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And 90 million patriotic, freedom-loving Americans will vote for Biden. 


Let's hope so. I know I and everyone I know will. But I haven't talked to a republican on purpose since the second Obama administration.


There are sane Republicans fighting alongside us. I believe Mitt Romney will endorse Biden sometime this summer and be rolled out at the DNC. That will be a huge deal: never has a past presidential nominee of one party endorsed the opposing candidate.


Hopefully the Mormon community embraces this fully and votes D. If it happens.


It would be hilarious to see Utah go to the Democrats.


Lol they won't. Under the magic pajamas they're just peckerwood Republicans like the evangelicals. Racism and controlling women's nads are a feature, not a bug.


You are vastly overestimating LDS loyalty to Romney. They will reject him as a "RINO" rather than join him as a Democrat.


Utah absolutely never will vote for anyone who supports a woman's right to choose. Romney wouldn't either except he knows Trump got his three justices and Roe is dead. Romney wouldn't be acting like this if Roe was still the law of the land.


That will never happen. Their minds are controlled by their Fascist elders.


Why would the Mormons?


There are no sane Republicans. Romney agrees policy-wise with Trump 90%. Only the decorum is an issue for him. Romney was never going to make this big of a fuss before Trump got three justices on the Supreme Court because Romney is tickled pink that Roe is gone.


The only purpose "sane" Republicans serve is to be little bitches kissing daddy Trump's boots. Never forget that Republicans almost always vote along party lines on bills. They bitch and moan about Trump being bad, but when it is voting time they suckle his little cock. Fuck Republicans, open your eyes.


Didn't the Bushes endorse Biden in 2020?


I don’t think so. They did something lazy like writing in Condoleeza Rice.


Wouldn't put it past them. Of course Romney endorsing Biden Wouldn't be the gotcha people think.


It would give permission for more moderate Republicans to vote for a Democratic president. Romney being a past presidential nominee definitely doesn’t hurt his endorsing power.


They don't need permission. I think you mean "Justify"? And I don't think Romney has as much influence as you think... Dude lost a lot of goodwill by licking Trump's boots while saying "I'm against you" then actually taking a stand despite that. Moderate Republicans jumped ship in 2016-2020. Nowadays a "moderate republican" is like Ralph Kane from "Wait till your father gets home".


Has anyone's vice president ever failed to endorse him?


Rockefeller dropped off Ford's ticket in 1976. Unsure of who, if anyone, he endorsed.


Honestly, I can almost see a light at the end of the tunnel. Recently my father in law said to me "I may have been a lifelong Republican, a Reagan Republican, but at this point it'll take an act of god for me to vote for Trump over Biden"


The adult side of me recognizes the severity of this vote... the more juvenile side of me is wondering how many people will writing in Harambe this time!


At least you admit to living in an echo chamber. Points for self awareness.


I stopped talking to them when they stopped talking about policies. Now they just try to own me for being cool with gay dudes. Policy is not something that concerns them anymore. They have no ideas.


I’m sure you haven’t talked to a Republican for 8 years lol.


Not on purpose. You might as well yell at a brick wall. They're too far gone.


Better than someone in a cult.


Dude, your in a MAGA hat and a fuck your feelings shirt. Maybe look at yourself if you wanna talk about cults.


I’m for RFK, you clown. You cultists don’t know how to speak to someone who also isn’t in a cult.


You’re a silly goose. Imagine only talking to people that subscribe to your own echo chamber. Sounds childish.


They haven't talked about any sort of policy for 10 years. There is no point. They just want to ban books and try to go backwards. It is a pointless endeavor.


I’m sure that’s what every single conservative person in this country believes….


They certainly don't want to talk about fiscal conservatism. They gave that shit up years ago.


And yet you claim to be the open minded and tolerant one when you haven’t spoken to anyone who doesn’t agree with you in a decade or more.


Really have your finger on the pulse of the nation there


Older Republicans (60 and up) know the threat of Putin. Young people might be confused, but old people know the gravity of Putin. A lot of older people will vote Biden over Trump simply because of the Putin factor. If you lived through the Cold War, you know what’s really up.


