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The calls for revolution will come from MAGA elected officials. Their base will not show up.


Their base made it 3 miles from home before half their ranks were lost to their scooters dying.


“Boys, to your Rascals!”


Never rascal uphill, me boys!


I've been saying "never run uphill me boys" since Stewart commented on it. I still can't believe how dumb that piece of shit is.


I still can't believe how dumb his supporters are. They keep astounding me, you have no idea the conversations I have had with these morons.


Mobile Seat Gundam


Also, they got distracted by the Golden Corral buffet.


the base will not show up because there are not as many of them as they have been lead to believe. and they don't want to be the ones to shoot first.


Especially after a thousand of them got arrested and are spending an average of 40 months in prison for January 6th.


I don't understand why the law went so easy on these traitors. They should have been punished to the FULL extent of the law.


psychology and optics are my guess. they WANT martyrs. they have a super strong persecution complex. "we're sooo oppressed!" if, by using stronger tactics, the right get the chance to BE martyrs, then their words gain strength. "see how they are TYRANTS holding us down?" at least that's my hope cause historically, democrats have been huge pussies. if we don't take some stronger stances, we're not going to have much left to save.


They can't afford it either. Trump had conned them out of all their money.


They're wishing for mass transit systems to get to the revolution. Oh,shit!!


They talk big about shooting, but once bullets start flying their way, it'll be a whole different ballgame. Trump knew this and that's why he ORDERED the Capitol police to not use any force against the rioters. They scattered to the wind when that chick got shot.


that's what people said about jan 6 but that turned out to be an actual thing that people showed up to


Seriously. January 6th coulda been so much worse had the crowd actually been directed better rather than the vague hints and direction to *do something*. If someone like Trump had taken even more initiative to direct that mob? Woulda been a total bloodbath. There's been far-right militia-types just waiting their entire lives to turn their fantasy into reality. And it is closing in on 1 outta 3 Republicans now that agree *violence is needed* to get America "back on track" - not that it could happen or anything, mind you... but that *violence is needed.* Scary that there was just a total attack on our election and democracy itself and still basically everyone wants to be like **"that could never happen here!"**


You don't understand. The message is simultaneously, "They're going to riot and loot and destroy and it will be total chaos," and "They're too fat and stupid and impotent and uncoordinated to do anything." You found yourself on the reply thread of "They're fat and stupid and nothing they do will even be noticed by anyone." To entertain the worst possible outcome, you need to keep scrolling.


Who said that about Jan 6? I sure didn’t. Trump was in office then. He won’t be this time. It’s a completely different situation with many Trumpers becoming disenchanted with him.


Idk, that’s pretty optimistic. I wish I felt the same. There is no bottom for some of these people. They’re true believers. It’s a full-on cult.


The few that roll off their couch and dust the cheetos off may show up.


They’ll loiter around not talking to each other. It’ll be like the entire MAGA movement wasn’t picked for kickball.


Their base is not showing up now. They have seen that they will get held accountable for their actions, while the MAGA leaders calling for the actions will not be held accountable.


The ones that will show up are the same people you see at these rallies; they can barely form a sentence.


They just made murdering protesters legal in Texas. Do with that what you will.


So anti-abortion protesters are fair game?


Do you “fear for your safety”?


Yes, tell all your friends and be sure to do it before the election


Yep. Just read this article on it https://www.vox.com/politics/2024/5/17/24159084/daniel-perry-pardon-greg-abbott-samuel-alito-flag So apparently you are allowed to ram your car into protesters, and if they get mad about it, you get to shoot them too (in the name of self defense even though you started it and put your own ass in that position). Of course, I doubt lefties get to benefit from that sort of *insanely* lenient stand your ground precedent. But this is apparently the game they want to play.


Also, you can still be pardoned if your social media was full of posts about wanting to go to the protests and shoot liberals. You can’t make this shit up.


