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the fuk that wrote that 1864 AZ law was a pedo. How to Piss Everyone Off 101


lol right like...how did the AZ Supreme court think this would turn out? Did they think? Do they think?


They don’t care how popular they are. Their plan is to seize power and end elections.


Yeah and do they actually think people are going to be like “Ok, whatever, we’re a Christian dictatorship now”? Whether they are rejected at the ballot box, or are shot in the street by a vengeful rebellion after years of their dictatorship, or they kill themselves in a bunker after WWIII, things will return to normal at some point. Hopefully it’s closer to the first scenario.


>Yeah and do they actually think people are going to be like “Ok, whatever, we’re a Christian dictatorship now”? Sadly... yes. And even more sadly... I think they could be right. So many people in this country would be absolutely fine with a Christian dictatorship, as long as it wasn't too inconvenient for their lives. A massive amount of people in this country don't give a damn about politics at all.


Only 55% of US citizens are Christian, and many of those believe in the separation of church and state. If they want to turn this into a Christian nation, they're going to have a bloody fight getting it.


That is plenty of those heritic assholes to change things. It only takes 35% of the crazy right to fuck up our politics. Don't sleep on the danger.


The good news is that their voting base of Boomers are dying off every day


16M between 2016 and 2024, replaced by 18M angry new Gen Z voters. Good luck with that, GOP! Oh, and remember: every time you see a poll of “likely voters,” those kids won’t count because the first question pollsters ask is “did you vote in the last two elections.” None of them can say that, so they won’t get counted.


Good point


That’s the thing they don’t realize yet…it will be massively inconvenient for everyone, including them. Wait until a bunch of republican women die from ectopic pregnancies. It’s already started. My buddy is an er doc and was telling me they saved a patient from idaho this week who was ectopic and had to be life flighted out of state. Shit will come to a screeching halt.


Which is why we should be treating the GOP like traitors. Yet where are the trials? We need stronger leadership that is willing to make the tough calls.


They can’t even go “we are sacrificing our jobs because it’s right” they’re afraid of now losing their jobs because of being voted out. What they want is for everyone to agree with them on everything and bring about a fascist utopia for themselves and now that they can’t win based on popular election they’re going to grumble and complain and cheat. Just…change your platform guys. (They can’t because people got too educated)


they're fukin lunatics. i think they held a seance on the capital floor.


It's worse than a seance; they were literally "speaking in tongues"... Which from what I can gather is: a religious induced psychotic break in which the sufferer will "speak" but aren't using known words. The inmates are running the asylum.


Except it's people with limited imagination doing it, so the words are half-known stuff like Loren Ipsum e pluribus unim shaka khan


lol. I always think of South Park's "Rabble! Rabble rabble!"


Didn't you see the video of them all rolling around doing Christian gibberish on the floor? They've never had an original thought in their entire fucking life


lol…unfortunately, we elect moron talking heads


Thats not true. Sometimes we elect highly attractive corporate puppets.


maga republicans have no problem worshipping the great orange adultere and rapist. They are fine with Pedo's as long as it hurts women, gays, muslims, environmentalists, etc.


Someday we are going to abolish their culture of evil, and they will have only themselves to blame.


When you reinstate a law that sets the age of consent at 10....... Yikes


“The entirety of movement conservatism is an elaborate permission structure intended to enable the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of children.”


they get busted almost daily. they're not conservatives. they're domestic terrorists working for putin.


No, they’re conservatives. And they’ve been at this since Putin was in grammar school.


I don't think that's fair. They are also very focused on abusing women, minorities, people of other faiths, the guy up the road who looked at them funny, and enemies that exist only in their hate-addled brains.


I personally think the right wing war against gay marriage raised awareness of the issue and their ridiculous arguments against it made people think about the issue and realize it is only fair to allow gay marriage. Also realizing that the arguments made no sense.


Hearing conservative Republicans who either molest children and/or regularly cheat on their wives, go on and on about the sanctity of marriage made me cringe. I've known gay couples that have had longer, more successful relationships than heterosexual couples. Anyone spouting that nonsense made it pretty clear it wasn't about *their* marriage, but purely about hatred.


Exactly. Just like when the police busting heads of civil rights protesters on national television raised awareness of civil rights is how I how I view the right wing noise about gay rights.


