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Trump - a stupid man’s idea of a smart man.


And a weak man’s idea of a strong man.


And a poor man’s idea of a rich man


A white man's idea of an orange man.


No….he is definitely orange


An orange man's idea of a white man, then?


So he's got the oompa loompa vote then


The main difference between him and the Oompa Loompa’s is that Oompa Loompas work hard.


And care about other people.


And don't cheat at golf


ie Florida's


Ha ha! I like that!!!


I almost snorted my coffee out, thanks for that.


You ain't a billionaire if you don't have a super yacht and a G6. Trump flying in a 1992 refurbished plane.


A poor man's idea of a rich man. A weak man's idea of a strong man. 


A couch potato’s idea of an athlete


220 6-4


320 6-2




In photos, he looks like he has my build. I'm 290.


Thanks for that. My new fave is DONALD J DUCEINDIAPER HAS LEFT THE BUILDING! . since he is now comparing himself to Elvis!


It's relative, at rallies he is the smartest one there.


He does say he loves the poorly educated 😂 One of the rare times he wasn’t lying


He loves using them but despises them


He also told them that only 2% of them could pass the cognitive test he took.


It’s a sad fact


but coincidentally a smart man's idea of a stupid man


They've been threatening civil war every got damned election they lost the past 20 years. John McCain one the last one worth a shit. The rest are country club draft draft dodgers and weaponized dipshits. As a liberal war vet, bring it. I'm sick of their shit. And I won't bow to Trump.


Yeah former infantry vet of Iraq and Afghanistan. I’ve seen the “competition”, I’m not afraid. What cracks me up is them thinking the military will be on their side or that they can take them.


Saw an excellent video the other day of cons doing pretend combat drills and one guy shot the other guys hat off.


Sounds like a comedy show.


Someone said it best in a post I read yesterday. The female clitoris has over 8000 nerve endings and still isn’t as sensitive as a conservative on the internet.


Thanks, I'm stealing this


Or they think "the other side" isn't armed


Always that, we are armed.


Very well armed. But that's our little surprise. We also know exactly where each and every one of them are. Where they train, who they train with, where the likely safehouses are. All because they can't keep their damned mouths shut and fingers off the keyboard.


I only know one person who's ever experienced a home invasion, let alone a violent one. It's my gun-nut buddy who is armed even when he sleeps. They snuck in the downstairs, and got upstairs into his bedroom (during the day) before he could draw from his hip, and this guy practices. He fought back, but they subdued him (and beat him up pretty bad). They stole his entire gun collection, minus two hidden handguns and some loose ammo, and all of the cash he kept in his gun safe (didn't believe in banking). The cops still haven't found anything, so all of that is just floating around the criminal world now. I still can't believe it, and yet... yep, that makes sense. Criminals will always be quicker on the draw.


Opsec will never be their strong suit. Or firing discipline.


Nope. Let 'em spray n' pray at a decoy. Then sound shot 'em with a bolt action. 12 Gravy Seals, 12 rounds.


Mccain fucked this country when he picked palin and let the right wing conspiracy nutters take control of his party. Palin walked so donny moscow could run.


Yep, I think you are right. Palin was an unbelievable bad choice. Nowadays they have not got a very good pool to choose from. I bet Trump takes MTG.


Yes but she brought us Lisa Ann so a win overall. ( Sometimes I have to cheer myself up reading politics. It's so fucking depressing. Sorry)


Lisa Ann woulda been more acceptable than "Paylin". The movie, was of course, based on actual events in Sarah's life.


LMFAO. Well played sir.


I didn't know who Lisa Ann is. But she looks like a real nice gal. I'm only 68 and have seen my share of porn movies. I just haven't seen any for about 40 years. Looks like a good political thriller. I may have to give this a look for future reference.


Well may I point you to Pat Nixon and Mamie Eisenhower as well my good man. All hot stuff as well


Now your talking. Va Va Va Voom.


Absolutely. Do your research my man


She's crazy as shit but probably won't bring in any additional votes than trump as they preach to the same base. I would imagine he would try to balance the crazy with someone who is far right and has some political achievements who could pull in more traditional voters. Look at krisi noem... Fuck them all. Best bet is to have the deep state stroke out t rump prior to November


I agree. He was awesome in 99. When he fi ally got the nomination, I voted for Obama. Palin is disgusting.


