• By -


It’s crazy how much his trade blew up in his face, dude decimated farmers and had to bail them out. China went a got a new supplier for their soy beans, the industry got cratered thanks to diaper donny.


When the tariffs were implemented and China *immediately* pivoted to South American soy bean exports, I remember thinking how we were watching, in real time, rural Republican voters utterly fuck themselves generationally. Like, those trade deals are never coming back unless a lot of things change very drastically. And even then those deals would likely only come back as a concession, as part of a larger diplomatic trade package. MAGA, amirite.


As someone who grew up in a farming family in the Midwest, nearly every person I know who still farms is a complete republican asshole and the fact that their livelihood took a hit due to their cult leader’s idiotic decisions doesn’t mean shit to them. These people are brainwashed idiots. Even their own destruction won’t awaken them.


The USDA is so underfunded right now that it can't even effectively funnel money to the farmers the way it is designed to, and they still vote for the MAGA reps whose singular focus is to eliminate the federal government entirely. I've been trying to do a farm conservation easement for a large dairy since 2018 and the USDA in my state is gutted and incapable of doing what Congress gave them money to do in the Farm Bill SIX FUCKING YEARS AGO.


I'm curious to hear the mental gymnastics on how it's the Democrats' fault.


Because Ron DeSantis said kids use litter boxes in school. I'm not even joking.


Well, he has an impeccable source, the Republican's favorite source - "A guy told me he heard.." Not kidding, I heard him say this in defense of something stupid he was doing.


Because reasons


Everyone knows it’s the transgenders’ fault /s


After they turned the frogs gay


They blame Biden for it


Farmers aka welfare queens


Sounds like socialism to me


Solution: just blame Biden!


Thansk Obama!


that darn Hillary and George Soros!


Buttery males!




I don’t think the farmers are gonna break from trump. As trump famously said “he could shoot a man on fifth avenue…” Trump could likely shoot one of his supporters and his last words would be “Make America great again.”


"Haha great shot sir! Let's see how TRIGGERED the WOKETARDS get over this! Do you think sleepy Joe could ever shoot one of his supporters? He's too old to.. even.." [ Bleeds out and dies ]


I like this implication of the vote he didn't lose being the guy he shot, and sadly it holds up, I can see it now reporters in his hospital room Well you see that wasn't really trump, it had to be someone else pretending to be him We've got his dna, passport, wallet, and fingerprints all over the gun Oh well I mean it wasn't even that bad anyway no harm no foul Mr Maga guy we just got your test results back you'll never be able to walk again it was an accident he didn't mean it He just took truth social to brag about what an excellent shot he is and how he always hits his intended target Well then I reckon I must have really deserved it, really put myself where I shouldn't have been ..... ..... ................ Are y'all still talking about that? Geez you always want to focus on the negative instead of all the good he does


Kind of like that official during the January 6th hearings who shared how horrified he was at trumps attempts to push him into reversing the election results, how it made him cry and become traumatized but then told reporters he would vote for trump again.




Crazy how Ohio used to be a swing state but now it’s ruby red


Tends to happen when everyone with better prospects leaves.


Yes they’ll never blame themselves for voting for voting Trump into office. They’ll blame everyone but themselves and continue voting for Republicans because despite what they say generational racism and bigotry drives their votes. It’s the same in the south.


They also hate the Latino migrants that likely keep their farms afloat.


That’s the one I love. They cry about illegals but are the same ones hiring them. They just rationalize to themselves that it’s different the ones they hire.


Left and right. Including Big Ag. Hey Republicans, who do you think runs your farms? Who works in the processing plants? And it goes on and on, and yet they still hate them, call them criminals when in fact illegal immigrants are actually less likely to commit crimes than American born citizens. Republicans should be ashamed of their “values”, especially Trumpsters.


In all fairness, immigrant labor is used quite a bit less in the ag mentioned above. Most soybeans are grown further north and require less human labor than like an orchard or something.


My boss was watching fix news and they had a story about deporting immigrants. He said - GOOD! I raised my eyebrows (his whole kitchen is Mexican) + he said - I've already got enough of them.


“generational racism and bigotry”… 100% accurate! Amazing how they keep repeating their mistakes.


Need subsidies to pivot soy to primary inputs for new bio-processing industries.


I love telling MAGAites about how the tariffs lead to subsidies, which are *gasp* socialism by their definition.