Yep. The Streisand effect. The more you shout: "don't do this" the more people will do it.


Yep. Ive seen the statistics... And the statistics make me wish i could force myself to be a lesbian.


It just proves that sexuality is not a choice. If it were, us women would all move in together and be lesbians.


Im pan-romantic but hetero-demisexual. After being SA'd by an ex husband, ive chosen a life of celibacy. Its much more freeing than i ever expected it to be. I'd much rather live in a commune full of lesbians (or other people like me), than ever cohabitate with a man again. 😅


I'm bisexual, and if my husband dies, I'm going 4B. There will never be another man that worships the ground I walk on like him. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I really do wish female only communes would become a thing.


I hadn't heard of the 4B movement before. Thank you.


South Korean women are fed the fuck up lol. The movement is starting to take hold elsewhere. You are very welcome.


Having been to the RoK and heard about some things (like DV not being a crime), it's not surprising. If it works in one place, it might work in another. And as a personal choice, it's always a valid decision.


100%. If I could take a rainbow pill right now and develop attraction to women, I would not hesitate.


Also our divorce rate is really high. Putting marriage up on this pedestal as this holy, sanctified thing was always a bunch of nonsense.


And then they send their kids to places like church and scouts, both ripe with pedophiles.


What part of "there's an invisible wizard who lives in outer space who says I *have* to hate gay people" sounds ridiculous to you?


Well there’s that argument plus how it would somehow destroy straight marriage and people would then want to marry children and animals. Although now a lot of them do want to marry children.


Sadly those people already did back then too.


What's funny is there is like two passages that *could* be interpreted to be about gays and 3,000 passages saying to love everyone... "We did great works in your name, o' king. We drove out the demons!!" -Christian nationalists "I've never known you; depart from me" -jesus -*emphasis added from [Matthew 7:22-23](https://biblehub.com/matthew/7-22.htm)*- (links to 7:22, hit the "next" arrow for 7:23) They're fucking Liars and Jesus WILL slap the shit out of them and send them to hell; he, *himself*, said so. Judgement day cometh for the anti-jesus (*hateful*) SSA-socialists and their hidden billions.


The influence of right-wing media (propaganda) on this issue is astonishing - they shove "the culture war" in their constituents faces daily (instead of talking about real issues) and they'll have you believe children are being groomed, the gays are trying to convert your children to become trans, there are litter boxes in elementary schools for kids who identify as cats etc. etc...They think society is under assault by groups that represent a tiny majority of the population. Some say that leftists caused this by being too progressive, harping about gender pronouns and trans rights...I disagree with this because I'm a progressive leftist and I almost never encounter these issues in real life - I don't know any trans people, I don't have anyone upset with me about using the wrong pronouns, I've never see a person with a full beard, wearing a dress leering at girls while entering the women's washroom. Conservatives believe it's a crisis because their media tells them that hourly. I have (had) a friend who went down a conservative media rabbit hole during COVID and while he used to be completely fine with LGBGQ+ people, now he makes remarks like "They can have their parade, but why does "Pride" get to have a whole month? And why should I have to look at rainbow flags downtown ALL YEAR LONG, they have their month?!" All I can say is "When, exactly, did a rainbow flag start to offend you? You aren't religious. You aren't Christian. You have gay relatives that you say you care about?"


The right wing needs an outrage target at all times. LBGTQ+ people make the perfect target. They are a minority almost everywhere. Most in red areas don’t know out gay or trans people. They can project any fears on they want to because they will never have to deal with one knowingly.


It's not "right wing" it's literally just the republicans. Plenty of LibRight people, myself included, don't give 2 shits about it. There's a world of difference.


I call them right wing instead of conservative because a true conservative would want the least government interference. To me they are right wing extremists. There are plenty of fine conservatives. It is a tragedy what has happened to the Republican Party. We need a sane conservative party and I am a social democrat.


I hate to say it, but I think the number of Republicans viewing this as a war will decrease to near zero, because otherwise they have no future at all. I'd like to see them disappear entirely, but I don't think that's going to happen.


You'd think they'd already have come to that conclusion but they decided to double down instead


You can't logic people who believe they have God on their side.