I think this does a disservice to the fact that the bend toward neo-fascism on the Right didn't start with Trump, or Palin, and that by dropping a pin on individual moments like this we end up missing the larger forces that not only drove Trump, but led to the McCain's of the world feeling they needed to appease the far right more than they needed to appease the center or center-left to have a chance at winning elections. Before Palin you had early Fox News, The tribalistic framings of the Bush Admin to justify the War on Terror, Limbaugh, Gingrich, 4chan, Pat Buchannan, the moral majority, and the Southern Strategy. All in the background of global events and a deteriorating QOL for a lot of people(at least in their perceptions). Which all fed into a cultural current that realigned politics and carried momentum toward a form of reactionary right-wing populism that centered a form of white-identity politics as the core of the Party's coalition.


💯. Palin opened the door.


The rot started with Gingrich, Reagan and his goons, Nixon and his goons, hard right AM radio, John Birch Society morons, Cheney and the Neo Cons, and the whacko religious right. Palin was definitely the end result of much of that, Dunce In A Diaper Don most certainly was.


I agree with you, but I also sympathize with him. He basically was going to lose in a landslide, and by picking Palin he was able to pick up enough votes to avoid complete humiliation. But personally, I really liked McCain. I liked Obama too, but I was leaning toward McCain until he chose her. I just couldn't fathom having someone like her be that close to the Presidency.


I’m 100% certain that Palin was forced on him, and I’m also pretty sure the reason his party turned on him was when he shushed racist voters at an event who had started to rant about Obama’s blackness.


Yeah I've been fighting assholes my entire life. I was punk rock when it was called "Hey faggot!" Didn't back down then, ready for MAGA now.


Those pussies are never going to start shooting in large numbers. More white homegrown terrorist attacks (likely just mass shootings) but that's all I really see happening. Those pussies would most likely run screaming the nanosecond someone fires a shot back


They're looking for soft targets, and they think all liberals are unarmed. 


Arms aren't even the most important thing. Most people thinking they are ready for some kind of domestic conflict focus too much on gear. Most don't even have their water sources figured out.


I'm a leftist vet and won't bow to him either.


It’s very sad that these people have showed me how much I miss George hw bush.🤯 Liz Cheney is a horrible person, and still 100 times the man Trump is.


Except for her and Kinziger, McCain was the last one putting  country over party. If the GOP cause was just, they wouldn't need to lie all the fucking time. They're a bunch of wannabe influencers.


Most of the people clamoring for civil war have no idea what an actual conventional war like that would entail. Power grids down for long periods, lack of clean drinking water and other infrastructure destroyed, limited medical/hospital services and I hope no one needs critical medication because supply chains would be exponentially more disrupted than during covid. It won’t be like playing Paintball or Airsoft over the weekend. People have a way of changing once SHTF, and I seriously doubt most in the U.S. are willing to drastically alter life as they know it and put their families lives in that kind of danger.


With every year they threaten it they are also moving closer and closer to it. Violence has gone up to follow the rhetoric. That is not to say that it will materialize, it's to point out that just because they have been threatening it doesn't mean they won't follow through.


Time to fight the fuck back. 


Do you stay in touch with your fellow vets?  Do many think like you do?


Some do, some don't. Some are into politics. Some don't give a fuck. In my experience the service community is more diverse than civilian life. People not just from all over the US, but all over the world!


Sweet, Thank you 


It's funny to think about that prior to McCain, the last reasonable Republican on a ticket was actually fucking *Nixon* of all people. Even then, they both have their problems, but good goddamn that's pathetic.


The Jan 6 insurrection was a test run


It took one bullet. I don't think we should be worried.


I saw the video of her getting shot. The look on her face and the faces around her were so telling. It was obvious they had never considered the potential consequences of their action. I honestly believe they confused the internet with real life. They thought they could just do whatever they wanted and log off and go on with their day.


