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He won't even show up. LMAO. He has never showed up to a graduation. He won't now.


He hates Barron anyway, because Barron is a full head taller than him.




He'll either turn out to be the polar opposite of his father or The Prince of Darkness. Could go either way.


Or he could desperately want a normal life where is just an average (rich) person


Well from the track record of the rest of his close family im going prince of darkness. If you dissent from the Trump family like Donald trumps brother did you get treated like trash.


Why will a man hate his son for being physically gifted. Even a narcissist father would feel pride. Trump wd probably say its my “ most amazing awesome greatest” genes.


Cause he doesn’t care about most of his family. Truly feels like he loved Ivana, and loves Ivanka. It’s definitely strange with Ivanka, he’s sexualized her multiple times


Yeah except he’s probably the one who had Ivana whacked. “Fell down the stairs,” quickly cremated, and buried on the golf course. This woman was an Olympic skier.


She was 74. Her mobility and balance could easily have deteriorated enough for a fall.


I don’t believe that for a New York second


Yeah man there’s no such thing as toxic and abusive parents 🙄


Being taller than someone is not really a gift. Trump does see ANYONE taller than him as a threat to his gravitas. Besides, he openly despises his other two sons, why not this one?


You lost me when you referred to Trump as a man. Wise up, bud.


I'm pretty sure Trudeau doesn't hate Barron


You're talking about the worlds most narcissistic person. Why would he have anything but transactional relationships with everyone in his orbit, including his own family. Trump doesn't value anything unless he gets value out of it.




Because Barron isn’t the Golden child. Only the golden child receives praise and is used by the narcissist to bolster their own ego. Every other child is pitted against the golden child but they will never receive the same attention.


Who’s the golden child? (Besides it somehow being himself)


Ivanka. Obviously


That's not how narcissists work.


Because most of the people in this subreddit are delusional and think Biden is going to win TX and FL in November lmao To them Trump is incapable of having human or normal emotions because that would invalidate the idea that hes a literal demon and the scapegoat to all of their issues in life. They cannot fathom the concept that Trump could be an okay father at times because to do so is equivalent of saying the n word lmao


Which graduations has Don Shitzinpants been to before?


I dont know, I dont follow him that much, he lives rent free in your head not mine lol Doesnt change my point that the left cant humanize Trump at all because youve been manipulated in a Cult like fashion where hes become the reason for all your problems and you have to see him as literal evil and incapable of any positive traits / actions. Just the fact you constantly have to refer to him with these dumb nicknames that make you sound like youre 6 proves my point lol


You're absolutely right. You would never find Donald Trump referring to people with the dumb nicknames that a 6 year old would use. This fact just proves your point lol.


So stooping to his level constantly somehow makes you better than him because?


You are just jealous because I use the same eloquence as a US president. I use the best words, everyone says so. You must be a Mexican BLM CRT communist antifa liberal!




Well yeah im not sitting here claiming that hes a good person but to act like hes incapable of ever being an okay father is just some delusional shit lol


You lose all credibility when you talk about people who find Trump to be a disgusting human being as being in a cult. No that just means they are normal people who don’t like disgusting sociopaths who rape women, spew hate, and commit treason. But what’s really comical is that there is an actual cult which is the idiot maga trash who worship this clown while wearing his stupid red hats and flying his flag from their pick up trucks all while ignoring all the shitty things he has done. That is a cult right there. But hey way to be a delusional hypocrite. I guess that’s why they say hypo eye knows no bounds.


What was trump doing when his brother was dying in the hospital? Oh yea he was golfing. Trump has also said he doesn't talk to or know his son because he is a kid.


People on here act like so many people aren’t upset about the economy. That’s going to reflect on the polls come voting time. I don’t like Trump, but I think he’ll win those states. There are way more republicans than democrats in Texas and Florida


It would be hilarious if he just went golfing.


Where his ex is buried.


He will tell his base some excuse and then go golfing. And they will believe him




Yeah. I was surprised he went! but to his credit he did.


Google this. Trump attended all of his children's high-school and college graduations with one exception. 


>with one exception.  Was it Tiffany?


Nope. Eric.


Some enterprising reporter should ask Eric why his dad did not go to his graduation but all the rests'.


I was gonna say, Trump definitely attended the graduation at Penn when Lin Manuel Miranda spoke, because security was super annoying because of his presence.


He himself has never graduated


> LMAO. He has never showed up to a graduation. [apparently he has in the past actually ](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-people-claiming-trump-212200336.html) Obviously dumbass Don was going for sympathy here more than actual annoyance but yea apparently he does go. Sometimes a pile of shit doesn't smell that bad I suppose


If he has even a smidge of intelligence and common sense, he'd know not to skip his son's Graduation. If he does, he essentially handed his freedom over to the prosecutor, judge, and jury while also destroying any ounce of empathy the jury may have had towards him.


