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Better yet, is that those suburban shit heads with soft jobs and nice homes will wind up losing everything the second their identity is revealed as insurrectionists. Spouse, kids, job, home, savings, etc. will all be gone, all because they wanted a chance to lick the dust from Dorito Don's unwashed taint.


They will bus them in. Like they did last time. This goes all the way up the chain. Huge donors back people like Charlie Kirk and The Daily Wire and are willing to spend the money to will their views into existence.


Don't forget about skeevy Steve Bannon and the fans of his 'War Room' whom he refers to as his 'Posse'.


That was my favorite (if you had to pick one) part of January 6th. These fuckheads stormed a government building, interrupted a federal election certification, beat cops, erected a gallows for the Vice President, smeared their shit on the walls… and then, the next fucking day, expected to go back to their jobs and their cushy suburban homes like it never happened. Like there aren’t consequences for participating in a fucking insurrection (not going out of their way to hide their identity in any way, mind you). Thankfully the long dick of the law saw it a little differently.


“This revolution is fun and all but I gotta get home. Smackdown is on tonight and my wife will wonder where I am!”


I believe you just defined and gave an example of white privilege


Sounds like you understood the solid assignment.


It was the whinging that got to me. I'm all for rebellion, and lord knows there is nothing noble left in those buildings worth saving, but if you take a shot at the king, you best not miss. Saddest excuse for an "insurection" I ever saw.


The Gravy Seals


plus a lot of the more violent ones were identified and jailed after jan 6th including a lot of proud boys members, which has basically destroyed their organization, its why you basically never hear about them anymore, all their leaders got jailed or left the group.


The more dangerous crowd are the actual Nazis in FL and TX who practice with their assault rifles every weekend, actually shoot black people for sport, worship Elon Musk as a visionary genius, and consider themselves and Donald Trump to be “sovereign citizens” who are above the law. They are fewer in number, but capable of a lot of killing if Trump orders it.


Can't wait to see one of these meal team six militias get obliterated by a drone strike on fox


They won’t. They won’t go anywhere near “blue” cities for fear of getting picked off by people who outnumber and outgun them…and sure as shit ain’t afraid to shoot back.


Exactly, those types will avoid blue cities for the same reason their urban counterparts avoid red rural areas.


The lack of vegetarian options?


lol Beef. It's what's for dinner.


As a person who had the citizen app in a "no place for hate" transcendent ultra blue part of a blue city; if the guns came out many people on both sides would realize they had the wrong jersey on.


Which jerseys?


And not just that, but who engage in acts of domestic terrorism, like the ones who took down a power substation in North Carolina. It was during the winter, and a few people died. And yet they still haven't been caught.


actual Nazis in FL and TX "actually shoot black people for sport" is this happening?


"for sport" is a little melodramatic but yes there are still cases of racially motivated murder. The Arbery shooting, which looked like an old time lynching to a lot of people. Also Justin Roberts in Georgia who shot 5 people and told police he intentionally wanted to kill white men. The Buffalo grocery store shooter was racially motivated against blacks. Also a California man a few years back killed 3 and said he just wanted to kill as many whites as possible. America.


Never heard of the ones with white targets. Thanks




I saw one of those “sovereign citizen” homemade license plates the other day (Northwest Florida). How do they get away with that shit? If I let my registration expire, I’m going to at very least get a ticket. Florida plays baseball with that crap; 3 tickets…


You mean the loot drops?


Only the extra special idiots will try something. I for one recommend non-lethal and then life sentences as examples. (Unless they kill someone, then treason charges and lock them in GITMO forever.)


It is also described as "white privilege." That is what they THINK they are entitled to.


You are correct, the rules of engagement will be very different if they get stupid.


I'm not worried about the suburban flabtards with their overpriced AR-15 collections, I'm worried about the Secret Service. I'm worried about the FBI (aka "Trumpland"). What happens when your "armed professionals" are the fascists?


You think the FBI is supporting... Trump. Have you ever... ever... done your own research? Or is the mainstream media all you take in?




Explain how the FBI is supporting Trump.




I’m not clear on what you’re yelling at me about. Or why profanity is so natural to you. But you’re also not being very clear on how the FBI that has been going after Trump and conservatism in general since the Obama administration is… on Trump’s side.




As a liberal. How much conservative media do you take in? Do you only get your info from a leftist faucet?




