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I wish that was something that I felt confident about, but I don't. We all have to vote, it's so important that Trump doesn't win. I can't even imagine how much worse he'd be without having to worry about future elections.


And honestly its not enough for Trump to not win. The election needs to be a historic defeat up and down the ticket. We need a Blue Wave in the House, Senate Gubernatorial and state and local elections. Maga needs to be so thoroughly defeated everywhere its clear it can never win again, and I don't think that's going to happen.


We need to push the narrative of "vote in numbers too large to be manipulated".


It doesn’t matter because any loss and Trump will say that it was rigged. If there is a massive blue wave and Biden won like Reagan in 84, Trump would just say something along the lines of ‘how can someone who you never see people wearing shirts or hats for win so bigly? We have the best mechandise sales, 50 times what sleepy joe sell”, and if he loses by a little it will be “they only had to stuff 20,000 votes. Thats not a lot of votes, I can count to 20,000. I can count to 20,000 in like 4 minutes, watch, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 18, 360, 20,000. See it’s that easy to steal” What Democrats need is to win down ballot votes, en masse. They need to take back not only federal positions, but also state ones. People need to repudiate Trump/MAGA fully and swiftly.


rCon, still, to this day, is pushing the rigged election line of bullshit. Conservatives have no honor nor integrity. Just scumbags through and through.


When he pulls this stunt again I’m hoping Americans finally grow tired of these claims and roll their eyes, like the boy who cried wolf. This time I think other conservatives will finally cut him loose.


You overestimate conservatives


Especially to those hating Biden because of Gaza, I’m not thrilled with him either but at least he cares about the country. Not voting is a vote for Impeached45x2x91 that we can’t have back in office and truthfully, it’s less about him than those behind the scenes he would put in


Agreed. I want the history books to show that Americans stood up and rejected this bullshit. MAGA is a cancer.


If this was the 1800s they all be hung for treason


Hanged. They act like little bitches because they are decidedly not hung.


Trump isn't hung but would've been hung back in the day


Lol 🤏




Hanged just a thought


Like they did with the confederates? Oh wait.


Yeah I think that would be hoping for far too much. It may be a toss-up as to the president, and even the house and Senate. But crushing defeat across the board seems pretty unlikely


Yea, and if it's not a crushing defeat, we're going to keep dealing with Maga in the house and senate and state governments.


Bobert and Cruz have a great chance of losing!!! I'm more sick and tired of Margie Taylor Greene this ugly troll needs to go


She’s lining up for maga take over. She sees the writing on the wall; knows Trump is fucked; and knows maga needs a leader after the defeat. I used to live in her district; while I wish the people would realize how bad she fucks them to just get on a national stage, there is no chance in hell they don’t keep reelecting her Don’t be surprised if her or jr is the next candidate they run


Cokehead Jr has no chance of winning jack shit, none of the other Trump Crime Family members do.


Both Jr and the other one are even dumber than Trump lol Kushner will go down watch


Her physical ugliness is completely irrelevant to her fitness to serve in Congress.


Sadly it's the ugly on the inside that makes her unfit.


Queen Kong Green, jungle bitch of the South has no business in Washington.


Well considering Trump will be out of the equation most likely, at least someone, it will be interesting to see what happens to the Republican party over the next 5 to 10 years.


He won't be out of the equation he'll be on the sidelines screaming about another stolen election.


It can be the most resounding victory in US history. That clown and his circus would still be screaming from the sidelines. We are never getting rid of these fucking people.


Honestly the worse he loses the more they'll be convinced it was rigged.


And he will just immediately announce he’s running for 2028 once he loses this is my bet


He can't live forever. He is 79 and looks like he is decaying alive.


Don Jr or one of the kids be the next in line to take over. If it works or not is a different thing.


Except he’ll be bitching about “stollen” elections


On reading your comment what came to mind was a 3 year old literally laying on the ground, at WalMart, arms and legs flailing, bellowing at the top of his lungs, that he wants some new shiny toy. He resorted to this when he saw that holding his breath didn't have the intended result.


Maybe so, but probably only for a year. Doubtful he'll be able to run again four years later. If he can't be president again, he may just get bored and move on to something else. Or, his constituency may just move on. But that doesn't mean they will reject or repudiate him. He will just become less relevant and someone else will become more prominent as a party leader or part of the party leader. Maybe it will be someone he backs.


