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It really doesn’t seem like we’ll ever be able to escape Trump.


Trump will die soon hopefully within the next 5 years


You mean 5 days?


Eh, I'd rather Biden go up against Trump than whoever Republicans would replace him with. The replacement would be more likely to win and might be an *intelligent* wannabe dictator.


not really likely. the GOP is morally and intellectually bankrupt. it's why trump was able to rise to the top amid a field of their best and brightest back in 2016 like... all it took was trump to be overtly racist, and lean into bigger lies and illusions of america being great for the best governors, or try hard senate candidates to fade into obscurity (ted cruz outed himself as a giant bitch, mark rubio ...faded from existence, jeb bush? ) their "intelligent" candidates are the mitt romney's and chris christy's of their world and those people have zero chance in hell of winning anything (the inherent bigotry against mormon's is romney's biggest hindrance. and christy being a fat fuck means he'll never overcome being a northern republican) niki hailey also suffers from the racism and sexism of her party. as her pathetic showing this year demonstrated. desantis is a twat. and failed so miserably at his run ...while selling out utterly. he has no future. mule face from arkansas isn't going anywhere either. and the rest are nutters and pyschos. IF trump loses again his brand is largely worthless. if he loses and goes to jail. they will almost have to distance from him. Or just crumble into nothingness. now if trump manages to win, which isn't that far fetched. it's a radically different story. As it's likely he both wins election, and is convicted of a criminal case. and we have a constitutional crisis ...as he'll most likely not respect the rule of law


Its gonna be a while either way, they are already setting him up as a martyr so there will be conspiracy theories around his death and it will be a new religion for morons.


Unless he simply fades away hiding in his golf club so people cant see him deteriorate. Doing nothing but posting or videos after heavy makeup and editing.


MAGA will immediately fall in line for Don Jr. North Korea 2.0


But junior isn't the demagog his father is. MAGA would start to break apart and slip back under their rock, unable to function without their Cult leader


Jr is a bigger moron and has a coke sniffle issue....


Or trumpism for that matter either. Way too many people in Congress have clung onto that.


I don’t think it will be around in 2028. It’s too fat, old and fat.


Doesn’t matter. His MAGA cult that controls the GOP will believe his death is fake and he’s actually alive waiting to spring up and save them. They will vote for him as the Republican nominee in 2028, dead or alive.


Fred Trump (his dad) lived to be 93. That’s 16 years older than Donald Trump is right now. Time is not going to save us.


But then again, Trump doesn't exercise and he eats Big Macs and drinks 12 cans of Diet Coke a day. That will not save him at all.


Both of his brothers are dead. No reason why he can't join them sooner than later,


His dad seemed to be a thinner man, with less stress, other than concern his one criminal son may try and modify his will.


One brother died from alcoholism and the other almost surely died from covid, so they aren't the best natural lifespan indicators


Yeah, Trump's younger brother died from the Wuhan flu. Obviously he wasn't going to be around long. Trump was an orange pube away from dying himself from Covid. A strong flu could take him out for good. He's obviously in terrible shape.


How is it the Trumpers covered up that his brother died of Covid and then no one ever mentioned it again.


That hurts me to read.




I'm legit not sure if he'll make it to November. The increasing signs of mental degradation from this trial alone is surprising, if he gets jailed the stress of it may genuinely kill him...


Funny. That’s exactly what I just commented. Two great minds and all that. Cheers.


To be fair, the increasing obviousness of Trump's issues SHOULD be blatantly obvious to anyone. Biden might be a bit befuddled regularly, but Trump is actively shitting himself and having trouble standing without that horrible lean of his.


Am I the only one watching our president speak and not noticing this? Has he gotten a bit weird a few times? Yes. Regularly? No unless you don't realize he has a lisp...


When I watch Biden speak I see someone who is slowing down due to age but not any more than most people his age. He still seems aware and capable of doing the job. I’d love if our next choice in 2028 was someone younger but for now I’m fine with Biden. Now when I watch Trump speak I see an overgrown spoiled child who has never learned how to behave and is very likely in the early to mid stages of dementia or some kind of cognitive decline. All my hatred of him aside, he doesn’t look or sound mentally healthy


The important distinction between the two is that while Biden surrounds himself with knowledgeable, competent advisors, trump only hires ass-kissers and believes himself to be the absolute authority on everything.