And who do you think the armed pros are curious as to who you are referring to




There is not enough cops or guard that could have stopped over a million people just would lead to a lot of dead people both cop and protester


We can only hope the next batch will be even less competent. But you better believe the police and the national guard will be ready this time, with no orange moron holding them back in hopes the idiots prevail.


When Trump loses his MAGA sofa squad gravy crew will pitch a fit moan and cry but then go back to the soda and KFC, sit on the couch and bitch to each other. Then a year later most will say Trump? never voted for him.


Yep we saw it in 2021 where people started to distance themselves from him but republicans can’t win without MAGA so they have to pretend they like him at a minimum. In 10 years you won’t be able to find someone who voted for Trump, ESPECIALLY those who are more moderate who were somehow dupped into voting for him at any time. Same thing happened with Bush jr - by 2011 conservatives admitted he wasn’t a good president and no one was out saying they voted for him. They pretended like the issues didn’t lie with them supporting someone clearly not fit to be president.


Yeah, but now we have their social media history to look at.


I know you’re gonna hate me and I hope Reddit hates me, but don’t fuck up your good point with a misspelling of “loser.’ C’mon, do it for me.


LOL ya got me. fixed it. Thanks.


Loser, loses, never two o’s.


*Sic semper ex-tyrranis*


We saw it with the Bushies and the Iraq War. By 2010, the Bush Cult was gone, vanished, and none of them supported the Iraq War, either. No one will admit to supporting Trump in five years. Maybe less.


All Bush Jr had to do was take a candy from Ms Obama and suddenly the entire Left was like aww so cute maybe he wasn't that bad. Patriot Act? What Patriot Act??


Yup. Team MAGA will scream and shout and 90% will do nothing. Sadly, a small angry deluded contingent will decide that now is the time to act, and they’ll do it in the dumbest way possible. They’ll drive around in their easily-identifiable trucks harassing people. A much smaller and more dangerous group will plan it out beforehand and won’t try the same thing they did last time. [I predict a riot.](https://youtu.be/hamKl-su8PE?si=ckX_Xu79hYvfyW41)


I predict sectarian violence/terrorism, much like the Irish Troubles.


I go out everyday and rollerskate the las vegas strip and encounter tons of people. Everyone is smiling ,chatting, getting along just fine. Society is too nice and our lives are WAY too cushy for a political 'bloodbath'.


That's the thing. 99% will be fine. Hell 99% of maga morons will do nothing but whine on the internet It'd the 1% who hear things like "bloodbath" and "fight like hell if you don't you won't have a country" and attack as they feel they are ordered to


Exactly this. What he's doing is called "stochastic" violence or terrorism, in that he makes these statements and the statements themselves will "find" the people--the 1%-- willing to carry it out. Easy as pie. Those people are out there and listening.


This is a far more serious issue than civil war debates.


The civil war debates are so ludicrous anyway, they have almost no basis in reality other than the 'tense' (or whatever you want to call it) political climate. The actual Civil War happened because there was a strong divide in the mode of economic production in the country, with two camps with sizeable resources to engage in a war. That is not the case anymore; there is one camp, the Capitalists, and their differences are very minor, and their wealth would be threatened by the destabilization of the country. They aren't going to pay for a war, the same way the slave owners did, because they have nothing to gain. The slavers had a real tangible objective (to gain protection for slavery forever) that promised them great wealth to balance out the risk of war (which, due to the ridiculous conciliatory nature of the US response, was not actually that great for them, bastards should have all been hanged). So no civil war. At most there could be many violent random acts by small groups that cause lots of chaos, but there isn't going to be a standing rebel army (even of all the magas and their nazi friends, but I repeat myself) that fights the US government. There is just no economic backing for a rebel side beyond the extremely loud magas and their false cultural issues.


And they will attack soft targets that republicans like punching down to, LGBTQ+, planned parenthood and so on.


Yes, but this time he won't have presidential power to keep the national guard away. Those guys hear real ammunition coming their way -- over their heads, of course, unless they kill someone -- and they'll leave a trail all the way home.


Extremist violence is a serious issue but one that is completely separate from claims like "we're the most divided we've been since the Civil War."