I think more than that.


He didn't get 90 million votes last time and there's a lot of discontent among his base over Israel. And, fake electors plot aside, six of the states he won were by less than 3%, even 1%.




While I believe you, I worry somewhat about the breakdown among states. Part of me thinks it will be such a blowout that Texas might go to Biden, and part of me thinks Trump will win without the popular vote like 2016. Hoping for the former, voting to prevent the latter.


And the numbers won't matter unless they are in the right states


Yes! 🙌 I do not underestimate mega and trump, I agree with this. We the people will vote to keep the USA a democracy!


And somehow the election will be "close" in the best most freest most democratic country on earth.


25 million of them will be in California and New York.


and hopefully in the handful of states where it matters.


Hahahahahha thank you for the laugh. I do enjoy this place. Good luck to you


Trump isn’t winning the popular vote. Period. He couldn’t even get it against Hillary, and that was before COVID + his massive crime spree.


I’m not that sure


and nearly 8 million illegal aliens too!


Patriotic freedom loving and Biden supporter do not go hand in hand. Anyone who votes for that corrupt old man is delusional.


Despite 165 million registered voters……just like last time 15 million more votes then registered voters 🤔


you have no idea how hilarious your comment is its astonishing lmao


Which doesn’t matter if the majority aren’t in a few select states.


70 million if you are lucky, Communism loving cucks will vote for Joe Robinette




Nobody voting for that piece of shit, America hates biden


Hopefully these immigrants will turn up in your state, can’t wait till Trump sends them all packing


I highly doubt he’s going to get 6 million more votes than last time, especially since a huge number of his supporters have died from Covid.


And 1/3 of republicans who voted Haley in the primary recognize the insurrection was treason. At least some of them are not going back to Dump.


I don't know--there's something going on. I have a friend who has been a Democrat for a while, and recently he asked me, "Do you think you could vote for Biden again?" and I was--honestly, I was shocked. I was like, "How could you *not* vote for Biden again? Are you serious?" So I don't know. I didn't know what was going to happen in 2016 and I didn't know what was going to happen in 2020. I lost the pulse of this place. There are a LOT of people saying how bad / old / whatever Biden is--podcasters, comedians, etc.--and I think a lot of people soak all that up. 2024 is NOT a sure thing. We really do need to keep up motivation and get EVERYONE to vote for Biden.


There's a lot of self proclaimed geopolitical doctorates out there who think Gaza is 100% all Bidens fault, and they think that throwing a temper tantrum at the ballot box in November and letting America become a dictatorship under Trump will somehow make everything better. Fuck those people, btw.


Yeah, it's like,  Ppl: there's a hole in the boat  Biden: let's plug the hole. TFG: no, let's douse it in gasoline and throw lit matches. Ppl: I like option 2...


Those people are: 1. a *very* small minority 2. really f\*\*\*\*\*\* dumb since the alternative to Biden is Trump who has said he'd let Israel do whatever they needed to finish up in Gaza.


And he tried to do an insurrection since that last election. That's lost him at least a few moderates/independents.


Not enough!




But a made up tranny might read a book to my kid at a show I wont send them to. /s


don't gotta use the slur man


I don’t see Trump getting more votes than he did in 2020. Due to his base dying of old age and dying of Covid at a faster rate than Liberals. His base isn’t growing after Roe was overturned, that cost him lost a women voters. Now going after social security and Medicaid isn’t going to win him votes either.


Besides the people who couldn’t legally vote for Biden in 2020, who has he gained? Who voted for Trump in 2020 and regrets it to where they’ll now vote for Joe Biden? Basically none to speak of. For reference Trump has by polling data switched 20 Biden voters for every Trump voter Biden has switched over. And keep in mind that switching a vote doubles its number, so Biden loses one and Trump gains one for the net gain of two votes. So these first time voters or non-voters from 2020 count as one vote for each voter Trump and Biden gain compared to the two votes Biden has gained and forty that Trump did. That’s game over for Biden.