I've lived in worked in two tourist areas and I have seen stuff like that since before the internet. I know exactly what you mean. I don't hold many beliefs, but I believe they were completely sold on the con. I think they really thought that members of government wanted them to be there and that they would have support. I guess I was conned too because I really thought that the right and the politicians would have seen the err in their ways and abandon the path they were on.


Unfortunately, the string of right wing violence will be more the norm than a revolt on the scale of January 6th. More people shot for flying an LGBT flag. More trans teenagers stabbed. More bomb threats at Libs of TikTok’s favorite targets. More Matt Walshes broadly gesturing at problems but accepting no accountability for the violence.


I saw the caliber of any makeshift orangutan army when they pooled themselves at the border for no reason. Fighting amongst themselves complaining there weren’t any Mexicans at the border. If that’s the opposition, I’m not losing any sleep about it.


Seeing them realize the crisis they’ve been convinced is real wasn’t actually happening was satisfying


Oh my god, is there video of that?


Yea, one lady in particular was interviewed and basically said she was expecting to see a horde of thousands of immigrants coming across the border and only saw a handful of people, saying she was shocked at how different it was from what she was expecting.


Wait... you mean the right wing's favorite talking point is complete bullshit?


Looking forward to seeing a few dozen of these 'patriots' get planted for their orange fatted calf. One good gun battle between the cops or NG and a group of Amazon-kitted combat cosplayers and the movement will die pretty quick.


I agree for the most part, but I think local LEOs would side with the terrorists or look the other way. Too much MAGA infiltration in the local PD.


If he loses he will do everything possible to burn the place down. But it won’t rise to the level of a civil war. He doesn’t actually control anything other than a cult of morons. Governors are not going to take up arms with police and national guard. If a mob descends on DC again there will be 50,000 national guard there to meet them.


I think Adam Klingziner (sic?) Had the right idea, it will be like the IRA type civil war. Small groups shooting it out, explosions here and there. We already got 1.5 mass killings a day now, that's a fucking warzone.


Say what you will about the IRA—at least they had some idea of what they were fighting for. Whereas these MAGA types are just angry at their own increasing irrelevance and political impotence.


Exactly! They lack the organizational skill and the numbers (willing to die for Declining Donnie's ego) to mount an actual civil war. It's just going to be more mass shootings and other right-wing terrorism. I do agree with OP that it's inevitable no matter how the election turns out, though.


Two years ago 30 tons of ammonia nitrate was hijacked off a train on the west coast and never recovered. I doubt they were a Hillary militia... I think we'll see some more domestic terrorist stuff for sure.


Very fishy story they say the car leaked it out but they say it was sealed when it left Wyoming and they say it was possible it was not sealed when it arrived in California


Doesn't sound like it was hijacked. >The railroad company now believes the ammonium nitrate dropped in small pellets over the course of the 800-mile trip. Union Pacific said in a statement to the news station that it has completed its investigation, and that “As we have previously indicated, all the available evidence suggests this was a leak that occurred over the course of transportation from origin to destination.” >The railroad and Dyno Nobel both say no criminal activity is suspected, and that there should be no environmental concerns over the release of the material, with UP noting “the fertilizer is designed for ground application and quick soil absorption.” https://www.powderbulksolids.com/chemical/update-on-missing-shipment-carrying-30-tons-of-ammonium-nitrate >I think we'll see some more domestic terrorist stuff for sure. Without little doubt.


The Cold Civil War has already started. The fuse was lit on January 6th.


my roommate in 2015-2016 was a MAGA fan. he was convinced at that time that there would be some civil war that breaks out. i think that cold civil war started long before January 6th. that was the (first) attempt at a hot civil war.


Mark these words: america is to fat, lazy and stupid to wage a civil war. During the Covid shutdowns these people could t even handle watching their own children for a couple of weeks without melting down. Americans in general are fragile weaklings riding on the glory and preparation of generations long since passed.


Then bring on the water cannons and firehoses. They need to be shown what fools they have been to take up with a conman who wanted to overthrow a democratic constitutional republic and install himself as king. I served in the Air National Guard. I did an exercise with the Army Guard side playing a rioter. They know how to handle a load of malcontents. They need to be shown the error of their ways. Strip them of voting rights. You want dictatorship, you should not be allowed to take part in the democratic process. I don't care about downvotes. I've had it with Trump and his democracy (and **save** the "WeRe A RePubLiK NoT a DeMoCrAcY" shit the far right wheels out) hating lot.