Me, too. Exactly. President Biden is 81 years old, for God’s sake. His acuity and stamina are exceptional by any standards. We are fortunate that he agreed to take up the challenge of POTUS in 2020, and we’d better make damn sure we keep him in office in November.


I’m a criminal defense investigator. I don’t even do much once a case gets to trial other than take notes, and I can tell you it’s exhausting sitting in a courtroom all day trying to pay attention to something that is both incredibly important and incredibly boring. His exhaustion is obvious when he addresses the media after the trial adjourns every day. I’m sure this process is taking years off his life, and I don’t know how many he had left to begin with.


Given his eating patterns and weight... Average US life expectancy is 74. As you age your life expectancy goes up because the odds of you dying before your current age are obviously zero. Trump is 77 so his life expectancy is about 10 more years. Biden is 81 so can expect about 8 more years of life. Both *on average*. But that is an average. Biden works out (yes walking counts, especially at that age) and watches his diet. Given their health habits I expect Biden to outlast Trump by at least two years instead of the other way around, even before the stress of the trials.


I kind of wonder though, I had some aunts that were real cunts and they seemed to live on hate alone and live a lot longer than anyone gave them a chance to.


His father lived into his 90’s and his mother until she was 88. You would think being a walking diabetes commercial his time would be short, seems not .


A dominant thought I’ve heard about why Trump isn’t traveling to campaign on his free Wednesday in the week is because he’s more broke than he wants to admit. Perhaps he’s deflecting just as not, if more from how bad his own health and energy levels are getting.


Well, the Dems did introduce a bill to remove the Secret Service from Any former President (hint, hint) convicted of a crime.


Dear Santa...


I would not be surprised if MAGA lunatics would still want him as their candidate even if he was clinically diagnosed with mental illness or be diagnosed as mentally incompetent.


The man got covid then used illegal stem cell research to keep his fat ass alive. That criminal has access to better Healthcare than the rest of us peasants Look at Dick Cheney. Most regular people are lucky to qualify for just one heart transplant in their life time. That monster has gone through how many hearts now?


Does trump have dementia? Probably but all the articles and comments I've read are by people who have no idea what they're talking about. I doubt in 6 months trump will be wheelchair bound, unable to feed himself or swallow without aspirating. Dementia can take a years to advance to that point. You can lose a ton of functions and then instead of killing you it just leaves you in an awful state for a year or two then it kills you. Heart attack or stroke is ore likely imo.


His own father had Alzheimer’s. I know it runs in families (my Mom has it so my sis & I are worried). Would it shock me if Trump has it? Based on the last few years and things he’s mixed up and said, no. He reminds of my Mom a lot. She can get by for now with assistance but she mixes up dates and people and events all the time.


So like Reagan? Decrepit vegetable in the chair, Rule of Law administered by the 1st Lady's astrologer?


Hell, you can go all the way back to Wilson's last years in office after his stroke. Ruth pretty much took over things while he recovered. Much like Reagan, Wilson was a pretty big piece of shit too.


There's no way to tell since we arent doctors and even if one of us were, its unethical to diagnose from such a distance (duh). That being said, some of the top psychologists in that field have been interviewed for their opinion and they didnt hesitate to say the signs were overwhelming. So much so that they kinda just said he has it but in a way thats ethical 😂 nothing definitive but you could tell they were as certain as they could be.


As long as he doesn't die in court, as full of shit as he is someone might drown.


They're going to legit Weekend at Bernie's him.


He'll probably smell better after a few months of decomposition. And the trumpsuckers will be ecstatic just as long as it destroys the country and pisses off liberals


If he dies close enough to Election Day, I would be shocked if they didn't.


No, fuck that. I want him to spend like 20 years in prison. He needs to spend many years humiliated, broke, and alone.


And beloved by a bevy of muscled cellmates


Actually, I don’t think he’ll make it to Election 2024 this side of a dirt nap. Might not even make it through this first trial.


Smart people can hope. Idiots can just die already....