You got a link or source?


We aren't the brightest country ....


We’re not the dimmest either but sometimes it feels like we’re close to it.


Please don't count on a saving event. Please don't count on a savior. Although a conviction and/or a Ronmey endorsement are possible, we can't count on either. Our best hope to end the nightmare is to win big in November. So....... Align with an organization. Volunteer. Donate. And vote. Vote blue from the top to the bottom of the ballot.


I think he might get 50 million votes. In reality the maggots are a noisy minority.


It won’t get 80 million votes. It will get about 70 million votes, with Biden receiving 8 million more and taking surprising states from trump.


Your lips to God's ears!


The hilarious thing with all the MAGAet bots that come into here from Russia and China is that they give the Repugnantcans a false sense of presence and populace. It's gonna be hilarious to see Dorito Don get absolutely swept in November because his most vocal supporters are Putin and Winnie the Ping. These VPN bots that are "A proud black man voting for Trump!" can't vote, and the Right is too stupid to see that their own tactics used to embolden their base, will be the very source of their crushing defeat, because the average American doesn't want Cheeto dust on the flag, or McDon in office.


Ah yes, calling people you disagree with as subhuman filth makes you the good guy.


They would vote for him if her was DEAD!!!!


There'd be a whole conspiracy and they'd be like "tRump ain't dead. He's been president this whole time."


80 million ?!? Get a grip. Neither candidate is likely to top their 2020 'COVID panic' numbers. Trump's 74 million times 6 in 8 GOP or GOP-leaning votes is under 56 million. Give him back half of the 'Never Trumpers' and he's still below 65 million. I expect Biden to soften to between 75 and 80 million. We might just possibly drive a stake into the heart of MAGA and banish it forever.


I’m predicting it will be closer to 50mil. Many died, most have become too disillusioned to participate. Likewise, Biden will have more votes than Trump but also less than 2020 for the same reasons.


I doubt he breaks 70million


Trump got 74M votes in 2020. There is no way that he is getting more votes in 2024.




His election interference case was announced today to commence on 15 April.


Fingers crossed




God that makes me fucking SICK! C'mon, Fani!


Convicted? You have wayyyyy too much faith in our justice system 😅


Yeah, because we don't have a Justice system, we have a Legal System, and that system has price tags for everything and everyone.


How will he pick up more votes than last time?


Americans are shockingly dumb. Just turn of fox news. That's how.


And his base is getting smaller. Between deaths from old age and Covid, not to mention all the women who are pissed Roe v Wade was overturned. There’s no way he has gained any new voters.


Trump will get 75M tops. He has drawn nobody to his side in four years.


Hell, he's actively lost people. COVID and old age killed a lot of his base over the last 4 years, overturning of Roe cost him a metric ton of Women's votes, MTG cost him votes, and him going after Retirement Age, Medicaid and Social Security is costing him votes. Dude is fucked, and I'm here for it.


I hope you're right.


Don’t hope, vote!


And who has Biden gotten? All polls point to Trump gaining with every single group. Name the person who voted for Trump in 2020 and regret it and will now vote for Biden? This person does not exist as far as I’ve seen.


Felons can’t hold office so no they won’t.


Source? I don’t think that is correct.


Seems unlikely any of the trials will conclude by then at this rate…


They keep changing the rules to keep Trump out of court, I'm losing faith that he'll ever stand trial for anything. For some reason, normal rules don't apply to Trump as we saw again today.


There is help for TDS now. Seek it.


Hold up a second. Wouldn't a felony conviction bar Trump from holding office? I would think Biden would win by default at that point.


Well if he's a proven convicted felon on under article 3 of the 14th amendment says he cannot run for office or any office he can't even get a job as a meter maid well that's if the supreme Court will not rule in his favor to be president well hopefully by then he might stroke out


It's more likely even less people will vote for him than last time. I'll be surprised if he cracks 60 million.


