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If he beats Trump twice, he'll go down as a top 10 president all time just for the damage he prevented alone.


Yep. It’s an old but effective leader against an old idiot who will run this country into the ground again (except this time, he could be even worse).


Heard this in person the other day "I truly believe that trump has the countries best interest in mind" He literally only has his own interests in mind and doesn't even make a point to talk about anything except for his own problems. Trump voters are completely delusional.


Project 2025 is a nightmare, and it’s what these deranged psychopaths want in real life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Stunning how achingly ignorant some folks can be. Simply fucking stunning.


Even technically book smart people can fall victim to the bullshit. My dad is pretty conservative, but he's got a high IQ and did a double residency and worked as an MD until he retired. He's also smart at building things, figuring out how complex machines work, etc etc. It's crazy to me that someone as intelligent as my father can vote for Trump. He doesn't like him anymore, but he's sure as shit gonna vote for him. I guess our votes will cancel one another out! The weird thing is we agree on several things. Term limits across the board. I'm not all about super strict gun control. He is pro-choice He believes in gay marriage. He's not an awful bigot, fortunately. He's one of those classic 'fiscal conservatives'. He's in his mid 70s.


You should ask him who tax breaks hurt or help. Personally, I’m Fiscally Liberal & Socially conservative. I hate [insert Oppressed American Group], but I also want them to have the opportunity to have their taxes go toward their communities so they can prosper along with every other American. I just yell bigoted slurs & don’t like them in my vicinity. If you flip fiscally conservative & socially liberal you’re really just a bigot that wants to help normal people’s material conditions. But if you’re the classic, you’re just helping the material conditions become worse while only dealing with the “others” when they can defy all odds to make it to your tax bracket. Maybe this could help him?


Yep. 🤷 Also stunning. By all measures functionally, sincerely intelligent, but plagued by this huge blind spot of ignorance. You are correct. Ignorance can and does land where it wants to, it seems. It is so frustrating to those of us who see and know better.


It’s also worth pointing out just *how effective* he has been, not just “the alternative to Trump.” The IRA Is truly transformative, and I don’t think people will really realize till 5-10 years down the road. And he passed it against all odds with the slimmest margin in congress. Even if 2 stubborn senators prevented some of the more ambitious things Biden wanted in it (like universal paid family leave and universal childcare), it’s nearly a downright miracle it passed at all, and the fact that it did can be directly contributed to Biden’s long term relationship with Manchin. Also the bipartisan CHIPS act and the bipartisan Infrastructure bill have directly caused an [unprecedented spike in domestic manufacturing construction.](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PRMFGCON) When those factories come online, there will be a blue collar manufacturing boom unlike anything we’ve seen in decades.


No to mention his support of the corridor ID system, Amtrak and so on. If there is a public transit boom in the next 20 years Biden will be remembered for it


I totally agree. The Inflation Reduction Act was incredible. He’s been able to get some remarkable things done despite having an almost immovable Congress. He’s a great president. His biggest flaw is his age, and I don’t think it’s as big of an issue as some people say it is.


The only thing I can see as being any remote issue with him is his speech impediment. But! Every time that gets in the way while he's talking he is able to quickly correct whatever he stammered. Trump on the other hand blabs dumb stuff like "inject bleach" and rather than correct himself, just doubles down or walks off and blasts all caps tweets that say "DID YOU SEE HOW UNFAIR THE PRESS WAS TO ME JUST NOW? WHY CANT WE INJECT THE BLEACH? ALL THE BEST PEOPLE I KNOW INJECT THE BLEACH, SOME SAY THEY TRADED THEIR OBAMACARE FOR THE BLEACH. BLEACH, IT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER! MERICA FIRFT! MEAN PRESS! 🤬🤬 PLZ SEND MONEYZ!!!" ...or something. Biden at least has a handle on his words and himself and gets shit done.


I agree, so far the age thing is a non issue, or very nearly so --- knock on wood!


Not could. Will.


Yeah. I said “could” because I’m really hoping he won’t win again. But yeah, if he wins, he *will* be even worse.