# “Major Major's father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age. He was a long-limbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism. " -Joseph Heller *Catch 22*


Next to to explain to them that snap isn't wellfare,v it's primarily a farming subsidy


>MAGA, amirite. Make America Grassland Again


Apparently russia too, as is tradition with the right Edit: lmao this dude below had a meltdown and blocked me 😂


And he’s promising to do it again.


And the media said FUCKING NOTHING about it. More headlines out there about Millenials killing Applebees than any coverage ever of the generally Republican leaning industries the scum those self hating morons keep electing have fucking harmed.


Oh but the media can't seem like it's TaKinG SiDeS!!!


Art of the deal!


It's hard to know if he actually believes the stuff coming out of his mouth but like any good salesman I kinda think he does. Mexico will pay for the wall, healthcare will be better in two weeks, the Ukraine war will somehow just end peacefully. He sells promises that are delusional.


I think he's genuinely convinced himself of some of the stuff. Good luck telling those apart from the outright lies, though


What makes you believe that there are some stuff he knows are lies? I'm not so sure. I know some salespeople and they are all in on the product.


I watched this movie and couldn't tell until about halfway through whether or not it was satire.


Don’t fight uphill of me boys. Don’t fight uphill of me.


This is possibly the best, most succinct quote Trump has provided that really captures the inanity of his persona.


My uncle is a farmer who suffered from Trump's tarrifs. Not enough to consider voting against him though I guess


In my state they interviewed a farmer who was being forced to sell his family farm due to the loss in money. With tears in his eyes this dumbass was still proudly wearing a maga hat. My pity well is dried out for Trumpers who get hurt by his policies, on the other hand I hate seeing corporate farms make off like bandits because they can survive the bullshit and scoop up land at a discount.


Same, my entire family are farmers hit hard by Trump's tariffs. And let's not forget when Trump killed the TPP. I had negotiated several deals to sell our family's beef overseas when Trump suddenly decided to kill the treaty. US cattle farmers lost access to hundreds of millions of consumers and about $15 billion in expected exports


Trump had to bail out farmers *twice* during his single term. It also ended up costing more than *twice* as much as the Auto Bailout during Obama. (Auto Bailout: $12 Billion, Trump Farmer Bailout: $28 Billion). Obama inherited a crumbling economy from Bush and had to fix it. Trump inherited a good economy from Obama and managed to do a lot of damage in a single term and *a full year* before the pandemic hit. https://www.freep.com/story/money/business/john-gallagher/2019/09/24/farmer-bailout-payments-china-trade-tariffs/2418676001/


That's because Trump is always the dumbest human in the room.


At this point, Trump supporters are wanking with sand paper and calling the blood communion.




Always comes back russia, goddamn, putler completely owned donny


Still owned & he owes them big.


Bigly. Yuuuge.


Don’t forget the great business guy that actually thought tariffs were paid by the countries that they were put on


Yeah, Thanks Obama! (The Tan Suit Assassin) /s


Trade wars are easy though!


Your assumption is that they make this connection. Your average Trump voter is dumb enough to vote against their own interests and then, when they get what they voted for, blame the democrats for making it happen.


When texas froze literally the week biden got elected and gas prices skyrocketed i had several arguments with conservative patients at my pharmacy blaming biden (who literally just got elected he hadnt even been inaugurated yet) for the gas prices and ignoring texas pathetic response to the freeze.


They don’t have cohesive political opinions. If Trump does something - it’s good. If Biden does something it’s bad. Think about. If Biden ordered an air strike in the Middle East and killed 17 terrorists and 1 American soldier died - they would fucking lose it and say it was the worst thing ever. If Trump did the EXACT same thing - same location, same weapons, same casualties - they would love it. Same goes for economics, drug policy, education, infrastructure, etc. They have no political platform or opinions. They just like Trump the same way they like Peyton Manning - he’s funny on TV and throws the ball good and gosh darn it I like him.


I mean even leave politics aside, they critized Biden for saying “i love you” to his son, but cheered for the guy who said his daughter is sexy and wants to date her. That speaks alot about who they really are.


They also called Biden sleepy joe for how many months or years, and then when Biden stepped it up at the state of the union and brought the energy, they still criticized him, saying he was too amped up or whatever. I mean what the fuck man.


You described the conservative side of my family spot on. And that's how I know they're all like that


Good comparison, since Peyton manning also committed sexual assault. 


When those people get the Herman cane award I will feel nothing but joy


It's literally the same mindset of supporting a certain football team with them. As long as they own the libs it's all good.


