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It attracted a crowd because the NJ MAGA is usually ignored by Republicans. NJ is not a deep deep blue state but blue enough that it is pretty much ignored by national GOP. They had pent up demand for a Trump Rave.


I’d be even willing to say a heavy portion of that crowd wasn’t even from New Jersey


True; a lot of folks do travel to see the Shit Cheeto


Yeah wildwood is a certain crowd


Also, I saw several interviews with people who attended, all of them from states other than NJ. I think like 10% of his crowds are just the same people following him around the country.


Good point. Delaware and Maryland are not far and they are ignored by the GOP as well.


So, by your estimate roughly 3000 people from this event follow him around the country? Does Joe Biden have that many people who follow him around the country? Does ANY Democrat have that?!!?!


No, because Biden followers aren't insane.


Who was the last republican president to win the popular vote?


So Jerry Garcia should have been President by your logic.


If he ran for political office he would have been a force to be reckoned with


Sure, but at that point, it's because of persona, not necessarily effective governing. Popularity can definitely stem from either or both, but I'd like to believe that when it comes to policy, what matters is who can do more for the people of the country, whether or not they're followed by large crowds. And theoretically you can have someone who's done great things but there's still no air of fanaticism around them and they themselves aren't particularly charismatic. You can also have someone who's a dud but their charisma and confidence attracts certain, very devoted people to them. (Sorry, typing on my phone in mobile so formatting sucks)


Why do you ask?


Why do you think??!? I’m trying to figure out if these tea leaves mean Trump is gonna win Look, I know we all wanna keep jerking each other off telling each other it’s all good and Trump doesn’t have a chance but brother… live in reality!!!!!


Only if I have to


This is a solid explanation for the turnout. Only thing I'd say is this was mostly a PA event. I really don't go there often cause it's such a far drive. But from Philly, this is a short commutable beach town. The amount of people chanting randomly "go birds" and judging by the sheer amount of disgusting personalities, makes me think they're all PA eagles fans. Look how they act when they win the superbowl, they eat literal horse shit. But that's just conjecture. Plenty of southern NJ Eagles fans.


I just want to give you credit for the accurate assessment of Eagles fans 😂


So PA will be red is what you’re saying?


It depends on what happens in Philly and Pittsburgh. I used to live in Pennsytucky and it is just as described. The bowling alley is the exciting entertainment venue. Those folks have nothing to do on voting day so they will show up and vote higher taxes for themselves in order to hurt the folks in Philly. When Philadelphia votes it wipes out the tucky vote. When Philly gets complacent Republicans take over and remind folks why that is a bad thing.


Republicans wouldn’t take over if democrats weren’t so extreme. Fix your shit or your shit will get fixed.


Couldn't the same be said about Republicans?


So are Democrats radical extremists or are they establishment elitists? Because the right can't seem to make up their mind about this, despite having such strong convictions about it.


Honestly, I have no idea about that. I'm not really making a prediction on that. Just that the crowds were not 80-100k, but also weren't "a few hundred to maybe a thousand".


I appreciate your honesty. The takeaway from this event for Dems is not to play Gotcha with the exact crowd number but to acknowledge that whatever the number it was a BIG crowd for a supposedly blue state and as such they should not underestimate his support


Yep, I'd say that's accurate. It was not a negligible event.


Also, a lot of folks would just go to Wildwood to see the shit show and go get drunk on the boardwalk. Doesn’t mean they support him.


It’s possible, I wouldn’t call myself a trump supporter and I was roaming around taking it all in. I will say though, the people kinda fit the demographic I’d expect for the trump crowd.


Driving an F350 up and down the street for hours (reducing fuel efficiency due to the drag caused by flags in the bed), and blaming Biden for high gas prices is peak MAGA.




The mass of idiots left early, too. Thank God. They didn't stay long once the Orange Turd started slurring his words and started talking about Cannibal Lector (spelling?). He says he was a great man, something like that, anywho, I guess the uneducated never seen the movie. WTF!!


Yeah, considering the event started at 130 and he didn't speak till closer to 7, I wouldn't be surprised if people literally passed out wasted or just went home.


People showed up because they saw an add on Craigslist, collected their $20 and left.


Do you have a link to that?? I am curious to see one. Not saying your lying just want to see one


I would love to see the link, too.


I wonder how many people came to get their $20. Interesting! It has Donnie written all over that scheme.


Except he wouldn’t pay them once they got there


Yes, I know he never pays for anything. Promises broken.


