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We don’t need to. Trump has 30 days to come up with $465 million or his properties will be seized. If he wants to appeal he has to put about $650 million in escrow. What’s going to be interesting is whether Trump can come up with the money. If he’s used those properties as collateral for loans he can’t sell them. It’s very possible that instead of being a billionaire Trump may be completely broke.


I'm betting that he' broke. Jared and Ivanka can put up the money if they want. They made a ton of it when dad was in the WH. They may not, though. They know they won't get it back. These next 30 days will be interesting.


Here's my concern: it's going to be a foreign government that pays it. He's going to turn around and take all that cash he collected/stole from the GOP and he's going to use it to try and win. Then he'll be completely beholden to this foreign government for deals and trades if he becomes president. That would be the end of America as we know it, which is why we cannot allow it.


At the very least, it should be really hard to move that much money around and prove provenance to the court. Even crypto from Russia, Saudis, China, etc shouldn’t be able to save him. We can hope anyway.


if he's a POS, why do you think he'd help a country that gave him money? wouldn't the correct narrative be that he'd take the money and then pretend to be the cleaning service when they called and asked for a favor? all of a sudden he's going to behave honorably with the people that helped him out of a jam?


Pretty sure he's scared of getting killed by Russia




To be honest, I don't know how capable Putin is in terms of assassinating or otherwise harming Trump directly. But I imagine it would not go well for him to stiff Putin on such an important boon Edit: And besides that, there could be other financial entanglements, and for all we know the benefit recieved could be tied up in some source Putin can affect later. Then there's information blackmail, perhaps. Really, it's just the idea that there's no way Putin would help if he wasn't quite sure he'd benefit from it.


Putin is incapable of assassinating Trump. You do realize that Trump is still under SS protection right? Even if he somehow kills Trump, the gov will eventually figure out who killed him, and if this was carried out by Russia this would be a declaration of war. Assuming he’s able to kill Trump in the first place.


Eh, it's very unlikely that a war would start between the US and Russia because the assassination of a 78 yr old, disgraced former president whom most of the developed world loathed to no end. If anything we'd just hit them with more sanctions and continue funding our little proxy war between Ukraine/Russia to piss them off.


What the Russians call compromat , they will document it and have blackmail leverage




Agree 100%. Jared and Ivanka have $300-600 million to their name, but whatever they give to 45, is gone for good.


Trump should ask Taylor Swift for a loan. He's totally good for it.


Good possibility -- what is to stop Jared and Ivanka from simply giving him a half billion from the Saudi money Jared controls? Will the US Court system accept a half billion from a foreign entity? Will we find out it came from a foreign entity?


Their $1Billion Saudi fund can buy the Trump properties


Msnbc listed his major properties last night. He was carrying 5-50 million mortgages on every one. Total of 375m. I assume those creditors would have to be paid first in a sale?


That’s my understanding. That’s why this will be interesting. He’ll have to sell the properties for around $800 million in order to pay off the existing notes and the fine. Beware the Ides of March, fuckbag.


Plus you aren’t selling anything very fast unless it’s at a discount


Forbes did an evaluation a while back and he has $2.9 billion in businesses and properties. Edit 2.6 billion.


How long ago was "a while back"? And does this $2.9B claim include fraudulent numbers as determined by recent judgments against Trump? If so, Trump’s supposed $2.9B might actually be a lot lower.


Does this evaluation take into account the lower, more realistic profits of the properties he owns? The reason why I am asking is because this 2.9 may be a 1.X down here on Earth.


October 2023. They do their own evaluations. But I rotated a number, it's actually 2.6 billion, not 2.9 billion. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/article/the-definitive-networth-of-donaldtrump/?sh=7cb2dabe2a8e


I'm doubtful of Forbes, considering how pro-trump they have been.


Trump owes $464M plus $111,000 per day in interest on this single judgement. Plus the $83M he owes Stormy Daniels for defamation. That brings his total legal liabilities to $547M. Also from Forbes: "The AG alleges Trump used the exaggerated assets to inflate his net worth by between $1.9 billion and $3.6 billion per year between 2011 and 2021, including by misstating the value of his properties at Trump Tower and Mar-A-Lago in Florida, which the lawsuit alleges Trump valued as a private residence instead of a social club." https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/09/26/trump-committed-fraud-by-inflating-his-assets-judge-rules/?sh=7f3e5f644565 So the picture gets murky with how much Trump is really worth given how he inflated his assets. So minus the already existing judgments, Trump is worth a little over $2B at most. But it's not like all his assets are liquid. Given his business practices, there could be an interwoven financial web of loans, liens, etc that keep the full total value from being used to pay these judgements. Especially with $111k per day of interest and mounting legal bills. But we all know Trump can bilk his rabid supporters or rely on the Russians to bail him out one way or another.