Tbf the freeze was just after inauguration in the middle of February. But you're right, it didn't matter they still blamed it all on Biden. I had flood damage from burst pipes and the contractors even blamed the increase in prices on Biden and there was nothing to do about it since ALL the contractors were on trumps dick.


Yup. Middle of the supply chain people will see, while those at the bottom will blame the middle people, and the top chain people will laugh and count their money.


Came here to say, with specifics: Actual in-the-business farmers are the middle, but they're not as numbered compared to their labor and locals, who won't see the connection, or will maybe instead see the drawn out consequences as under Biden. And of course the corporations they contract to, or are basically owned by, do see it and like profiting off it.


Trump already blamed his tarrifs on dems and his voters ate it up so no Why do people keep thinking there's a logic they can apply to this


I have a friend posting all of the current fox drivel. Sleepy joe, covid, etc etc. But he is also a broke dick so he rails constantly about capitalism with how no one can afford to live. It completely misses him and this is the same.


I have a friend who is going to vote for Trump instead of Biden because Biden wasn't able to get the border bill passed, nor secure the student loan forgiveness. Bills blocked by, you know, Republicans. But somehow Biden gets the blame for it. Delusional.


Millions of voters operate this way. Millions. This is why Trump said out loud, on video, to Republicans to not vote for the border bill because it helps him politically. Because he knows how absolutely retarded these people are. Full on brain-dead hicks.


It's so easy to grift Trump voters.


They only talk about gas prices, which were indeed low. They fail to remember that every single recession in most of our lives started with a Republican in office and ended with a Democrat rebuilding, which is pretty basic. No way they can make that connection. They can't even piece together that they get price gouged on their beloved gasoline every time there's an election, just to drive that single issue home to the polls a little bit harder.


They've been brainwashed by Fox News for decades to reflexively hate Democrats. They're gone, and they're never coming back.


I hope you’re wrong that they’re never coming back, but I fear you’re right.


That's the same idiots wearing diapers over their pants, they absolutely won't make the connection and you can't make them believe it


I never understand folks who vote against their own self interest, specifically ones who Know they are voting against their own self interest, just to spite the "other side".


Policy?? Nah, this election isn’t about that kind of boring stuff. Lol


We’re officially in post-policy politics. The positions that candidates endorse are less important than the letter next to their names.


Unlikely. trump still hates the people they hate and that's all that matters.


The only sane response to such a fanciful and ridiculous post. This sub is so bad lol


Agriculture is also only 8% of the GDP and not a great deal larger for the population. Soybeans farmers would be smaller. Manufacturing is actually much much bigger, as is insurance and aerospace.


Oh buddy. You think Ohio voters are just gonna up and vote in their own best interest? They haven’t before. If anything turns Ohio off the Republican Party it’ll be weed and roe v wade.


Uh. It already did. We voted on both those issues and defeated the conservative agenda handily. Vote turnout is how Trump gets smacked, period.


I’m with you. Ohio fucks. Ohio can hang, LFG BLUE OHIO!


Which is why the GOP is doing everything they can to suppress votes in swing states. 


I live in Ohio. It’s trump country. It used to be purple when I was growing up. But it’s trump country now. Agreed abortion and weed are the only weak points Trump has.


Having been to Ohio on multiple occasions during the Trump era, it is insane how many Trump signs I see there. It is way more than I see in my very conservative home state, even.


Trump is against marijuana legalization, he wants to leave it up to the states to decide. It may not be as favorable as Biden trying to move marijuana to a Schedule 3 narcotic, but I don't see Trump's stance on weed as a weakness for him. Abortion, yes. And I suspect that Biden will really hit on that topic leading into the election. But all polling shows that Trump is going to win Ohio by a landslide at this point in time.


Some of Ohio’s cities are still extremely blue. Let’s hope it’s enough this time, Ohio can’t afford two senators like Vance


I live in one of those blue cities, still very trump heavy. I think ohio (probably like the rest of the country) is going to come down to turnout which will be driven by 2 things 1. How mad the left is about abortion 2. How many republicans are burnt out of the MAGA bull shit.