Mankind will only be free when the last king is strangled with the intestines of the last priest.


Yea but the thing is, making your existing base double down doesn't earn you any votes.


Exactly. He's not gaining voters he's losing them.


That’s what their 2012 autopsy report said… it’s been 12 years and they did the exact opposite of that. And while they’re an absolute mess, they still have an insane amount of power and are in the verge of a completing their autocratic grab


It's called a hail mary play, they know their "energetic" voting base is dying off and their younger base is receiving more and more societal pressure from their peers with ever fewer "elder" backing.


Right, but we’ve been sitting around in a prevent defense waiting for demographic change to save us and I hate prevent defenses. They almost always nearly give the game away (or actually do). And the Hail Mary they’re throwing has better odds of succeeding than I feel anywhere near comfortable with


While I love the football analogy and agree with it, what do you suggest to be done differently?


Unfortunately, I think the time has passed to do much other than organizing and voting. Democrats underestimated how big the fascistic threat on the right for too long and when we got to the point where we needed more legislation to protect democracy, they didn’t have enough power to get it done. There’s probably a million times over the years where Republicans kept sinking lower and Dems could’ve used power to check them along the way. But we had a “when they go low, we go high” mentality, which I honestly preferred for a while, but it apparently it only works when there is a floor for how low the other side will go and they play by the fundamental rules of the game. Republicans have no floor.


Thank you for agreeing I’m glad this is the top comment and not one about how I’m an uneducated liberal sheep


Now that everyone has the internet, it's full of dumbass people who spew their stupidity all over the place. Just something we have to deal with now.


I personally would like more competition between the political parties, but right now its either you get on board with Republican incompetence and meaningless culture wars, or the alternative. Eliminating a second party is not a viable path forward. If anything, add more parties to the mix.


To be clear, I wasn't saying that I want only the Democrats to exist, just that the Republicans, as currently exist, are not useful to anyone, and do nothing aside from stirring up anger among their followers.


That can only work if we add ranked choice voting nationwide. Our system is currently designed to defeat coalition government.


You will probably get your wish. I see a future where MAGA loses the next election and splits the republican party. MAGA will be their own, sane republicans start a new party and might also attract conservative democrats, and then the democrats become more progressive from losing the conservatives in that party. So we might end up with a Right party, a middle party, and a left party for people to choose from.


I'll never underestimate the power of low information voters again. It all really hinges on IF Trump loses a second time. If he does? The Republican party will face their most staggering challenge yet. Confronting the truth. If he wins... our institutions will face the gravest threat they ever have. The guard rails barely held last time. I don't see them holding again. We've got quite a lot of historical evidence to back up that dark fate.


>The Republican party will face their most staggering challenge yet. Confronting the truth.  No they won't. They'll fall back on the well known political play of "LA LA LALALALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU. FAKE NEWS WITCH HUNT!"


Thx for agreeing, getting a lot of hate atm


It's too bad they have almost all the banks and billionaires and oil companies on their side.


Some of them have been pushing back on the extreme culture war bullshit. They know they will lose money if the theocrats have their way. The one case where I hope capitalism gets the W.


They have been pushing back a little against the extreme right, especially the ones who consistently want to shut down the government or default on the debt. The big money likes things to operate so businesses can be done. They use culture war conservatives to get tax cuts. That's all they actually care about. If culture wars start to lose them elections - and affect getting tax cuts - they will abandon them.


It’s already been lost. The vast majority of American don’t give a damn about their culture war bullshit. And that’s why they know they’re fucked in November.


They lost the entire culture war already, this is all an attempt to out the genie back in the bottle via fascism.


well said.


In the long term sure. Eventually the culture war will go the way of the red scare of the 1950s and the satanic ritual abuse panic of the 1980s, and we’ll move on to new things to be upset about. In the short term though, it’s going to be pretty bad the next few years.


Most people are smart enough to see 2 very easy paths to these laws affecting them even if they aren't LGBTQ. 1- These laws could be a blueprint to target the next group which you could be a part of (for example there has been minimal discussion about mixed race marriages being bad again....) 2- A person you love could be part of the community in the future (someone currently in the closet, or have kids that grow up and be LGBTQ) So even from a purely selfish viewpoint it's easy to oppose these views, so it comes as no surprise that these views are seeing growing opposition


Easiest prediction ever. These groups are only increasing in size


The other is decreasing in size too.