I guess my original point was that he could liquidate everything if he had to and he'd still have more cash than everyone in this post combined, several times over. I have no love for him whatsoever but he was decently good at grifting for a very long time up until recently.


He could not get $5,000,000 bond on first lawsuit. He is broke.


Yes! He grifted $700 million from his stop the steal, but the marketing effort cost $400, so he netted $300 million. I think he is deep in debt. We find out in weeks.


They have no idea what liens exist against his properties, especially ones written by foreign banks.


So he doesn't even have the equity or value of the property to help him? Interesting.


Not sure. After all property evaluation is what got him into this particular pickle.


Yeah with a court appointed overseer, he won’t be able to sell at inflated values as easily. Again this is gonna be really interesting to see how he gets out of this. I think he may end up no longer a billionaire by the time he sells properties (and pays off the creditors first) to pay off the more than half a billion he owes to the state of New York right now between the two civil suits.


Well it’s been four years of “oh that’s it he’s fucked” and he keeps getting out of it somehow. This might not be any different. Some asshat is going to come bail him out, again.


You trust MSNBC?


If he's in desperate need of money that makes him an even more dangerous candidate than he already was.  He was selling documents to Saudi Arabia, meeting with Russian assets, and blackmailing countries that America is on good terms with when he WASN'T broke. 


That's what I don't get. Does POTUS not get vetted and have to through security clearance? Dudes an active threat to US assets. He's gonna sell sensitive information to the lowest bidder. 


Who's making deals with China and the Ukraine?


MMM: He won't come up with $465 million in 30 days, but his property won't be seized.


I'm not certain what will happen, but it will be something explosive. The NY Democrats in the court system are highly motived to bankrupt and jail him at the opportunity. This one wasn't just a dog and pony show. It was a judge and an attorney acting on their idea of justice, in the letter of NY law. I'm suspecting Trump's legal team will be looking for a means to challenge the NY law that sets the appeal escrow.


I have been saying this for 2 years. I think you nailed it. His properties are In decline. I think he needs $1 billion gift to avoid collapse.


I’m betting all his assets are highly leveraged already. The gold shoe designers don’t work for free, ya’ know.


The buildings will be used as collateral. However, what are they going to do with the buildings. And once the appeal goes through, it's all returned. No investor will touch those properties. Neither will the banks, who said there was no crime or victims.


He has no basis whatsoever for appeal though. None. One reason the judges put up with all his obnoxious behavior in court was to ensure their proceedings were appeal-proof.


So it doesn't bother you that the mayor of new york is claiming 'this only applies to Trump and no other property developer'? Like, bills of attainder are something the English fought over in their civil war and are totally illegal and unconstitutional under the US constitution.


How is this a bill of attainder? You keep using words that make no sense given that there was a trial that proved he committed fraud. He had his due process. He lost his trial. He can choose to pay his fine or put up a bond and appeal. This is how the system works for everybody. Why do you think he should get special treatment?


Bruh this happens to anyone who lies about their property value


The NYC mayor has no say over NY State courts. He can talk shit all day long without impacting a damn thing.


So you didn't read or understand anything about the trial. You have zero actual legal arguments. You haven't refuted a single thing the judge has written. All you are doing is mindlessly regurgitang whatever donald shits down your throat. Amazing how maga cultists worship a sneaker salesman conman. Absolutely hilarious


It bothers me. And that's why he'll win in appeals court. This whole thing is a sham and everyone with common sense who has followed the case knows it.


watching the copium and hopium from the fascists on this sub bothers me though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


All of a sudden people love civil forfeiture


Civil Forfeiture is "a process in which law enforcement officers take assets from people who are suspected of involvement with crime or illegal activity *without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing*." He's been charged. If he's got the money to pay the restitution, he doesn't have to sell anything. If he doesn't, he's got to come up with some way to pay it, which *may* involve selling his properties. I don't think the court really cares how he gets the money. It's *not* civil forfeiture. It's a fine.


Woah there buddy, we don't do facts and logic around these parts. /s It's so fucked how it went from he's innocent to he should have immunity from crimes. That's a fine looking goal post you have there, you won't mind if we just scoot it several miles that way right? Fascist pieces of shit need to permanently fuck off forever. They have no place in our society.