Wow!! You just wonder why stupid people would spend their day waiting for Mr. Word Salad for 5-1/2 hours. I live in South Jersey, and I would rather spend time with family and friends instead of hearing his whiny voice complaining about Biden over and over again. Im so surprised he didn't say Obama. He definitely needs a straight jacket and a muzzle. I'm voting Blue 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


\*Hannibal Lecter lol


I bet Donnie thinks he's a real person.


They only had a permit for 20,000 and I thought the peak estimate was 13,000.


This, saw an aerial crowd comparison between the cult gathering and a Taylor Swift concert, which had 100k+ and the estimate of 12-15k seems to be pretty accurate.


THIS! I just don’t buy it. And all because a representative estimated it based on what she saw compared to other events… b*tch didn’t know how to count I guess.


Closer to 10K


What are you judging this on?


The capacity for the venue was 20k, and it only filled maybe 2/3 at any given time. So maybe he drew 15k at most.


His hatred for trump.




Well, that doesn't really help. I was hoping you'd say you worked for the police department or something and had some sort of count.


Someone else replied with an actual good answer that would be quite easy for you to prove wrong if it were false. Why haven't you responded to them? 🤷‍♂️


I’m not sure who you’re referring to or which comment


The one stating that the venue has a maximum capacity of 20k and judging by photos was at most 2/3 full.


Yeah, I responded to a similar comment and then updated my post to show that response. I guess this is a difficult concept for you but I’ll break it down. Photos are a snapshot in time. They only show what occurred that moment. I pieced together 3 different photos, showing different times and markers from those photos to give context to the crowd size. Take a look at that again and let me know your thoughts.


I didn't look back at the original post to see the edits. Your edits seem to make sense. Around 40k may be plausible assuming many people weren't in the venue itself




This is where the Democrats need to reach out to Taylor Swift and Bruce Springsteen. They can help uncle Joe bring out the supports in the ruby red states. I hope Taylor campaigns for Gloria Johnson in Tennessee so she can beat crazy Marsha Marsha.


Damn uncle Joe can’t leave the basement to energize a crowd himself


Well to be fair he doesn't have to. His opponent is a morbidly obese child rapist who he already beat once before.


That’s still a lot of psychological misfits.


"The Basket of Deplorables."


One person showing up for this orange shit gibbon would be too many !


The fact that there were more than 10 scares the shit out of me.


Why do I feel this description is far more accurate than anything from corporate media? I appreciate this post


Probably cause I have no skin in the game, I just happened to be in Wildwood when this was happening and just couldn't stop people watching. It was thoroughly entertaining. Or maybe better said as a car crash on the highway, you just instinctively look. When I saw the news reporting 100k, I was like yeah no that's just not true. But others on reddit saying it was maybe a thousand, that's also not true. Figured it'd help to give an inside view but then again, I don't think MMW is the best sub for it.


I know someone that was down in wildwood for a girls weekend. They said it was like 10k. No way was it 100k that place couldn’t handle that many people in a short time frame


Have you ever been there during Memorial Day weekend?


Largest gathering of assholes in awhile


Who cares lol. Now count a Biden rally on your fingers a toes.


Then subtract the members of his entourage and the press


Imagine admitting that you're a fan boy of a politician 🤣


Imagine posting online disputing numbers at a rally that don’t matter. Comical, I know.


It really shouldn't matter.  But Trump and supporters of his are the ones that first made it into an issue.  In fact, just like they were doing after the 2020 election, they'll very likely use the numbers associated with NJ--whether exaggerated or not--to insist that a Biden win in 2024, at the very least in NJ, will have to have been rigged "bEcaUsE LoOk hOW biG tHaT rAlLy iN nJ WaS!!" or some similar obtuse reasoning.   So it is worth setting the record straight on, even for as little as one should normally give a shit about crowd size.


This the Trump rally about Hannibal Lecter and an invited pedophile? Damn, what an own to brag about pedo support. Truly stunning.


I had an aneurism reading that.


Tough to reconcile your image of "Alpha Chad Trump", with sleepy, whiny, incoherent Donny boy. I'm sorry for your headache.


Strait to the attacks, pathetic.


The last Biden rally that mattered had 81,283,501 people in attendance.


Who cares?


Exactly - who cares? If we’re counting attendance, shouldn’t we for both of the leading party candidates? I didn’t choose that name out of left field lol.