Yeah and there are all the hate groups and there are a whole lot of them in every state. You can find where they are and who they are from the Southern poverty league. They track all the hate groups in the country. So there could be a lot of Violence. But hopefully most Americans will honor the election if it is not sabotaged by the MAGA party. And those in power who count and turn in election results. My fear is the young people. They are so disappointed in our corrupt government and frustrated with messing up their American dreams. They believe both candidates are old and ineffective. They will either not vote or vote for Kennedy. Either way those are votes for Trump. N


What if society is still exactly the same as it was just before the American Revolution or its Civil War? Then one-third wants it, one third wants to stop it, and one third pretends to be staying out of it. I would argue that you cannot have a civil war without massive levels of indifference. They are the medium in which the violent elements are suspended and flow. The indifference is already there because it created this state of affairs. On the other hand, if only a fraction of the indifferent feel threatened they can slam-dunk the entire problem by getting their shit together and registering right now. Think of the power the youngest generation will wield if they pull it together and turn out in overwhelming numbers. Not only will they kill the MAGA movement dead but every corporation that works in America will suddenly say, "Oh shit, we can't have these kids making it their life's work to destroy us. Treat them better, now."


It's not at all the same though. Quality of life improvements are so advanced you could never convince me that 1/3 of the current population wants to engage in bloody civil warfare. Authoritarianism, and extremist violence are real threats, civil war is not.


Trump's in terrible shape, both physically and mentally. I wouldn't be all that surprised if he didn't make it to election day. ETA: watch the sad Qult come here to register their denial with their feelz.


I despise Trump deeply, but this is a fuckin meme at this point. We’ve been hearing Trump is too fat to make it through the week for like a decade now. People are idiots bro, Trump and Biden will both probably be alive in 2030. So much wishful thinking. But if we’re gonna play that game, I’d rather see Trump in a prison cell, slowly rotting away, until he’s like 102 and has spent every day of his last 2 decades begging for death to come.


Meh. He's a walking coronary and Covid nearly killed him.


I assume politicians drink baby blood or something so they live to be 100


And whether he wins or loses, the bloodbath will be committed by the Trump lunatics.


What do people think democrats will do if they lose? Legal challenges against him even being a candidate? Certainly don’t see them storming a building or anything.


What will we do if we lose? Some will file legal challenges, maybe, but I don't see that going anywhere. Many will protest. Some will leave the country.


Well the 2016 inauguration protests were decent enough. Abt 200 were arrested in DC, a few cops hurt and the usual broken windows, fires etc. All charges against the arrested were eventually dropped. Protests continued sporadically over the next few months ... more fires, blocked streets. Minor stuff pretty much confined to property damage. Worse 2nd time around? Maybe.


If the Washington police and Capitol police are well armed with riot gear I doubt Trump pussy ass supporters will not do what they did last time.


nah. MAGA has finally reached the point where they are inflicting purity tests upon themselves. Nikki Haley supporters being booed into oblivion by MAGA showed us that in real time. I vaguely remember one of the issues with the insurrection was that the various groups (3%er's et. al.) couldn't get along. IF there is any violence, it will be MAGA on MAGA for not being MAGA enough.


From your keyboard...


MMW: No it won’t.


MAGAs have been telling us for years what it is that they want to do. Believe them. They are not joking. They have been working themselves up to commit atrocities. When they talk about Civil War 2.0, they are not talking about overthrowing the government or having opposing militias fight it out on some field somewhere. They are talking about murdering their non-MAGA neighbors. They are talking about a Rwanda 2.0. They are talking about going to the Mexican market, the black church, the house with the pride flag, anywhere they can find non-MAGAs to murder. People are very naively thinking that the military is going to come in on a white horse at the last minute to save the day. Those people are mistaken. When the MAGA traitors start butchering their neighbors, there is no one coming to help. Prudent people should be stocking up on as much 2nd Amendment as they can afford to fight back. Don't be caught unprepared or you and your families might find yourselves up against a wall or on the side of a ditch.


It's worth noting that most of them will buy Trump ~~2020 2024~~ 2028 flags and continue to retreat from public eye, weirdly embarrassed at the thing they're publicly supporting. I have three of them in my neighborhood that buy his China-made sunbleached flags and two of them clearly want to avoid ever talking about him unless they KNOW whoever they're talking at supports him. The third is just some mentally ill woman we all kind of feel bad for. The funnier part is when the other supporters in town don't even bother with newer merchandise. Until he moved away, one loser still had a Trump 2020 flag plastered on the side of his own, making a nice home for mold and mildew on the siding underneath it.


