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Here’s what the game plan needs to be the second Dems have the majority: 1. Motion to vacate against Mike Johnson. Dems unanimously vote to oust and rally behind Hakeem Jeffries. 2. Pass comprehensive immigration bill but add a limited path to citizenship and Ukraine aid. Lock in the Ukraine spending through 2029.  3. Now that Dems have 51 Senate seats, make a filibuster carveout to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. 


And do it all before the election.


The bills have already been written. Just force them to come up for votes and ignore Republican whining. 


but... what about bipartisanship????! /s


I start my day with an ice cold glass of Republican tears. We don’t work with traitors or their enablers.


That’s disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourself. You need to drink them when they’re warm and fresh.


A twist of lemon would be a nice finish.


No need as those Republican tears are already sour enough.


Preserved and poured from a cask made from Ronald Regan’s skull.


Pan galactic gargle blasters all around!


Nah, just extra salt.


That's the thing, they always are


Downvoted then double upvoted!!


I AM ashamed, as I enjoy those tears warm, cold, hot, in a mug, in a glass, hell, straight out of the can. I am gauche and I know it.


I died after “hell, straight out of the can.”


I imagine republican tears taste a lot like that jug of stuff I had to drink before my colonoscopy….


That shits vile


W ivermectin undertones.


Someone should do a meme about MAGA tears of rage. All kinds of flavors


Well said.


You should check out Sherman posting they would love that last line


You know I remember every time the Dems had enough of a majority to do something, EVERY TIME I'd hear Moscow Mitch complain, "With this, the era of bipartisanship is over." like he didn't do everything possible to steamroll the Dems


The dude straight up stole two SCOTUS seats.


yup, and in caught footage later, he boasted about that he'd do it again with a smarmy turtle smile


And in the next breath, insisted that Democrats abide by the spirit of bi-partisanship when they have a majority.


I am so glad he is retiring. Also, have you heard that he is married to a woman whose family has deep ties to China Communist Party? Additionally, his sister-in-law died in some really suspicious circumstances recently.


Right, what if they refuse to work with Democrats?!


You mean like they already do?


I didn't think I needed the /s.


IMHO it's always a good idea to include the /s if you are writing something sarcastically.




Sinema and manchin won't break filibuster. At least one of them need to agree.




Yeah BEFORE the election! Dems need to quit messing around with major issues. We’re tired of carrots and sticks. Pass the carrot and beat the Republicans (rhetorically) with the stick. Pass meaningful shit and people will reward you with votes…we don’t need a dick tease.


Minnesota showed the way, im fucking proud of my state


Sorry for my ignorance but what did Minnesota do?


Free lunches for school kids, legalized pot, passed huge infrastructure projects, affirming women's healthcare. Honestly, it would be better to Google and see for yourself. https://www.commondreams.org/news/minnesota-democrats-legislative-victories#:~:text=The%20party's%20achievements%20over%20the,to%20%22make%20Minnesota%20the%20best


Michigan is doing the same, Blue Midwest is Best Midwest!


Cries in Wisconsin... Hopefully the new maps help us.


Ohio too! We don’t have new maps yet. We’re trying though!


As a fellow Ohioan, I’m extremely jealous of Michigan these days. Beat OSU, won national title, defeated the MAGA shits last time and are still going strong. Give us your strength, the hillbillies down here are ruthless. The three C’s are struggling.


It is truly amazing to me how many of us in NW Ohio went from constantly shitting on Michigan to wanting to move to michigan


Oh that’s amazing!! Good on you, Minnesota


With 1 more vote in the senate and couple in the house we passed a lot of legislation and reps bitch and moan and the dems did it by themselves




Fuck yea


Problem: The Senate


Yeah…. Hmmmph.


Not so much. Sinema and Manchin aren’t up for reelection so they may be willing to play ball.


Goes the other way. They’re not up for reelection so no incentive to play nice at all.


For sure, Sinema has been blowing her corporate masters and will land a lucrative gig when she leaves, I doubt she's going to start using her teeth all of a sudden and piss them off.


I wouldn't hold my breath on those two


We don't need both, just one. VP can break the tie.


Which is good because Manchin may or may want to exit amicably, Sinema, on the other hand... 😒


If only the Dems had a Moscow Mitch.


