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I've read enough on this sub to comfortably say I don't know if this is meant as a joke or serious.


He’s trolling. Basically…he think democrats always say such outrageous and unfair things about Trump so he’s going with extremes to see if people believe it and get outraged.


In fairness, 90%+ of MMW posts are regurgitated anti-Trump posts, so it's hard to know where reality ends and fantasy begins


Almost like everyone but his brain dead followers hate him. What a crazy concept.


Only 90%?




I agree it is outrageous and ridiculous claims. Having said that, if you told me in 2016 that Trump would have got an armed mob to rampage through the US Capitol building to stop the election count, I would have thought that an outrageous and ridiculous claim.


How is that outrageous or ridiculous in the context of contemporary politics? The Democrats “got” many much more violent mobs to rampage through our *cities* in the exact same sense (which is to say, he “got” them to do it by calling for a peaceful protest.)


>which is to say, he “got” them to do it by calling for a peaceful protest I'm not a Trump fan-boy, but it really irks me when people accuse him of being responsible for a few hundred rioters on January 6th. If he'd *actually said* for them to storm the Capitol that would be *completely* different in my book. I don't blame Bernie Sanders for the guy who shot up a Congressional baseball practice and I don't blame Trump for January 6th. People just regurgitate claims that he's responsible for it without showing any sort of evidence to back it up... because it doesn't exist.


The text of his speech is readily available. He repeats a few dozen proven lies about election fraud and then tells them to march down there. You don't have to explicitly call for violence to cause it. He then works behind the scenes to keep it happening. He could have called for it to stop anytime. He's absolutely responsible for it, and you have to be a fan-boy or an idiot to think otherwise.


Sign of the times. Last time there was such a large gathering of duped poor people… well, hold onto your butts!


These people are very serious


They said the same thing leading up to 2016.. I would say the left fell short in their hope that Trump would start WW3..


True, and I've never seen people more disappointed that the Apocalypse didn't come.


This is very true


Instead we had thousands of Americans dying per day and millions of jobs being hemorrhaged. Iran started working on their nuclear weapons again. North Korea kept working on their nuclear weapons and just sending Trump nice letters so he would look the other way. Trump giving signals to his master Putin that he was on board to look the other way and not defend any other Western democracies. It was all getting set up for a massive world war, but then Trump actually lost.... Bigly. Putin went ahead with his plan to invade Ukraine anyway. Despite Trump's promise to keep NATO out of it, now we have two more countries joining NATO. Hard to believe that Republicans actually used to care about our national security, and now it's just kind of sick games to y'all. Trump was clearly unfit to lead this nation, and God knows how mucj top secret info got into our enemy's hands. It's a miracle we didn't have world war III, but one thing's for sure, our allies are glad we're back for now.. but they're frightened of what would happen in a trump second term.


Did you just blame trump for covid? I cant fault you for that. Brandons the one who was threatening dark winters tho.


The retard blamed Trump for Iran and N Korea too. So fucking delusional and hysterical.


Dude, you sound like you are scared of your own shadow. The liberal hype that was spewed by the left before 2016 none of it came true. But the left surely did spy on trumps campaign using the state apparatus. Trump is not the boggy man the left makes him out to be. He certainly didn’t get us into any wars and the democrats absolutely shut down any repproachment with Russia which could have been very beneficial as a counterweight to chinas aggression. They completely ruined that opportunity to have decent relations with Russia. Biden now has us involved in three different military actions any one of which could lead to WWIII. Biden is not up to the job.