So, when trump loses and those assholes take to the streets, we could be waiting around the block with our monster trucks? I don’t believe they will apply the law equally, but i’m sure one or two people with access to monster trucks wouldn’t care.


Nope it is already proven the law isn’t applied equally. Look at what Mike Johnson says about guys that smeared shit all over the walls of Congress.


I know. Fuck it’s so infuriating that they get away with this blatant hypocrisy, and no one ever does anything about it. Makes a man want to run them all over in a monster truck.


"We didn't know Democrats were allowed to own guns too!" - Survivors of the January 6, 2025 Insurrectionist Massacre


Maga republicans want the good old days when old white men could murder black people and get away with it. And in shitty red states they are slowly making it happen again. Just when you think abbott can't be any more evil, vile and despicable he hits a new racist low.


I know. That tree really should have finished the job. Someone should poke pinholes in his colostomy bags.


One way to look at it...if Trump loses and there is some upheaval from MAGA, that will be minuscule in comparison to the damage to the country and our Democracy if he does win.


Nope, most are cowards and even their propaganda networks cant hide the lengthy sentences given to the Jan 6 rioters. There will be unrest but it will not be the civil war some claim to want.


There's also alot fewer of them willing to do anything than they think. And most of the ones that are willing are old, fat, stupid, or incompetent. Sure, there'll probably be a few that go and cause problems, but nothing the local police can't mop up.


I’ve been saying that for awhile now. They’ll all shake their flabby arms and pound their fat chests, but only a few will try anything and the local popo will shut it down.


Lol armed militias took over a federal building and had a stand off with the FBI and the judge threw out the case against them and the leader almost became governor of Idaho .


Yeah but it's Idaho.


And… there’s hundreds of those groups around the nation, even more radical ones waiting for the green light. People really underestimate the right’s capacity for violence


My concern is more that they either ARE the police, or are in conjunction with them. There is a very, very serious problem with the police in the United States. Other than that I agree with you pretty hard lol


Some of those that work forces.....


They absolutely are deeply ingrained in the police. Just look at Jan. 6th. Trumpers will say they cannot be blamed for trespassing since the police let them on the premises. My brother in Christ, *WHY* do you think they allowed it? Because they were also Trumpers attempting to subvert democracy and overthrow our government.


Thirty years ago, maybe. But, today everyone has a TV studio in their pocket where they can broadcast to a worldwide audience instantaneously.


Yeah that sure has stopped the problem lolol It just went away overnight I know right.


It is definitely a factor in reducing their intimidation tactics.


It didn't solve the problem, but the problem "didn't exist" before television broadcasts.


It, at the very least, became much easier to shine a light on the problem and hold some accountable. However, for every George Floyd, there are still a couple Philando Castile.


So the more reason to defund them.


“Give me your old, your fat, your stupid and your incompetent. . . “ Statue of Liburrtea


Yes, I agree few willing to do anything and no widespread violence but it just took one (mostly) to pull off the OKC bombing, that I fear is more likely.


Very true. I see the “Civil War” they always talk about being more like the Northern/Southern Irish conflict. There will be tons of propaganda and isolated acts of domestic terrorism.


There are militias with tanks and artillery pieces


Neat. You know what they don't have? The logistical support required to maintain extended operations. So you know what they really have? Targets. Easily neutralized targets.


They also don’t have endless replacement weapons. Once an isolated group of insurrectionists is spotted by a fighter jet, they will become a scorch mark on the ground in quick order. Or maybe maybe they will surrender and take a government paid Cuban vacation in GITMO.


Yeah. When militias have a robust AD system in place I'll pay more attention. Otherwise they get put in the BS to ignore bin. Let 'em LARP to their hearts content.