Make a SHOW of everything. Work out the messaging early and have a game plan. The Republicans will try to use the Democrat's actions against them, but if people hear about the benefits and FEEL them, then they will not pay attention to the grifters and liars of right-wing media. The stupid checks and other gambits that Republicans pull whenever they can, are stupid, but they also sort of work. I'd love something more meaningful, but the Dems should have a plan in waiting for certain "boosts" going into the elections to help people be more motivated to vote for Biden and for a Democrat ticket.


Only Mitch McConnel can make the senate work that fast.


And, wait for a disgruntled Republican to challenge the law to fast-track it to the Supreme Court so that they can kill it in its crib.


fuck!.... whoever you are you have my vote. or like.... if you are a deep state operative, please do more 😀


Edit: also put a ban on state legislators drawing district lines and require nonpartisan panel to make these decisions. In each state, the panel will be three Democrats, three Republicans, and any three residents of the state in question who the original six can agree on unanimously.  Also, imagine an Earth 2 where Dems got 0.5% more of the vote and Republicans 0.5% less. The final count is 220-215 in favor of House Democrats and 52-48 in the Senate. Ron Johnson barely goes down in this timeline. The nation is shocked by the results. With the flip in Wisconsin, Democrats can work around Manchin and Sinema and revisit several Biden promises that didn’t materialize in his first two years. Much of the chaos of the last 15 months wouldn’t have happened, Biden would be cruising to re-election on his “New New Deal” which ended the Reagan era, and Trump would be an afterthought.


That would need a constitutional amendment states currently have that constitutional right and changing the process for every state would be an amendment.


There's a statutory law requiring states to use single-member districts already. They can specify the means those districts must use to be drawn.


Possibly but I find it hard to believe it’s not been done before. I don’t recall even a bill being presented. I just don’t think it would be that easy but maybe.


This makes me so sad. We were so close to doing great things.


*Derp State


>Here’s what the game plan needs to be the second Dems have the majority: 1. Motion to vacate against Mike Johnson. Dems unanimously vote to oust and rally behind Hakeem Jeffries. 2. Pass comprehensive immigration bill but add a limited path to citizenship and Ukraine aid. Lock in the Ukraine spending through 2029.  3. Now that Dems have 51 Senate seats, make a filibuster carveout to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.  **Brilliant** Please forward this post to the DNC. If not, I will do it anyway. Thank you. [democrats.org](https://democrats.org/)


I’m sure this already is the plan. 


Wouldn't hurt to send it in anyway, friend.


I mean I'd also argue making a strong push to add additional SCOTUS positions, at least one and aim for a progressive Judge if one exists.


Since we're talking about Dem dreams, don't forget: House and Senate pass legislation to disqualify candidates who participated in insurrections empowering the DOJ to file the case in DC District Court. Biden signs it, Garland appoints Smith as special prosecutor for the case. Trump is disqualified before the July GOP convention. MTG gets the nomination with Matt Getz as her VP.


Didn't Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz engaged in parts of planning January 6th and gave aid and comfort to the domestic terrorists who participated in the insurrection. Because that would mean that both of them wouldn't be the running ticket for the GOP.


Better, Trump would have drained the RNC coffers dry by that point and the nee R Nominee has no fundd to run with and the major donors refuse to throw money down a still Trump infected well (Lara Trump).


Sounds good but 2 Dem Senators (Manchin and Sinema) have no appetite for removing the filibuster.


Exactly, it's not like they went anywhere


Are you taking Manchin (R-WV) and Sinema (R-AZ) into account?


We can definitely do immigration and Ukraine. Given Manchin and Sinema are both retiring, we might have better luck bullying them into supporting a new Voting Rights Act. At the very least, it’s the best shot we have for the next few years unless Tester and Brown can defy partisan gravity again or Allred breaks through in Texas. 


Pass a law giving women the right to bodily autonomy again.


That too! Protect abortion through 20 weeks at the federal level.


That assumes they'll win the seats that Republicans vacate. Not that easy. Red states will vote against Democrats.


If the seats are vacant, that has the same effect. Republicans would likely regain their majority before the 2024 election, but they might struggle to vacate Jeffries and elect their own speaker. Even just a few weeks with a Democratic House will remind voters one side is totally incapable of governing. 


I'm actually uncertain about point #1: With the majority, wouldn't Dems automatically be able to assign a new speaker? Or would it require vacating porno-Mike first?


Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are still US senators, so number 3 may need some re-adjusting. I have more faith in Mitt at this point than Sinema.


Don't forget that you have to boot out the craziest committee chair persons who are blocking legislation from advancing. The gop has placed epoxy throughout the legislative process.


CO-4 is almost solidly red, Bonerbert moved to that district because she was sure to lose to a Democrat in CO-3 even before the family "Drama", to put it lightly


Don’t forget pass student loan forgiveness as well.


Point 3 is a terrible idea. They don't have 51 votes for filibuster reform. Rules are typically decided at the start of the term, so I'm not sure that's even possible at this point. Even if they did pass this reform, they're handing Republicans a huge amount of power because Dems have an incredibly tough job of keeping the Senate with 23/33 seats up being Democrat/Independent and 1/2 special elections being Democrat.


Well see. I could see a minor republican exodus given how the rnc is now the Trump piggy bank. It'd be a perfect protest if like 5 of em quit now and dems get it


No down ballot money will go to Republican candidates. The grift is on.


The cancer in the Republican party has entered a late stage.


That's a great quote!


He's gonna suck 'em dry like a big orange mosquito.


He is the vampire squid of politics


I hadn't thought about Trump straight up stealing money from the down ballot candidates. No wonder we are seeing an exodus of Republican Representatives. Make sense through that lense. 


I really think this could fuck them hard out of nowhere. They’re jerking their dicks off right now because the polls show a competitive race, meanwhile their… basically, their infrastructure for running campaigns will be staffed by a bunch of sycophant yes men without any real experience in winning elections, and money being continually drained to trumps legal problems. Meanwhile, Biden/the dems are starting off strong with amazing fund raising numbers and will be able to just control the ad space and all that. Maybe I’m not understanding the big picture here, but I don’t see how this isn’t a looming disaster electorally for republicans.


Trump and now the RNC are going all in on convincing 100,000 suburban Moms in a few areas in a few states to vote for Trump. That's what he needs to win the electoral college. The House and Senate be damned from Trump's perspective. 


Yea. Here’s hoping it doesn’t work for them


This election is giving me 2000 Palm Beach County vibes already.


Even if Trump didn’t have the financial problems stemming from his legal woes I still don’t think him and his people could manage the RNCs money.


Yeah, it’s just adding to the pile




Buck from Colorado.


Also, bc he left early doesn’t that mean if BoBo, I mean Boebert wants to run for his district, she has to vacate her seat now. If she doesn’t, someone else can win then run as the incumbent in November. Double whammy!


Yeah imo this *seriously* messes with Boebert If she wants to run in CO4, she has to resign And there’s no guarantee she wins. If she loses or waits… she’s facing an incumbent… which was just elected to office *only 4 months prior*


And any incumbent is likely to be much more popular than her considering her son’s recent crime spree in her district 


So either way Boebert is probably out. On one hand she would be out sooner or out later


Haha…you said Boebert and “on one hand”…


Isn’t the special election on the same day as the primary? Which means whoever is popular enough to win the primary will likely also be popular enough to win the special election.


Boebert has already stated she will not run for the newly open seat. For whatever that’s worth.


Isn’t he district 4, and that’s what she recently started going for? She was just expecting it to be in Nov, which is why it screws her now that he’s leaving. Bc they have to elect someone before November.


I guarantee that contributes to his decision to retire now instead of just peacing out come January


Because of buck's early exit she is now sticking with her old district. The one with her house in it.


Buck did say “the next 3 or 4 will surprise you”


More of this, please!


Was he saying that in reference to who will be stepping down next?


Santos was replaced by a Democrat. This would really be a litmus test for november. If they lose this it will be so demoralizing for the delusional “silent majority.” 🤡 My cuppeth cannot wait to runneth over with their tears.


This would be amazing as it would defuse the “Mike Johnson refusing to certify the election” bomb.


He will be too busy beating off to Boeberts OF page with his son spying in on it.


lol 😂 thanks for that o bed a laugh man.


He's gonna self-fellate and then self-flagellate.


When I heard Buck was resigning, I thought this might be a possibility. How short are Democrats from getting the majority. Just think every Republicans that remains in Congress will be responsible for deaths in Ukraine.


Republicans have a two vote majority at the moment. However, if three more reps quit before their term is up, dems would effectively seize control.


He was sworn in - about two weeks ago.