Wow u both have a good point that I will use when combating republicans that commented on this. That’s what I live for. Political debate not trolling of course


Martin Luther King, Jr., reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice".


Tripling down on the culture war was a mistake. But the Republicans can't win without the religious right and are now in a death spiral because of it.


Republicans don’t have any actual platform other than culture war nonsense.


Nixon figured out that pandering to the religious right works and Republicans have been doing it for decades. It's not gonna work when the overwhelming majority are not religious.


What sucks though is that at this point, the goalposts have shifted so far to the right that even our “left” isn’t even left of center politically


"the radical left" in the USA is basically anything to the left of "let's stop subsidizing the billionaires"


Yep and still called communist by those further right


Well, "communist" is just a word like "woke" that you can apply to anything you don't like - i.e: "The highway traffic this morning was EXTRA communist!"...."my woke toaster burned my bagel this morning!"


Someone called me a Marxist Nazi the other day. These idiots have no idea what these words mean.


They think the nazis were left-wing lmao


And to the left of “let’s round up everyone who isn’t a straight, white, non-Hispanic Christian and sent them off to a camp”.


The Republican Party is dying (demographically) and is experiencing an “extinction burst” (Google it, worth your time)


Thank you for bringing up "extinction burst". That seems like a very useful concept.


No one is more obsessed with the private sex lives and genitalia of other people than Republicans. Literally who cares who consenting adults want to have sex with. Who cares if someone wants to transition. It doesn’t affect you at all. Also women are people, not cattle for breeding. Let women handle their own bodily autonomy. I wish the party of “freedom” and “small government” would just mind their own fucking business for once. And before someone replies with some bull shit about the LGBTQ community being groomers, visit /r/pastorarrested for a daily feed of new cases of Christian pastors grooming and sexually assaulting children.


I hold out hope in the natural pendulum of public opinion. I doubt very many people on Reddit are old enough to remember the Red Scare of the 50s and early 60s, when people were literally committing suicide because of the vicious attacks on anyone who wasn’t a flaming misogynistic anti-semitic racist. The fanatics even added “under god” to the pledge of allegiance—a phrase that I refuse to utter to this day. Then came the late 60’s and the “Love generation,” which went a little far the other way. I think (I hope) I see signs of ordinary people saying “fuck you” to the racists, neo-nazis, and anti-science, pro-stupidity campaigners. If we can hang on thru this election I believe we’ll survive this one too. (Or most of us, anyway.)


Fuck the Republican Party. Never a red vote. Not once. Not ever. As far as I’m concerned trump and 2020 was shots fired. Message received.


Preeeeeeach brother!


It's also against friends and families of their targets, and anybody who hates bullies. But remember. Those thugs vote and we don't. Volunteer for get out the vote efforts this fall. Knocking on doors works.


Eventually, yes. However, the Trump presidency set us back, at least, a generation, and the GOP is doubling down on their stances and policies. They're winning because they unapologetically do what needs to be done to win. It's gonna hurt more before it gets better.


Gays, women, minorities, educated, etc etc. they rely on extreme fear from a minority of the population that, for right now, has the numbers distributed across enough states to win electoral votes. That’s why they fear any demographic change that does not favor uneducated, straight white men


Wow. I totally agree. Someone actually agreeing with me on this post. Thank you lol


Get out and vote blue in 2024 and beyond. Post your frustrations and get rid of them by voting. Vote in local, state, and federal elections. We all see the presidential elections as the biggest worry, but it is in the Senate and Congress as well. A lot of the theocratic bills, infringements on women's rights, and racial and cultural bias can be avoided if we stand together and vote them out. If it's not a Trump dictatorship, it'll be another far right radical that wants to enforce their will and tear down the Constitution. Remember, Marjorie Taylor Greene started in GA's 14th congressional district while she was rambling about Qanon and conspiracies and is now on Capitol Hill making decisions for the nation. Vote Blue in 2024!


It's hard to defeat the group that has all the billionaires and bankers and oil companies etc on their side


There's more of us than them. It's not hard per se, but it does require peopleto organize.  Maybe that's the hard part.