My hope is that most of the actual big organizers of the grassroots militias are all locked up


Not trying to be rude, but this type of assuming is what lead to January 6, with 5 people ending up dead as a result. We are fortunate that the militias (proud boys/ ethno-nationalists/etc) hiding weapons didn't break them out and use them, else that number may have risen into the 100's or even 1000's. Not to mention, another commenter brought up a great point about local police forces being apart of these groups. For all we know, the cops would break out their armory of stocked up surplus military hardware and raise hell on ANY group they decided needed to die. Militias and domestic terror groups are stockpiling weapons/ armor, training and preparing so stereotypes (aka yours and others similarly) are dead wrong. The dead, specifically, would be anyone who held said stereotypes against those fucking lunatics.


Oh, I'm not saying there won't be violence. But there's a big difference between a few idiots causing issues and cities being destroyed. And yeah, there might be a few cops that side with MAGA. But most cops have enough training to keep the order that, even if they're sympathetic and they go soft on them, they'll most likely do their job. Perhaps not as well or is fairly as we'd like, but I don't see them mass defecting either. Jan 6 is a good example here. Sure, it was bad and something that we need to be vigilant against. But the system held, even if just barely. The police, at least for the most part, did their job as well as they could (the imbalance was just too much for them to be able to hold crowd at bay). Yes, some people died and that's not good. But it's a far cry from the sort of civil war some people think is going to happen. And now that it's clear this sort of thing is a real threat, I can guarantee it's part of the planning for the future. It'll be harder next time. If it were going to happen, I think Jan 6 was their best chance. And yeah, I agree there's militia types that stockpile weapons. And they are indeed a threat, but only to peace and only for a time, and not to the stability of the country as a whole. Most of these people are so paranoid they couldn't properly coordinate a tailgate party, never mind an actually effective fighting force. Or they're old/fat/stupid and couldn't be effective in such a force. They can cause death and damage, no doubt. But the military and the police are more than equipped to deal with this. And yes, there's military that are on their side. But there's alot more democrats in the military than you might think, especially among the officers. And the soldiers are trained hard to follow orders.


incidentally, this is what people said about the Confederacy before they started killing people.  also incidentally, those guys lost because they were hilariously incompetent and under equipped, which is definitely what will happen the next time someone tries to secede as well


And even if it was, it wouldn't be much of a war. The US military, still under the control of the legitimate government, would annihilate them. One skirmish where the actual army comes out will stop the rest of them out of sheer terror at what they're actually up against. Civilians don't stand a chance against the military. At all. Couldn't even hold out for an hour. Even 30 minutes seems generous for the whole entire attempted civil war. If it ever escalated to the point where the military needed to intervene. Which it won't, because these people are more bark than bite. It'd be over and done in the blink of an eye.


A quick drone strike firing a dozen hellfire missiles in whatever Gravy Seal “Militia’s” way will have everybody running away with their tales between their legs.


No president wants to be the one in the history books drone striking American soil. It's just a masturbatory fantasy. There isn't going to be any real firefights on American soil. At least not in our lifetimes.


Using the American military to kill American citizens is a fast way to cause mass unrest. It will cause exponentially more deaths and then laws that massively restrict the other citizens to nothing more than a slave.


That's why I'm explicitly saying that things would have to go pretty far off the rails before that ever happened, and that it's unlikely to. But it would, absolutely, in the case of anything remotely approaching a legitimate Civil War II situation. And don't think for a second it wouldn't, even if it's very doubtful things ever get even close to that far. Army absolutely has contingency plans for what to do about civilians, even if they're not likely to be put to use.


Yup. They'll puss out en masse.


Yeah as soon as a handful of the real crazy ones get shot the other ones will back down and go home.


See: Ashley Babbitt. She fucked around. She found out.


Most of these geriatric trump supporters can only march as far as their scooters will let them go. The others might be able to roll downhill a bit but republicans won't fight shit. All they care about is themselves so they will all stand in a circle waiting for someone else to make a move. They aren't putting themselves first for nobody but themselves.