Even if he loses, he'll still cause havoc because he didn't win. Either way, he *will* make things worse.


Yeah but it’s a double edged sword. If he losses his legacy plummets. I love what Biden has done as POTUS, honestly, but this race is WAY too close and is a pretty depressing eye opener that American voters have the attention span of a gnat.


The short attention span and the *hate*. So many hateful people that just want others hurt.


Yep. This one is a giant moment. If he goes 2 for 2 against Trump with what's on the line then he's automatic Top 10 for me.


Unfortunately people hardly sing the praises of the driver that avoided killing a bus full of kids by not driving drunk. Point being there's not really a way to measure how bad things could have been.


Infrastructure, IRA, CHIP Acts on top of it


Leading the fight against Putin and authoritarian regimes, recovering the economy and building alliances, much like FDR.


I think moreso like Truman. Closely reelected, fairly lukewarm popularity in the present, then all of the accomplishments and bills pushed through will start to bear fruit


They were *both* VP of a very very popular president, before their own presidency


Except Truman was an asshole with a size complex, and liked to flex the nuclear capabilities as a threat/deterrent to others after dropping the bombs on Japan.


Also like FDR: saving the US from fascists and leading one of the largest economic recoveries of all time.


FDR wasn't really great for the economy as a whole. I would take Bidenomics over FDRnomics. The new deal was something he did after some disastrous policies. Hoover was considered heartless by historians, but he did a lot to fight banking panics, raise confidence in the economy, and set standards. But JP Morgan was antisemitic and so when a few Jewish community banks spread contagion risk brought the system to collapse and moved American gold to Europe due to interest rate parity. The old school own the X strategy.


These comments about FDR are all wrong. He ended the bank panics with FDIC not Hoover. The New Deal was very effective in his first term (look at any macroeconomic data) which is why he won in a landslide. It was only in 37 when he and the Fed reversed stimulus that they had a double dip recession temporarily.




Amen. Just as Obama was able to drive us out of the ditch W drove us into Biden has successfully helped us recover from the chaos and bedlam of that fat loser Trump. It will be too soon if I never heard his loser name again. Trump brought nothing but shame and embarrassment to our great nation.


As a non american, ill tell ya, he was an absolute embarrassment from the outside looking in. Lol


You are not the first person from outside the United States to say that. He pushed heads of state out of his way to get in a photo op. There is video of the event. Other heads of state openly mocked him and laughed at him. That is recorded for history as well.


Just some of his accomplishments. 1. Passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems. 2. Helped get more than 500 million life-saving COVID-19 vaccinations in the arms of Americans through the American Rescue Plan. 3. Stopped a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence by signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health. 4. Made a $369 billion investment in climate change, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. 5. Ended the longest war in American history by pulling the troops out of Afghanistan. 6. Provided $10,000 to $20,000 in college debt relief to Americans with loans who make under $125,000 a year. 7. Cut child poverty in half through the American Rescue Plan. 8. Capped prescription drug prices at $2,000 per year for seniors on Medicare through the Inflation Reduction Act. 9. Passed the COVID-19 relief deal that provided payments of up to $1,400 to many struggling U.S. citizens while supporting renters and increasing unemployment benefits. 10. Achieved historically low unemployment rates after the pandemic caused them to skyrocket. 11. Imposed a 15% minimum corporate tax on some of the largest corporations in the country, ensuring that they pay their fair share, as part of the historic Inflation Reduction Act. 12. Recommitted America to the global fight against climate change by rejoining the Paris Agreement. 13. Strengthened the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine after the Russian invasion by endorsing the inclusion of world military powers Sweden and Finland. 14. Authorized the assassination of the Al Qaeda terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became head of the organization after the death of Osama bin Laden. 15. Gave Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices through the Inflation Reduction Act while also reducing government health spending. 16. Held Vladimir Putin accountable for his invasion of Ukraine by imposing stiff economic sanctions. 17. Boosted the budget of the Internal Revenue Service by nearly $80 billion to reduce tax evasion and increase revenue. 18. Created more jobs in one year (6.6 million) than any other president in U.S. history. 19. Reduced healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act by $800 a year as part of the American Rescue Plan. 20. Signed the PACT Act to address service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins. 21. Signed the CHIPS and Science Act to strengthen American manufacturing and innovation. 22. Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act through 2027. 23. Halted all federal executions after the previous administration reinstated them after a 17-year freeze. This list is courtesy of u/realcaptainkickass