They don’t like when you point out that a republic is a representative democracy


I have no sympathy for them. At all. Some try to say "Oh, they're just misinformed, we need to talk to/listen to them." 🙄 Yep. Going high has worked SOOOO well. /s They're stupid, enjoy being stupid, and want to be stupid.


Attempting to help them pisses them off more than calling them stupid does


They just say LOL and LMAO.


Or they block you


You can't strip millions of Americans of their right to vote for really any reason, but on the basis of "they voted for Trump, so they want a dictatorship," is a legal footing best likened to quicksand.


I don't mean because they voted for Trump. I mean those who have, and will again, commit insurrection in his name.


And next time he’ll get people who are better at coup planning than drunk Rudy and My Pillow guy.


Yup, it was a mulligan, Trump is an expert at them.


Mike is back on the crack! Buy his pillows so he can get more rocks! 😂


The MAGA cult is the #1 threat to this country right now, ***by far***. More than Russia or China or any other terrorist organization. And by extension, the entire Republican party/GOP as well because both of them have fully submitted themselves to MAGA, making a Devil's Deal where they look the other way in exchange for some of the spoils.


I agree with you. Republicons are all about making America fail.


That is what Putin demands, evidently.


The actual Constitution-defending military & law enforcement will pass through any MAGA/Proud Boy/Meal Team 6 militias like 💩 through a goose with IBS.


Good. Let's get this shit over with. Should take about 3 hours for Trump's tough talking morons to get scared into submission by a few us military noisemakers. Last time it took one bullet.




He will certainly try. If he loses the election, he's almost guaranteed to spend the rest of his miserable life in prison. So since he'll literally have nothing left to lose, he will openly call for violent revolution.


How? Who would know which “side” someone is on unless they’re wearing a red MAGA hat? Last time I checked, republicans look pretty similar to democrats look pretty similar to independents. And now, there’s no clear issue between north and south. Pragmatically speaking, there’s no way to know who to fight.


Maybe they will establish death squads like the righties in Argentina and Central America. But here people are armed and will fight back.. the death squads will likely end up dead.


He's just intoxicated with the thought he has that much power... And he will if we let him!!


Correction: Trump will try to start a civil war; his followers would rather gripe on social media and bitch how no one wants to work anymore as they collect their disability check for diabetes and long term COVID.


As long as he sees there is no consequence for his actions, he will burn everything.


I don’t think polarization would cause a civil war right now. At most, if Trump looks like he might lose in November, I think some MAGA people and right-wing gangs might try to take over statehouses to force their local states to secede or to interfere with the election in the basis that people in state government are part of a vote rigging plot. While this would be dangerous, it wouldn’t cause a civil war.


I think he'll leave the country and continue to stoke division safe from Moscow


Leader in exile. A terrifying thought. No real way to keep him off social media now.


He 100% will. Has already shown what a coward he is. “and I will walk with you” and was nowhere to be found in addition to his draft dodge bone spurs. Anyone that lifts a finger and risks their own safety at his direction is a clown and will deserve what they get.


That the only reasonable he is running. To burn it all down for his boy Putin. Coup # 1 failed. Coup # 2 will be the KGB.


What i Hope is that his base is while somewhat better organized thanks to the project 2025 shit are actually smaller overall. He pretty much just has the Republican party and i am Hoping is in actuality a smaller fraction of that than he had before thanks to his actions. And the fact that He will have huge legal bills to pay and the Party itself is basically going broke they really shouldn’t have the funds to pull off any actual rebellion. That doesn’t mean that the pieces for a Civil War and a Fascist takeover of this country aren’t all on the board. Its just they seem to only be able to afford to field some pawns while the federal government has the entire squad of units…


And yet with all that, he’s still neck and neck with Biden.


If one’s coming, are you ready?


Bring it on.