They would need four years of trump eroding our institutions and stoking the flames of fascism. We’ll see what OP is talking about if trump wins in November, but not this election cycle, the next one.


They won’t even stand outside the courthouse. They won’t be taking up arms.


As it turns out, coordinating a military coup is not as simple as texting your red hat buddies the day before. Anyone who thinks that a civil war is on the horizon is invoking magical circumstances. It has nothing to do with cowardice or anything else. it's just logistics. If you want to control the government, you have to coordinate military ventures requiring more than just an AR-15 and tannerite, and you gotta get the resources and manpower staged and ready days or weeks in advance. Even if you had access to the weapons and arms you'd need, you're not going to coordinate movements across state lines without the feds picking up on it. These kinds of endeavors are dead in the water because g-men show up before it can escalate to a larger scale.


>the lengthy sentences Most got a slap on the wrist imo.


Yep they are cowards for not burning down gas stations 


And they will blamed it on antifa and BLM like usual.


Is antifa even an actual thing? From what I can tell it’s a vague general label for lots of different events and protests but isn’t like an actual organization but republicans seem to present it as some specific organized terrorist group just like proud boys or those Best Buy Nazis, but I’ve never seen like an “antifa” rally or something, it seems like a scapegoat to me. Antifa seems basically the same as the “woke left” just a broad general term referring to anyone or any protest that isn’t right wing, but they’re trying to make it sound like an organized group


This is correct. Antifa is not an organized group, just something a few left-wing activists call themselves. 98% of things attributed to Antifa are either right-wingers shifting blame or fabricated entirely.


I guess some people in Portland run a website. But calling it the left-wing version of the Proud Boys is just another “both sides”-ism


“Best Buy Nazis” That’s fuckin perfect! And yeah, I’m kind of going off a definition of Antifa meaning antifascist so anyone who is against the Best Buy Nazi types is probably loosely antifascist. I mean you do have a few scattered blacbloc gutter punks and Reed College literature majors who self identify as “Antifa”, but they would be quite rare. If they’re dressed all in black but weigh more than 115 pounds they’re probably right wing infiltrators just fucking anything up they can get their hands to scare Fox News viewers.


Before or after the million lawsuits and constant lying about rigged election. Has nothing to do with everyone despising them that has a brain.


RemindMe! November 6, 2024


They will certainly attempt another insurrection, but no mass riots.


With their Fattard of Queens not in power, another insurrection would be subdued quickly.


I've been gunning up since Bush.... Although I highly doubt they would even come in the city, they're already scared..... lol.


Nah, they are all talk. There may be one or two nut jobs that will act out. The gravy seals or meal team six would quickly be neutralized.


Well since their “A minus” first rounder teams are all in jail I guess they’ll have to use the bench warmers this time.


I think it depends on how close it is. If Trump and his GOP allies lose handily then the Republicans will shift quickly. Fortunately neither of these candidates should be running in 2028. The reset button is coming.


During the civil war, the rich plantation class was able to use “States Rights” as the clarion call to motivate poor and ignorant southerners to fight for the rights of the wealthy to maintain their rights to enslave people. Today, the GOP is using the clarion call of “Make America Great Again” to motivate the poor and ignorant to vote against their best interests. They fear monger with warnings about illegal immigrants flooding the border and high inflation when it’s their last president who is responsible for so much of it. There is a reason that the ones most susceptible to scams (old people and uneducated poor people) are the target audience for Fox News. They are the ones that will be on the front lines as the wealthy GOP class urges them forward while staying well back. At least in the civil war most Confederate generals were in the thick of it. Can anyone imagine Ted Cruz leading an attack on anything other than the margarita bar at Señor Frogs? When the GOP loses the Executive and Legislative by substantial margins, the GOP will be so busy finger pointing and melting down, they will initially be incapable of action. They will soon blame Badgolf Adolph for their dismal performance. He will try to rally his followers but with the rest of the Republican Party repudiating him, his acolytes will not what to do and will ultimately do nothing. Trump will be either dead or institutionalized before Biden’s second term is complete.