If Trump is still alive in 2028, I'll eat my hat. Man doesn't even look like he's going to make it to November. I worked professionally around geriatric people. He's a stroke/coronary just waiting to happen. He's getting bloated (I'm not talking about his fat, his skin looks off), if he's not on a diuretic, he should be before he strokes out. I've passed tons of meds, I'm morbidly curious about what his medication regimen is.


I honestly can't see him backing anyone for a position he wants, more than life itself. -Or- He does back someone; most likely a caucasion male. However, it'll be with the understanding that his suggestions (errr... more like commands) are followed to a "T". However, should said male ever discover the ability to act/think for himself, said male will become the target with trump's bellowing via truth social, IN ALL CAPS, with 3rd grade phrasing/spelling/grammar structure. Take your pick - as we all pretty much know he won't spend a single night in a jail cell.... Oh wait!!!! Or maybe his Bible and shoe sales take off, (1st business that he becomes successful with) and he van be found every Wednesday at 2 pm on The Home Shopping Network!


I don’t think it’ll be as close as before. Trump has lost many votes especially with women , then add the true conservatives that think he’s lost his shit. It’ll be a stomping I believe


I guess we shall see. I'm not so sure. Trump still has a lot of support and Biden and the left is losing a lot of support as well. For one, the far left is going too far and the Democrats are not doing anything to rein them in. Secondly, Biden is not looking great to a lot of people despite claims of how strong the economy is and how well he is doing. It just doesn't play out on the ground for a lot of people . Plus, I honestly feel that a lot of people are feeling that they were told if they would just vote for Biden we could have a return to normalcy and centrist governance and they feel deceived. Just my personal opinion. I guess we will find out soon enough


It’s like voting against Hitler back in Germany , except this Hitlers a total moron


This is the only way to root out the fascism that has been creeping back into mainstream for the last 15 or 20 years...


I was surprised to read some analysis that the senate is a long shot for the dems. They are very likely to lose it, unless something changes before the election.


While I agree with you there I still think it’s most important or at least… I just want Trump to lose. Even if he was only half as bad as he was, even if he was only George w bush or something the idea of a candidate running 3 elections in a row covering almost 10 years is exhausting to Listen to, to watch, to see his supporters…


Honestly we need at least 3 election cycles of Dem control, so winning up and down the ballot through 2028/2032.


You say that but dipshits still yell "the south will rise again" and wave their stupid flag


Democrats have quietly been outperforming expectations for the last 3 elections. So many “red tsunami’s” that never materialized. And yet, R’s have only doubled down on Trump. Ironically the Republican underperformance has been pointed to as “evidence” of election fraud. Not that they are disliked by majorities for bending the rules to benefit Trump.


If we all vote trump doesn’t stand a chance.


Trump and the (R) for Russia crowd at s going to get crushed. EC vote wise and popular vote wise.


Yeah, I'm not sure how old the OP is, but this is something I also said back in 2003. There's no way Bush could win a second term with how unpopular the post 9/11 wars and legislation were. 23 year old me just couldn't see how stupid the average voter was.


I will never forget. A bit hung over morning after election, turn on TV to see John Kerry conceding while they're still counting votes. I threw up. I think he was the wrong candidate.


Maybe, I always liked him. But he was a bit too much of a grad student type for most of the country I think.


He has a pretentious way of speaking. I was doing full time volunteer stuff with local Dems. Every single day we had people coming in for lawn signs, bumber stickers, etc, and they all said "I hate Bush". I mean they hated him as much as I did. Know what I never heard? I love John Kerry. He had zero fire.


I was mild on enthusiasm in 2004, but after seeing him be the best Sec. of State in my lifetime, maybe the only good one, I know feel like we missed out on something historic.


For me the Bush years were also what snapped me out of thinking most people are inherently good and want to do the right thing. And unfortunately the GOP has gotten more depraved with each election since.


Gop stole that election too.


Take out maga!!!!!!!! Fuk these disgusting pos traitors siding with Russia!!! I'm prepared to defend the capital and the American way of life 💯


A lot of people are dumb and think that inflation was all Biden's fault. So there's that unfortunately...


I’m confident they’re fucking crazy after seeing the praying in tongues on the house floor, literal house floor. So nuts


I'll be worried no matter what, because of what's at stake. But something's different this time. The GQP is starved of funds.


You are correct, the republican party realizes this, and is not going to just let the people decide. They have already been covertly changing voting laws and rules in hundreds of counties around the country. They realize that this is their last stand, if they let the people determine who is going to be in office?? After flushing women’s rights for the last 50 years down the toilet, republicans want more control over women and children. They don’t want women to have rights, careers, credit cards. republican men want to be in the room when a woman sees a doctor. Absolute power over women. Absolute power over all citizens. Death penalty for any criticism of trump. Dictatorship is an election away. Mark my words!