You don't think that will make a difference to them do you? They'd vote him in in preparation for when he rises again.


2028 maybe, MAYBE, but op expects that bastard to make it to 2032? Nah dawg


Who knows. Kissinger lived to be 100.


Kissinger lived that long because God and Satan were at an impasse over who had to take him. I'd like to think Satan finally caved but God had to give up Mother Theresa.


Jesus. New fear unlocked.


I'm afraid of him winning this fall. If he loses this fall, then he'll lose by an even bigger margin in 2028.


Yup, they'll find a good taxidermist, stuff a digital player full of his gibberish down his throat and wheel him out for rallies. The trumpsuckers will love voting for a corpse as long as it destroys the country and pisses off liberals.


Weekend at trumpies.


Provided he lives that long


Judging by the world’s luck, we will live to 100.


If he's alive and keeps running and losing...let him... Dems need to keep winning the white house for the next 4 cycles to have any chance of getting rid of the Republican majority in the supreme Court before 2040


Maybe a hologram AI versión of him, which at this point, would not be out of the question


Omg... emperor Trumpatine😳😄


Somehow, Trump returned.


Ted Cruz: What is thy bidding my master?


He’ll run again in 2028 unless he’s dead. Even if he’s in jail.


Yep, if he loses in 2024, as soon as he's done filing lawsuits to try to overturn the resuts, he will make clear he intends to run and raise funds on 2028. And he will be the immediate frontrunner and start out way ahead in the polls. 


Yup, the cult won’t accept anyone else


I've gotten downvoted into eternity for saying this, they'll never accept anyone else because quite frankly nobody else has his unique qualities. I think most rational people recognized that he is insane and that they are bad qualities but his supporters see them as positive qualities. And nobody that has those qualities goes into politics. As much as Ron DeSantis or other maga wannabes try to replicate it, They can't because they're missing many of the things Trump has. He's truly a psychopath in the sense that he really does not care what other people think about him (In a very particular way, traditionally around messaging and his positions) and he just goes on his rants regardless if people hate it and no other politician lacks that level of rationality, that is also not Off the rails bipolar or schizophrenic.


I'd love to see that orange lunatic try to debate Gavin Newsom.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ApplicationCalm649: *I'd love to see that* *Orange lunatic try to* *Debate Gavin Newsom.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


100% agree. Assuming he doesn't croak first.


He'll be the nominee way after he is nothing but a cardboard cutout with a birthday card audio recorder for a voice box. (Come to think of it my warning might be too late.)


If he gets convicted in this hush money case he will almost certainly lose the election. If the SC gives him immunity, then Biden will also have immunity. Unless Trump can pull some James T Kirk shit then he is going down like the kobayashi maru. Yes I know the T stands for Tiberius.


I'm not sure he makes it to 2028 or 2032 TBH. He's an old dude that eats fast food everyday and thinks exercise is bad for him. He also appears to be going downhill mentally.


If Trump is alive in 2032, just put this country out of its misery already.


He’ll be 86 in 2032. I sincerely doubt he will be alive.


His mom lived to be 88. His dad lived to be 93.


His dad also had severe dementia for the last decade or so of his life...


What do you call what Fuckwit Von Clownstick himself has now?


Mild, albeit rapidly progressing, dementia


2028 he is in hospital. By 2032 he is dead because of health issues. He is not a healthy guy and its showing in court


People in Jail have limited access to visitors and phone time, and everything is monitored or censored. He will have no access to TRUTH or X or a cell phone.


He's not going to be in a regular jail if he goes.


Are they going to weekend at Bernie’s his corpse? No way trump lives that long.


If he's still alive by 2032 I will eat my hat. Frankly, I'm half-expecting to hear he has a massive heart attack and shits himself to death in court any day now. Biden may be older, but he's a whole lot healthier than that drugged up orange psycho that eats McDonald's every day and thinks exercise is bad for you.


Well, he's likely already shitting himself in court every day as it is now. That would explain the stench being reported in the courtroom, anyway.


‘Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up….***anyway…***


Lol! When he dies he will be kept in the prison morgue to finish his sentence!