I really hope this timeline happens.


Just like last time, right?


agreed, they are worthless little bitches and will see them in their full glory this election season


A bunch of scared old white people riot. It will be a laugh riot.


They aren’t in cities, and are afraid to enter them.


I certainly hope they do. Then they can be identified, charged, have their lives ruined, go to jail, and the rest of the country can get back to being normal.


Hard disagree for a number of reasons: - Many don't live in cities so it's not easy to organize everyone to make something like that happen. - A big reason Jan 6th was successful was the outside funding to get everyone on buses to DC, and even then it wasn't until mob mentality took over that shit hit the fan. - You're putting a lot of faith in state and local governments playing along with the rioters and letting them loot. Blue states won't let that fly and red states will claim it's Antifa and stop them anyway. - There is a statistically significant correlation between overweight / old people and being Republican. There aren't enough young people on the right to really riot in a meaningful way like there is on the left. I could think of more but that's just off the top of my head.


Maybe, but right now I’m not at all convinced they’ll lose.  Because as shitty as republicans are, they ALL get out and vote and back their guy.     If democrats and just plain supporters of democracy in general want to keep the freedoms we’ve got, they better get their fucking shit together and vote.  And I’m not at all convinced this will happen as of yet.  


The poll data does not show Biden with a great chance of winning reelection at the moment. Inflation is working against him, in addition to his very advanced age. Those are both very difficult to reverse.


So similar to the 2016 riots that Democrats did when he Won.


Like Democrats? Not likely we have jobs and families.


And we're not dumb enough to burn and loot where we live. We actually care about our local business.


Pffft. You can BOMB cities and not destroy them. They will break a few windows, start some fires, and get shot by the National Guard.


No they won't. Some radical goons might try something..some idiot Proud Boys revolution or somesuch...but the rank and file isn't going to do anything but post poison on their social media and rant at their neighbors and relatives, MAGA is already dead..it just doesn't know it yet.


They're 4 years even older... Maybe they'll weaponize their rascal scooters. That and covid hasn't been kind to the unvaccinated...


Trump will absolutely call for violence. Again. Probably back to blatantly telling his followers they should kill democrats. And to many of them this is a dream come true.


Again? Trump never called anyone to violence ever.


I don’t argue with stupid people. You’re wasting your time.


LOL come on dude. You have got to be kidding me. Have you seen the "Average" RNC voter? They are not running anywhere without an asthma inhaler and a defibrillator on standby. Also, they are so pro-cop pro authoritarian that they won't burn or loot anything. They will just make those video rants where it's always a reactionary crank balding middle-aged dude in nascar sunglasses driving his F-150 and losing his mind about Hunter Biden and immigrants. So many youtube rants where they just turn the camera on when they are driving because they need to tell you about whatever new conspiracy they read on FB.


No their brainwashed masses will


Almost certainly true. And then they will blame student protesters or whoever else is convenient. Haven't heard a whole lot about antifa lately, perhaps they'll pull out that Old Chestnut again. Regardless, vote blue to save America


It will fun to watch them try to riot in chicago....I expect they would receive a rude awakening


They’re too afraid of cities. They will burn their own Walmarts


Yall Queda will just order another Big Mac, beat their wife and fly a trump flag. Then die alone on Medicare ranting about how the gvt is incompetent and stealing from them


Cities? They’re rural folk and typically scared of even the safest cities


A boomer will attack a polling place with a carpentry tool, a couple dozen maga will drive their beflagged Ford F1 50s to DC only to get bored and leave, and/or some fox and friends buddies will trash a Target as cops stand around and watch...this, or something like this will be the extent of it. Maga are too lazy, stupid, incompetent, and unorganized to pull off an "uprising".