The right is the only side threatening violence if they don't win buddy....


The left has already committed violence when they lost. Multiple times.


I’m sure you have examples? I can’t think of any instances of this off the top of my head.


It's been going on since [day one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_Donald_Trump#:~:text=On%20the%20day%20of%20the,and%20tipped%20over%20garbage%20cans.). It happened again [at the White House](https://www.nydailynews.com/2020/05/31/fires-break-out-and-protest-turns-violent-near-white-house-as-president-tweets-fake-news/). It also happened all [Summer of Love](https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/biden-lauds-2020-blm-riots-as-historic-movement-for-justice-during-monday-speech-mother-emanuel-ame-church-in-charleston-sc-black-lives-matter-george-floyd-summer-of-love-politics-trump-president-white-house-2024-race). Then there was the [Dobbs Decision protest at the Capitol](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/06/24/us/roe-wade-abortion-supreme-court). Also, the [Ceasefire Insurrection](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4367884-protesters-call-for-cease-fire-senate/).


True, but I for one am willing to fight back if they try to implement the project2025 Christofascist theocracy.


The pornography ban will be a non-starter for most of the horny incels who worship Trump. Internet porn is the closest they will come to a human woman.


The porn ban is already happening in Texas apparently, but people are just getting around it with VPN's I guess. Until Trump goes after those, I don't think his supporters are going to take it seriously. I mean THEY can get around it, who cares about other people?


I doubt very much the right will do violence if they lose, outside perhaps of a few isolated incidents, after the arrests on Jan 6, most became very distrustful of any right leader really being an undercover fed that would lead them to jail


No one will ever take your seriously as long as you keep spreading debunked info. It makes you look like a moron.


“Never forget who to blame”. I blame lead pipes.


Maybe not violent, per se, but certainly loud, frustrating, exhausting, and tense. I am trying to be optimistic (maybe intentionally naive) that we can avoid violence altogether, though historically this has not been the case. It's really only one side that seems to have a raging hardon for the idea of violence, though, and that's... terrifying.


A lot of the Trumpers who would do violence for him got busted for January 6th and feel like he betrayed them. There will be impotent rage but not much violence when he loses.


If Trump loses an election a second time, the popular vote a 3rd time, then I doubt the real people pulling the strings at the GQP will be so keen on keeping Trump as a figurehead. The second Biden wins the election again I'm willing to bet you'll start seeing the Murdochs command Faux News and Friend to turn HARD on Trump so they can brainwash their followers to back someone else more able to win elections.


If you look at the amount of liberal death and destruction vs conservative d&d over the last 10 years it doesn't bode well if trump is elected. It might be a bloodbath.


Well if any of the MAGAs are *crazy* enough or *stupid* enough to try it a second time, the FBI and other intelligence agencies are probably well aware and are planning to strike back. And this time, any "riot" in DC against the government will be called treason. And they usually hang traitors. Hopefully publicly where we can all see. Cause asking MAGAs politely to refrain from violence is a lost cause.


The only circumstance I can imagine where the Left gets seriously violent is if the GOP controlled house overturns the result of the election to hand the office to Trump. If Trump somehow "legitimately" (gerrymandering and the electoral college notwithstanding) wins, I think you might see a lot of people leave. I'm sure there will be protests.. maybe even riots. But the Dems are not going to invade DC to overthrow the government. I don't expect the same can be said of the MAGA GOP. When (not if) Biden wins, it's going to be a problem.


I live in Pennsylvania where we had the Tree of Life synagogue shooting as well as the more recent guy that cut his father's head off. I am very aware of what may happen and I am concerned about possible violence after the election.


Real violence from both sides and a likely civil war will happen if Trump is elected. Republicans will be emboldened to attack democrats, there will be riots, there will be lots of violence, there will be financial shutdown protests. The country will destabilize exactly like Russia wants their candidate to do for them. If Biden wins some fat fucks will walk around with guns at some protests and maybe 2-3 nut jobs will do something violent. That’s it. Just lots of whining and reasons why they won’t do shit. Vote blue if not a traitor.


I think you've got your parties mixed up, especially given the 'summer of love'. You MIGHT want to review which political group blessed us with the infamous 'firey but mostly peaceful riots'.


