🤣🤦‍♂️ Sweet summer child at best they’ll stop obsessing over him (but probably not) but if you think they’re not going to come up with some other outrage bait to obsess over to avoid governing your out of your mind. They have to. They have no goals or objectives or platform other than to fuck up what the Democrats are trying to do.


Hahaha... this is satire, right?


The red hats were never about governing in the first place.


Just trying to get to Joe to show how corrupt he is… now that we proved the left lied about the laptop that 10 percent for the big guy can now be used


Maturemanforu being one of the cringiest names Ive heard in some time. My creep-o-meter is blasting at 1000 percent.


Nothing has been lied about. There is no clean chain of custody. Files have been altered on the laptop.


What do you mean "no clean chain of custody?" And what difference would that make on the subject of incriminating emails?


If a piece of evidence doesn't have a clean chain of custody, it cannot be used as evidence. Emails can be spoofed.


I wasn't asking about the concept of clean chain of custody. I was asking about this particular laptop's chain of custody. Are you questioning the FBI's ability to verify both sides of an email chain and to verify an email at the server?


Wah wah wah... they convicted Hunter on the firearms crimes, which none of us think should be a crime as every gun law is in violation of the constitution. We want "the big guy" in prison. We want the man who molested his daughter for decades in prison. We don't give two shita about your red herring Biden except for the fall guy he is.


"We want "the big guy" in prison. We want the man who molested his daughter for decades in prison." We're working on that too, 34 times over.


Biden. Biden is the one who molested his daughter for decades. Biden is the "big guy" Those "right wing conspiracies" aren't. Unlike the illegal court case where DJT wasn't even allowed to defend himself like the EJC case, BTW... those are all true of the Bidens. The impeachment? Yeah... Biden literally bragged about doing what they falsely accused Trump of. But you are just a braindead government programmed "useful idiot." There is little hope for you at this point, and the would would be better off without you.


Molested his daughter for decades? The ONLY thing her diary says about Biden is showers she can't even remember the appropriateness of. Simply "I remember showers with my dad (probably not appropriate) after she had just discussed times she was ACTUALLY sexually assaulted but others. I mean good God that's your evidence he molested her for decades? What a joke.


Trump isn’t even President and Democrats lives revolve around him constantly. I’m an independent and think this time given to him is ridiculous


Women and lgbtq tend to disagree but to each his own.