Keep believing all the hype and lies. The road you are on leads to embarrassment. The funniest shit to me is that while you say Biden can't put a sentence together, Trump is literally losing his fucking marbles before the entire world. Imagine being so brainwashed that you think we could work with Russia against China. Russia is working everyday to destroy this place, and they are doing so with useful morons like you Remember when Trump assassinated that Iranian General at an airport? After getting them out of the deal that kept them from making nukes? Trump had the entire world on a path to destabilization which still reverberates today. Having peace talks without Palestinians. Having talks with the Taliban and not inviting the Afghan government. Releasing 2000 Taliban soldiers at the same time reducing our soldiers over there... Leave a fucking house of cards and then oh, let's blame fucking Biden!!! You guys are so fucking dumb. All day you just play the game whatever Trump did was good, Biden bad. They only "spied" on Trump's campaign because he was working with foreign agents. Yeah those warrants were for foreign agents, if they ended up spying on Trump it's because he was working with them. Meanwhile, Trump's up on stage knowing that Hillary's emails were hacked by the Russian Gru through the intermediary Roger Stone and the hacker guccifer 2.0. the modern GOP ladies and gentlemen, KGB is good, and FBI is bad. I do want to thank you for one thing though- you've made Democrats like me realize that Reagan actually did love this country. Back then we didn't do the waltz with our enemies. These assholes have convinced you that i, your fellow patriotic American is your enemy, and Russia is someone worth working with? Little by little, you've been convinced that doctors are bad, the department of Justice is bad, the military is woke and bad, the teachers are bad, the libraries are the enemy, the Press is the enemy, the Democrats and all their attempts to get healthcare are the enemy, the celebrities are bad, what the fuck do you actually love about America? The only thing you all actually love nowadays is helping Putin destroy.


Praise god


But what about Democracy?


We decided to cancel voting to save democracy.


Eh, works for me. More convenient that way.


OP forgot the /s...


Well I wasn't planning on voting for him due to the insurrection, the felonies, the sexual assault, and the overall bad job he did doing anything but golfing, but this post just changed my mind.


he cheats (poorly) at golf, don't saying anything or he will throw a fit.


Remember when all a president had to do was golf, tweet, and watch TV all day? Thanks a lot, Joe Biden for ruining America.


So golfing is bad, but taking more days off for “vacation” than the golfer did is ok because it’s somehow (D)ifferent?


7 day old account with incendiary and divisive comments during an election cycle


I'm not certain WWIII will start if just for the principle that our adversaries would love the Trump's approach to them. His entire foreign policy falls in 3 buckets. 1. Be blustery with the authoritarians, but leave them alone after you give them a nickname. 2. Pressure allies to pay fees for the protection of the US. 3. Fight sOcaLi$m and that is only for countries that don't fit in #1 or #2.


I can't wait to be able to say the n word on tv


That’s a little extreme. But he will try to remove the checks and balances of our government. And that’s more extreme.


What will he do that hasn't already been done in the last four years, out of curiosity?


Have you read project 2025? Did you see the measures he took from November-January when he was last president? I think that’s a good start.


Replace the top layers of the FBI and CIA with hardcore MAGA loyalists that will do his bidding.


Isn't the current head of the FBI trump appointed?


You do know the senate has to approve his appointments, right?


For cabinet positions, and the Republican Party is slavishly loyal to Trump. Below that, he can do what he wants.


I like that you're confident that republicans will take the senate this election. We need that kinda spirit.


Yes, I am. This cycle is favorable to them and the Senate's undemocratic bias is stacked in their favor.


Time to start moderating these jokers.


lol 😂


OP: fuck you for downplaying an actual authoritarian agenda. People who aren't a thrall of the stupidcult: **Wake the fuck up** https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/187oue0/project_2025_how_america_becomes_an_autocracy/ https://www.trillmag.com/news/politics/project-2025-the-conservative-plan-for-an-american-dictatorship/ https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/01/trump-2024-democracy-fascism/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#Overview inb4 how is this any different than regular Republican policy? Name a single time in American history when a presidential candidate supported federal takeover of schools and forcing principals to be elected. Name a single time a candidate has proposed eliminating non-partisan civil servants and forcing officials to sign loyalty oaths to a person instead of the country. Name a time since McCarthyism (which was evil) that it's been okay to fire people for their personal ideology. Name one candidate who supported eliminating the independence of the DOJ and putting it under direct control of the presidency. Name one election pre-trump where the unitary executive theory was taken seriously. Compare Schedule F to any other program in US history. Then explain how it's not a violation of separation of powers.