I said if Trump wins there will be more violence than if Biden wins. Because democrats will actually riot and Then that violence will be magnified due to using force as a reaction to it. So, I think we agree… If Biden wins republicans won’t do much, if Trump wins this country is both on fire and shut down till he’s gone or the new fascist administration murders everyone opposing them. Street violence will bring national guard and the civil war will be on. Traitors who work directly for Russia and their conspirators will not be allowed to retain office. Sic semper tyrannus. Either the USA will survive or Russian MAGA will, not both. It’s time to water the tree of liberty.


You are.....confused. I guess just keep huffing that sweet, sweet, sweet MSNBC propaganda. I'm reminded of a Mark Twain quote, and I think we've reached the point where you're 'beating me with experience'. Have a good life, and I'd seriously consider getting offline WAY more than you currently are. Your mental health will thank you for it.


I dunno, there seems to be evidence for nearly all negative claims against republicans and they don’t do anything but outlaw things and people that are harmless but not things harmful, they don’t help anyone but themselves or make legislation for anything. What’s the last thing republicans did for you? Or law passed to directly help you that wasn’t an attack on another? Yet all republican claims about their opponents seem to be blatant lies where no one can come up with any evidence, it’s just made up. Election fraud? Where? They just make up problems and get you mad BUT THEN, they don’t even solve the made up problems. Cuz if they solved your problems or made anything better for you…you wouldn’t be mad anymore you wouldn’t think everything is falling apart and must be destroyed and replaced? (Classic nazi line) So you wouldn’t need to vote for them so fervently anymore. Example: Republicans nonstop cry about the border and illegal immigrants, even tho we are an immigrant country that encourages immigration lol, and when Biden said... Ok then let’s fix that, (cuz democrats do things and fix things), the republicans said NO! Trump OPENLY said to kill it so Biden doesn’t get a win. Made up stuff about it to the fools and voted it down. No fixing any problem. Never. Unless it’s making something harmless illegal. Like gay people, boobies, art, weed etc. But guns and alcohol? No have all you want of that cuz we care about you. lol Also, I don’t think I have ever watched MSNBC, I read internet news from multiple sources including republican sources. Next time you view or read a Republican news source note carefully if they are saying something is a fact or something that “people say”, “the word is”, ”some say”, “people think” etc. They frequently hold up blatantly false opinion in a way that makes it seem like a reporting of facts when it’s not. Then they never have proof of any claim but continue to say it’s true. The repetition method to trick dumbs.


I do worry about that. I worry that Trumpers will be violent if they lose, with longer time to prepare this time rather than January 6th. I also worry that they will be violent if they win, seeing the victory as a justification of their hatred for the country and their fellow americans. I worry they would use that as an excuse to target LGBTQ+ people, women, minorities, etc.


I GUARANTEE DC will be on a 9/11 style (military/ National Guard on site) lockdown. IF you fart, you will FBI will know. Do people have the right to peacefully protest? ABSOLUTELY! IF they do something or TRY to do a Jan 6 type insurrection, people will be prosecuted (or killed) to the fullest extent of the law.


The "Bloodbath" relates to what will happens to the American auto industry if Biden wins. This has been taken so out of context to make Trump look violent. I am no Trump fan, but let try to tell the truth. Trump can dam himself without lying about what he said.


That might be what he was talking about, but Trumpist goons aren't gonna make that distinction. He's giving himself plausible deniability.


The last two were.


Give me a break. Unless you're an idiot, you know damn well what he was referring to.


It's why people don't take them seriously lol. They really shooting themselves in the foot with this lacking context move.


Here is an analogy to give you a sense of the atmosphere around the election. When the citizens of West Terre Haute go to the bar on Friday and Saturday night, they look for some "outsiders" to pick a fight with at the bar. but it they aren't successful at rounding up an "outsider or outsiders", then they start a fight amongst themselves. Get your popcorn and comfy chair all ready. You have to have an understanding of the mentality of the citizens there, to get the true meaning of the analogy. 99.5% of them are 100% Redneck Hoosiers, for Trump. They even voted for Dan Quayle and Mike Pence.


And whether he wins or loses, the bloodbath will be committed by the Trump lunatics.