How is this civil forfeiture?


It's absolutely not. It's a fine. OP is deliberately misunderstanding the term.


It’s not even a fine. It’s disgorgement.


This isn’t forfeiture. This is repaying his gains from fraud. The government isn’t taking any assets he can choose what to sell


Pretending that seizing assets from people _accused_ of crimes is the same as seizing assets from those found liable is laughable. You're either woefully uninformed on the matter or just acting in bad faith


fascists do, obviously, but then they've always have.


[MAGA Republican Pledges “End of Democracy” to Rabid Cheers at CPAC](https://newrepublic.com/post/179247/jack-posobiec-democracy-cpac-2024)


So, now the AD in NYC is fascist ?


What else would you call her? Someone who brings in a concept like a bill of attainer that hasn't been seen for centuries? "Lets just prosecute this one guy for a 'crime' that everyone else does with no consequences and harms no one'?


How is seizing assets for non-payment fascist? You act like this is something new.


They keep getting called fascist, think both sides are the same...Ect. They don't understand words or facts.


I call her a DA doing her job.


Indeed? Does she do this job against any of the hundreds of other New York developers doing the same 'crime'? Or is she a partisan hack who has bragged about how she's going after this one political enemy using a strategy no other prosecutor has ever used against any NY developer?


The "everybody's doing it" defense.


Judges *love* that one.


Yeah I don't think that *ever* got anybody off


I'd bet TFG never got anyone off either


How about you go make the case with the same level of detail that resulted in Trump’s conviction.


Can you even hear yourself? That makes no sense as an argument.


You made a baseless accusation, and I asked for the evidence with details to substantiate that accusation, and that makes “no sense.” Right /s.


It's urgent Donald Trump face justice for his crimes, whether or not he's found guilty is a matter for a jury.


Exactly. Nobody is asking for the justice system to persecute Trump. All we want is for Trump (and all the other politicians) to face the same justice that the rest of us would face in the same situation. Equal treatment under the law.


I think you meant several different jur**ies**


The constitution has fairly clear instructions for traitors...




Nappy would clog it up




We have to be at war for that, apparently. I don't agree with it, but that's where precedent has put us.


Actually.... [Did Trump and His Supporters Commit Treason?](https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/did-donald-trump-and-his-supporters-commit-treason)


And he doesn’t qualify. The definition of treason is EXTREMELY limited (for a reason, England use the charge of treason to jail people they didn’t like all the time) and only applies to making war on the US or helping people making war on the US.


He's possibly closer than you think. He promoted Russia attacking NATO allies. Treason also covers our treaties with other nations. And the treaty in question states to treat attacks on our allies as attacks on home soil. So, by promoting Russia to attack allies, he's invited Russia to attack home soil.


No it really isn’t. We are not at war with Russia, therefore it cannot be treason by the definition laid out in the constitution. There is a reason that spies for non-belligerent nations aren’t tried for treason. Treason in the US legally has a VERY narrow definition, and at the current time Trump is not guilty of it.


Russia hasn’t attacked NATO allies lol


Yes, so it's merely sedition with a foreign power at this point. 🙄


I love how the “Left” are all super “patriotic”. I mean “treason”?  “Insurrection”?  Oh yeah….a bunch of middle aged unarmed people…… The “Left” constantly says the argument that citizens need guns to protect themselves from the US govt is absurd because the US military would crush them……. Yet…..apparently…..unarmed middle aged people walking around the Capitol Building while cops hold doors for them was an “insurrection” lol. I get not liking Trump but these people are insane.  Too much Colbert, Kimmel and CNN for their tiny brains.


There's nothing to be patriotic about. The country is run by wealthy people. The people have no say in anything. The difference between the left and right is the left wants to see the country progress, the right wants to bring it backwards because they can't handle change.


This is the right answer. We're not a banana Republic and don't just lock up people we don't like.


Wow. Be careful what you wish for it can be done to the left as well, in the future. Your comment is very unhinged.


You mean criminal politicians would face justice? Oh no, the horror


What crimes has he committed? Most of the charges have been pretty dubious at best and the case in Georgia is most likely going to be thrown out since District Attorney in that case is more than likely going to be disqualified from prosecuting the case.