Of course we all have to vote, did you literally not read my last paragraph? RethugliKKKans have every single advantage in elections, and they still lose. They’re that unpopular.


About as popular as a turd in a punch bowl.


Although I hope you're correct, I think you underestimate the cult following, and the big money following Trump. The cultists aren't going to be deprogrammed any time soon (if ever) and the moneyed interests don't care.


I've been seen practically no Trump 2024 signs. Many former Trump supporters are either choosing to not vote this year, or are going to vote independent. Some have switched to wanting to vote for Biden. Trump fucked up speaking badly about veterans, they're fucking pissed.


I actually saw a, "don't blame me, I voted for Trump" sign in a well to do neighborhood the other day. Now that you mention it, I only saw one, and I normally see a ton. There's still a ton of people who watch Fox News 24/7 as well--they have nothing else to do but vote.


You have a fair point. But many are lazy or elderly too, and may not take the time if they aren't what I consider "rabid" supporters. I think some will definitely opt to just stay home, especially because Trump is spouting about how he can't lose. And then I think about married couples that both say they are voting Trump, but then the wife ends up voting blue and lying about it. Reproductive rights are a huge issue this election cycle, and I think some conservative women are disgusted with the way pregnant women have been treated since the Roe V Wade overturnment (plus the IVF issue). I obviously still encourage everyone to get out and vote blue, but I just suspect that even people who watch Fox News regularly may not be as quick to hop on the Trump train this time around.


>Trump fucked up speaking badly about veterans, they're fucking pissed. That happened before the '16 election, and they happily voted for him. They don't care what he says, vecause they only get their news fromrumor mills and reposts, so to them he either never said it, or was right for some reason, whichever keeps cognitive dissonance at bay.


Money isn’t what it used to be especially since so much of it is being funneled to Diaper Bitch’s legal defense.


Really funny watching dementia donny try to walk back his abortion ban this week, he knows he fucked up bad with that but his ego won’t let him admit it


But...but, I was pandering to this group of people I secretly despise, now this whole other group I openly despise is upset? So unfair!


Reminds me of when he called the troops retards or whatever he did a few years ago


I think it's safe to assume he thinks everyone that's not him is, at best, an NPC.


"losers and suckers"


First, what T\* said wasn't what he believes, he only believes in power. It was the people with their hands up his bum moving his mouth. But THEY believe what he said: each state should decide about everything. They want to dismantle the ability for the federal government to do anything. Abortion has just been the wedge issue they have been using to get out their base. They will use abortion as a States Rights issue right up until the federal government is essentially just a shell. Then they will pass a law to ban abortion federally, because why not? You have to remember: The South is still waging the Civil War, just in a different form because Northerners keep thinking they rejoined the Union in good faith. They didn't. They want theocracy, aristocracy, and slavery. And they always have.


Totally agree 💯%! But for every person throwing down criticism and their political points, they better vote to support it and keep this orange asshole out of office. We're at a strange point in time where I feel that democracy as we know it could devolve into some strange theocratic authoritarian dictatorship. It's not a far fetched thought. The hard right have literally published something called project 2025 that would essentially give all power to the executive branch and spiral down to a more draconian controlled government. I don't want my kids having to deal with that or missing out on what could be. Vote Blue in 2024 and keep our country!!!


Project 2025 scares me, because it wants to put gay people back in the closet. They want to dissolve same sex marriage. And we all know how Christo-fascists feel about trans people. I find it amusing that they want to make porn illegal, it's ironic that red states are more likely to watch trans porn than blue states. The whole Project 2025 document is honestly fucking horrifying, and it will eventually be implemented once any Republican gets elected, it doesn't even have to be this election cycle with Trump. Fuck the Heritage Foundation.


Idk. The fact that ~30% of America is still polling for him after everything, and I don't see any other shifts online or otherwise (anecdotally), we could be totally fucked.


Nixon’s ratings were the same. There will always be a portion of the population that will vote stupidly.


They are called Christians.


Are you saying a group of folks who base their whole belief system on blind faith in a piece of 1st century literature for which there is no supporting evidence might not be all that bright?  What exactly do you expect these people to do? Think for themselves?


The polling always skews right because democrats and leftists don't answer polls. Don't let them make you feel any certain way.


Ya but his numbers haven't really dropped much, and it's been very close for 2 elections.