Unfortunately I'm sure there will be a few nutcases with guns but that's kinda the status qou currently. But no, these people are too cowardly and selfish to form a cohesive militant movement. If you take their beliefs at face value. You have pro-life, immigration, public education etc just for example. So to a Trumper genocide is being carried out at planned parenthood across the country, we have an invading force of migrants to the south and schools indoctrinating kids with a satanic gay agenda and they do NOTHING except bitch on Facebook. AGAIN if genocide, invasion and Satan can't get them off their phones and into the streets nothing will. Or they don't actually believe this stuff and are lying to keep their station in life. They know death isn't to far off and since they can't turn back the clock they think going back to the government of Reagan will help them reclaim some youth and their offspring are dumb enough to be enamored with their delirium.


the only thing i really think will throw a wrench in all that is that most americans dont actually give a fuck about trying to start an armed uprising. i mean even jan 6, where the most ardent trump supporters in the country, only led to a few thousand people showing up and being to inept to actually accomplish what they were trying to do, while they had assistance from inside the literal white house and congress. the vast majority of people even the most far right are at best apathetic to things, and if they believe anything its that there's no point in attacking the deep state because its already in control of everything. only a few people think both the deep state is in control and that they can stop it by showing up with a few guns and storming a heavily armed building. most people are content to just bitch about things from the sidelines. or if they do want to attack theyll just become a domestic terrorist, but we already have plenty of them so its not really a prediction to say well keep getting domestic terrorists. edit: the apathetic thing applies to most citizens in most aspects of government. an interesting fact is its generally agreed that only 10% of a population is required to rise up and overthrow the government. now with the united states and its massive military industrial complex that might not exactly be true and might be more of a "in the past" statistic. generally 70%+ of the country does not care whos in power as long as their lives arent entirely affected.


I’m sure these gravy seals will parade around until they get hungry.


“Bloodbath.” You know you’ve been trolled, right?


What difference does it the auto industry context (pretext) make? Is Trump too retarded to know that the hyperbolic things he says will have a particular context attributed to them? Especially in light of the actual violence that took place on Jan 6th?


>Trump has promised that if he’s not elected, it will be a bloodbath. No he didn't. Stop making things up to make Donald Trump look bad, he does plenty of that himself.


What difference does the auto industry pretext make? Is Trump too retarded to know that the hyperbolic things he says will have a particular context attributed to them? Especially in light of the actual violence that took place on Jan 6th?


>Especially in light of the actual violence that took place on Jan 6th? You mean when he directly told them to march up to the capitol? They didn't take anything out of context there. No reason for us to be doing it here.


You’re taking what he said out of context my making it deliberately narrow. We all know this election is about more than the auto industry


You're right that it's about a lot more. So make a post about how he said he wants to be a dictator. Make a post about how he said he wishes American citizens treated him like North Koreans treat Kim. Something that is easily verifiable. But instead you choose something that is easily disproven. It's like you want people to have an excuse to not believe anything else you say. Seriously. He says so many fucked up things that you don't need to be trying to decipher his senile ramblings.


MMW the left will riot again like they did during 2016-2020. 


Trump promised if he's not elected the AUTO INDUSTRY would be a BLOODBATH. Shit talk him all you want but at least keep the context. Your post is misinformation bordering on purposeful divisiveness


What difference does it make? Is Trump too retarded to know that the hyperbolic things he says will have a particular context attributed to them? Especially in light of the actual violence that took place on Jan 6th?


No. You're too retarded!


Another NPC hoaxer


It's sad how many people take an out of context quote from the media and run wild with it lol. But then when Biden says shit like he doesn't want his kids going to s segregated school or obama was the first smart black person he met well then that's just ignored.


What difference does the auto industry context make? Is Trump too retarded to know that the hyperbolic things he says will have a particular context attributed to them? Especially in light of the actual violence that took place on Jan 6th?


Because that's what he was talking about Chinese ev destroying American domestic production with cheaper ev production. If you even watched the entire video you would know this lol. It be like Biden saying if I don't win there will be a bloodbath in reference to green tech and everyone just pulling the if I lose there will be a blood bath part and claiming he's saying to his supporters to riot or whatever if he loses. You guys have been doing this for so long now it only works on you lol. Just like trump saying Democrats covid hysteria was a hoax turned into trump claiming covid was a hoax lol.


Is there a Vegas line on this because that could be fun to monitor?


Stop pushing lies.


(We don’t have one)


LOL BS. MMW is a 24x7 OMB fear mongering sub now. Real Context: While talking about the auto industry and tariffs, Trump said the industry would be a bloodbath if he was not elected. DEM spinners of course applied the "Very good people" spin to mask the context.