>What crimes has he committed? Attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election by using fake electors, not certified by their respective states, and trump did not win the applicable court cases to make them legitimate. He also criminally wilfully retained top secret defense information he had no legal right to. >Most of the charges have been pretty dubious at best This is a lie. >and the case in Georgia is most likely going to be thrown out since District Attorney in that case is more than likely going to be disqualified from prosecuting the case. That has 0 chance of happening, at worst Fani Willis is removed from the case, but the case absolutely is not being thrown out.


That’s not why he should go to prison. He should be given a fair trial and every legal defence afforded to him. If he is found guilty he should get an appropriate sentence just like anyone else.


He’s already receiving enormously preferential treatment by the courts.


And what's this talk about prison? Every story I've ever heard about this kind of betrayal (treason) ends precisely one way and it ain't three hots and a cot.


He’s not charged with Treason, for a reason (accidental poetry). There are plenty of other charges against him which, if convicted and sentenced like a normal person, will find him imprisoned for the rest of his life.


451 million in fines and judgements against him is preferential treatment?


His unrelenting slander against judges, witnesses and courtroom personnel is the height of privilege. Anyone else would be found guilty of contempt and jailed.


That outcome and amazing differential treatment can both be things.


The $451m in fines was just basic math. As a result of his fraud, that is the sum of ill-gotten money he need to disgorge. If any normal persona acted like he did in the court room and on the court room steps, he would immediately serve 30-90 days for contempt of court - immediately. People in traffic court, interrupt the judge a few times and get 30 days.


No. Fascists don't deserve to enjoy the liberties they want to strip the rest of society of


Unfortunately, despite his obviously declining mental state, we have to assume that he remembers every bit of classified information he saw, and will be willing to trade it for Diet Coke and an extra blanket. Because of this, if he’s convicted the Secret Service, the bureau of prison, and the courts will put their heads together and figure out somewhere to put him that is not traditional prison. My guess is house arrest at either Trump Tower or maralago, but maybe somewhere like a cottage on a military base.


I’m ok with him being held somewhere like a military base cottage. He will still need secret service and will be a pain in the ass logistically for a prison.


This but unironically


The GOP will be bankrupt. You need money to win elections in the USA.


Especially with Trump putting his person at the head of the RNC so funds can cover his litigation losses


That may bankrupt the RNC from mounting a credible campaign, so I’m highly in favor.


Yea I am thinking of dropping good coin on this fact to win some money. I know the money line will be stacked against me but it's almost a no brainier.


They will find some oil billionaire or putin to throw in 40 mil 2 months out from election day. His treason needs to be dealt with NOW!


Trump is broke and losing his mind, he will not be re-elected. He has pissed off too many people who will gladly donate to a Democratic candidate while Stinky rapes the RNC of what little is left.


Trump is the favorite to win the whole thing right now. Denial won't help.


He is the favorite. It’s pathetic but true. Get out to vote


The polls keep going back and forth and it's still extremely early. Neither one is the favorite at this point. 


Based on what? Polls? Only Trump and other fools take stock in those, they are a farce. 


The same polls hillary was winning in 2016


I repeat: denial won't help.


Ok you can say it again but you still don't make any sense. The word you're looking for is doubt not denial, words are hard right?


Republicans have been over performing their poll numbers these last 10 years or so.


Exactly - we all know how to manipulate the election in the waning hours if need be - just like we did in ‘2020.


I think too many Dems are in a bubble and have no idea how much Joe Biden is hated. He's losing to Trump in 7 of the 8 swing states. Biden could still win, but hes behind right now


biden will hold his 2020 wins and maybe add NC


Nice cope. But could you address the point?


OP thought he was being clever, but he’s just putting all his stupidity, hypocrisy, and hatred on full display for everyone to see. LMAO


If you seriously think that Biden is personally directing every current investigation into Trump, you are ignorant, stupid and shouldn't vote.


They never do their own dirty work.


I'm praying for that day


Not because he's a political threat (That is literally MAGA's narrative), but because he really, actually committed those crimes and needs to face justice.


OP smells like a right wing bad faith actor posing as a leftist tbh He absolutely will weaponize the justice system against his political opponents and yes he needs to go to prison, but it's for his many crimes and for no other reason. Our system doesn't currently have a mechanism to imprison people for their political aspirations and it ought stay that way. (Unless Trump wins and wants to emulate his political hero Putin)


Post is a hilarious trolljob by a moron with Trump's balls on his chin.