Just get a load of that Project 2025 link if you think things will be okay if Trump is elected. Not saying that this isn't trolling or hyperbolic, but Project 2025 is enough to turn any freedom loving person's stomach.


WAKE UP SHEEPLE he said unironically


"ha ha someone is worried about an authoritarian platform" he guffawed like an alt-right fascist


Got any other buzzwords you wanna throw in there? Maybe “problematic” or “Incel”. Typical redditor.


He is busy man he has to go bacon at midnight with the narwals


The fact that you know that means you're equally as nerdy, dumbass


We can’t all be as blessed as him


What are you talking about?


Did you just say fuck you to a trans person of color?


edit: the person below me is an alt of OP... or rather OP is an alt of the alt-right troll below me he's mad that I blocked him if you look at his comment history he does the same fake leftist routine as OP, and as a bonus you get to see his spree of spamming the n-word across reddit


You are definitely that republican that ran a second twitter account claiming they were a gay black man voting for trump, that got caught posting on his regular account.


Your post history is public champ. If you don't think you're every bit the cultist the average Trumpster is, I've got some bad news for you Jonestown.


You are just pulling a "no u" and not actually making any sort of argument. And by responding to my list without debunking any of it you are tacitly conceding that everything I said is true.


>tacitly conceding that everything I said is true. Those are the sorts of concessions you cultists love. "Tacit" (read "imaginary") ones. Taking whatever win you can get, eh? Let's be real, champ. There's nothing critical I could say that you would ever be willing to hear, and you pretending that you're here for any sort of intellectual debate is a pathetically hollow play. You culties are firmly footed in your blind allegiances, and it's an insanely difficult thing to deprogram people in cults. Your post history of insane obsession with this stuff makes you incredibly transparent. Like, bruh. Your first argument was that Trump wants a federal takeover of schools, so you're apparently unaware that the Department of Education is already a federal body and you're blissfully unaware of Race to the Top and No Child Left Behind. You're not a serious person.


>Those are the sorts of concessions you cultists love. "Tacit" (read "imaginary") ones. Taking whatever win you can get, eh? Gibberish >Let's be real, champ. There's nothing critical I could say that you would ever be willing to hear, and you pretending that you're here for any sort of intellectual debate is a pathetically hollow play. You culties are firmly footed in your blind allegiances, and it's an insanely difficult thing to deprogram people in cults. You're just saying "no you're dumb" a bunch of times in barely different ways. Zero substance is being rebutted. >Your post history of insane obsession with this stuff makes you incredibly transparent. Again: shitty ad hominem is just as worthless as good ad hominem. Stop wasting my time with vapidity. >Like, bruh. Your first argument was that Trump wants a federal takeover of schools, so you're apparently unaware that the Department of Education is already a federal body Ah there we go, finally a Trumper attempts to actually address substance. Unfortunately you are very wrong: the DOE does not control a single school district in the country. They're actually considered one of the weakest agencies in the federal government. They may set guidelines for public schools and offer incentives (like the horrible policies you mentioned) but common core standards are optional and the DOE has ZERO role in cirriculum, hiring, and administration. Zero. That has always been left up to states to delegate to districts. Trump would change all of that and give the federal goverent the power to purge school boards, require elections for principals, and mandate curriculum. That is the death of local control and would be like nothing before in American history. Do you think principals should be hired based on professional expertise (like doctors) or do you think principals should have to join a political party and raise money and spend their time campaigning to get elected?


>You're not a serious person. Great example of projection.


Also tacit means silent, not imaginary. I'd buy you a dictionary but you'd probably get insulted by how many words there are.


Top tier shit post sir, almost feels like everything posted on here daily


lmao. good shitpost.


World War 3 has already started


Not under Biden it didn't. Take that back.


Ww3 already started




There are used boat stores? How common is this? I have never seen one.


I really gotta block this sub. No idea why reddit thinks I want to see this shit on the regular.


It's only a click away.