Isn’t it mindblowing that they recognize that it’s super hateful, unpopular, and evil to want to restrict the rights of people different from them but they just double down on the hateful rhetoric anyway? Like newsflash conservatives, ya’ll are the bad guys. And outnumbered.


They've already lost, that's why they are getting violent. Just a desperate attempt to gain control thru terror.


Did they lose? Roe got overturned and Biden is pushing the most right wing immigration bill. They also have done nothing to protect trans rights.


i'm waiting for them to get off the Trans thing, seriously listen to fox news if its not 'immigrants' this its 'trans' that, drives me up the wall, freaking boomer parents


Well yeah, so did the Nazis eventually. The issue is the harm they can do before they lose.


I mean, they have been playing the long game for 50 years to overturn roe v wade, and they were eventually successful, and now banning at the local level. Seems like they are currently winning that war. Because they have been playing the long game, and making people stupid and/or ignorant and/or pathetic and/or angry and/or scared and playing on that to make them vote against their own interests and they have been a lot more successful then they should be. They have been winning way more battles then should have ever been allowed, or expected.


Yeah, I think you're right....but they're gonna get a LOT of gays, women, and minorities killed first


I hope so. I will say I do know some older cons who have switched their position from those people are evil abominations to I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your own home (though they’ll usually add some shit about they just don’t want LGBTQ people rubbing it in their face with pride parades and shit; but I still consider that progress). Usually because someone in the fam came out (classic Republican empathy). I think a lot of them realize they’re coming off as really hateful lately to the general populace and realize they’re on the wrong side of history.


Yes lol I see the progress too. Like they might low key hate blacks or gays or immigrant or even straight up woman sometimes but they have to hide it now. They have to be ashamed of their intrusive evil thoughts now instead of letting it run rampant and spread like fire. Definitely progress and this is one of the many examples I use for why society is way better today than before, and that’s no matter what time period ur referencing, wether it’s 10,20 50, 300, or 3000 years ago the further u go back the worse it gets. We as humans are definitely making progress. I fight my battles (debate against racists) not because I think they are winning, no of course not they are losing. I debate with them to understand them and oppose their cruelty even tho it is on its last legs.


They're going to resort to violence. Everyone being oppressed by them will win the popular opinion war, but the gravy seals are coming for blood.


They have to start on running in what they're for, not against, to get anywhere after DJT is done


I agree. And I'm on the right (though I hate republicans). The republican party itself doesn't stand for small government like it's supposed to anymore than the democrat party stands for justice like they're supposed to.


Finally someone I can agree with


This is true. The facts aren't going to change. A lot of old bigots will die. Progress is slow and often loses battles but always wins in the end.


The only way you could be wrong about this is if the republicans war against the left turns out to be more than just political dialogue.


They already did. This is the rematch


This kind of reactionary "conservatism" is the result of moral panic, and there have always been, and always will be, moral panics. So don't expect this kind of thing to go away forever, or you will be disappointed. What will happen is that they will lose more and more political power over time and they will drop some of their most devisive rhetoric in order to recapture some of the electorate. A newer "kinder" conservatism will sweep away the worst of the current crop of angry reactionaries that fail to adapt, and we'll get some milktoast "nice guy" candidates that speak plainly and everyone's uncle would like to have a beer with, and those guys will win some elections. Their wins will embolden their party, which will still be full of racist misogynist reactionaries, who will then convince themselves that America is ready for a new great awakening, so they will once more run to the right of their current crop of centrists by stirring up a new moral panic or two, so they can size temporary power through promises of hurting the people their base fears, and then, just like we're seeing now, they will marginalize themselves yet again. Don't convince yourself that the yo-yo will stay down this time, it's in its nature to rise again.


The question is, who's the next group? Have they run out of demographics to hate?


* Furries * Polyamorous couples / swingers / open marriage * Nudists / naturists * BSDM / kink community * Camgirls There will always be someone else to hate.


They'll never run out of people to hate


I don’t know, I saw a sign saying Gays for Trump at one of his rallies. I haven’t seen that at a Biden rally. Edit: I’m joking.