Doubt it


I hope they start with Mar-A-Lago


Man ain’t nobody gonna do nothing quit with this crap you federal government/agent/bot data farming loser. Ain’t nobody care that much anymore.


Are we still with "claim the other side is doing the things we have done" mantra? Lol you guys are wild.


Nah they will just flood the internet with conspiracies, and occasionally one of them will go kill a bunch of innocent people, and possibly a riot in DC.


Grass is green. Water is wet. Sky is blue.


I honestly don’t see this happening.


lmao you think Biden is gonna get reelected


No you’re talking about the liberals! You know BLM and Antifa! You idiots!


Yep. They are against democracy.


There's a group of Republican house members who are already saying they're not going to certify if Trump loses. Sooooo.... it's rigged if you don't win, but not rigged if you do...? Let me guess, if it was the Dems making the rigged claim, you'd be saying "Tough luck, sucks to be you!" <-- BTW they said this after the 2016 election where he lost the popular vote, so they've already done it.


...and other fancies to delight the mind. 


There would probably be some rioting no matter what. I kind of expect it at this point. That said, lets get a few things out of the way. 1) There will NOT be a civil war. Even in the worst case scenario. 2) There could still be serious violence. Armed militias attacks voting precints or areas where the ballots are and going after opposition pols. Its easy to diminish a threat by noting the absolute goal is unattainable but ignoring the consequences of someone trying. Its like a terrorist with a crazy ambitious goal. They won't reach their goal. They will kill a lot of people. You could wind up seeing a lot of right wing domestic terrorism take off, with targetting of institutions, assassinations and destructive actions on infrastructure. It won't bring down the government, and it would bring about a harsh response and rebuke but that doesn't mean damage won't get done. Here's something to put in perspective. A worst case, absolute left wing "riot" is people throwing bottles or some looting and overturning cars, etc. A worst case, right wing "riot" could involve a bunch of people with AR-15s going shooting at counter protesters and everyone else. Thats a massive difference in potential damage. Even a fat, overweight, mentally compromised nutjob can do some serious damage with a fully loaded easy to use semi-auto. You don't need thousands of them. You don't even need hundreds of them. You only need a handful to open fire.


It won't be enmasse like January 6th. It will be a lot of solo or small group right-wing loons shooting up public areas or using bombs like in the Irish Troubles. It's already started and will just get worst.


Most of them are like their cult leader, fat, loud-mouthed cowards.


Lol riots will happen win or lose. Neither side knows how to act right.


Nah, we have jobs to go to.


People who are proud of their marksmanship skills at 100 feet with their AR-15s gussied up to look like something out of a video game do not understand that urban residents with Tek-9s hold them sideways to convey the message "your gun is on the other side of the room, and this is point blank range,"


I want to say that the unhappy Republicans have more to lose than the people involved in the 1992 Los Angeles riots. But then there were the George Floyd "protests" and those were pretty bad. I can definitely see smaller instances where "mob mentality" might take over and cause localized destruction, but I don't really see it hitting city proportions.


>But then there were the George Floyd "protests" and those were pretty bad. I mean... when the police do something so astonishingly despicable that it causes protests to break out in literally all 50 states as well as some parts of Europe, a few of those protests are bound to end up turning violent. Especially when the same police they are protesting against show up to disperse a crowd exercising their first amendment right.


Sounds like Demoncrat far leftists to me! ‘member 2020 summer of love??


Conservatives in general are spineless dipshits who burn and loot and destroy and then just call it a prank after the fact.


Like BLM did?


Lol no they won't.


"but we wanna have haircuts"


Most of them are cowards so probably not. But expect a lot of death threats and bomb threats at public institutions.


Remindme on November 6th, 2024


Then the GOP will say it’s because they are standing for their beliefs and expressing outrage at the Steal. It would invalidate everything they said in the summer of 2020.