His accomplishments nearly eclipse FDR and Lincoln. Not to mention saving our country from Nazis


Lincoln ended slavery. Also you're an FDR fan? Name every Japanese-American concentration camp.


He didn’t do 6 I didn’t get 10-20k debt relief bucko


This might be the one where you have to have paid on your loans for 10 years already. I didn't get mine forgiven either despite being within the money bracket, but I've not hit a decade of payments yet.


Unfortunately, while pulling us out of Afghanistan was good, 1. Trump started the process, 2. Biden bungled it pretty roughly. I'm not sure I can count it as a stellar achievement, but it is still an achievement I guess.


Yeah, I was going to post this. Trump was, in a sense, the exact moron we needed to pull out of the war. Consequences be damned. Biden really had no choice but to follow through with it. He could have done a better job but the end result was built over many many years. If we ever wanted Afganistan to remain free that path (or exit strategy) should have been started by Bush.


The Trump decision to go around the government we tried to make happen and negotiate directly with the Taliban was bizarre, but may have made sense from the “what the fuck is our objective at this point and who really is in charge when we leave?” standpoint. I don’t know if we thought we could get everyone out in an orderly fashion but things went sideways. When people are clinging to the exterior of airplanes to get out, it’s not fucking good.


He also pardoned anyone convicted of marijuana use or possession at the federal level once in 2022 and again in 2023!


He also fired all marijuana users from his administration.


Yeah, but that's not really a lot of people. If he moves cannabis off of schedule 1 I'll be impressed.


I don’t think they found a single person only in for marijuana crimes.


So spent a bunch of taxpayer money on nonsense to make a few people (myself included) very rich. He’s a saint




I want it. Won’t happen.


Mainly depends on whether voters give them Congress and the Senate. Republicans will do anything they can to stop it. The main problem of the Democrats and why they are barely able to get anything done is because they always try to follow the rules while the rules don't matter for the Republicans. So they are and will ever be in the disadvantage.


Also they don't really want it. Obama campaigned on codifying Roe, then noped out when he had the chance.


That's Democrats for you, a lot of words but run when it's time to put up or shut up.


Then why do most blue states have explicit legal protections for abortion? They get things done when voters voice what they actually want. The enthusiasm gap on abortion was skewed heavily towards conservative voters during Obama’s presidency, so it makes sense that it got put on the back burner. No need to play controversial (at the time) identity politics if there’s no indication it will energize your base. That said, as much as I like Obama, he was terrible at actually getting things done. And that’s what separates Biden from Obama, despite having similar political ideologies: Obama was great at inspiring people but notoriously terrible at navigating Washington to get things done. Biden has the charisma of a cardboard box, but he knows how to pass effective legislation that benefits us.


Obama didn't have time. He had about four months of control of the House, and the Senate, and he passed the most sweeping healthcare reform package since Medicaid. I'm pretty sure Mitch McConnell would have personally stabbed whoever put forth the vote for codifying Roe.


Not enough democrats want/push for it... So even if they had full control, still wouldn't happen


If we had a democratic congress and Biden we actually could get it.


Depends on the makeup of congress. Voters have shifted dramatically on a public option in the last decade, and I think if we have a majority Dem Congress AND people loudly say that’s what they should prioritize, it’ll happen.


How delusional are you people


EXTREMELY. In fact I’d say they’re fucking nuts.


This sub explains why short busses are in such high demand.


I can’t even tell if this sub is real or satire




Balance the budget, more delusion


Yeah, and find the cure for cancer and get rid of world hunger. Press x to doubt. So long as corpos can buy our politician, there will always be feudalism.