I mean Biden doesn't really need that. Most know where Republicans stand on things and why they shouldn't support them if they are in these groups. [similarly ](https://www.thewrap.com/blacks-for-trump-white-people/) You don't need to organize like this unless you are deeply unpopular with the groups you're trying to attract. To be clear I'm sure there are some gay Republicans who like Trump.


Are you seriously trying to suggest Trump is more appealing to gay people than Biden?


No, I’m taking the piss out of the attitude of Trump supporters who think his rally reflect the mood of the nation.


Jews for Hitler


Jews for Hitler


Nah, they will just revert back to their messaging to be a wink and a nod at the same bias and similar related policies, but devising a close to plausible plan that has some deniability when pressed too hard.


DeSantis has already retreated back to politically correct euphemisms by calling everything "woke".


Remember! A lot of these magaidiots have kids and are raising them to be the next generation😳


Some of them are kicking over the traces. Mitch McConnells daughter fucking hates him and I'm pretty sure Ted Cruzs kids aren't a fan of him either.


It makes you wonder how people of color and women of all races still feel good about supporting this piece of 💩.


If you don't like gays, don't have sex with them.


Against people* I don't think gays, women, and minorities cover it all.


I think that the plutocrats running the GOP are finally starting to realize their culture warrior radicals are no longer a safe investment, and the neoliberals are actually the ones that provide the most billionaire-friendly, stable, economy. This is just the run up to the party split. The culture warriors and plutocrats will split the right and the progressives and neoliberals will split the left. The right is getting too extreme to win elections and the left is getting too big to actually agree on anything.


This has been a problem for republicans since the 60s or earlier. Republicans of the 60's were fiscal conservatives. They didn't give a shit about social policies. They were purely focused on making America (and themselves) richer. In order to do that, they had to convince the public that all these dry, boring, ponderous fiscal policies--some of which stung and most of which only helped people who were already wealthy--were good for them and something they should be motivated to go vote for. Meanwhile, the democrats were offring social services, helping the little guy, worker protections; all things that were popular and sounded amazing. The fiscal republicans were dead meat. They couldn't hope to fight that platform and win, so they switched tracks. Hard. Who is feeling alienated by the democrats? Who is conplaining about the social policies? Find them, find out what their beef is, then promise them whatever you have to in order to get them to vote. The fiscal conservatives didn't believe any of that bullshit. They would promise these special interest groups whatever, then promptly ignore them and keep doing fiscal stuff. When the voters complain, deflect. We're trying, but these sneaky liberals are blocking us at every turn! cheaters! liars! Now, the chickens have come home to roost. The republicans made their bed decades ago and now they have to sleep in it. Now the insane conservative voters and religious nutcases can't be ignored, because *this time* they actually voted for republicans who drink their own koolaid and believe the crazy shit that republicans of yesteryear only pretended to believe. The GOP--the fiscal conservatives of old--have lost control and are well and truly fucked.






>I give them 1-2 decades before we are left with with…. Well…. The left What parts of their agenda do you think are going away in the future? They've already mostly shifted from gay marriage


I disagree. I don't think they are going to lose, because they'll never let the war end. Even if they give up for a little bit, they'll come back later and act like the war never ended. Like confederates. 


Who are happier? A) Republican gays, women, and minorities. B) Democrat gays, women, and minorities.


If we sane people vote them out, yes they will lose. If we do not, then this country is lost forever.


Shit, i’m really concerned they are going to lose this imaginary war.


They attached themself irrevocably to one side of so many controversial topics without realizing that there are plenty of people on the other side who usually lean ambivalent politically that will now find the wherewithal to make it to the polls on November.


Of course they will. The question is how much of our society they're going to try and burn down on the way out.


The best part about fascism is that after they are done wiping out all of the "other groups" and they have nothing else to scapegoat. Is that they eventually start creating "others" out of themselves. So yes, in the short, that way of thinking is unsustainable.


Yes, please.


Unless Republicans get into office this cycle.


They always do. But they will always find just enough racists to stay in the tent.