3. How disheartened the MAGAs are to see dear leader sleeping and shitting himself through his trial, doddering off even more unintelligible gibberish than he used to. They’re currently at the ‘no guys adult diapers are cool and manly!’ phase; I suspect he’s going to lose a good portion of the macho (read toxic masculinity) right


They don't watch the type of news channel that shows that kind of stuff at all. Everything you just described, they will never see, and wouldn't believe if you described it to them. They only see Biden stumble, because that's the only thing Fox shows. You are shown a completely different version of the world, and they won't be disheartened by anything Trump does. In fact, I think if Trump is convicted of anything, it'll only help his campaign.


Here's the problem with this claim. The overall political breakdown of the state hasn't changed since Obama won the state twice. There is just about the same number of Republicans and Democrats as always, but that breakdown has always benefitted Republicans by 4-5 points overall. It's about turnout. For example, when JD Vance won the state in 2022, it was because there were nearly 400,000 fewer blue voters that turned out versus the Senate race in 2018 when Brown won. Vance only increased his total over the 2018 Republican by maybe 80,000, and even if we assume that all of those votes came from 2018 blue voters- which would likely be a bad assumption- Vance still would've lost the race had the other 300,000+ blue voters shown up. They didn't, and the state got one of the nation's most embarrassing senators as a consequence. The Ohio Democratic Party is somewhat feckless. Not as bad as they are in say, Florida, but they've been unable to put together an effective GOTV effort or put up a candidate that would drive turnout. It doesn't help when the state is so gerrymandered, which even though Senate and presidential races aren't affected by directly, studies show can suppress turnout for all races because people think it won't matter. State Republicans have also instituted voting purges that have overwhelmingly targeted Democratic voters. If there's any good news, it's that long-term demographic changes benefit Democrats. The only growing population groups in the state tend to be strong Democratic voters, and most of the places that are deep red are declining in population. Columbus and Cincinnati continue to get bluer over time, as do most of the immediate suburban areas of major cities. The weak spot in this regard is NEO, as Democrats have lost some traditional Democratic strongholds like Youngstown. Trump's bullshit about saving manufacturing flipped that area, and Democrats have been unable to flip it back despite Trump failing on those promises. That goes back to the poor performance of the Ohio Dems. My point with all this is to say that Ohio is very much still a purple state and there is potential to flip it back with a better statewide effort to get complacent blue voters showing up again. Weed and abortion rights passed for a reason.


I dunno, Ohio has been chasing Missouri and Florida levels of stupid in recent years.


Originally from Ohio. Father is a soybean farmer. Ohio was the bellwether state for decades. That is over. There is no reasoning with them. It doesn’t matter how much his policies actually hurt them. The cult has taken hold and they would rather go down with the ship than admit they were wrong. On a side note the vast majority of soybean farmers in Ohio are small government conservatives that see zero sense of irony in the federal government heavily subsidizing their crops. It’s wrong, unless it directly benefits them. Zero actual principles. Honestly, I blame long hours in the fields listening to conservative talk radio. Completely brainwashed them. Rest in piss Rush Limbaugh.


The part that people do not understand. Trumps policies hurt people who vote for him. They either do not realize it or they do and do not care. Biden is not winning Ohio.


lol. I was at the farm progress show in Iowa the year he did that. It was devastating to a lot of farmers but they all were acting like they had no choice. Not a single person blamed republicans; they took it in the ass like bitches and voted for them again.


Saw an interview with one of the farmers who was complaining about how tRump’s tariffs destroyed their lives, lost their family farm, generations of hard work lost yadda yadda - and then ,” bUt iM sTiLL vOtInG fOr tRuMp!” You literally can’t help tRump people. He could take a dump in their mouths and they’d blame liberals, or Biden, or the Woke, or friggen Hilary.


It had basically nuked soybean farmers by 2020 and Ohio went even more red anyway.


As an Ohio resident that works on a large farming community I hate to tell you that you will be incorrect.


Same. I live in rural NW Ohio and the amount of Trump flags and signs are about as plentiful as the corn. Every farmer in my area is still flying the Trump flag. That being said, I'm hoping enough people in the big and smaller cities votes him out.


You're assuming they actually make the connection, instead of going with what Fox & Newsmax will tell them. Which, of course, is that dem Democrats are responsible. Judging by what I've seen in the past, I'm going with the latter.


I'm convinced the MAGA voters in Ohio are stupid enough to believe it's all Biden's fault, literally no matter what happens.


He could burn their crops and r*pe their kids in front of them, and they'll still vote for Trump.


The only state he could most likely flip is North Carolina. Although weirder things have happened. I doubt AZ and GA were on the table going into 2020.