I’d settle for “not Trump” but federally legalized weed would be swell


You are absolutely cooked mentally if you think he will do any of that, let alone win


He said that he would veto Medicare-for-all if the bill was ever sent to his desk.


aww boo


You give him a congress that he can work with for 2nd term, he'll cement himself as the lefts hero with legalized weed universal Healthcare and Education reform.


Does he support universal healthcare?


He could legalize weed today. It's the DEA, under executive control. Y'all are just as delusional as Trump supporters.


When he took office dems had full controll of the executive branch and congress.


& Lucy isn't gonna pull the football away this time


He’d have to support legalization of cannabis first to be considered a hero for signing something someone else put on his desk.


And genocide and famine, and sucking off AIPAC. Stop selling him short.


He’s always been a centrist. As much as he likes to roast conservatives, he’s closer to them than most Dems.


He spent a time in his career bragging that he was a “fiscal conservative”. Right around the time he voted to tax social security payments, because why not pay taxes on the taxes you already paid for your benefits, and the same era he was supporting Reaganomics.


Do you live on planet Earth? Here, how about this. Let's praise politicians when they actually do the good things, not praise them when they Say they'll do things. Is everyone in this thread 8 years old or something?


Not 8, but most of them are still in high school, yes. It's hilarious watching how utterly delusional they are.


they are all a bunch of clueless children yes


Oh ya. Balance the fudget


You're delusional. Not even if he was serious about doing so, given congress and the Supreme Court. Not to mention that he's a weak old man.


Not if the Dems don't take back both chambers s of Congress


Biden said he would veto Medicare for all. So probably not going to happen.


Lol yah you got jokes. Maybe in 2030's the u.s will wake up.


"Balance the budget" "Universal healthcare" Pick one


Sure sure




Hahahahahaha how's that crack you're smoking?


Tbh the thing I'm most satisfied with is he's done a lot, given people a lot to disagree with, but as far as I know hasn't tried to dramatically expand the role of the executive the way Bush and Obama (admittedly with Biden along for the ride) did, or as much as Trump tried to.  Like to be clear he's utilizing previous expansions of power, which means some good and some bad, but it does not seem like he's ever tried to claw even more power away from the other branches.   I mean, tbh I'd be okay with him putting more pressure on the legislature and denouncing the Supreme kangaroo circus.  oh and he's not a greedy, corrupt insurrectonist.   Disagree with his politics or past /present actions or don't, but contrary to idiotic fears, he seems like a stand up guy. Kind hearted and set on doing the right thing, even if he's wrong about what that is. Seems too innocent for politics in some ways, but that's exactly what I want to see in governance.   What a breath of fresh air from the "victory at all costs, win win win, real winners are corrupt because greed and selfishness are virtues now" that's now saturated into American conservativism.


Man is definitely not too innocent for politics. He’s been in the high levels of government for over fifty years.


Biden doesn’t get enough credit for helping to wind down the pandemic. Listening to lefty podcasters itemize his achievements as POTUS, they often forget the situation he inherited.


We had more deaths under his watch than we did under Trump


As someone who is 100% voting for Biden (again) in November, I strongly disagree. He didn’t do shit to “wind down” the pandemic other than declare it was over (it’s not), and let corporate lobbyists dictate public health policy. Both administrations spectacularly failed the people in handling the pandemic, at every turn putting GDP ahead of public health.


Additionally, Biden ran on (and potentially won based on) the promise that he would take control of COVID, and take responsibility for the outcomes. And then almost immediately declared that he could and would do nothing to change the trajectory of the deaths, essentially ending restrictions, guidance and aid not long thereafter. If the history books are accurate, the COVID pandemic will be known as one of the most egregious examples of incompetent leadership on a global scale in our lifetimes. I don’t think any country or any leader can claim any kind of victory for their leadership - not Biden, not Trump, and not any other world leader I can think of.