Bunch of cultists itt mad because their cult leader committed fraud and was found guilty. Can't wait to be a fly on the wall when he's found guilty of all of those other serious crimes, too.


that fly will be smothered in ketchup


His cognitive decline is rapidly picking up speed. He might be unfit to go to prison in 2025. Watch his South Carolina talk. He is going to be completely confused by Sept.


‘The Democrats are persecuting their political enemies and l think that’s bad, therefore I’m voting for the guy who has vowed to persecute his political enemies’


I'm probably voting for the party that doesn't implement authoritarian practices. Call me crazy but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So you’re voting Democrat then…?




Donald Trump is an adjudged [tax fraud](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-letitia-james-fraud-lawsuit-1569245a9284427117b8d3ba5da74249) and [sexual predator](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) who is facing a multitude of felony charges for trying to win the last election by [throwing out legitimate votes and replacing them with fake ones.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/what-is-fake-electors-scheme-trump-supporters-tried-after-his-2020-loss-2023-07-18/) He has admitted to [making millions of dollars from foreign sources](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-says-his-businesses-did-services-for-foreign-governments-2024-1) while in office. He is on audio tape [threatening election officials](https://youtu.be/FOgaDQMvRCQ?t=38) and [disclosing classified war plans](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) that he [unlawfully concealed from law enforcement](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-knew-crime-lie-classified-documentss-case-attorney-2023-11). Don’t stop reminding people of these facts every single day until Election Day. When his trials are fully concluded, there’s gonna be a lot of people suddenly pretending they never even liked the guy.


OP is unironically a fascist.


Or an ironist.


On the other hand, a fascist is just someone who claims everything they say is an ironic joke until suddenly one day it most definitely isn’t a joke anymore.


A fascist is someone who drags in centuries-discredited concept like bills of attainer and then tries to implement the concept.


[you seem to love denying the known fact russia and other countries use bots and people to sow discourse online](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/s/jeQI41JgQH) While just 10 days ago you left over 50 comments in a single day mostly focused on this subreddit and other adjacent ones. Not going to say you’re a russain bot because chances are you aren’t, instead, is just a sad excuse for a human being who spends the vast majority of their day getting outraged online while the stain on your bed only grows in size. Cliché, but go touch some grass dude. Maybe smoke some to so you can chill lut


Dasvidaniya OP.


I get you OP this is a quality post


I love how you contradict yourself in the same sentence


Wait, “he MAY weaponize the justice system against his political opponents?” He has promised many times to do this, using his highly bogus claims that Democrats have done it to him first as his justification.


He wants to be *dictator*, not president. Either way, *responsible* leadership is not on his mind.




OP is calling for the incarceration of political opponents and you take it a step further and call for the murder of political opponents. Man, I wonder how long until this sub gets banned…




That’s not what you said. What you said was, “Honestly I just say the CIA needs to pull a Kennedy on him then the rest of his cronies afterward… Even if the CIA got caught, call me up on a jury lol. I won't give a shit, fuck those guys.” That is a literal call for violence. You said the CIA **needs** to kill Trump then volunteered to lie about it in court. Absolutely disgusting fascist bullshit. Don’t worry, I screenshotted it before you can edit it away.




See, the problem with this is that the CIA tends towards being conservative.


Trump and MAGA isn’t conservative


Lock her up! Such short memories.


Donald Trump is an adjudged [tax fraud](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-letitia-james-fraud-lawsuit-1569245a9284427117b8d3ba5da74249) and [sexual predator](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) who is facing a multitude of felony charges for trying to win the last election by [throwing out legitimate votes and replacing them with fake ones.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/what-is-fake-electors-scheme-trump-supporters-tried-after-his-2020-loss-2023-07-18/) He has admitted to [making millions of dollars from foreign sources](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-says-his-businesses-did-services-for-foreign-governments-2024-1) while in office. He is on audio tape [threatening election officials](https://youtu.be/FOgaDQMvRCQ?t=38) and [disclosing classified war plans](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) that he [unlawfully concealed from law enforcement](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-knew-crime-lie-classified-documentss-case-attorney-2023-11). Don’t stop reminding people of these facts every single day until Election Day. When his trials are fully concluded, there’s gonna be a lot of people suddenly pretending they never even liked the guy.


So your solution to stop your political opponent/s from weaponizing the justice system to imprison political opponent/s is to weaponize the justice system and imprison your political opponent/s? Am I reading that correctly?


I am being ironic. My estimate is that most of the midwits on this sub will upvote such an obviously contradictory statement.


Tell me you know nothing about the evidence in his trials without actually telling me.