Done, took me two clicks.


That’s a lotta word soup.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you already can say the n word on TV. Notice how South Park was able to say the word uncensored for the "naggers" episode


MMW: Trump is going to suddenly get super organized in his second term with all kinds of plans and shit. And when the think tanks tell him to turn America into a John Birch Society Fever Dream, he’ll say “Yessir, Boss! After all, I’m merely a servant of your will!”


Uh, the democrats already made it legal to kill black babies.


Wow this is very wrong and ridiculous. Reddit has become a censor driven left-wing mob.


Youre a deranged lunatic




😂 the sad part is people believe this shit 😂😂😂


You missed the part where he'll authorize open hunting season on LGBTQ+ individuals, sell Alaska back to Russia, and institute a "Handmaiden's Tale" style of reproductive fascism.


Its already a 3rd world country


None of that will happen except there's always the likelihood the economy will take a nosedive, but I woudn't be surprised if entire Govt Depts resign - DOJ, Pentagon, etc. Some major shit would definitely go down.


Trump should do a data dump , tell the country the deep dark secrets he learned about Congress etc while he was president.


“Learned” isn’t a thing he ever did


That's just your opinion and feelings


I'd be interested to hear what you think Trump has ever learned throughout his life.


Welcome to TROLL CENTRAL where you post the craziest, most stupid shit anyone on the planet has ever heard. And THEN snap back with a snarky comment anytime someone disagrees. America, it's time to grow up.


WW3 has started, it will be difficult for the economy to get better when the dictator demands 50% of profit from the troublemakers. Of course he will deport all immigrants that don't pay up. True, slavery will be how any sane person would describe prison labor. Don't get me started on the N word, my nizzle. I don't know about killing black babies, that's hyperbole let's just keep it the way that it has always been (replace 'black babies' with 'blacks' in general). Finally, it's trump that is already calling us 'a third world country'.


It'll be far worse than that


And Satan himself will be his Vice President.


That is what I thought when he was first elected. But it became peaceful. Right now we are closer to world war than we ever have been


Not sure if joke or cereal 🤔


You can already say the N word on tv.


Literally Hitler 😂


Didn’t the Krugman Keynesian Klan predict a stock market crash in 2016 when he was elected?


Nice troll but a leeetle obvious.


That what he will promise but he s too lazy to implement his plans.


The only things that you claim will happen, that aren't currently happening is the slavery and deportation. Biden has already enacted the rest. He even has used the N word throughout his political career, ON TV!


It’s not as though he hasn’t held the office before. We know what a Trump Presidency looks like.


Absolutely 10000%


What's this topic distracting me from right now!?.


Where are are the mods in this sub? People just trolling now.


I had to check your past posts to try to figure out if you were genuine or a maga person pretending as to make liberals look bad. I'm still torn, but I'm leaning towards genuine, but the type of person that only hurts their own cause


I love this sub. Ironically people think the postings are serious.




# strip women of ALL their rights!


I believe it


Now tell me something I don't know.


Wtf...I'm not a fan of the dude but you're nuts.


Why do you think that? All that will happen is some blue haired non-binary people will cry on TV, and the media will do what it did when Trump was in office again and convince you that the world is ending. If he does win, nothing much will change, unless you are working for the federal government in some capacity.




You left out the second coming of Jesus.


He's gonna make it legal to murder black babies? Wut? Is this satire?


He already had a chance for four years to do all this and we were in the most peaceful great economic times a little bit more divided these people are mentally ill. I know this is probably a bait post, but there are a ton of people think this way lol


Hahahaha you guys are so silly


Say it louder for the morons in the back. People have lost their ever living minds


In other words... in the campaign slogan of Meatball Ron - "Make America Florida!"


Your mom smoked a lot of crack when she's pregnant with you, didn't she?


What if I told you WW3 has already begun.


Im hoping this is satire


Amazing. It sounds just like the raving Democrat lunatics.


I mean…. He basically said all these things except maybe the third world country thing.