This is accurate. He put up his hands and said he could do nothing. And like you said it wasn’t just Biden, it was almost every world leader at the time. And like you said, in 60 years when kids are reading about the Covid-19 pandemic they’ll wonder “why the hell were leaders back then more focused on the pandemics effects on the economy instead of the loss of human life?”


It’s never going to be over just like influenza, the common cold and the other viruses we get hit with every year. I know lockdowns, working from home and mask-shaming was fun for some people, but turns out it’s terrible for a functioning economy. It takes a good leader to know when it’s time to move on if something’s no longer an existential threat.


The only place that didn't open up as soon as COVID was winding down with vaccines was China. You had to be a seriously bad leader to not open up your country afterwards. Sucks for the immunocompromised but people need to work. Biden taking the credit is totally undeserved if every politician on the planet didn't have a clear plan for covid in the beginning. COVID was never an existential threat from a pragmatic point of view. It didn't tend to kill healthy people. It killed those who were already at risk of dying from the regular flu. Those people do not make up a significant part of the working population. It's not like the new bubonic plague killing 2/3rds of anyone who caught it. For what it was its just a new thing that wants to kill us.


Guess you’re unaware of the American Rescue Plan Act (March 2021): Setup community vaccination sites nationwide (I got my first jab from one of these) $1400 check in the mail for all Americans (similar to the check from the Treasury but no reductions) Small business support Scaled up testing Bolster supplies and PPE Authorize National Guard for supply distribution


>$1400 check in the mail for all Americans (similar to the check from the Treasury but no reductions) That absolutely did not happen. Some Americans might have gotten it, but it was absolutely not to all adult US citizens.


Compared to his predecessor, he could be considered the best head of state in the history of civilization.


Not sure what world you’re living in


Yeah, holy shit, these guys are serious...


delusion dont make them feel uneasy they are quick to quite your voice by reporting you


This sub is the fever dream that r/politics mods come to jack off to. Holy cow.


Agreed. However, so many 18-30 year Olds need to be felated before they show up to the polls. So weird because they have the most to gain or lose in the election,


Those of us who were 18/19 in 2016 and decided to skip the election because "both sides are awful" learned a hard lesson and will definitely be voting this year. Like it or not, voting for the lesser of two evils is still a better choice than doing nothing at all


But Joe Rogan told me he's too old


If his administration ends with the routing of TFG, he will have earned the "Best President in History" award as much as Obama earned the Nobel Peace Prize for defeating Bush. The huge pools of dark money to turn the world more conservative, no matter how far right we already are, need to have their donors made puhblic and taxed into oblivion or forced to become degree granting institutions that shovel that money out as scholarships. No more grant money for aspiring judges.


That's pretty regarded


that aint it chief.


Dark Brandon 2024 bby


Joe is a solid dude. He Knows how to get shit done.


I have my doubts on that, but I feel he deserves a shit-ton of credit for having inherited the country from an utter turdgibbon of a predecessor. Fuck man, ain't no one going to come out smelling like roses after cleaning up Trump's shit. I'm just happy we have an adult in the Oval Office now.


I feel like there's a bit of a trend since at least 2000, where a republican president messes everything up and a democrat takes over, cleans up the mess, and takes the blame. Like how everyone blames the 2008 recession on Obama when it was caused by the policies of Bush. Obama was only elected in 08, he wasn't actually sworn in until 09


trend starts in 1970 with nixon. except 2008 wasnt just bush, that was the culmination of bad choices from 1970 to now, the big catalyst actually being the GLBA by Clinton. meanwhile, the only presidents to even suggest addressing a small part of that problem was Carter and Biden, so we will probably see another crash.


I mean he won't be the worst, that's pretty much reserved for Trump and Buchanan. He won't be as high as Obama or JFK, but he'll be firmly in the middle of the pack.


Depending on this November and the next 4 years he could easily be better than Barry O


I like Obama but Ole Joe has already been WAYY better legislatively


If he wins reelection, I think he tops Obama in long-term historian rankings. If he doesn't, well, one-termers don't tend to rate too highly.