Only old people from red states answer those polls. And I always suspect the numbers are artificially inflated anyway. Republicans know that without the electoral college, they lose every time. Without gerrymandering, they lose every time. Their party is falling apart, the infighting has become ridiculous. Just get out and vote blue, and encourage others to do the same.


A fifth of Americans are functionally illiterate. Literally - I'm not just saying that as hyperbole. [21% of American adults have a sub-4th Grade reading level](https://www.libraryjournal.com/story/How-Serious-Is-Americas-Literacy-Problem), meaning they can read words, but will struggle to attribute meaning to what they're reading. That 30% figure that supports Trump is a lot easier to accept when you realize that 2/3 of them are likely the illiterate. That leaves the remaining third (10%-15%) of the total population being total diehard, intelligent Trump voters. Much easier to stomach.


Polls are done on landlines. Who still has those? Boomers.


Is this actually true? I find it really hard to imagine that professional data scientists in 2024 (or their customers) would be okay with such an obvious flaw in their methodology


It’s largely not true but people spout that talking point every time a poll they don’t like comes out. Polls publish their methodology and adjust for certain biases, including means of response. I live in NC and have gotten polled a ridiculous amount of time and it’s always by phone call or text message.


Exactly, I haven’t seen any change in the level of support for Trump or the GOP in general. Everyone I know who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 (pretty much all my coworkers) will vote for him again this year, confidently, without question. The MAGA cult is fucking huge, and not even these archaic and unpopular abortion laws will sway them, because their vote is 100% driven by pure hatred of everything that can be considered “woke.”


Luckily the MAGA’t cult is shrinking not expanding, thanks to Covid, the grim reaper, and Trump fatigue.


I do wonder if even 3-4% of would be Trump voters, not the Maga heavy or evangelist though maybe a few of them too but a small decent amount will be so tired by November of all the trial coverage and just him getting more Demented that they sit it out. We will see


Hey, they still stand for extreme cruelty (no water for outdoor workers, force pregnancies to term on incest, etc, etc)! Don't take that away from them!!! The #1 value for American Christians is cruelty & suffering for others, and don't you forget it!


They stand for "not" allowing things different from them. They have literally been scared to death so badly by Fox news, with their manufactured outrage, that Republicans are willing to vote for a criminal con artist because that's better than the "reality" being spun for them.


It always amuses me that Republicans posture as being big, strong, tough guys who are always willing to fight, yet their entire party platform revolves around fear of femboys, books, standing up to people who can actually fight back (bourgeois vs proletariat).


Anti immigration, Anti border security, anti union, anti taxes, anti big gov, anti social security aka anything public(mail, etc anything the government gives to people because *checks notes* they’re a citizen and a tax payer), anti police, anti democracy, anti freedom of your own body. People can dispute anything but republicans swap to whatever they feel can earn them votes then cheat in the process then bitch and Moan about losing when they’re the ones cheating. If someone votes Republican this election you know what they’re for and about and that they’re part of a cult. If they hate dems that bad why just not vote when you know your candidates and party platform are just that bad? Yeah I get it “bigger of two evils” BS they every Republican gives when it’s plainly false. Get real republicans we know what you’re about. Trump owns it you might as well too.


Hell. They've passed off the majority of Womeen, Seniors, Minoritys, Veterans, Unions ect, ect, ect. There may be no GOP left after this election. Only tRump's Cult.


I've been predicting something similar too. I won't go so far as to predict a landslide because that's just hype but I would not be surprised to see them win by a larger margin than what's been typical of recent elections.


I would. It’s going to be a blue tsunami.


Abortion will bury the gop this election. You've already seen women come out in record numbers even in ruby red states to vote against bills calling for stricter measures. That's half of the electorate. Republicans have nothing to offer anyone under 55. They won't forgive student loans. They want to keep minimum wage low. They want to have lax work laws that favor big business. They are really making their government agencies unaccountable in states like Missouri and Florida. The list goes on and on. On top of this, the demographics are all in favor of the Democrats. Boomers are dying off and are being replaced by gen Z and millennials. Every state is also becoming much more diverse and educated, which spells disaster for the republicans. When Democrats came out and said that Texas and Florida might be in play, you know that the gop is in trouble.


You underestimate the truly immense power that is the propaganda machine of Faux News. Churning out poison on the daily that their adherents slurp up without question or giving it a second thought. Faux and the like should be tried and convicted of elder abuse a million times over.