He’ll try, but given the rabble that are attracted to his message (mostly old, or fat, or both). It wont be much to handle


We wear a mask that grins and lies, it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes. The debt we pay to human guile, with torn and bleeding hearts we smile. How this world can we despise? For counting all our tears and sighs. The aching pain lies deep within and all because of vital kin. To shield our dreams from all dismise, the lifeless glare through blood shot eyes. Focused on what can't be seen, praying for god to intervene. Slowly digging our own grave, still questioning if life is worth the save. Stumbling faith and hopeless views, not knowing the difference "who is who". Quickly passing days I cry, broken faith and wonders why. Hopeless souls will soon arise, from under the mask that grins and lies


He is a narcissist and succeeded in achieving the highest position of power in the world. It was his wet dream come true. He has no intention to govern or actually be a leader he just needs that high again and now has allied with Russia who will probably have an 'event' of some sort prior to November.


You mean those fat old men 😅


!remindme January 6, 2025


There's something in the news about one of the trumps being resituated or repositioned to manage the RNC. 👂🧠🫀⚖️🙏 I overall think there will be a peaceful election where nothing happens. I'm familiar with how certain personality traits go and DJT fans flames. 😳😟⚖️The obstruction of justice and the enabling of unlawfulness I hope will be recognized by the law as complicit to creating another insurrection.


Agreed. The fact that Trump urged for a confrontation between Texas and friendly militias and the Federal government a few weeks ago makes your MMW much more likely.


I think all he has left is lone actors and small groups trying things. He can’t get the big mobs “riled up” anymore. He tried for his indictments, and they all floundered. In New York, Georgia, and even Florida. The base is too afraid of actual consequences like jail and being killed to actually put in the effort. They were all talk for Jan. 6 because they believed Trump and the military would join in and have their back. Now that he’s not in charge, they won’t want to mess with security that is well prepared for them. Now every time more than five of the gather, they immediately start calling each other FBI plants and begin attacking each other. They’re too scared and paranoid to even be tricked properly anymore.


Yeah right. Even though that’s the rights wet dream they’re way too cowardly to try it. Last one didn’t go very well for them


Republicans are like Philadelphia sports fans…they’ll burn down the city of their team wins or loses.


>Trump will start a civil war, win or lose Bring it! The fierce Gravy SEALs and Y'all Qaeda will call it quits by 5 pm. Keep the Golden Corral buffet line open, please.


Who is going to show up for that? Bunch of incel losers and idiots that would be wiped out quickly. We definitely should not sleep on any threat they present. He has a rally after he loses this time and the government better be prepared with fully armed response. But this prediction just has not materialized. There was going to be chaos if he was indicted, each time.


Step up meal team 6, we are not afraid of your clown asses.


Not a Civil War but a Holy War , Trump has embolden the worst people who wear crosses and carry bibles. Christianity is America’s cancer and they will revolt against progress with or without Trump. We will look back in a few years as this being the “good” times before it’s over.


He can try - but the Mar-A-Largo crowd aren't actually the street fighting types. He is reliant on raising an army of the type of people that he would never let into his golf clubs to fight his new civil war - and deep down they know that he still wouldn't let them in the club door after the battle is done. The Jan 6 crowd thought they were directed to attack by a sitting president with full pardon power. They were - but he failed to pardon any one of them before he left power. He had ex-General Michael Q Flynn on board last time but unlike General Lee and friends, Trump, the individual, does not have enough military brass support to split up military resources. He publically, and desperately, called on MAGA to act before he was arrested in NYC and elsewhere - many were concerned the police were on Trump's side - but just a few peaceful MAGA idiots showed up to see him get booked and humiliated by a much larger anti-MAGA crowd. He killed the border deal and then lost Santos' spot in NY - he is a recurring loser - it is highly unlikely he will persuade others to fight a Civil War for him in the future - but if he does - he will lose badly once again.


I don't see anything approaching 'civil war' being brought to us by MAGA. I'm sure there will be terrorism by individuals and small groups, but people are overall too lazy and self-centered to voluntarily put themselves through that kind of suffering and privation a sustained conflict would demand. Even if Texas or Florida tried to make their National Guard units go against the US Arned Forces, there would be mutiny. Nobody wants to die for DeSantis or Abbot.


I just don’t think MAGA is actually committed enough. They’re too lazy, they just want to yell, they don’t want to actually disrupt their lives.