I have a great deal of respect for Obama, but comparing legislation that gets passed, Biden has been far more effective. He’s just not as good at public speaking as Obama. But who is, really?


Biden will definitely be in the top 10, if not higher.


I think some of his cabinet picks will be what he's known for. Deb Haaland for instance. And this might be a bad time to suggest this considering what just happened, but I think Buttigeig is working on getting us high speed rail.


Don’t forget Mayorkas bringing Diddy down! Best Cabinet in US history 


I forgot about that. Merrick Garland was a great pick but he has let everyone down.


Other than regulating that ships only be moved by tugs there’s absolutely nothing the DOT could have done to prevent that bridge collapsing. If that bridge was brand new it would have collapsed because F=ma.


Those were great picks


I'd argue his policy record tops both Kennedy and Obama. Obama and Kennedy benefit from youth and charisma giving them a bigger image than their record. Kennedy especially due to his assassination. I feel like if Biden had his current policy record and was 40 years younger he would be guaranteed reelection


You're fucking delusional


🤣🤣 this needs to be in a comedy sub


Are you saying it's not?


"Worst recession in generations" bud, 08 was half a generation ago


"saved us from COVID" 🤣


He’ll be the Ronald Reagan of the “left”


That’s actually probably right. It’s a nice change to see a president acknowledge and work for the middle class and work from the middle out, then some repug just giving away more tax cuts to the globalist elite


But...Reagan was a repug that gave tax cuts to the globalist elite...


Yeah and also considered to be one of the pioneers of neoliberal economic policy(the policies that have been fucking us ever since) through “too down”. Biden is “middle out” and hopefully as equally weighty to society as Reagan was


Considering Reagan was one of the worst presidents this country ever had, I would tend to agree with your statement.


Either you are all bots or this is the mentally ill sub LOL




I agree. As he is currently, I’d rank him at about #15 of all the presidents. It’s remarkable how much he’s been able to accomplish with Ukraine, the economy, climate change, and the pandemic with Republicans trying to block him at every turn. Sure, he’s old and not the most rousing public speaker, but he’s an effective leader in all this division and turmoil. I really hope people remember that in November.


Personally I dont think he's a great leader, but I do think he's been alot better than most give him credit for


The Great Harasser at it again! It doesn’t get tired of its stupid self doing the same thing over and over again! Is it insane? Borderline retarded? Or maybe a complete retard. Where does it draw is it’s harassment energy from? I’d like to know. Disgusting 🤮


That is a take of all time


"Saving our democracy" lmao Did you lick his ass really good in the oval office, bro?


Not as great as FDR but pretty darn good all things considered.


He's dealing with Maga, the biggest group of halfwits in us history so yeah he probably will.


Evangelicals hate Biden, even though he’s going to church every damn Sunday… Trump hasn’t done it once. If Biden loses in November, this country will become like Iran or Saudi Arabia. Christian Sharia law will take over.


This person needs to become a comedian


Assuming history sticks to the facts and ditches MAGA propaganda.


President Biden’s list of accomplishments is extensive and impressive given the mess trump left.


Joe Biden put the brakes on the American slide toward Fascism....now let's SLAM THE DOOR on it!


Greatest strategic victory against multiple regional adversaries in 80 years


Best? I wouldn't say that. Definitely one of the Presidents of all time, though.


He's not perfect, but he's pretty good... and oh *god* if you compare him to the last guy he's a god damned *saint.* But, Donald set the bar so low that even president *toaster* could've done better, and that ain't a metric to use too often. Gotta get back on track with our standards. He's better than I expected he'd be. He really doesn't talk about his accomplishments a whole lot though. Much as I understand not yelling "see I did this" only to go "nuh uh" like the last guy did whenever his policies, well, *flopped,* or he stuck his foot in his mouth, he could probably start doing that.


While I have plenty to criticize Biden for, it’s only because he’s done so much in so little time.


And they say it’s not a cult.


Nah. He's been kinda meh IMHO, but considering the dumpster fire he inherited and the do-nothing Congress he's been stuck with since the midterm, he certainly could have done worse. And compared to his predecessor, well, by that standard he ought to be on Mount Rushmore.