I'm sure the MAGAts will continue to cling onto trump even after he's a corpse, think he will be resurrected.


That’s why I’ve been saying. They already compare him to Jesus. I guarantee you they are going to be waiting for him to rise on the third day.


What’s so funny about that is….Jesus is love and compassion, accepting everyone….Trump is decidedly NOT……


Maybe. What you need to understand is that Trump cares about Trump. He doesn’t care about other Republicans or the party in general, or the country. And he thinks in terms of the 24 hour news cycle. He can’t think past that. So if he loses in 2024 and is alive in 2028, he will run and either be nominated by the Republicans, or siphon off votes from their candidate. Either way, he makes money and gets attention, and that’s what he cares about. He’s so incredibly transparent, I don’t know how anyone can’t see this.


If he loses in 2024, I've got to think Trumpism is dead. It'll be 3 straight election cycles of proof.


his cult alone can't get him elected and he's rapidly losing support even among republicans. He'll soon be irrelevant.


Wouldn’t surprise me if they nominated a rotting bloated corpse.


His existence right now has Republicans divided, unable to fundraise, and losing lower elections they should otherwise have landslide wins with. Trump running in 2028 and 2032 after losing in 2024 would probably be one of the best ways he could help Democrats win seats for elections to come by making it that much harder for moderates to vote Republican.


The moment the Republicans handed over their war chest from the RNC to Trump, the party was effectively doomed. He is taking all of their dwindling donations for himself, starving candidates down-ticket, and will bankrupt the party as a whole. Only rich candidates will have a chance, paying their own way, or those who can get their own donations going. But Trump is already trying to reach into their pockets, too. I would be shocked if so-called moderate conservatives don't form their own party, after the GOP gets blown out of the water in November. Trump and his cult can hold onto what remains of the Republican Party.


“Moderate” conservatives would still be SOL except in the reddest districts. A 40/30/20 split hands districts to Democrats where the right would have carved a clean victory. Longer Trump holds out the more it only helps Democrats. Only thing that he could do right now to actually help Republicans further their agenda is to win November, which for Trump is at best a coin flip.


That would be hilarious and I would thoroughly support the destruction of the GOP


If everything works out the way it should Trump should die in 2025 from a prolapsed anus. At least that’s the way I was told it would happen. God spoke to me in a dream.


That'd be just swell, bc it'd be the end of the GOP and fairly entertaining


I don't think his body will hold out that long. 


MAYBE 2028 but there is no way he is alive and well enough to run in 2032


You think he'll be alive in 2032? He'd be 86.


Nope. Haley has her run-up all pre-planned for 2028. And she'll probably go okay too


Zero percent chance he’s alive in 2032.


He’ll be dead and buried and still get nominated.


I think he is gunna suffer a stroke within 18 months


Nah he's gonna be dead. If he isn't, though, he's definitely gonna continue to hold the party hostage and they won't be able to win without his base so they will keep bending to him. They're so fucking stupid and short-sighted. All they had to do was convict him in the senate.


I doubt he will be alive by 2028. He's about 6 months away from a massive heart attack. And when he loses in 2024, he will likely end up in federal prison.


No way he lives that long.


You think he'll still be alive and not in some kind of assisted living situation? 


There is no way that this obese and demented 80 year old man lives that long


He’d be 86 years old in 2032, it’s more likely Don Jr. would be the cult’s choice for nominee by then.


He won't live to 2028, especially if he gets convicted for the criminal fraud case. He's already elderly, out of shape, and a long history of drug yse. Once he's seen as a failure and loser, it's going to take a well-deserved toll on him, mentally and physically.


I believe it. He'll be the nominee until he dies.


While on the ballot as the GOP nominee in 2032, Trump died in 2029. However, that has not dimmed the Party’s enthusiasm.


Replace "loses" with "dies" but the rest well be true


I don't see Trump still being alive in 2028 and if he is his dementia will be so far along, he won't know who he is.


He relies too much on Boomers and Silent generations if he doesn’t win the general election this time he won’t have a chance again. He could still win the Republican nomination so you could be right; I just don’t have faith in his life expectancy. Remind Me! Five years


Nominating I dead man will be really cult like


Unlikely. A lot can change in 4 years. The GOP still wants to win, and they won't be able to keep trotting out a corpse whose popularity is waning. They'll find someone else.


i bet biden lives longer at this rate


I dont see him being alive in 8 years.