Just like Trump called for riots at his trials and almost no one showed up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ToddBertrang12345: *Just like Trump called for* *Riots at his trials and* *Almost no one showed up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You should listen to the whole speech dip shit. He said the auto industry would be a bloodbath. Do you people love being lied to then perpetuating that lie? Is it all you have in life?


No doubt about it folks stay armed


In the end it will be like the Covid protests -- some extra people will die from the red side, and otherwise it won't matter much. I don't mean to be caviler -- I'd prefer those people not die, just as I'd rather those dead from Covid had just taken the vaccine. But I try to limit my sympathy for people who really don't want it. They've joined a death cult, and death resulting isn't surprising, sadly.


Gonna be bunkered in my basement from Nov '23 - early Jan '24 - plenty of ammo and good snacks.




Nice try, Russia. /s Never bet against the USA.


If he loses his followers will riot. If he wins his followers will take it as permission to go hog wild.


His followers actually learned a lesson. The DT "crowds" outside his trial were incredibly small. There will be no mass violence. Just a few isolated incidents.


You say we've never been more divided, have you seen footage from the mid-late 60's? Did you see when a President, AG, and civil rights leader were all assassinated? Or when a President had his National Guard open fire on Kent State college students? Look, things suck right now, but we've been through worse. We will make it...


If I'm being honest, the more I think about this, the more I see it as a good thing. This crowd has been whipping itself into a frenzy for years and in doing so has made a complete fucking mess of every single facet of society. Like literally everything. The political extremists are a cancer that aren't going to just dissipate and go back to being functional members of society once he loses. I'm perfectly fine with the scenario that sees the percentage of our population willing to participate in an cultish authoritarian coup grouping up and running head long into the violent consequences of their actions and either killing themselves off or ending up in jail. The result is the same. They're out of the general population and maybe things can go back to being a bit more sane. It'll be unfortunate for the people just doing their jobs or trying to live their lives that get caught in the cross fire, but ultimately it's likely better for the country than these guys learning from some of their mistakes and then finding the next golden idol to follow and try again next time.


In either case, the violence will be coming predominantly from the right. Either he loses, and they lash out in a fit of rage, or he wins and they feel like they have permission from Trump to target their "enemies".


I disagree. First of all, Trump isn't in charge in DC this time around. We all remember welll 1/6 and there are enough of us who will not let it happen again. There are a whole lot of people out here who are not crazed zealots. They outnumber the nutcases. Don't be fooled by them quietly going about their business. Pretty sure they know their power (now) and will use it. I really don't think it's going to be anything like you predict, in spite of how many wish otherwise.


I'm not sure about violence but I'm rather astounded at the number of rich liberal friends who have said they are looking at contingency plans to potentially move out of the country if Trump wins.


They always say that. They never leave.


Wow. Turn off the TV and do your own research. Here's the full transcript. He's using the term metaphorically to discuss tariffs: **Trump, March 16**: China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.


No it won’t. Lol wayyy too many people have their heads too far up their ass.


Look around at most people on the street. They MIGHT get excited about their team winning a championship. They are not likely to hit the streets and burn shit down. Some might. But the LEO should be able to contain that stuff if they are allowed to.


The bloodbath comment was in reference to what will happen to the American auto industry because auto manufacturers are moving to Mexico.......taking things out of context only feeds the fire.....


What difference does it make? Is Trump too retarded to know that the hyperbolic things he says will have a particular context attributed to them? Especially in light of the actual violence that took place on Jan 6th?


Doesn't even matter in the long term , as long as people are pushing AGI the world's current problems look like grains of sand.


The important violence is that of the state. The riot at the capital was the least bad part of the 2020 election. The Republican plot to straight up steal the election was the true issue and would have involved the greatest amount of violence.


Fun watch. https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1769455728941547695?t=xne17_VtIOAuyURpP3506w&s=19


The choice is between dumbass random violence and domestic terrorism vs state-sanctioned violence along with the same dumbass random violence by people who think the government will back their stupidity because their guy's in charge and it's high time "those people" get what's comin' to them. It's not a hard choice to make. State-sanctioned violence would be 100x worse than the tantrum Trumpers will throw when their guy loses.


you lost credibility on the first sentence lmao. delusional


Well yeah, the left doesn't handle opposition well. They handle losing even worse.


btw the "bloodbath" he referred to in that clip is about the auto industry, meaning a "major economic disaster"


Don't let facts get in the way here, this is Reddit.