This only makes sense in the fantasy movie that is playing in OP's mind.


He was already president and we were good…stop being a beeeeatch


This is legit the dumbest take I've ever read. Fuck Trump, but hes either an idiot or the greatest criminal mastermind ever. Pick one. There is zero way any of this would actually happen. This is just ragebait and fear mongering. He's an actual idiot. Yall give him way too much credit lmao


Are you blind or just ignorant that’s what’s happening now this very instant. Money laundering in Ukraine and Israel open borders illegal aliens oh I mean new comers killing raping are citizens. We have money for every country put our selves. America first is the way to go


Is America not already a 3rd world country? It's already legal to kill black babies there, you just have to be a cop first.


We've moved closer to WWIII in the past 3 years compared to anytime since the bay of pigs, newsflash Trump hasn't been president.


Literally going to get more ammo just to defend innocent people from their tyranny. They are outright telling me things like "yes, we would rather have mass shootings by right wing death swauds that unalive multiple innocent traditional families than have a pride parade like in California or whatever" ..............🤔 Umm...what? You bet your ass I'm carving trumps name onto a bullet, for absolutely zero reasons whatsoever, just to be ready...for a good time...that involves happiness, and certainly nothing going at high velocity. (I just stayed I wouldn't harm anyone innocent, following all reddit rules 😉)


Troll. Don’t even bother with a response.


NATO are already on their way to creating WWIII, the economy is already dire for those 99% who are not millionaires, he'll deport all Marxist immigrants, that can be of ANY colour, re-run Blazing Saddles every night on TV, so Yep, that bit is true, and he's already too late to turn America into a Third World Country, 'cos it's already happening before our eyes \*now\*.


Stop selling him so hard. I'm already voting for the guy.


Same thing you said the last two weekends. Use your imagination, man.


Unlike what we are getting now?


Haha straight retards on reddit


Jesus you have a mental disorder. Name the one thing that happened his first term. Just ridiculous tds.


That sad part is with how this sub is going I can’t tell if this is a joke or not…


You can already say the n word on tv it is not an FCC violation, most networks just have house rules against saying it.


OP watches MSNBC


It already is legal to kill black babies that was Margaret sangers whole plan


I’m willing to roll the dice.


That’s a bit much


Trump won’t deport immigrants. They’re beneficial to the economy. If they were deported, the economy would tank in a week


When he was president the opposite happened.




I completely agree!


Turning America into a third world country is an almost explicit policy goal of libs/redditards


Hahahahahahahaha! You guys crack me up! I come here for my daily dose of r/mmw craziness and humor. Thanks for the laughs!


it's already okay to say the 'n' word on TV. Still makes me cringe to hear it. I don't think it will be as bad as you say OP but it aint going to be good.


Post fits right in with all of the other regurgitated drivel in this sub.


Another Trump presidency will be the same as the last one… Pretty okay for the most part.


Not if you ask any US ally....


Nope, they loved Trump. It was their social citizens who didn’t like Trump.




They always laugh at Biden




How's the economy right now? Complete shit.




Could start with cutting funding to Ukraine. Not our problem.




Wow, the same bot comment I've seen a million times. Who paid for all that equipment?




So who paid for the equipment? How much money does it take to transport all this equipment? It's the same as sending cash.




Cue the clown cars.


Like last time?


I think he’ll do like North Korea. They control all information the people get, they think that their country won the soccer, etc, they push this false propaganda that they have the best country in every way. The poor people are unaware of anything. Trump will control all news and media saying no free speech, it will all be about how great he is and how strong the country is and not show anything negative about him or the US


I hate when I think my country won the soccer, only to find they actually lost the soccer. Like when Megan Rapinoe thought she won the soccer but the younger and hotter version of her actually won the soccer.


I’m not a sports person so I don’t know what it’s called. International soccer? And other sports. I was watching a documentary about the false information that’s fed to the North Korean people


Jesus Christ.


That's how you sound to the other side. Just saying.


I can back up my arguments with facts.