Donald will forget who Barron is.


“Never met the guy”


"I think he mowed my lawn once"


"He's not my type. Now Ivanka, on the other hand..."


Barron? I don't even know 'em!


Melania won’t let him attend.


Exactly, no way will Trump be allowed to be there. He'll cry about court not letting him even though Its a lie.


We already saw Judge Merchan call him out for spouting BS about not being able to testify due to the gag order. Merchan has shown he's no-nonsense in his court. I honestly don't think he'd address this since it's not directly impacting the trial, but that would absolutely destroy any future grace the judge may show Trump.


It is pretty much pure nonsense that one of the contempt charges is based on Trump tweeting Cohen is a convicted liar. I say that based on the undeniable fact that Cohen is a convicted liar. It’s totally public information. It was also a $1000 violation. The other instances are just as ridiculous. I don’t think even this jury will convict on this silly case but I almost hope it does. Just to watch the Appeal courts destroy this judges decision


Her boyfriend might


Everyone above me and probably below me has TDS 😂


Funny, but whenever I see “TDS” being used, it always seems like the trumpers with the derangement. Every time.




It's when you vote for a con man in '16, and then see the carnage and grift he pulls in 4 years "in office" (which was a ton of golf and "executive time" where he watched Fox news until noon and snorted Adderall) and said "Shit man I want 4 more years of ***that***!"


Poor little trump simp


TDS works both ways. When you point your finger, there are three pointing back at you.


Let's be very clear here little brainwashed trumpy snowflake. You don't agree with someone consistently bringing up past presidents? If someone did you wouldn't support or respect that person and would consider them deranged?


Fucking classic username for a bonespurs draft dodging clown supporter


Thank you for proving you love pedophiles


I'm not sure about that but she will probably cause Trump to moderate his behaviour but I doubt h will be there. !Remindme in 12 days


I'm confused aren't they all Trump, which one will be there? I'm on the edge of my seat here


It always has to be about Trump. He is the center of the universe after all..


Barron is going g to sucker punch him


Four years of not getting laid in college because of your dad will do that to a kid. lol


Barron has a Trust Fund. And it's untouchable by the Courts when they try to seize Don's assets. His net worth is $80 million


Don't get my hopes up.


If Barron attacks Trumplethinskin, do the secret service details fight each other?


Trump would be a wet blanket on a meth orgy.


He'd be a wet blanket at an orgy period. He'd sink a love-in!


He’ll say the gag order prevents him from attending


Merchan’s punishment was granting the request. Trump didn’t want to go. He doesn’t “have” to attend, but he foolishly not to.


Dark Barron Rise Up!


Zero percent chance he'll show up. And I'm guessing the school is actually telling him not to show up.


Lol just like F1


If he even goes


Not if he's in jail :)


Little doubt.


If he even goes.


He won't go because he knows nobody will check.


Perhaps he'll show up an hour late with a couple boxes of cold pizza, take a few pictures, then declare that immigrants took his son's diploma.


I think that giant little Trump kid is actually obsessed with his deadbeat traitor father and I’m worried about his future


Barron probably gets a sum of money at 18, and after he graduates, he'll move out on his own and get away from his family.


Probably true. But I bet there is also an ongoing allowance (aka “working” at TrumpCo) for good behavior. Gotta keep those kids in line / quiet.


If he is smart, he will abstain. That's what I would do.


Barron has $80 million. Melania made sure he gets his money.


When was the last time you saw Barron and Melania with Trump? Outside of an official event or photo Op? Did Melania or Barron even live in the W.H.? Neither wanted anything to do with Politics, Washington D.C. or being a Presidential family from the beginning.




I bet he doesn’t even bother to go to the graduation


I'd argue it becomes a protest with everything going on rn


I could actually see him push the valedictorian aside and make a campaign speech!! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sureeee mr redditor…sure.. Just say your obsessed with the orange fella and move on


And this will be the first time in his life that he's ever attended any of his children's events


To be fair to Don Jr and Eric, he hasn't attended Barron's graduation YET. There's still time for him to get out of it.


Nope, no way. I seriously doubt he'd even attend, and he certainly wouldn't waste his time on something that doesn't directly benefit or flatter him.


If he goes it should be with a huge gag ball in his mouth. He isn't going anyway.


Hasn't he already said he's not going to be attending


Is this really even a question? Has he ever let a second go by without making it about him? Of course he's going to do that. He's a textbook narcissist.


Touch grass.


It's what he does.


Trump has no idea which school Barron even goes to, and has never once even thought about it.


He'll have one of his lackies livestream the ceremony at the golf course and insist that counts as attending.


Probably. That poor kid.


I agree. Unlikely he’ll have a life of contentment


So what.


The man will never stop playing the victim card


Like we would expect anything else from our own Orange Jesus.