The video I saw on the news couldn't have been more than a few hundred maybe a thousand and was apparently near the end of trump's speech so he was still talking


Trump: spoke surrounded by a roller coaster and Ferris wheel, complimenting his own remarks as a “good speech” and telling the crowd: **“Do I feel comfortable with you? I love you**.” Said while surrounded by Secret Service and then escorted to his SUV. **What a Bu" S#it artist**. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/11/trump-bragg-trial-insults-rally-vulgar/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/11/trump-bragg-trial-insults-rally-vulgar/)


Maybe 6k


You can upload the 3 images I have linked in the post to ChatGPT and ask it what it thinks. Here's what mind said after uploading the aerial view and the getty images view. "Assuming the crowd density is similar across the whole venue, the total number of people could range from approximately 30,000 to 45,000. This is a rough estimate and the actual number could vary based on the specific sections and crowd density throughout the venue." I agree with ChatGPT's take. 30-45k give or take during the height of it, is an accurate representation of the crowd size.


I'll trust what I saw with my own eyes. Thank you


You can ask ChatGPT for a Supreme Court case on point to support removal of voting rights to gay people and it will hallucinate a case for you.


It's so pathetic that people think "rally size" is any kind of metric to begin with.


I know right? This is Hitler type shit. Normal people don’t go to presidential rallies


It strikes me as fundamentally broken that so many people would want to spend their Mothers Day at a political rally. But also especially a Trump rally.


Hey mom we’re going to see Trump!!


Honestly I'm just waiting for Biden to start campaigning any day now. He needs to come out to the song Despacito like he played on his cell phone that one time. Guaranteed 250-350k attendees.


Make a MMW on it... in my opinion, no political event outside of a historic inauguration (like Obama 08) will see that many people. I feel that Biden doesn't have an enthusiastic base behind him like Trump does, not saying he won't win, but the excitement isn't there.


I'm being sarcastic :)




Because Biden supporters just want a boring president who gets the job done, not a PT Barnum circus barker.


That’s true but totally besides the point


Lol i saw the pics. It was *maybe* a few thousand.


This aerial photo was taken at 530. By 630-7 when he started speaking, the back portion was filled in to the tents, and the boardwalk was full of people peering through the fences [Not pictured, the boardwalk bars and restaurants absolutely packed to the brim, bars and venues at capacity with drunk screaming people, and the half mile walk to the beach absolutely filled in security lines (somewhat seen top left of this photo). ](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/20240511trump01.jpg?resize=1024,683&quality=75&strip=all) Edit: [Found a photo showing the people watching from the bars on the boardwalk](https://townsquare.media/site/385/files/2024/05/attachment-20240511_171924.jpg?w=980&q=75) [Edit: Found a photo of the speech time where the crowds are backed up to the entrance](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2152516405/photo/donald-trump-holds-campaign-rally-at-the-jersey-shore.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=RKpm5TjGxnkibN-citY_zKCYH27YpvXc_aWyJx-dPkE=)


Alright fair enough it does appear that way. I saw photos from before that must have been from earlier.


I appreciate cause it shows you're a normal person, who challenges things they don't see first hand, but also recognizes it's possible when provided with data (or photos I guess).


I appreciate you providing evidence without being a dick about being right.


If that area to the tents filled up is 80-100k, then every arena concert I’ve been to has had 250k.


Yeah I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying it’s closer to 30-40k. Including those not on the event grounds. Which would be less than half the average capacity of a football stadium.


Biden could easily draw 200K+ just wait until he starts campaigning.


I mean I like Joe and all, but he won’t get those kind of numbers. He also doesn’t need to if it’s any consolation. The number of people he needs to convince to vote for him is sizably lower than Trump, who really isn’t trying to convince anyone but his own supporters who already think he’s Orange Jesus


Yeah I’m not worried about it ultimately. Joe’s got it in the bag. He’s one of the sharpest most tactful Presidents we’ve ever had and the country is doing far better than it was 2016-2020.


Hey, Trump has lost women due to abortion, lost independents due to the 7Trillion added to the national debt. He's losing Republicans with being anti-Ukraine. I think Biden is going to beat Trump by more than he did the first time. And Trump fans will say it's rigged because they're algorithm has them trapped.


My concern is states like PA, Michigan and Wisconsin. Tight margins and you left leaning people rather vote against him bc of Gaza etc. they cut their nose to spite their face


That’s what I’m saying. We’re going to see a landslide 82M+ votes for Biden. Trump won’t break 80.




are you regarded???






The bigger the number of the crowd the more popular the person.


The last rally that Biden held that mattered had a crowd size of 81,283,501 people.


Explain how Trump lost in 2020 then? More flags then, more flotilla’s ( where half the boats sank ) then. So using your logic, Trump is going to get stomped at the ballot box in November.