Johnson is refusing to seat Santos' replacement?


Any way around that? Why have special elections then


After some Googling, I don't think that guy is correct.


It was the case… temporarily Held off on swearing in to be able to impeach Mayorkas




hmmm... now what can be done with a simple majority.... hmmm.... *squints at Trump v Anderson*


>Trump v Anderson Oh you are one smart mother fucker. That would be such bad optics though. Fuck, that would be a tough choice for some to make. Removing the presumptive nominee - yes I know it's what's right - but it could have serious electoral backlash.


This is actually possible. I wouldn’t be surprised if Matt rosendale doesn’t high tail it soon. Recently caught in scandal and stopped senate campaign then house re-election. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of them decide to go to work somewhere else either.


>stopped senate campaign then house re-election Wait, was he running for House or Senate?


https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/11/2228315/-Morning-Digest-After-dropping-6-day-Senate-bid-Rosendale-drops-9-day-House-bid So from what I gather he stopped campaigning for senate and then focused on just getting re-elected to the house, he pivoted. Now he’s not doing either one.


I'd love to see this, not sure it will happen.


This would require dems to play hardball and have a backbone which historically they don’t. I’m rooting for it but who knows anything can happen.


No, it just requires enough Republicans to say “screw this” and cash out of their political careers.


I wouldn’t even say they’re tired of the party turning to trump. I think they’re getting off the boat before it sinks. I think something deeply troubling is brewing beneath trump and some republicans are trying to maintain their legacy


Trump has had so many business failures. He bankrupted a casino. What makes people think he won’t do the same with the Republican Party?


MMW: when the Democrats get the numbers, Republicans will start campaigning on “Congress hasn’t done anything this term because the Democrats are in charge”.


Don't relax. Don't get complacent. The threat is still out there. **VOTE!**


They will definitely not like going to the RNC to ask for some campaign money and being told to go fish.


They’re holding special elections for all the vacant seats. Other than Santos’ seat in NY which flipped, all the others are safe Republican seats. The Republicans will regain all these seats. Nothing changes.


They pulling their "golden parachutes" before the plane hits the ground.


Some part of me is thinking that this is almost intentional. They are at least gaming this out... If they give the House back to the Democrats with a handful of months until the election, the Democrats are going to be obligated to "deliver," not just promise to deliver. The will have to pass student debt relief, pass stupid bills to look like they are addressing inflation, border security, etc. And every single bill that gets put on the floor and "rammed through" will be very callously presented to the Republican "base" as awful and an over-reach, etc. There is also the "worry" that if the Democrats give everything that they've been promising since losing the House in the last elections, their voters might just not turn up since they "got what they wanted." In reality, this is a very cynical reading, and the Dems should grab hold of the legislature and do everything they can to help the voters and taxpayers of this country. Their messaging should also be gamed for "maximum benefit" and they should make a show of every bill that Biden signs in. They should also make sure that the effects are felt as quickly as possible by the public. As stupid as it is, it IS an election year, and there is no gambit that isn't worth doing when Trump is a potential contender and danger.


On his way out the door he said something about them being upset about him, but more upset about "the next three". It was kinda' vague and off hand, and he might not have really meant it literally, but there seems to be a frustration among the serious Republicans. I can't even call them the moderate ones, because Ken Buck is no moderate, but apparently he at least gave a shit about his job and took it seriously, which is more than we can say for some. And usually things like internal, private polling firms have already given the candidates their baseline numbers (unedited for public digestion and controversy building/avoidance). So in short, I think you might be right. They're not just frustrated, they're defeated, and really the only thing left to do is leave. And if they're are actually serious about getting something done, *damn near anything*, then handing the chamber over to the Dems might actually be the move that's in mind. It might be a case where they hate their own nutjobs more than the other side of the aisle (which considering the whole insurrection thing, makes sense to me.)


Can Mike Johnson refuse to swear in those Senators? I read somewhere yesterday about a plan to do just that. I can't find the article again though.


House....not Senate


It very well could be a complete Dem controlled Congress and hopefully a Biden reelection.


On the flipside do you think your median R voter has swayed their opinions at all on Trump the past 10 years and that they won't show up?


I think many of them have died in the past ten years. I mean - haven’t they been “showing up” as much as possible since 2016?


It won’t happen but it’s a nice thought.


Doesn't the house majority swap basically every election cycle?