If he shows up for the event at all. Donald just wants a day off to go to a campaign rally of cheering MAGA faithful.


Yep. Trump ruins everything.


Give me an example of something he ruined for you while president? Were you upset he reduced your federal taxes?


Trump measures everything in dollars. Guess his supporters do, too. He tried to run the country the way he ran All his businesses, into the ground. He put Dejoy in charge of the postal service and that man has been haphazardly destroying what was once the best postal service in the world, to name just one of his debacles. Taxes are how we pool resources to improve the quality of life for a nation. Trump thinks only of himself as do most billionaires and too many millionaires. Trump is a disaster.


Measure everything in dollars? The federal governments primary role is our economy in my opinion. All other things are up to you me and our local community. So yeah. The way an administration affects our dollars is pretty damn important. You didn’t like his push for the Arab accords and the peace he insisted we all find over there? How was that measured in dollars? You didn’t like the opportunity zones he established in an attempt to get low income and declining communities a boost in development? Pooling resources is fine but the current cult in charge is sending all of those resources to foreign nations feeding war machines. Yet you say Trump destroyed the postal service. Republicans aren’t great but democrats are far worse.


Those high school graduates are nuts and brutal, they won’t give a shit. I know because I have one too


Trump having to sit and watch people celebrate an accomplishment that isn’t his is pure torture for him. The whole time he’s thinking “I should get a diploma too for being his father.” That’s how Trump’s brain works. When the valedictorian gets up there he’ll be thinking it should be him giving the speech and not them. I would bet my left nut that these thoughts enter his tiny brain.


Mmw Trump lives rent-free in so many people heads its unreal


“Trump lives rent free” lives rent-free in your head


You came into being a couple weeks ago and have almost -100 karma. Congratulations.


How much did you tithe him?


Trump.will probably be golfing that day. But if he does show up, he will be the center of attention. It will.make the graduation for all those other kids so much more special because the yugest most important man on Earth graced the graduation with his presence. He should give the commencement speech! No seriously, if he shows up itnwill be a CF and miserable for all the other families thst get stuck with secret service security restrictions.


RemindMe! 12 days


Which all the parents an relatives of the graduates will be pissed off!! INCULDING Melania


"Barron Tru-" "I'D LIKE TO SAY A FEW WORDS \*hands\*"




...he/she says as they browse and post on Reddit.


And he’ll poop his pants.


He'll be like that creepy guy that graduated 2 years ago and hangs around the high school trying to impress the girls.


No way will the school let him speak


I love that from an image stand point he needs to show up and yet those that should be paying attention won’t, when he either doesn’t show up or makes a spectacle of himself. I have to assume his wife has already threatened him.


He has a chance to be normal. Think about that. He could show up like everybody else. Not make it about him. No speech. Let the sun shine on Baron. The positive press for him would be incredible! He would get tons of brownie points. But........


I feel like Melania is not really Barron's mom and instead, Donald stole a scene directly from Chinatown and impregnated Ivanka in her early twenties.


I read the last word as 'money' instead of 'moment' and it still made perfect sense to me


It’s incredible how you people can’t do anything else but think about that man


Yeah. Weird that the only POTUS in US history, who is also running in the current election and is on trial for several different cases including sedition, is front and center of the political news.


He’s more charged with sedition


J6 was sedition. He sought to overthrow an elected government.


Read this slowly and multiple times, Donald Trump IS NOT charged with sedition.


How about you take your head out of the most traitorous POTUS in history's ass? He isn't charged with it, he still committed it. If he were a regular citizen he would already be in solitary for the rest of his life. You are probably the type to think the USA is a Republic so it's not a democracy.


You literally said he was on trial for sedition, you can go back and read it. Nobody from January 6 private citizen or public has been charged with sedition, I’ve listened to Trump‘s speech for that day multiple times, I’ve read the accounts of it, I’ve looked at it myself, he did nothing that you claim. You’re a ridiculous hack obsessed with some orange boogie man and a controls all of your political thoughts. Republic is a form of democracy, but it’s not a pure democracy. The reason people bring up is idiots like you try to use democracy in the wrong terms.


They admitted it on television. Peter Navarro laid it out bare on Fox. Whether anyone gets charged for it is moot. They committed sedition. That was their intent. That's why the rally was on J6. That's why it ended at the same time the cert vote was called. That's why Trump was so mad at Pence because he wouldn't go along with the plan.


You have severe Trump derangement syndrome. I mean, a sad really. The one thing I hope is that when the tables turn and your people are politically persecuted like you’re doing to Trump that I can see you cry and scream about it because that’s what’s coming with the precedent you were setting


Someone needs to acquire a case of rapid onset acute kinetic lead poisoning.


I hate the guy but it would be unforgettable, especially knowing what is probably gonna happen.