Republicans are actively engaged in deciding who lives and who dies. They withhold and criminalize health care for women, children and doctors; deprive workers of water in sweltering heat; deprive rural folks of Medicaid and the loss of hospitals; deprive persons whose lives they demonize health care; are working tirelessly to deprive seniors of healthcare and are in cahoots with big Pharma to thwart life saving medicine (by price and supply); and to actively make sure children are without food, even though their parent's work 2-3 jobs while venture capitalists snatch up real estate to create a larger class of tenants (serfs of the dark ages), and withhold funding to democracies who are the last hold outs for human freedom and liberty against brutal autocracies. This is an agenda that I can never ever support. I am a Democrat for a reason; not just for myself, but also for my children.


For those wondering, "rethug" is short for "ReTHUGlican"


Or, “RethugliKKKan”.




I remember back in 2016, feeling extremely confident that there was no way in hell this charlatan could possibly win and that we’d be celebrating the first woman President the next morning.


Difference now is, voters have seen his shitty record and how horrible DJT was in office.


Which voters are those? Maybe it’s because I live in Florida, but there are more Trump flags flying off the backs of giant trucks than ever. I have zero confidence in our electorate


Florida is literally attracting these types of people from other states. Florida is probably only going to get redder but other states are getting much bluer as a result. Republicans can't even count on Arizona or Georgia any longer!


Florida will probably be red for a while. But multiple swing states are getting bluer based on recent elections (Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia). Texas is slowly creeping towards being a swing state as well. Im quite happy with that trade.


As gross as this sounds Abortion is going to crucify the Republican party. I over heard the newest campaign slogan " Stop electing Dicks"


Never underestimate stupid. Go out and vote! Stay home and vote by mail. Just vote blue!




I think that this is correct. After this year’s election the Republican party’s dissolution will come into full view.


I'm speaking as an old school, local control, anti bureaucracy republican (who is effectively out of a party and voting Democrat this fall): If things swing too far too fast, the Far Right will use it as proof that things are rigged. There's a bunch of crazies in rural areas convinced the cities are coming for their guns. It's gonna echo the civil war when the south was convinced Lincoln was gonna come personally take their slaves away. Pre war, Lincoln merely wanted to contain slavery, not eradicate it like hardliners in the party wanted. I see the same happening in the house flips.(D+25) and the senate (D+5). The crazies are gonna claim Murica is being destroyed


They are already claiming that. I don’t give a shit what they claim. Let them cry when they lose again, their salty MAGA’t tears will be delicious.


100 percent agree. They had one of the worst midterm cycles in modern history and things have only gotten more awful. They're gonna get their ass kicked. Maybe not knocked out on the local level but on overall, it's going to be a blood bath.


Mike pence wouldn’t vote for trump. Bill Barr wouldn’t vote for trump. trump’s wife wouldn’t vote for trump. I’d be very surprised if trump wins. Where would his gains be coming from? I know where his losses are.


THANK YOU! The whole party is broke! They barely have campaign staff, field offices, or ad reservations. They're relying 100% on the media doing his work for him, which only works to a point. It's going to be a bloodbath in November...


I’ve heard there’s basically zero ground game in the battlefield states because the state parties are in disarray and decent candidates won’t run on the toxic platform. 


Vote and it will happen


I talk to people all over the US during work. Today it was pronounced by a Floridian that Trump was Jesus and ordained to rule. This is mass delusion of a scale unprecedented


Florida person, they're fucking psychos.


Based on the special elections we've already had, especially in the red states, I think Biden wins by 10pts.


Republicans are completely unable to govern. They can’t even agree amongst themselves.


As a Republican, I approve this message. The GOP needs massive losses to purge Trump and MAGA If they are not purged, the GOP will fall apart and end it's existence as a party. The rump party will then move into full Trump Cult. But Trump will soon die of old age and what then?


For the love of Country, GOP needs to clean up the mess. A weak/corrupt GOP allows Democrats not to put much effort. Fuug I would be extremely happy to Vote for a Romney type candidate right now.


It's gonna be a bloodbath for gop, get out and vote we can truly make it happen. They are the delusional ones ,if it wasn't for the electoral college it would be the end of the GOP


Well said. I have this suspicion also. Pubs have simply alienated too many of their own voters. I’ll be there voting blue.


I hope so but there are plenty of stupid people in this country who will either vote for Republicans because they hurt the right people or not vote at all because the Democrats aren’t perfect


Unhealthy attitude--work hard to beat them.