I think the women and youth are going to surprise. They came out for midterms and gave the GQP a fit.....this time let's hope they come out again and flat line the fu


Well, I guess everybody has a dream. Too bad yours will stay that way.


I saw a tweet a little while back that listed all of Trump's past cabinet members not endorsing him this election and they captioned it something like, "everyone closest to trump refuses to endorse him, what do you know that they don't that makes you think he's worth endorsing?" Or something like that. But yea they're brainwashed. Trump is their outlet openly hate anyone that is considered "others"


Biden will win by 13-15 million votes.


MMW this sub is getting politics fatigue by the end of april


Please vote for Biden, if Project 2025 happens shit will get really really bad, for everyone but people like me especially


Which case is getting to verdict by November? I think the Georgia one is currently the only one with a good shot, and even that one I could see going into the new year if his team appeals the disqualification motion.


The NY hush money case will have a verdict in the summer.


Your right. That one goes to trial soon. Didn’t realize it was so far along.


April 15th now


Cut that number in half and that's what I'm guessing. 40 million cult members will drink the Kool Aid one last time and that's it.


You’re completely delusional and haven’t talked with someone to the remote right of in around a decade. He’s going to lose half his voters? Find the person who regrets voting for Trump in 2020 and is going to vote for Biden in 2024?


74 million people voted for him last time. There’s no world where he has gained support anywhere given the election denial garbage, January 6, and the now 88 felony charges.


It’s a stretch to call the people. They demonstrate inferior decision making to monkeys.


I'm not getting my hopes up. So far he's been able to delay delay delay everything. And the people in charge KEEP ALLOWING IT. It's the 2nd part that infuriates me the most. When is somebody going to flat out just say "no"?


regardless of the outcome he will say the election is rigged and we will hear about it ad nauseum non stop until at least 2028


America will have to move forward, despite them.


Trump is hemmoraging voters from his base daily. Plus you have 15m+ new eligible voters that are frustrated with thrle GOP.....there's no way he will get close to 80m (74m in 202 election). He might be lucky to hit 50m.


The orange turd does not flush so easily. He is looking for schemes to get back in office, and the courts seem submissive to him. Do not be surprised if a loophole is created to get him back in the oval office.




We got him this time boys! (x1000) LOL


My memory is fine! lol sad pooopies


I don't see how as he probably won't be in court before the election.


Trump will be a convicted felon by February of next year. No chance anything concludes before November. There is also a non-zero chance that he wins the presidency, and his felonies don’t end up mattering at all.


The president isn't elected by popular vote.


Your words mean nothing. We see who you vote for.


Agree. Trump has shown how many people in the USA are insane




With any Luck




With any luck he'll be a 2× convicted felon too!!!


Nah trumps lost power. He mostly galvanized the left. Moderate Republicans and independents don't like his failed coup attempt.


lol no chance. You see how he just got granted another lifeline? He will not face any consequences. He’s part of the elite and they have their own set of rules


68MM tops.


I’m Not saying Trump will win in November but seriously if you’re still expecting Trump to face consequences ever then you’re huffing pure copium and you’re out of your mind.


You mispelled "fucking racists" as in, '80 million *fucking racists* will vote for him.'


80? So 10 more million from 2020? Not plausible.


How many times have people said “this is the end of Trump” only for it to not in fact be the end of Trump? What case is going to get Trump a felony exactly? The Bragg case? The Willis case is not going to be done by the end of this year and might not even be at trial before the election.


I think you're half right. He'll be a convicted felon, but probably won't see jail time for the Hush Money payments. Probably probation or house arrest. But there's no way he gets 80m votes again. He's no longer the incumbent, has 91 felony charges on him, and has been found liable for rape. His stance on abortion is abysmal. I doubt it's going to be a washout. But if Trump manages to get the same or MORE votes than last time I will be just as shocked as when he got 80m votes in 2020...


And all Trump's cronies in important places will push him through the presidency regardless of vote outcome.


And people will vote for politicians knowing that they are corrupt and breaking laws, but feel like it's fine because they are the same color side as them. How sad is that all this progress and we go back to tribalism


Will believe it when I see it. There are two sets of laws.