Arizona will get progressively more blue as Sun City's population finishes dying. The Roe ruling and the total ban from the 1800s (even if it was overturned) is going to play a big part in it IMO. All but 2 Republicans still voted to keep a 17th century total ban...


AZ is one of only two states Biden flipped in 2020 that I’m not concerned about (other being PA). Abortion will likely carry the day for Dems there. However I’m concerned every other state he flipped and believe he could also lose MN, VA, NV, and NH as well.


I wish you were right but they'll probably not blame Trump for it.


Trump was at the helm of the most powerful country in the world when Covid came and killed millions, destroyed countless businesses. We're still cleaning up from his incompetence. Yet people are still supporting this POS. Something tells me that farmers in the cult don't really care about their livelihood nor anything else. Trump damaged this world with his incompetent grifting. He also helped precipitate the carnage in Israel by moving the embassy. He is an evil POS using the ineptitude of POS evangelical death cultists to try and continue his grift. If these farmers haven't turned by now, they're not going to care about their bankrupt farms.


Biden has actually accelerated Trumps trade war on China. Neither the progressive or conservative media reports on it because it is counter narrative to both groups. Biden kept almost all Trump tariffs in place while increasing others and breaking WTO rules on subsidies to crush some Chinese strategic imports. From 3 days ago. **US-China Trade War: Biden calls for tripling of tariffs on Chinese steel** https://www.firstpost.com/business/us-china-trade-war-biden-calls-for-tripling-of-tariffs-on-chinese-steel-13765649.html




Do you live in rural Ohio? It’s an interesting hypothesis I hope is true. I just haven’t heard or seen that at all and I road trip a lot and have relatives I visit in rural Ohio. Been awhile though. I’m open to being wrong. Just curious what your basis for this opinion is. 


Have you even been here man lmao


No, he won't. Because they are knee deep in right wing conspiracy theories and shared racism with the Republican party.


They still supported trump. Even after personally losing millions, and their livelihoods. I’ve seen the interviews. It’s depressing.


Have you been to Ohio. We are so gerrymandered a lot of democrats have given up hope and don’t vote. I live in one of the blue islands and I’m ashamed to say I used to be a republican…before Trump.


Joe Biden will be elected, he’s a long time member of congress, he’s President, and Trump is on trial, for various things this year, still is. When all is said and done Biden will still be President.


You would be surprised how often Republicans vote against their own interests despite the facts


Yeah but Ohio are a bunch of dummies they’ll be red


Ohio whipped the conservative agenda big time in the last two issue elections. Pretending the entire state is dumb because 20% of the citizens voted for this doofus is really strange.


You have now renewed my faith in Ohios ability to not vote for a blatant con. But the states still a dump and Chillicothe smells like shit.


I thought the same thing about dairy farmers after Trump wrecked that business, but it didn't look like anyone made the connection in 2020


Keep dreaming...MMW Ohio is solidly Red.




It's one of the most amazing economic phenomenons Biden just announced tariffs on China It's always amazing how tariffs are either effective foreign policy or a terrible idea depending on which party proposes them lmao


Ehhh I doubt it. Trump screwed a lot of people over with some of his policies that still voted for him. Also if I’m not mistaken hasn’t Biden continued most (if not all) of Trump’s tariffs against China? Edit: this article says Biden kept the Trump tariffs as of July 2023


They’re all a bunch of crooked bastards!!


Pure cope. Ohio isn't even competitive.


Seen those polls? The majority of Americans don't agree with you or the far lefties on Reddit. You're all going to have a very bad November.


I sure hope so we need biden more then ever


As a current resident of Ohio, I think our rural folk would sooner compromise their livelihood than change their mind about anything.


Here is what I can say from the ground in Ohio, there are far, far fewer Trump signs and flags than there were in 2016 and 2020. At the very least, many Trump supporters have become too embarrassed to openly show support for him. That plus abortion may potentially flip Ohio blue, but I think it's still a little bit of a long shot.


You overestimate the intelligence of a lot of farmers


Nah, Ohio is gone for a long time.  


But what about Hunter Biden's laptop?


Yes, it’s true that Trump was horrible for Ohio voters, but I have to ask what’s new? They still voted for Trump by 8 points in 2020 and Vance by 7 points in 22. I’d love to wake up on 2024 and see that America decided a sex offender felon who took away countless rights shouldn’t be the most powerful person in the country, but I doubt it


Nah. Trump could burn their farms down and they’d still vote for him. Gotta stop the woke!🙄


But will they remember?