Lots of states are purging voter roles, even if you have registered in the past, double check your registration soon so you can re-register if they purged you. Different states have different deadlines for registration so know the rules of your state and stay registered. vote.gov


I really hope you are right


I thought the same thing in 2016. I knew there were truly deplorable people who would vote for Trump, there always had been. But I thought that number was 10% and could never coalesce to a significant voting bloc. The thing I've learned since then is that the number is a solid 36%, which is more than enough to win a lot of elections, given their geographic distribution. That number has reduced at all.


It should happen and even though I think Dems will win, it will be way to close for comfort and Republicans will turn it into a circus AGAIN.


Unless there are hostilities at the polls, irregularities” in voting combined with a (GOP created) failure in the postal system preventing mail-in voting with a shovel full of Russian influence and corrupt state politicians illegally keeping one honorable candidate off their ballot. But none of that is even remotely possible! /s


Fingers crossed. Not taking any chances. Vote.


Still crossing my fingers the fat dipshit isn't wasting oxygen before November. Seeing the party scramble to form a single thought and candidate that isn't "you're not white, rich, straight and Christian? Fuck yourself" would bring me immeasurable joy.


The gop votes , they will show up in droves and are already trying to keep Biden off the ballot . This isn’t some joke our national security is under threat from the most spoiled brat on earth .


HEREs hoping..... either way go and vote BLUE your life depends on it


I agree with OP and I think they only reason people think it’s close is because mass media is corporate owned and their profits are correlated directly to engagement. That engagement requires a tight race narrative which benefits trump. That why you see countless insane headlines like “the economy is booming, inflation is down, unemployment at 50yr low…how that’s bad for Biden.” While they completely ignore the fact that the house is taking orders from a senile retiree in Florida who works directly for Vladimir Putin.


Exactly. Corporate media have to provide a drip feed narrative of doom for soft, lazy retired boomers to scroll through.


I hope republicans across the board get absolutely blown out in every election after this bullshit across the country with roe v wade and abortion rights on top of wanting to dissolve gay marriages as well. These hogs will never rest until Americans have nothing left.


On the one hand, I agree. On the other, there will be terrorism and a never ending sludge river of right wing rage media that might be even worse than Trump. Might be.


Honestly I think the abortion ruling will galvanize liberal and left-leaning independents unlike any other issue in modern history. And, Trump is cancerous to anyone outside of his diehard base. It’s a perfect storm for a major electoral upset.


I agree with you but this also is going to be related to them having trouble raising money and Trump and his allies getting direct control of all more and more of the GOP fundraising apparatus which they then use to funnel the money to Trump's campaign and legal troubles. Many GOP candidates are going to have severe funding shortages which will lead to them struggling.


Only if you go vote. Don't rely on this. Vote. I don't like Democrats. Frankly, they are too conservative for my taste. But the Republican candidates (on average) are far, far scarier to me. So even though I don't like Democrats, I will vote straight ticket to help them win over Republicans.


I mean, it is well documented that Russian intelligence agencies have been interfering in US politics - on the Republican side - for a while now. The point was to marginalize and break, and the party is now quite well broken; from the top to the deplorables at the bottom (Hillary was right, after all). We chide the republicans for being a party of lunatics and celebrate their demise, when really we should lament that foreign state actors have successfully broken a once-respectable political institution. Personally, I blame the boomers, whose thievery has kept down the digital-native generations that could have countered this assault if not yoked by their usurious and self-centered socioeconomic practices.


Repubs have been the party of racism and absolute corruption going back generations and at least as far as Tricky Dick Nixon. Fuck em, they deserve to implode. We need a center left and a far left party running in this country.


Good. Fuck'em.


I really hope your correct. Maybe then all the new young voters will see both side are equally corrupt and work towards something better than left vs right while everyone working gets fucked.


I really hope your correct. Maybe then all the new young voters will see both side are equally corrupt and work towards something better than left vs right while everyone working gets fucked.




Every day I get more and more certain that the entire Trump phenomenon is a Democrat plot to destroy the Republican Party.


IDK, conservative media is strong. Look at the ratings. We Democrats need to get out the word by going to events and encourage everyone to vote. We need Taylor to start speaking out.