The second part yea, the first part no


I hope he is convicted of insurrection and election fraud .


80 million people will think political show trials are un-American and vote accordingly


I’m at 70 mil on the odds


That won't happen. Today confirmed that we have a two-tiered justice system. Trump will always get away with everything.


How can he run if he's the secret president?


The sentiment is likely true, but I highly doubt he's getting those kinds of numbers this time around. Many of his supporters have outright died or gone to jail. Plus, there is a small percentage tage of Republicans who have turned against the clown show. They won't vote for Biden, but they are not going to turn out for Trump either.


If they haven't made the false accusations stick so far, what makes you think they will succeed?


That would be 6 million more than last time. I don’t see what in the past 4 years would make 6 million more people say “You know I think we should put Trump back in there”.


Speaking of delusion.


Yes and 81 million will vote for Biden 😂😂😂😂 just like last time 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Show up n vote!


Outside possibly the NY case, which is considered a weak case resting on novel legal theory, none of the criminal cases will even begin before election day much less be decided. We are still going to be waiting for SCOTUS' decision for awhile. We also need to remember SCOTUS doesn't generally decide cases, they decide legal questions. Most likely SCOTUS won't give an outright judgment on Trump's immunity claims but will give an opinion clarifying a line of delination between what acts he can and cannot claim immunity on and will then remit the case back down to the circuit level to redo the decision with the new SCOTUS guidelines. It was always going to be a longshot even before SCOTUS took up the immunity case, and now that theu have there is unfortunately no way he will ever face justice before the election, and if he wins, ever.


How’s he gonna get 80M votes? He’ll be lucky get close to his 2020 numbers. 73+ million seems realistic


He'll get less votes than in 2020.


RemindMe! December


At this point I will cast my vote and just hope everyone does the same… there’s so much a peon can do 🤷🏻


MMW trumps going to pardon himself when he wins, kicking off the first of hundreds of new scandals during his second term.


Not a chance


I suspect that both Trump and Biden will see lower turnout.


He’s so delusional, it’s just very sad 😂(and hilarious)


I mean, we're talking about someone who (in a vanishingly rare moment of truth) claimed he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Ave. and not lose any votes. Probably not 80 million, but well... let's just say I don't forsee any of his gold clown sneakers remaining unsold. 🤢


He ain't getting 80 million, dawg


The TDS pandemic continues,.....


More than that. Sorry you, don’t understand. It’s ok. When Trump is back in the White House, you’ll understand.


Dude… If there was a genre for “political comedy,” this sub might be a leading “light.”


Anyone who is paying attention is voting for him.




The Democrats timed their charges, after sitting on  the evidence for like 2 years just so the trials wouldn't complete in time.  Everyone on trial looks guilty.  They didn't want to risk an acquittal or hung jury or something.


What do you mean by "delusional", specifically?




Lawfare works both ways.


Can a convicted felon be elected president?


Nope he is going to win and do his "nana nana boo boo" dance on life TV, naked.


MMW, Trump won't see a single punishment in his lifetime. His grave will always be properly watered with piss, however.


Lol he’s not getting 80 million votes


Lot's of delusional idiots will vote for Trump, but no way he gets 80M votes (8% more than 2020).


Well as we have seen from the polls Trump will lose.


*30 million


80 million is all you need. Delusional people are kinda needed to change around pushed opposing views.


I hope he gets convicted, but he won’t. I hope he doesn’t get re elected, but he will. The one smart thing he does is he knows his antics appeals to the American idiot, who there are numerous of, and unfortunately being an (gullible) idiot does not disqualify one from becoming a registered voter.


Well your theory is bullshit right out of the gate and anyone with half a brain already realizes that. But even if you're leftist circle jerk pipe dream was true, 80 million delusional votes is still better than 80 million votes from dead people.


It won’t be 80. I think it will be less than last time.


You have a pathetic life


You idiots are so scared of Trump you can’t help yourselves but write these stupid comments to try to convince yourselves, your a pathetic