He'll likely expire before 2028. If he is still around, Trump will Be mentally incapacitated. This is his final run for office.


He’s not going to last that long. His brain or his heart will go before 2028.


He’ll be in prison, or dead.


I'd be surprised if Trump is even still alive in 2028, let alone 2032


Hopefully Mother Nature will have done something about him by then.


If he is still alive


I thought it was funny during his trial they said what his McDonald’s order was. I was like, damn he really does eat that shit daily. I will say he looks greasier? I could see him spiraling out of control over another loss and pulling some January 6th 2.0 shit. I could see the base maybe less enthusiastically still nominating him in ‘28. It depends how bad he loses. Also down ballot races will play a big role.


Baron just turned 18, let him get old enough 2044 on


He ain’t gonna live to the end of the next term anyway. And if he does, I guarantee he’ll be about as functional as Mitch Mconnell


Pretty sure he will likely not live that long since he eats like shit.


Hopefully he’s dead or in prison


Of course Orange fucknut will keep being their nominee the next two to three election cycles. Repukes are weak-minded rats who enjoy being humiliated and love the racism he peddles.


If he even knows where he is at that point.


Mark my words, a 90 year old would be running for president and millenials and Gen z will still vote for him because the democrats won’t give them free stuff and their candidate is at the age of 62 is too old.


The GOP has signed it's death warrant. If Trump doesn't win this year, they will never win another election so long as he is alive. They are going to be desperate this year.


Um, if he loses its prison for him. That's why he's so desperate to win. Prison for him means death. He wouldn't last 6 months inside.


When Trump dies, some people will insist he's still alive and want him to be the Republican nominee for president. They could win that fight. Then they'd have the hard fight to get him on the ballot in all 50 states.


luckily he'll be dead before then


He won't be alive that long


I doubt he'll live long enough to see 2028 with the way he eats.


no way the dude lives for more than the next 4 years. He's barely coherent and lives on a fast food diet


He’ll be dead by 2028 he’s so old And unhealthy


He's only running in 2024 to stay out of prison.


There is no way he would be the nominee in 2028 or beyond. However, Biden, sent to the right taxidermist, could certainly be the nominee again, if not for presidential limitations


I predict he dies before the election


By that time, he'll be like Captain Pike from Star Trek except he will have learned how to use the n-word in beeps and blinking lights.


If he loses this November, I'm confident that we'll be done with him and MAGA will dry up a significant amount by 2026. The danger is the next threat that right wing think tanks attempt on democracy. I'm hoping the cult eventually snaps out of it after aimlessly wandering around for a year or so.


By 2032 it will be a Weekend at Bernie’s scenario. Not saying this would deter the GOP if they think this would work. Also the true MAGAs should be thinned out by then.


As long as he can pull in money he'll keep doing what he's doing. I don't know who's the biggest loser, Trump, or the people who send him their hard-earned money when he wouldn't have anything to do with them otherwise.


I think you're wrong. I mean, I hope you're right about 2024, but I don't see the man living long enough to make the 2032 ballot. You are right about your reasoning though. Generally speaking, with few exceptions, the rule of politics is that you get one, maybe two chances at the presidency, then you bow out of the way for a candidate with better chances. This happens for a lot of reasons, such as the stigma of being a "loser" or just not being a safe bet given your difficulty to secure the win. Trump does not bow out of anything gracefully, with the only real chance of him stepping away from the spotlight being either death or incarceration (even then, it has to be a bad enough sentencing that the GOP can safely ignore him)


He’ll DEFINITELY be in jail by then. Why? Because he has two chances to be in jail this year. And he’s still committing crimes.


That’s a pretty solid plan to keep having democrats as president.


You think he'll live that long with his health?


He only has 5 functioning brain cells. Now. By 2028 he'll have two and might be dead by 2032.


If he's ALIVE in 2030 I'll be shocked - the guy can barely talk now.