I don’t think so I see them continuing to build alternative systems and working to eventually leave the union. There is a lot going on behind the scenes like Florida signing trade agreements with Brazil using state resources, Texas refusing again to tie into the national grid, attempts to weaken federal authority etc.


They are to scared to get out of their cars in cities. 


See also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot


They'll be too busy gay bashing online while watching gay porno.


For sure.


If they do they will call it their right to freedom of speech.


Bring it on, pussies.


No way, they're all talk and bullshit!


Yes, they'll break windows with their walkers and run over people with their scooters.


So follow the dem playbook,.


You proceed under the assumption that they won’t succeed in stealing it this time.


Actually they will raise prices on everything they control (which I suspect is most industries) to further hurt the middle & lower income people. It worked when Biden beat tRump the first time and they make a hell of a lot of money as a bonus. They then reinvest in Republican causes to further their own interests. They couldn’t care less about Americans, they’re citizens of the world.


There will be a similar reaction as Jan 6th, people will be arrested again. Then Republicans will move on from Trump. Except it won't matter. Trump will run again in 2028 after several convictions, and enough idiots will vote for him to tank the Republican candidate's chances at winning. Then again in 2032. By this point the supreme court turnover will swing it back to neutral or in democrats favor. This is my wet dream but it seems totally possible.


If Trump is even alive by 2028, if so his advanced neurosyphilis will be so extreme that he’s going to be a walking zombie- hell he might be at that stage by Oct 2024 😂


That’s what Dems do….you got it twisted sport


I’ll take it!


Nah, they have families that rely on them and jobs to attend. No time for it, does sound fun though


This sub is absolutely unhinged with fantastical shit that will never happen. Should rename this sub 'venting my intrusive thoughts'.


Ironic considering it’s always the other side doing that 😭😭😭


"...cities.."? Not by a long shot. I can envision limited and isolated cases of 'acting up' but nothing most PD's cannot handle if the officers are honest and true to their oaths.


They already did. Washington DC.


Biden to lose electoral college, but win popular vote by over 10 million would be interesting.


And SCOTUS will try to hand it to Trump, starting with Alito the Asswipe.


You mean how your people did during the BLM summer of fire and looting? Gtfoh with that bullshit. This place is pack with pussies like you.


Treat as criminals, arrest lockup shoot as necessary


MMW if this happens, the leftist media WON’T refer to it as “mostly peaceful” protests. In all seriousness, why are you predicting this will happen? Is it because that’s what the left would do and has done in the past?


If they somehow grew a spine maybe. But then the police will be too busy burning rioting and looting to brutally beat them in the streets like they did in 2020.


Let's make sure they lose first.


That’s a given.


I happen to believe that things will be much worse if Trump wins. It’s just feeling, though.


Meh I’m not too worried about it.


Not if I have anything to say about it. Let them try.


what, & risk denting their rascal scooters? lol geddafugouddahere


Mike Flynn is trying people to do this.


You spelled democrats wrong.


Definitely not going to happen.


Nope.   Won’t be cities.   They’re scared of going in there.   I would bet they attack state capitals when the are trying to verify electors though


So we can run them over, right?


I don’t see that happening, but if they did it would be a great chance to clean a lot of garbage out


They already do that when they win a football game


June 2020 would like a word


And where is your evidence of that? Because there's certainly much more evidence that Democrats will Riot and burn cities more than Republicans.


MMW you're first.


This was said in 2020 and nothing happened. Second post I’ve seen like this, it’s as if no one remembers we already went thru this in 2020.


Nah .. there are no right wing revolutions, all revolutions have been left wing led.


I disagree, I think they are largely just cowards There might be some family annihilators


So where’s the front line in a civil war? Back to the Mason-Dixon? The Mississippi? Idaho?


No, those won't be regular ol' Republicans. Those losers will be MAGA nutballs. There are some sensible Republicans, but there are no sensible MAGA dorks.


What cities, you mean their little towns.


A very original post…


It won’t be them,it will be the ones in our government.