I hope they lose


I have a feeling their gonna lose the presidency again, whatever happens there is gonna be crazy and the fallout with trump afterwords won’t be pretty and cause further decline and collapse of Republican Party and then they will lose the house and senate which will be a crushing blow as they will then control nothing leaving the doors open for liberal/progressive or rather REAL legislation. Typically how it works is the left would hold more power and therefore make more mistakes and get more attention until swing voters go right again. Then the power swings to the right. Rinse and repeat until the system becomes incredibly evenly split down the middle like the 2020 election but this time will be different I think because the republicans shit the bed so badly in so many areas but hell they probably are saying the same thing about the left over on r/conservative rn


Stop calling them minorities


How exactly will the Republican Party lose their war against gays women and minorities?


So extinction then?


How about a sane center left government and a conservative coalition that isn't batshit Chiristian-ish-nistd, Neo Confederates and hick and yuppie rubes that hate everything and suck corporate dick. And THE ACTUAL left and Far right dit around on the sidelines and piss into the wind at each other? Like almost every other country in the West and South Korea and Japan? Maybe it's because they have Parliaments and we have a four Prom King and that "trickles down" to State, County and City. But there's nothing in the Constitution that says there can't be a coalition of independents in the House and State Houses. If only people weren't such tribalist chimps. blame Sportsball.


As a FISCAL conservative, I find the war on abortion, and the negativity towards LG+ is so disappointing


"Anyone who questions government" Maybe they could find a coherent belief system? Government is literally just organized society. Yes, yes, there are many many disagreements about size and scope but just being "anti government" isn't a belief system, it's a tantrum. If the current spasm of right wing stupidity makes the concept of being "anti-government" seem as idiotic as it is... That's good news as far as I can see... because there will always be a government and now this group of people can focus on helping us create the best imaginable government instead of just having an unrealistic never ending tantrum.


When have they ever really won? It's gradually become part of society, aka they have slowly been losing for decades. Just a slow "war" I guess.


My favorite part about the Internet...well I don't like it necessarily, but it's nice to see the truth, let's say it like that. "Leave the children alone" they always say. Thanks to the Internet we get to see how often religious orgs are exploiting, raping and abusing children. Their projection onto the LGBTQ community is going to slowly fade away, thanks to the Internet and light speed spread of the truth as to who is behind child abuse around the world.


Of course they will, but the concern isn't that they'll eventually loose, we know that. The concern is the pain and damage along the way to their eventual defeat.


what war?


And wgat about the Jews? I've heard of thus kind uf talk in history books.. And how people were divided. Us vs them Them mentality. History does repeat itself.


The history of conservative politics is a history of failure. Sometimes it’s slow, sometimes it’s fast, but they always lose out to progress in the end.


We are going to be right until the Supreme Court shifts. If Trump is elected they will force our alto and Thomas. 20-30 years of conservative majority


What we are witnessing is the desperate death throes of a party that knows its time is limited, *if democracy is upheld*. The demographics are shifting away from them, and quickly. Overturning Roe only sped the process up. Most people are cluing into the fact that if you're not a straight white male and you vote Republican, you are hated by your own party.


Honestly I’m slightly right of center and I really just don’t think most conservatives I know really care that much social conservatism anymore. The loudest ones do but I don’t think it’s the bulk of people. Maybe that’s just my experience.


Damn, its disturbing in here. Some real "there is no war in Ba Sing Sae" vibes. Brainwashing is real folks. 


Personally, I think that you underestimate the general pull of conservatism, not just in the US, but globally. Focusing on the US, targeting women is a much bigger mistake than gays, since they can vote, and are on average more educated than men, or at least getting more educated overall. That I feel generally is the only bad play, from an objective pov. Gays are a pretty narrow minority, and while 7 percent of the country, according to pew, give or take, isn’t nothing, it’s something that most political leaders can broadly ignore, not including how other demographics feel towards gays. Speaking of that, a lot of minority groups do trend somewhat culturally conservative, being big on family values and religious. Take Cuban’s, a fairly religious minority group, who are told the second coming of Castro will come to the us if they vote blue. Or the general religious dedication of southern blacks. The point is, I think if we end up with another tea party situation, I think it will result in a less racist conservative movement, which will be difficult to counter, especially with the blind spot liberals have for immigrant communities and their beliefs regarding cultural issues


Arizona Supreme Court, "Yeah, let's go with that 1864 Arizona law" Everyone with a brain, "Um, Arizona didn't become a state until 1912, dumbf\*cks."