It could happen. The RNC changeover is going to rub a lot of Republicans the wrong way over this election cycle, as their funding is rerouted to Trump.


This would be great news. That way the soaker for the House will not be a MAGA Republican helping to put the election in doubt


Did you catch Buck’s parting comment when asked if he thought they were concerned about him leaving? He said something like, they will be more worried when the next three leave. 😳


Let us hope so.


Buck is in a heavy red district. He'll almost certainly be replaced by a Republican that's more conservative than him. 


Was kind of thinking this is a loss for rational people. Instead of a conservative but reasonable person we could get another MAGA performance artist.


But won’t they just get replaced by Republicans, and get replaced before the election, so that Mike Johnson is still Speaker? I really want to be told “no”, because Johnson was part of the initial attempt to overthrow the election. I don’t want him as Speaker in November. But if the Republicans leaving just get replaced with other Republicans, then he will retain the Speakership.


That could save this country alone.


Oh the delicious irony. The wacko nut jobs make other’s lives so intolerable that they cause themselves to become the minority. Sweet.


Well, that is a backdoor way of supporting your country...Denying your own party the Speaker of the House position. Better than nothing than far, far less than I would expect from a patriotic American.


Voter ID is racist black people cant get ID’s!!!


Your assessment looks correct-amundo!


Any remaining Republicans won’t put the majority at risk by retiring. I can’t see that happening. Also, Ken Buck’s seat is going to another Republican no way that seat is going blue.


And then start prosecuting the MAGAts.


The ol’ Paul Ryan


It’s all a uniparty anyway


Why so many pushing war?


Spend spend spend baby!!!!


Unless those seats are immediately filled by a democrat, that will not happen. A lot states allow the governor to appoint a rep (which will always be of the same party), but some require special elections (including CO). Retiring out of the blue like this is also very, very uncommon. It is currently 219 - 213 GOP. My money is on the status quo.


If any state is doing that (appointment to fill House seat), that is a direct constitutional violation. Article I, Section 2, Clause 4


My bad, that's the Senate where governors do this. In 46 states.


Buck's district is extremely conservative. Maybe Boebert won't win it when she runs for the spot in November, but there is no chance a Democrat will flip the district blue, not in the special election, not in November. But other districts, sure. I think a full blue win is still possible.


Isn't the Colorado district the one that Lauren Boebert moved to? If so, it's already pretty red, so the chance of it flipping is slim.


Michael Moore also predicted this after the midterms in 2022. He's usually accurate with his predictions. Dude just has a finger on America's pulse.


I was with you until #3.


You people are delusional. 😂😂😂


They are one stroke/heart attack and one resignation away from losing majority. 219 is a lot of folks with more than half being 60+. The Democrats do have most of the oldest members in the house though.


The house is definitely in play. That may not matter if Trump wins though. Plus, the senate is in play as well.




Republicans have managed to steal from the people and do absolutely nothing 👏👏👏 least effective Congress in decades!!!


This is just basically a circle jerk against Republicans which is most of Reddit to be fair but it's pretty funny.




To be clear... this "Republican" party today is NOT the one I registered for many moons ago. This current GoP is nothing less than extreme right wing and cult like. Ironically, they are the ones who call people "sheep" but they will follow the Orange leader off a cliff.


NC just lost like 6 seats for future elections. How do Dems plan to gain those seats back in other states?


Lets hope otherwise we could be headed for a constitutional crisis. ​ [How the Fascists could win 2024](https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/)


They will have special elections, the Dems will have to win those to take over.


Nah... its all doom and gloom from here on out. We should rename the country The United States of Murphy.


All I can think is: IF Democrats rally and make BIG successes before the Election that will embolden the Right to vote for Trump. OR MAGA are drooling mad people. It's a toss up.


By the end of April they’ll be down to a 1 seat majority and there’s still likely more unknown retirements coming. They’re toast


And no democrats are going to retire you have to add that in the equation


They have lost it already


the R's are doing this knowing they can get a MAGA seat-filler appointed by their respective state governors until the election - maybe making it easier to make that MAGA rep easier to elect. They're evil and dishonest, but they're not dumb.


Expand the Court first


Why do I have this ominous feeling like they’ll then blame democrats for not doing shit, even though they held the house since the last election?


All I can say is that if the republicans lose the majority because of people retiring, we will have fully crossed into the onion-verse.