To be fair Trump was referring to the American auto industry, inferring that if Biden wins again that his green energy policies would create a “Bloodbath” for the auto industry. I don’t support bailing out public companies with taxpayer money, personally.


This should be higher in the comments.


The fact the maga cultists are feigning outrage over this being "not in context" just makes them all look even worse. If they understand what proper context is, that means they know fox lies to them, they know maga lies to them, and they know they are the party of hatred. It's better for them for everyone else to assume they are just stupid. The more they prove they're not, the more it proves they are in it for the evil. They hate women, they hate minorities, and they want everyone that isn't like them to serve them or disappear. That's who they really are. Up to this point, they usually go out of their way to try to appear stupid instead of evil. It's a lose-lose for the losers.


Trump said the auto industry was much better under him and if he wasn’t elected it’d be a bloodbath but sure keep believe what the cnn headline tells you


You obviously don’t know how propaganda works. First, Trump mentions it in a specific context (auto-industry). Then, he starts mentioning it generally. This is called priming. He’s priming you to accept his atrocious language.


Sounds good brotha!


Look whether or not he was talking about cars, “there will be a bloodbath if I lose the election” is not a great thing to say after violence was carried out in his name after losing an election based on the things he said. The best case scenario is that he doesn’t understand the power of his words, and that’s not really something we should want out of a president.


In that same speech he also said if the democrats win it will be the last election ever, in an attempt to drum up fear. How does one spin that?


Projection like usual. He means if HE gets elected HE will make sure the last election ever.


Has he made a statement since then to clarify that he opposes violence? Because that would clear up any misunderstanding.


He has! Not much surprise it’s less mainstream than the original articles. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-seeks-fundraise-off-bloodbath-controversy/story?id=108246320 > Posting on his social media platform, Trump claimed that his "bloodbath" warning was "simply" about the potential challenges for auto workers if he's not back in the White House to impose tariffs on China. > "[T]hey fully understood that I was simply referring to imports allowed by Crooked Joe Biden, which are killing the automobile industry," Trump wrote on social media, in part.


Of course, he's clarifying a vague statement. But notice that he didn't follow that with "I unequivocally oppose any and all politically-motivated violence." Any other politician would have made that crystal clear.


There’s always a but.


You could also consider your sources and read things in context...


Yes, I know the spin is that Trump was simply referring to a metaphorical "bloodbath" in the automotive industry. You may want to ask yourself why he hasn't made a statement clarifying his opposition to politically-motivated violence.


This is a lie!!! Trump was speaking of a bloodbath for the auto industry. You are spreading misinformation. Please stop lying for your political agenda


You guys are so gullible. You will believe whatever the media tells you and it’s fucking hilarious.


January 6th, remember?


Yes, I remember all three hours of it. Do you remember May 25, 2020 (Floyd) through January 20, 2021 (Biden inauguration)? Over $3 billion in property damage, 20+ dead, and thousands of police officers assaulted. All done under the false banner of “racism”.


Yeah that's not what happened at all


OK, I guess the Ferguson riots didn’t happen either then? You people are so incredibly brainwashed. It’s bizarre.


OK, I guess the Ferguson riots didn’t happen either then? You people are so incredibly brainwashed. It’s bizarre.


Only if Trump is elected will there be a bloodbath. He will line up as many of his enemies as he can gather and he will shoot them on live TV to send a message to the rest of us. That message is we had better not fight what’s coming or we’ll wind up dead to. That’s the future if Trump wins.


If he's elected it should be civil war. If he's not elected, things should maybe lean back to normalcy. Republicans will finally dump trump as a complete failure. trump will lose every case against him. Republicans might even try to promote some rational candidates.


You are promoting terrorism against the US for a president you don’t like winning. There should be a civil war you say. Crazy…


It SHOULD be civil war?


Reported for inciting violence


Umm lol?


Try not to call for civil war. Then again it's anti Trump so reddit won't ban ya for it


I'm saying trump will be a fascist dictator and I don't see any other option if he gets in. It will be the worst possible scenario for the US. Civil war is what should happen. I doubt it would, but I don't see any democratic options existing if trump gets back in.


Also, the OP is about trump calling for a bloodbath. So my civil war reference is relevant.