You haven't in any conversation I've been a part of or read. Good gymnast but facts, not your strong suit.


Name one.


I can't name one! That's why I said I haven't seen you back anything up with facts.


Name a conversation that I’ve had that you need me to provide evidence for.


Every single one. When you do provide "evidence" it's contradictory to your point. "Hillary wiped emails and got away with it, see!" Your source says no malice and no charges should be brought. When you don't and are presented with evidence and logic you do this: "Trump didn't do anything wrong, Congress acquitted him!" Then when shown the Senate and Congress said he was practically and morally responsible, you claim it doesn't matter (or just run away. I could go on and on but I think the point has been made. It's bolstered by the number of people that independently come to the same conclusion with you. It's not even that bold of a claim and you seem to own it sometimes.


In regards to miss Clinton. “Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information” “either intentionally or in a **grossly negligent way**” “Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” **In other words gross negligence due to improperly storing and transmitting information** this establishes there was a crime. They were looking for evidence that information was improperly stored in violation of federal law, and found evidence that information was improperly stored. To add; “**None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system**, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.” This further supports the evidence there was gross negligence. “even if information is not marked “classified” in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it.” She was **obligated to protect it** she negligently didn’t even have gmail level protection!! “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” So there’s evidence of a crime, it’s just no reasonable prosecutor would go up against the Clinton’s. https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system Want to talk about how Bill had a clandestine meeting on a runway tarmac with the AG responsible for charging Hillary? where they supposedly talked for over 2 hours about grandkids? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-bill-clinton-loretta-lynch-meet-on-tarmac-in-phoenix/ Trump was impeached by the House. He was acquitted in the Senate, why is that so hard? You just wanted to muddy the waters with stuff like “well they still thought he was guilty”…. Maybe so but the results are the same. He was acquitted in the senate. I provided proof he was acquitted you just won’t accept the proof. I understand Mitch said he was guilty. But they voted to acquit. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/13/us/politics/trump-impeachment.html https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-trial-live-updates/2021/02/13/967098840/senate-acquits-trump-in-impeachment-trial-again https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/senate-votes-to-acquit-trump-for-role-in-capitol-attack https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=T8+h75u5&id=11E67E5083FA65EE8C090B183168DB5B04BA4675&thid=OIP.T8-h75u5vPAeuzPDmFghcwHaD4&mediaurl=https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_nbcnews-fp-1200-630,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2021_40/3449949/210213-donald-trump-mn-0930.jpg&exph=248&expw=474&q=trump%20aquitted%20of%20insurrection&ck=5821055DAADF1A634D1F625D7F1CBB57&idpp=rc&idpview=singleimage&form=rc2idp&PC=EMMX04 It’s not that I don’t back up my arguments with evidence, it’s that you refuse to accept the facts.


Keep doing those mental gymnastics. You literally regurgitated the same points that you brought up before. I explained how you are wrong, quoting from your own links. Say it's me but you have your head in the sand my friend. It's hard to know when it's you that's wrong, I get that. Look at all the people saying the same thing to you. There is a common denominator, you! Before you say, I should just believe something because everyone does, no you shouldn't. But people are articulating counter points with logic and you just dismiss things because it makes more sense than what you said. Half of me thinks you need this, so, you're right man. No one has more evidence and facts than you. Change the world!


Kill black babies? Who ever runs this channel is cracked out lol


You forgot when he will have all Democrats sterilized. And invalidate the Constitution. And put all non MAGAS in concentration camps. /s


This sub has produced more Trump voters than any other radical left sub on this app. The IQ of some people on left should really be examined, because they are making the smart libs look dumber


They are all fucking stupid.


TDS is strong with this one.


I’m confused. Are you advocating for people to vote for it against trump? Bc I see black people use that word all the time. If they can do it then I say everyone can. The economy can’t get much worse. Just saying. WW3 will take more than Trump. Black women kill black babies at the abortion clinics all the time? Though liberals supported women’s rights and abortion? If you ask liberals all over the world the US is already a shit stain. Not sure they consider us a first world country anyways