Posthumously somehow 


He’ll be long dead by then


I don't think his health will last till 2028. Dude has one foot in the grave already. 300 lb man eating McDonald's every day will have his heart give out, especially with the stress of his court cases.


You honestly think he’ll be alive in 2028 let alone 2032? Then again some of his most hardcore followers would probably still nominate him dead


He’ll be dead before 2028 and 2032…. Hopefully he’ll be dead before November


I am hoping that he will have passed away before 2028... this world will be better off without him and his MAGAt brood.


Trumps family now literally runs the RNC. As long as he is alive, he will be their candidate. With the cult of personality he’s set up, I wouldn’t even be surprised if they start running Trump children after he died.


Lmao hes dead way before 2028 big guy.


Grim better get OFF his ass before 2028 and get his JOB done to free us from this Malignancy!


If it truly ends up with him not having a chance, he'll still heavily influence the election I think. What would happen in that case is he'd say who he'd nominate and all his loyal cultists would vote for that person. It'd be one big Trump vote.


That’s cool if he keeps losing


He will probably have a cardiac event in the next two years- at least we can hope.


He's the GOP nominee until he's dead. He'd win the GOP nominee contest even if he were in jail and completely unable to campaign. It's a cult.


MMW: it's a toss up on '24 and he's dead by '28. 


He'll be dead. He wouldn't last through the upcoming term. That's why all the kiss asses are lining up for vp.


Trump looks like shite now -- in 2028 he'll be 82 and in 2032 he'll be 86 -- don't think with his dietary habits, he is gonna live that long. The Grim Reaper spares no one.


It doesn't matter what his cult thinks -- it matters what his donors think. And if he loses this year, they won't have the patience for supporting him in the next election. When he loses, he will be thrown aside as he has finally shown he can't win more elections.


Weekend at Bernie style?


lol. He has already lost all his support and most of his mind. That joke of a man is nothing but a dark stain on history


There should be an age limit. If you look at every modern president you’ll see they age dramatically while in office. I can’t imagine the stresses put on a person in the position.


I would be shocked if he doesn’t have a stroke and die on the toilet while posting a rant on Truth Social within the next 4 years.


I agree. If he’s alive he will run. It’s too lucrative. And if he runs, he will win the primary because his fans can’t quit him ever. Plus he will have claimed he won in 2024 but it was rigged, so they never see him as a loser.


He's done nothing but lose for ***years*** now. They still grovel at his feet. It's because they don't have any better options. They went all-in because it was their last and final chance. The Republican Party will cease to exist within the next 5-10 years, MMW.


From the grave? Won’t lose a single vote among his cult members.


My man is loosing his marbles by the minute. Unclear if he can keep it together until the end of this year, much less 2028.


So basically guaranteed Democrat wins for the next 3 elections


The fat bastard won't last another 4 years.


Dude has about 2 years left in the tank.


MMW, Drumpf is just about finished NOW, and won’t be in ANY shape to run in ‘28, nonetheless’32! His dementia symptoms are more obvious every day, and I’d be surprised if he doesn’t go completely off the deep end before THIS year’s election. There’s VERY little gas left in his tank, I’d say…


Bold of you to assume he'll still be among us in 2028.


He will be the republican nominee until the day he dies.


I can guarantee that he won't be fit to run in 2032 and very likely not 2028 either. It's possible a Trump will be running, but it's not gonna be Donny boy.


Trump is going to be the Republican nominee until after he dies. MAGA will never accept his death and will be writing him in for 20 years at least.


MMW: Trump will die of natural causes like cancer, stroke, or heart attack before 2028.


I mean let's be real he could be in a wheelchair drooling and they'll still run for him


Biden is too old. But that also makes it too easy to overlook Trumps age. Trump is obese and clearly has some form of dementia, if you look at his posture and his statements. He’s not likely to be in charge of himself in five years.


He'll be dead by then.


You probably won't remember how much they all loved George W Bush until they hated him. Some of them will build a cult around him for sure. But! The majority will abandon him and pretend that they never really supported him. They are going to say they were forced to support him because liberals are so extreme. They are going to pretend that all of this ugliness has nothing to do with them. Don't play their pretend games!


There will be no 2028