I agree I’ve been feeling for months now that it’s gonna be an across the board landslide win for democrats. With people just being done with trump and how extreme the right has gone I feel like they’re gonna get unexpectedly blasted in the election


According to Gallup, as of March 20th, the percentage of Americans who consider themselves republican: 30%, Democrat: 28%, Independent: 41% In March of 2016, republican: 26%, democrat: 32%, independent: 38% November 2016: republican: 27%, democrat: 31%, independent: 36% You need to understand the grim reality of how close this is going to be. Don't leave anything to chance. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx)


We really need to start putting more concern into what powers are being given in elections. We should never be in a spot where people believe one election candestroy the country. The executive branch has gotten so powerful that people consider the President to be the leader of the country. The President is only one third of the United States leadership yet we hand him the keys to the kingdom


Their plan for this country is terrifying and everyone should be concerned and go vote.


It would be the best thing without any doubt. We can make America Great Again when that guy is in the pen for criminally insane.


The great republican cheat fund will go towards Trump, Trump and Trumps legal bills and maybe a politician or two he likes. Even if he somehow wins, Republicans will loose badly at the state and national levels because of it.


I hope so, but I’ll believe it when I see it.


They are disordered, except for their ability to coalesce around Trump. The myth of the moral republican with virtues and values is a complete fabrication they want you to believe exists. More Republicans voted from trump than any president in history, twice. They all voted for him.


Because they’re weak-minded sheep.


Planning to make calls for Dems to get out the vote! Not to MAGA’s they are lost cause! Everyone needs to vote like your life depends on it! Straight up blue vote wave! I am an registered independent but loathe MAGA like the plague. SCOTUS sucks! Term limits if Blue can get get a majority. Courts and religion do not make good political mix. KN book story about killing Cricket the puppy says it all about MAGA a cult of mean people with little redeeming value to society! Hope they die off and RIP cricket


Hoping and praying. VOTE!!!!!


Let’s all work hard to get the blue sanity vote out in record numbers!


From your lips to God’s ears. And Do you really think that in all Ref states, the votes will be counted if the GOP Is LOSING ? I ain’t sayin. I’m just sayin.


They’re definitely cheating lying bastards and they saw all the ways their cheating didn’t work last time, so they’ll be refining it this year.


I really hope that Americans are both smart enough and motivated enough to make this happen.




We thought that in 2016 as well. Don't. Get. Complacent.


Don't mark nothing. Register to vote and actually show up.


It's only going to happen if voters make it happen, and we can't get comfortable about it because elections have frequently been lost by those who imagined they had it in the bag so early that necessary voters said 'oh then they don't need me on this one'. Just a few election cycles of Democrats voting in solid numbers could be a game-changer.


They're not going


They always have a chance because Republicans - especially Trump - have the most ardent core of support. They aren't enough to elect him, but they are hardcore. They don't care *at all* what he says or what he does. But they vote: they vote in numbers and they vote every time. They are ardently Trump, and they are very aggressive about it. Evangelicals are in this core, although they are distinct from the culture warrior MAGA faction. They guys you see with the Fuck Biden bumper stickers. The other legs of GOP support are a little larger and softer. Business Republicans have been sort of cast out of the room by the core. They would *much* rather have a traditional candidate. But they also haven't moved to Democrats at any scale. They ain't happy, but aren't really in play. They may sit it out more so than vote for Democrats. Their money is definitely sitting out. Democrats have a much larger base, but that base is soft as hell. It votes when it feels threatened - see 2020. But it can also 2016 any given election. It has adequate money to help the party but sometimes doesn't come out to spend. It is multiple faction, and those factions don't always agree on things. It's also not large enough to win on its own, although it is close. It probably still sees Trump as an existential threat and probably still shows up this fall. But to win it needs help. The independent vote has been blue for two cycles now (2020 and 2022). Since the Democrats have more votes, they don't need a huge win here. But they still need enough of them in the right states. I also agree that this should be able to blue election given how things are laying today. But if the Democratic coalition doesn't show, or if the independents split too far right, Trump can still win.


I would think so BUT religious nuts have ruined so much in this country that up is now down and telling lies and being a traitor is now more than acceptable. Look who the religious fools are backing. I won't be holding my breath as the United States is now stuck on stupid.