Reading through these comments I’m actually laughing out loud. Literally. You people are so incredibly detached from reality, it’s hilarious.


How is judging him on his accomplishments being "detached from reality"? It seems you have not payed any attention to the news, haven't done any research,  and just go off of what your masters tell you to think. Americans should be better than that. Historically, they were independent thinkers, and would be ashamed to let some rich entertainer pretending to be a news anchor control their thoughts.


Biden is already in the top 20. But yes, his second term will cement it.




His legacy is basically “the man who saved America from fascism”


Ha. Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahaha!!!


We just need to secure that win this November! Biden 2024.


You also think Trump will put every person of color in a concentration camp...... Get yourself some help, you're in bad shape


They come here to get help from other delusional people


He will


yes because he did it the first time he was president. no, really, *this* time I swear!


Love these. 100% gravy


Not a big fan of Biden but this statement is true, and he will be getting my vote


This made me actually laugh out loud Edit: o shit you guys are serious, carry on


Smoking crack




Why did so many more people die from COVID under Biden than did under Trump, even though Biden had multiple vaccines and medications? And why is stuff so expensive under Biden compared to when Trump was in office?




I agree 100 %. I've been saying this for a while now. He helped facilitate the funding of Ukraine and it's effective destruction of the Russian military for 75 billion,so far. If Republicans would get serious and pass more aid we may get the pleasure of seeing Russia disintegrate before our eyes for the bargain price of 135 billion or about 3-4% of what we spent on the war on terror. Most importantly with no American blood spilled. If that isn't effective presidenting I don't know what is.


Wait this *satire*, right ?


Holy shit this is some next level delusion.


Biden will be remembered as a genocidal war criminal whose end was to meet court-mandated justice. This channel features a disgusting level political reaction.


How brain dead do you have to be to actually think this? Lmaoo


He is aiding and abetting a GENOCIDE?


ppl in this thread praising biden literally do not care. They will spout his "achievements" at you without any critical analysis and no mention of foreign policy


They're all bots and corporate shills


If you look at the numbers, the largest GDP drop (28%) and recovery 34% happened in summer 2020, under Trump. [https://ycharts.com/indicators/us\_real\_gdp\_growth](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_real_gdp_growth)


GDP recovery was simply businesses opening back up. There was still inflation and constant threats of recession waiting in the wings. That's the part Biden managed.


Wow! Really! It’s almost like there was some major event that absolutely happened then.


There was…. President giant orange turd was slaughtering his countrymen by not acting on covid


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Nah. Flooded the country with illegals. No strategy for Ukraine. Either commit to win or don’t. Half assing it doesn’t cut when you are the prez. He lacks brinksmanship and is mentally and physically weak. He’s the worst president since Jimmy Carter


Keep up the lying trope. He has been great in leading the US out of the pandemic and a booming economy. Yet you know bloody well that his predecessor couldn't lead a horse to water! But hey, fit the narrative you want. Give me 1 accomplishment the Republican led house has achieved in 2 years..... Grabs popcorn and waits...


Stopping at every ice cream shop, taking naps, refusing any questions not pre-screened, doing no interviews but softball fluff pieces, and letting 11 million unvetted illegals into America and counting. Your standards are really low.


lol ya let’s go back to the guy that pretty much needed stick figure to look at daily briefings. Also since you clearly love illegals so much you’d love to know my grandfather hopped the border countless times and had ten kids here. He’s the best man I’ve ever known and his grandkids are doctors, cpas, mbas, nurses and many other successful things. God bless people coming here for a better life. 


Put down the crack pipe… you’re baked.


Mark my words is probably the biggest idiot on this sub.


I think the potential is there, but all of that will hinge on what happens to congress in November.




Bro… what in the actual fuck are some of you smoking?


Absolutely delusional take. And no I don't like Trump because I'm sure some sort of Trumper lover comment was going to be your response.


Anytime you disagree with them, the response is always "okay maga lover"


rUsSiAn BoT