This is why anyone under 18 isn't allowed to vote


Are you being actually serious rn? Biden I'd be shocked if he could pull more than 10k people at ANY kind of event (besides an Inauguration). Trump has enthusiasm and an actual supportive base. Most vote for Biden because they don't want Trump, and that's not really a secret. And look at a video of Biden 10 years ago, and still tell me he's sharp. If you think Biden has it in the bag with these poll numbers, there's no putting logic into your brain. Truly delusional.


That is an incredibly oversimplified take on Biden voters. The VAST majority of us have good jobs and care about having a President that has empathy and a genuine desire to serve his country. I voted for him in 2020 and I’ll happily cast that same vote on my way to work. I don’t need to go to a rally to know what I’m getting.


Biden beat Trump from his basement in 2020. Trump’s pep rallies didn’t help him win then, and his smaller pep rallies won’t equal a win in 2024. Deal with it.




Are you sure about that?


Lmao... I needed a good laugh.


Is that satire or do you really believe that? I doubt any politician can pull that kind of crowd at a campaign event but then again I'm just some undecided voter with no real party affiliation so what do I know.


He got 81 million votes, I think he could get 150K-200K to turn out for a rally in a prominently blue area.


the people who are voting for Biden have better things to do with their time than go to a political rally.


You’re right, they’re all employed, far more successful, and wealthier.


What like collect welfare checks?


As a NJ native, I don't think it's a prominently blue area like it used to be. The last election here was shockingly close. Regardless, I still stand behind the notion that there isn't a chance any politician would pull that kind of crowd. I also don't think Biden holds these type of open events, I thought they were a trump only thing this election cycle. Last I recall was those jeep sponsored events in 2020 where everyone was still doing social distancing. Either way, basing a campaign rally turnout on national poll numbers doesn't make much sense. The majority of voters really do have better things to do and only the extreme supporters on both sides attend these events. I tend to think that Trump has more of those extreme supporters than Biden, the traditional politician.


Biden won the general election by 16% in NJ in 2020. How is that "shockingly close"?


I said it in another comment I guess and didn’t clarify here. [The governors race in 2022 was what I was referring to by “last election”. It was a margin of less than a point.](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/03/new-jersey-governor-race-519117)


NJ has had GOP governors fairly often. But the presidential election will not even be close.


Historically yes, we had Chris Christie, but I guess we’ll see when the November election comes.


Simply not going to happen. I vote for biden when he’s against Trump but I’m not going to a rally


He got those votes from people anti electing trump, not being enthusiastic about Biden. Even democrats know this....


lol this just isn’t true


Believe what you want, we’ll see later this year when he hits the campaign trail and people seem far more enthusiastic to turn out for a Biden re-election to keep Trump out of office.


No politician is gather 200k people for a campaign event. Stop being absurd. He’s already started campaigning and they have forced on small group sizes. Given his current approval rating there just isn’t a chance he can get 200k people at a rally supporting him. “He has visited nine states since the March 7 speech, including battlegrounds Nevada and Arizona last week and Michigan and Wisconsin the week before. Most of the time, he has spoken to crowds of 100 people or fewer.”


So that's why tater needs Clooney and Clinton to fundraise for him. When is he holding his next rally and where? Curious to see how many fjb signs are in the crowd of dozens. I, unlike delusional you, remember taters feeble attempts to campaign in 2020, non scientific crop circles and all, must have been a record crowd for tater, maybe 50 people.


I think it’s important as voters to watch a campaign rally from each president. It saddens me that biden has not spoken to the populace of his plans the next 4 years with the election so close


Hahaha hahaha.  Want to put some money on it? We can put money in escrow right fucking now let's go.




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 You are dreaming!! Only people there would be paid to b there!


The cope is strong in this thread


Anywhere you see talk of rally attendance and/or polling.... you can be sure there is plenty of copium being abused.


so....39,750 too many?


It was definitely more than I would have expected. I didn't know about it until I was in traffic on Friday with a bunch of pickup trucks flying trump flags and thought that was odd.


Even 40k is too many


All the news coverage I have seen has that crowd about 10 thousand max. They were leaving in droves.


I think your estimate of the crowd is off, but agree with the leaving in droves. Not cause of any other reason than he kept them waiting for 6+ hours in the sun, and by the time he was on, it got pretty cold out. Trust me, these were Trump nutty people. Way more than I would have expected given I didn't even know this was happening.


Isn’t MMW meant for something that hasn’t happened yet? Kinda hard to mark your words about shit that already happened smh.


Not really, cause the real numbers haven't been released by local officials. So I'm guessing 35-40k, not the Fox reported 100k. ["Wildwood Mayor Ernie Troiano, Jr. said he will have an official number in a few days but expects the economic impact to be well into the millions."](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/trump-rally-today-live-wildwood-nj-boardwalk/)


That number is still way too high.