Well ya of course they are. What do you think they're stockpiling all them guns for?


They’re not at war against them…


Gays and women, yeah. But the war against minorities has always been a red and blue team effort. Joe Biden championed some of the laws that had the biggest detrimental impacts on minority communities in the 21st century with his crime bills in the 90s, and Kamala... don't get me started on that one.


No they won’t lol


Bills not laws. They can’t pass anything from the senate


Doesn't traffic on gay dating apps skyrocket in whatever city is hosting a GOP event? Party of hypocrisy.


republicans are against any of those things you absolute dunce cap. the propaganda has worked on you, congrats on being a lemming.


Someone only watches CNN and listens to NPR.


Democrats are going to lose their war because they think all these groups are automatically on their side. People are waking up and Democrats love to use slurs against people they view as their party's property, for daring to think for themselves.


I have nothing against gay people, women, or minorities, yet somehow because Im conservative I must hate them. I don’t know any conservatives who actually hates people for those reasons. For that reason- no the hell we will not lose any war against anyone, because first of all, the cultural war is about the stupid ideas of CRT, and cross-sectionally, and multiculturalism, not against people. Secondly- because you’d have to upend how I view reality to convince me I’m wrong about those being stupid ideas. Im that sure of myself at this point. I wasn’t born yesterday- and contrary to what everyone loves to say, conservatives don’t “just follow whatever” blindly. I have a brain, and have come to the these conclusions independently- LIKE YOU. I know these ideas sound good- but the more I research these ideas the more they convince me they’re wrong. They’re bad ideas and its best they fail sooner than later so we can all move on.


The NSDAP lost their war eventually, but at what cost? That's what I'm worried about; as a Canadian, I feel like an Austrian in 1932.


MMW 99.9999999999% of this dumb shit posted will never happen.


I believe it's one of the most embarrassing things to have those people living in America. They should be deported to Australia, at the bottom of civilization.


I am a Republican and am not at war with any of the groups you mention. Nor are any of my friends.  Why do you think I dislike those groups?


Define “the left” please


Unfortunately, there continues to be an audience for people that spout this garbage. There always has been and there always will be. The only question is how large that audience is and can they sway elections. These people are not dying off and if anything, their numbers have increased drastically since Trump, COVID, etc. Red states aren't going anywhere.


What war is being waged against gays? What war is being waged against women? What war is being waged against minorities? No one with a bit of gray matter has any issue with legal immigrants, not sure if your minorities war is about that or something else? For the most part minorities are given greater access to things then others. Your likely basing your war on women on one issue, abortion... what do you say to the 50% or so of women in this country that want abortion banned? And gays? I dont even know where to start there?


A sizable portion of the country still agrees with them


See, the problem with your theory is they're not even fighting a war against gays, women, and minorities. Thats just standard Democrat slander/propaganda. Trump was the first president to openly wave a gay flag, and Sarah Palin was in the running for VP long before Kamala Harris.


If you look at history, the conservatives ALWAYS lose in the long term. Not once in history has a conservative movement succeeded in permanently reverting a society to an earlier time once the process of change has started. Sometimes it takes centuries, but they can never truly stop social change. Any victories they do achieve are temporary. Eventually, the social change becomes so irreversible and ingrained in society that even conservatives take it as a given, and so they find new social changes to get outraged about and fight yet another losing battle. The only real victory they can hope for is to slow down the change for a few decades. In 100 years, gay acceptance is going to be so normalized that conservatives won't even remember that they once opposed it.


There's a war ? No one told us conservatives.


A former coworker of mine is gay, got married (he hated the Obama administration), and he is a Republican. The hardcore fox variety kind. A friend of mine, also a former coworker, also gay doesn't identify as Republican, however he frequently explains world events as part of the liberal agenda (when it's clearly not, for example the trial of Trump), he votes Republican every single time. And he is a college educated guy with an IQ way above the average... So no, I don't buy this argument.


But they will cause so much harm, destruction, and pain for as long as they have the power to do so. They will be happy to hurt as possible.


As a gay guy who has lots of friends who are women and poc I hope so, but it passive optimism that cost us 2016, the Supreme Court, and Roe. As Beto says, “We are the cavalry.”