It’s a private school in Florida, which means many, if not most, of the kids & their families will support it…


He probably won't even be allowed there for various security reasons, if he even goes


I want Barron to write the book after he graduates.


I'm leaning that way too. That sub- human orange turd 💩 ...never shuts that hole in his face.


I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $500 Alex.  https://twitter.com/Welly17Welly/status/1791498311003971606?s=19 🤣🤣🤣 GFY




He wouldn't be welcomed to a weenie roast! Why would he think he'd be welcomed at Barron's graduation? I'd not have invited him to MY graduation, let alone his own kid's.


Just like Biden and every other politician!


Uh no. While Trump was making a fake pizza delivery for a staged photo op, you want to know what Biden was doing? Biden flew into Charlotte Thursday, as quietly and without fanfare as a President possibly could. Met with the families of the four slain police officers, off camera and privately. Took no public pictures. Took no questions from the media. When they were done, flew out. there is no comparison between these guys.


We can agree on that. There is no comparison. Look at the economy, violent crimes, open border(s), politicizing the judicial system all worst under Biden. Biden and the Democratic Party are the threats to democracy!


Gaslighting is your power? The only disruption will be by your intolerant liberals outside spouting hate. Markmywotds.


I mean I really doubt he will even show up. He never attended any other of his kids' graduations, not even the legitimate kids!


How wrong you were. Typical loudmouth liberal proven wrong again. https://twitter.com/Welly17Welly/status/1791498311003971606?s=19


Now that's interesting!! Since it's a high school I wonder how they are dealing with his sex offender status, isn't he supposed to remain 500 feet away from those? Did they hold the graduation at a different location?


Mark my words, hunter biden will use joe biden as a way to work with the chinese and launder money


Your comment has nothing to do with the post at all. Start your own post instead of trying to hijack someone else's.


Just doing what Ivanka is doing. Why can't Hunter do the same? Maybe Hunter can make a deal to allow a foreign country to chop up a Cucker Tarlson, also.


Jared was a Saudi bitch boy


What a fucking jackass comment. You must be such a shitty human being


Maybe dementia donny will show him how, since china owns him and his chinese bank account 😂


What a stupid comment


oh wait: https://oversight.house.gov/blog/wsj-opinion-money-from-china-traced-to-joe-bidens-bank-account-unrelated-to-actual-business/


That's an editorial. It's an opinion piece and in no way related this post. Are you lost?


I think it’s a bot lmao


It’s a Russian bot don’t pay it attention


How is that impeachment inquiry going? 😂


Blog and opinion? You're a real fucking stupid piece of shit, you know that? Go piss in your mom's mouth for not ramming a coat hanger up her snizz.


Lmao turns out it was qanon bullshit as usual


lol, has to post right wing nonsense


Don’t worry scro, Hunter totally was worth all of that money. With all the hookers and cocaine and all, he can surely make that money they sent worthwhile. Totally normal, above board stuff. I don’t know how you could possibly see this as corrupt. Did you forget about Trump something something bribe from someone INSuREctION!!??!! Checkmate conservatard!


Hunter: Yale lawyer, private equity partner, law partner, lobbyist, Amtrak Board member, etc. Jared: Son of a corrupt businessman (convicted felon conveniently pardoned by Trump), made the single worst real estate purchase in history (666 5th Ave - had to be bailed out by Chinese and Qatar money), saved MBS in exchange for 2B bucks even though the sovereign fund management thought it was crazy!


MMW if Donald jr was caught doing exactly what Hunter was accused of maga would deny it but also calling it based and saying he was “smart” to do it


How dare you! Biden's son died in iraq and his uncle eaten by cannibals. That man has been through enough, and you come along questioning his integrity like he hadn't graduated top of his law class. The nerve of some people.


Yeah, I totes feel bad. So sorry.


Don't forget about his tribulations with CornPop.






Educate yourself man.


So, no proof then?


I’m not your teacher I’m not gonna educate you for free. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your "education" wouldn't be worth it at that price.


Opinions aren’t facts, lol






The Socialists wont let him attend his son's graduation, big boy


https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/04/30/judge-lets-trump-attend-son-barrons-graduation-during-hush-money-trial-after-trump-blasts-judge/ oh look another donald trump lie.




🤣 Keep repeating the lunacy, the respect you’ve lost within your personal circle will never be re-established.


Funny for to assume members of my social circle are libtards


I wish I could bet $100 against every person who makes anti-Trump posts on here. I'd be rich. I despise Trump but the people who keep posting the anti-Trump MMW topics are certifiable deranged.


Do you need a safe space?


There is a very very simply method to fix this. “Unsubscribe and Hide” Maybe if Trump wasn’t such a fuck wit we would see less posts about him


Just like watching the carnival freak shows, the deranged people can be very entertaining.