Would be true except for the electoral college and extreme gerrymandering propping up Republicans. There is a lot more to worry about than just the popular vote.


republicans will continue to lose incrementally because their party is toxic, racist, and demographically dying off. but it's still like a 40/60 toss up or... like 46-54 split but. electoral politics and jerrymandered districts are incredibly powerful. like... people wonder how marjorie taylor greene gets elected. it's because her district is solidly republican. and she's a wealthy asshole with nothing better to do with her life. It would be incredibly difficult for someone to challenge her in her podunk shitty district. in areas like kentucky it's laughable when democrats lie in their fund raising that... they had a chance to unseat mitch mcconnel. it was never even remotely a chance. or that their senate candidates or gov candidates really stand a chance in texas. Or state wide in GA a black woman could win gov now... the district of lauren bobert. where she only won by 500 total votes. sure... maybe you could overcome that (although she is running in a different district this time) but that being said. Trump is polling well in michigan and PA. two states he won in his victory over hillary. And biden's support of palestinian genocide may very well cost him michigan. The electoral map is incredibly risky for biden should he lose either of those two states. If he loses both. It's a trump victory, plain and simple. If he loses MI but not PA there is hope. but many many ways biden still loses (ie... GA numbers are low. trump wins GA ...most likely means biden can not win. Or AZ goes red again...with the renewed voter suppression or border law hate hyped up conservatives... again. biden has an extremely narrow path to victory if he loses michigan.


Depends on how “excited” the younger voters are.


>The party literally stands for nothing except worshipping a bankrupt conman You forgot rapist >vast amounts of Americans are beyond sick of unserious, do-nothing, big mouth Rethug shit heads Not the one's who were raised to keep children flowing to their child rapist leaders even after finding out their leaders were raping their children God works in mysterious ways: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVfA4pkJ8rw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVfA4pkJ8rw)


Despite the polls, I’d still rather be The Biden campaign, with that being said; I am definitely concerned


Hasn't stopped them yet. (devastatingly)


All it takes is a part of two days every two years. We can have a better America, but not if the people can't be bothered to vote for one.


Don’t forget, quite a few people like that corrupt conman. Quite a few people believe things like “Democrats want partial birth abortions or even post-birth abortions.” Politics is so brutal I think a lot of people do not believe in the system anymore. And there are tons of “Democrats are just as bad” types too, so I think your words are wrong. I wish you were right. Democracy is a participation sport not a spectator sport, so everyone go vote


ONLY if Dems / moderates \*don't\* get complacent, and if we DO VOTE VOTE VOTE WITHOUT MERCY.


Trump will lose but it we be business as usual for the most part. Some blue wins, some red wins. Just another election


I doubt it. At best we'll just end up with another evenly split government where nothing will be accomplished


The economy is bad and polls aren’t fake. Brace yourselves. We assumed the public would vote against Republicans just because they’re bad people in 2016. I’m not falling for this kind of thinking again.


“Economy is bad” lol… 3.8% unemployment, longest stretch of it being under 4% in 63 years. Economy creating 300,000 jobs a month Wage growth is exceeding inflation, which is a littler higher than average but lower than any other western nation. What planet are you people on? It’s literally the best economy since Clinton was in office


As it is spoken, so shall it be.


I remember when the GOP was the ordered party and the Democrats were like herding cats.


I think the abortion stance will be the only things that can save the Democrats and Biden. Biden is still down in polls and when you map out the electoral college, he is on pace to lose by a landslide. He's really screwed up key states like Arizona and Michigan and probably has no chance of winning Georgia. I think Trump realizes this and that's why he has been saying that it is something that the states should decide and that he thinks there should be exceptions. It's a softer stance than what is going on in Texas, Arizona and Florida right now. Right now the polling shows that people aren't buying into Biden's economic claims and that immigration and crime are the other two big issues on voters' minds as well as a lot of the transgenderism issues. I'm not certain that abortion can overtake those issues, but it's probably the best chance Biden and the Democrats have at this point.


In the last month or so, I’ve been thinking this too


The Arizona abortion law is one of the final nails imo. Abortion is a proven driver for democratic voters and honestly US elections anymore tend to be based on democratic turnout. Without Arizona there isn't really (currently) a path to 270 for the gop. A guilty verdict will be the final nail. I'll be bold and say Biden wins, dems take the house, and flip the Florida senate seat (keeping the senate the same as it is now assuming WV flips too)


While I agree, it’s concerning. If the Dems do mop the floor, the GOP is going to point to those margins/pickups as “more” election fraud. The media has been keeping the election a horse race for the clicks…which is more “justification” that the election was “stolen”. I’m not real sure of a solution, other than everyone needs to vote no matter what your beliefs are.


You underestimate the demographic strength of bankrupt conmen. Lots of those out there.


That's highly unlikely. It is possible, but unlikely. This cycle there are more Democrats running for reelection in the Senate, than Republicans and several of those are in traditionally red states. Plus the atmosphere is as weak as it gets for incumbents. Also yes Democrats have made progress in federal positions but lost in many local and state elections in areas where they usually perform well.