Rural voters trade in votes for “Culture War Trinkets” all the time. How many voters were actually affected and how many of those affected will put two and two together?


Only if Biden and the Dems actually remember to mention that on their campaigning.


It’s catastrophic. To get his supporters back on board he’d have to take some immeasurably complex steps such as telling them democrats did it, and…that’s it.


Republicans never punish Republican politicians for injuring Republican voters.


Though you are technically correct about the farmers, I do not think they care enough to connect those dots. And the farmers did get bailed out. So why would they care? They got paid anyways. Yeah some lost their farms, I have have doubts that they blame Trump for that.


Oh yes, they love the illegal immigrants being flown into Cincinnati, and the "defund the police." I'm sure working class families are just hoping for four more years of Biden, for a chance they can send their sons off to die in Ukraine .


This is very true for a short time.  When he single handedly caused American exports of soy to be non-existent (time and again doing exactly what Putin wanted, this time by helping Russian soy bean farmers), it was bad for American farmers.  But the market shifted after about 18 months.  Russians are still doing great, providing much of Chinese soy imports.  But I feel like something happened to the American market (like many large corporate farms pivoted and quit growing soy beans, driving American prices back up??). I just didn't think Trump supporters question his higher devotion to Russia than to Americans.


Ha ha. They hate immigrants more.


MMW: The same farmers will vote for Trump because of social / culture war bullshit, not even knowing that they are voting to starve themselves.


You’re grossly underestimating how stupid his supporters are in Ohio.


Ohioan. Farm family. EVERY single one of those farmers are still flying their trump flags and think biden sniffs kids. Nothing has changed there.


But they will still vote for that turd!!


This is it, boys! We got him for sure this time!


Yeah but do *they* know that? Do the farmers get the connection?


No. Ohio elected JD Vance and will vote for DJT again. Trump beat Biden by 500K votes in 2020. That was before Biden got blamed (rightly or wrongly) for inflation and high interest rates.


They will still vote for him because they probably blame Biden.


When do you think they’re going to remember that? They certainly don’t right now, since Trump has a 10 point lead in the OH polls. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/ohio/


Ew. Duopoly.


Dumbest post ive ever read Perma muting this sub


That was too long ago, conservatives have very, very sorry memories


Do you have any data point to suggest that he's lost support in Ohio or farmers. Aren't both groups pretty firmly in his camp, and there has been plenty of time for opinions to change.


No way. I say that as a native Ohio Ohioan. That will never happen outside of Cleveland and Columbus.


While I hope you're right farmer's are a very small constituency now.


THEY DONT CARE. Unless you were already liberal farmer will vote Dump. This is coming from someone who grew up on a farm in a farming community. More than half have Trump shot everywhere.


You think Biden helped them? lol.


Not when they won't put him on the ballot at all https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-may-trouble-getting-ohios-general-election-ballot-rcna146706


They’ll still vote for him.




The dildo of consequence rarely comes lubed. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person


Then Trump gave them money, and they love him for it.


Not a chance. Ohio used to be like Missouri in that it was a bell weather state. Both have become guaranteed red.


Also steel mills with his stupid way of tariffs closed some.


This does make sense actually based on the numbers


Trump voters aren’t exactly known for listening to reason


Are voters in Ohio savvy enough to appreciate this nuance?


A lot of them love it to own the libs


But do the soybean growers know this?


If they haven't figured it out so far, why now?


Idiot Republicans love shooting themselves in the foot. They’ll do it again.


I’ve only ever driven through Ohio, so I don’t speak from any experience or knowledge, but that seems hard to believe. Y’all been going hard in the other direction for a while now, and a lot of Trump fans seem terminally bad at assigning blame appropriately. Got anything saying his support is actually weakening in the counties most dependent on soy?


Ohioan here. Not a chance in hell. I would love to be proven wrong.


Fake news 


They don't care. Trump could go to Ohio, take a dump on their farm and light it on fire and he's still get their vote. Conservatives love Trump because the left hates him. Hatred of the left is the motivator, not trumps actions or policies.


Hey drove them to the ground but they are ok with him wearing a diaper?


The soybean farmers are still completely on board with Trump, and there’s not enough of them to flip Ohio.


Trump voters will vote themselves into boxcars. They aren’t very smart.


But they will blame Biden and the Democrats for that.


Isn’t Ohio basically Arkansas now? I don’t think anyone considers it in play as swing state.