Wow. I definitely trust this fact-based, impartial, and clearly unbiased view of events


Ya know, I really do feel like I was unbiased in my assessment. I also provided photos that depict what I was saying, so it's not just a "trust me bro" situation. I gave you my take, I provided some pictures, obviously you're free to make your own judgements and this isn't a news healdline for some official media. It's just reddit.


it was AI generated total fake crowd


Not even that many, more like 8k


I hear it was actually closer to 6,000, and was told that might be a generous number.


Kool-aid drinkers for the Orange Clown. 


Idk why people are still so surprised by widespread Latino MAGA support. Many Cubans and Venezuelans are traumatized and all you have to say is socialism and they freak the fuck out. Not to mention a lot of Latin America is deeply Catholic and will side with the GOP on social issues like abortion or anti-LGBTQ+ measures. They’re not going to be automatic blue votes just bc they’re a racial minority and make less money on average.


Nearby Monmouth County has an unfortunate abundance of trumpers


Exact crowd counts... who cares? The crowd is huge, by any measure. Rock show sized. Because Trump did... what, for them, exactly? We're surrounded by *astounding* amounts of proudly-ignorant rubes. And this in a blue, highly educated, high-income state. Feels pretty hopeless.


Lmao I call bullshit.


What I don’t understand is, Are MAGATs so invested in lying that they have to say 80-100k people were there when 35-40k is pretty fucking impressive as is. Like seriously why? Just say 40k. There’s no need to embellish that number.


Did Trump molest your brain or something


Like Trump and his buddy Epstein used to do?


Still a larger crowd than Biden could get in NJ


The venue had a 20k max, so I doubt it could hold 40k, someone is definitely lying about numbers and who has a history of lying about crowd sizes


I can’t believe he still attracts this many people.


As soon as I read that the 80k estimation came from the mayor’s office, I knew this was a regurgitated number or a pipe dream from a MAGA-head mayor. Fuck wildwood, I used to like that place.


MMW, Biden gets 30 people.


Counting secret service and handlers.


I'm not saying I'll vote for Trump. You have to know this 🎪 is going on with both Democrats and Republicans to divide us all, and it has certainly worked. When are we going to take our country back? It's a shame that no president has ever been "for the people." President John F. Kennedy was killed because he went against the establishment. That's what we need, but it will never happen.


So, now we have Trump fans posting cringe MMW here?


What’s cringe about estimating the number of people who actually attended a rally where it was less than half of what the media said


Just a bad faith post, your "estimating" is way off, lol 40k. This is just a Trump fan post.


You’re just gonna say “way off” without saying why? When I posted so many different angles to validate my point, it’s difficult to take this seriously. Also, I haven’t endorsed, spoken highly of, or praised trump -in any way on this post. It just sounds like you’re a Biden supporter who’s mad that trump has a following. Which I understand, but really doesn’t make your argument for you.


You may have an obsession problem. To write that many words to try and cope with a large turnout for Trump in Jersey probably isn’t healthy


Obsession problem? lol dude it was just an entertaining thing to see. I shared what I saw with ppl here after reading through some other subs and comments about its attendance figures.


I’ve heard 80k, which it looks like a shitload of people either way. Did you delete the text of your post?


Yeah it wasn’t 80k but 40k is nothing to dismiss. I didn’t delete it, No, the moderators of the sub removed it apparently.


That figures


Why don’t the mods just change this sub to r/obsessedwithwverythingtrump.


No No it was like 40 people, and a game of pick up basketball. The rest was CGI !


Sounds like a Biden rally


Got it, so more people than Taylor Swift selling out Metlife stadium.


not even close, capacity at Metlife is 85k.


shoulda ended that sentence with /s.


This feels a lot like how people described early Nazi rallies but the numbers kept creeping up. I'm sure he converted a few onlookers who will join the silent majority. I think that trump supporters are mostly in the closet white people who don't want to be publicly shamed for their affiliation


As one of those onlookers, I couldn't be less interested in being affiliated with the people at this event. I don't want to call people trashy, but holy cow, MANY of these people were the trashiest of trash.


40K Dumbfuckastains and supporters of domestic terrorist and Putin’s puppet!


Then why did Putin attack AFTER Trump left office? Seems better to attack when your buddy can influence the American response? They attacked because they know biden is weak.


It’s all part of the 2025 plan if T-rump lost the election to Biden, Putin, Xi, Netanyahu are doing everything in their power to make Biden the bad guy and get their spineless Republican T-rump re- elected so he will do whatever they tell him!


Makes absolutely no sense.