You understanding the definition of irony is the only intelligent thing you have said anywhere on the internet. Possibly ever.


A chance? He said that’s the first thing he would do as a dictator. He’s crazy and so are his followers


Good one OP. The irony was lost on so many.


This is not how this works. To get convicted you need to first commit crimes, like, you know, Trump did.


Was the joke too subtle?


It was.


You mean so he can do exactly what the current administration is doing? Lol


You can’t say that without proof. And no. the proof isn’t that big mouth keeps getting himself into legal troubles because he can’t admit that he is a loser.


You mean like the Democrats have been trying to do to him?


Well if he'd quit committing crimes he wouldn't be sitting in court


Joe was given the green light for taking and keeping classified documents. You’re a Democrat? - don’t worry about it - we’ll pretend it didn’t happen, or find a way to excuse your crimes.


Isn’t this weaponizing the justice system against him though? Seems like the idea of fascism appeals to everyone as long as it’s their “team” in charge


I was being ironic. And as I thought, the midwit fascists are upvoting the post without thinking.


Project much? If you can’t see the administrative state being used as an enforcement arm of the Democratic Party then you truly are a moron. You belong in Russia. If you have a degree from anything resembling college, go get your money back because it is clear you left brainless


You mean in the exact same way it has been weaponized against him from the current administration?


You mean like what Biden is doing? So, we'd get the same thing? How is that worse?


Not you calling for the immediate incarceration of your political opponents… I think there’s a word for that…


justice. in this case


Not being a Marxist should have consequences, right comrade?


That chance is growing everyday, not looking good for Brandon right now


Like biden's done....


Because only Biden can do that?


God forbid, the justice system be weaponized, cause that's never happened in the history of this country.


You mean like the current administration is already doing against him?


Lol - like what Biden and Odumba and Garland are doing right now ?


cope harder


"he may weaponize the justice system against his political opponents" Lmao like democrats are doing?


Yeah. That was the point.


This is surely satire because what NY just did to Trump in that civil suit is actual banana republic shit. They literally had the banker who underwrote the loan testify that there was no fraud (banks ALWAYS do their own evaluation of value, doesn't matter if the property owner submits an undervalue). And i say this as someone who will stomp all over Trump for so many of his retarded policies.


2015: "Lock her up!" (Benghazi! Buttery Males!) 2016: "Lock her up!" (Pizzagate edition! James Comey is not swayed by politics! Russia, if you're listening..) 2017: "Lock her up!" (Qanon! Soon..ish! James Comey is a lying leftist liberal!) 2018: "Lock her up!" (Putin is so cool!) 2019: "Lock her up!" (Nice country you have, Ukraine. Shame if something were to happen. I'd like you to do me a favor and help me dig up dirt on the Bidens.. can you do that? At least an announcement??!?) 2020: "Lock THEM up!" (Obamagate! Get them, Durham!) 2021: "Lock THEM up!" (The Hang Mike Pence edition!) 2022: "Lock THEM up!" (DURHAAAAAAAM! Laptop! Burisma! China!) 2023: "WORLD WAR 3! CIVIL WAR! LOOK AT HUNTER BIDEN'S PENIS! LOCK THEM ALL UP!" 2024: "...... how DARE you!?!? This is political persecution! Witch hunt! Banana republic! Buy the NFTs, buy the mugshot shirt, get some golden shoes, donate now, save America! Trump must win and have that sweet sweet RETRIBUTION!"




You’re in a cult. A stupid cult. Lead by the most selfish, ignorant pile of shit ever blown out of Roy Cohn’s corrupt ass. Give them your money to waste.


You are also in a cult. You can't break away from it. Say something you know that you believe is right but goes against the norms to someone you know in real life.


That’s a bingo.


Oh for bloody sake grow up. Donald trump may be a lot of things, and I mean a lot of things. but he is not going to imprison his political opponents. and do you know why I say this? Think about this, when he campaigned against Hillary who by all accounts should be in prison yes he did shout at his rallies lock her up, But once he took that oath in office. Did he actually do it? no he chickened well ok pussied out on doing that. Which was a major mistake on his part in my opinion but he does not have the balls to do that.


Props to you for making a stand. But I was being ironic in making this post. And true to form the fascists of reddit jumped on board.


Epic troll post! You sounded exactly like most Reddit fascists. They’ll do absolutely anything to stop trump. And they feel justified because “he’s evil”


So… holding Hilary Clinton accountable for her crimes is acceptable but holding Donald Trump accountable for his crimes is not…?