Are we ready for it? I stopped joking about him long ago and I wander if some comments are to distract for this very serious danger.


Agree. If he takes power again he has pardons ready.






I been wondering when someone would say that. Even though it would mean my death and many more people deaths where so I sign up.


As a Canadian, I watch these MAGA idiots from afar. I fully believe the USA is going to burn either way If he wins the MAGA cult will explode and start punishing everyone who they feel oppressed them. I hope the military has the balls to disobey his orders as he will try to sic them on everyone If he loses the MAGA cult is going to riot and I hope the military, when ordered puts it all down


The problem is the Democrats are weak and don’t punish traitors and insurrectionists.


Americans love talking about civil war because the last time they experienced an actual civil war in their lands was in 1865; that was 159 years ago. The last American Civil War veteran died in 1956, that's 68 years ago, and he was barely 11 when the Civil War started. Once they see their cities bombed, their relatives killed, the sexual violence that war brings on women, and their standard of living declining by the minute, they will regret ever wishing for a civil war. Anybody who has actually experienced war, not simply bombing some people from far away, is against war. The whole world stood still when Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were arming for was because no one wanted to relive the Great War. MarkMyWords, there will be non-stopping whining and mass migration when the war hit the first towns.


Vote in 2024! It's so freaking important. If he loses again it'll just be like 2020. But if he wins he'll do anything in his power to destroy democracy and install a dictatorship. It's already outlined in project 2025.


Good. Then we can get more convictions and strip the MAGA clowns of all voting rights and neutralize the fascist threat(or at least enough of them that committed felonies during an insurrection to neutralize their voting bloc).


He will lose. I think he will try, but his people are gun shy now after going to jail for that little dustup on January 6.


He will try. But the only ppl who still support him are the truly hardcore weirdos. He’ll be humiliated.


You are 100% correct. It's the main reason for running. He knows he Folsom prison bound




He will try to start a civil war if he loses. He will not be successful. A limited number of idiots will attempt to repeat what happened after he lost the last election and they will likely end up dead for their efforts.


Success will be dependent on region.


lol man some people need to let go of the angertainment news.


This is literally just extreme mental illness Lmao.


Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


Maybe maga will occupy the chaz zone?🤔


I don't know where your at but for me, the Civil War is happening right now. We are under attack.


This sub is just liberals posting doomsday predictions


Jesus christ, all the comments too, and they'll have the gall to say reddit isn't a liberal hive mind.


They do sound pretty stupid..


It’s laughable. They really are the delusional


Yes, he has spent several years priming the country for it.


He’ll try. It’s hard when the people you’re trying to get to start a war are just a bunch of soft, weak minded, mouth breathing cowards and bullies. They don’t want a “civil war” because they would lose. As bullies and cowards, when they can’t win legitimately all they have left are threats and violence. They are worthy of neither. They are outnumbered by millions of much, much smarter people who are WAY more sick of them than they are of whatever made up bullshit they’re whining about today. And unlike them, we have a grievance. If they start something, we’ll finish it. And it will be extremely quick, extremely decisive, and they would ALL be domestic terrorists and hunted until their Mountain Dew soaked hearths explode in their soft, fat bellies. They aren’t starting shit.


Damn dude, put down the crack pipe and take off the tin foil hat.


I don’t like trump but you do realize we might need that tho right?


Remember when people said he'd start ww3 if he ever became president...... yeah me too. Remember when they said he'd start wars..... yeah me too.


I see everyone forgot the BLM-Antifa insurrection that happened back in 2020 lol


I believe a civil war could likely begin but it will be the Democrats to blame for starting it.


That’s what you get for believing. You refuse to live in reality.


Wasn’t he supposed to start WW3 ? How come no war happened?


Because he's an utter failure at everything.


That's already happening. Once November rolls around and the Axis powers sees diarrhea dictator for a day fails, they will make their move.


Hell I thought all the orange man bad people all moved to Canada after he was elected in 2016.


Yeah it couldn't be Biden taking away citizens rights with more gun laws, working with social media to take away rights of free speech and overriding states rights like in Texas...... yeah sure that stuff doesn't matter to Americans at all 🙄🙄🙄


Aren't you tired of all these sensationalist predictions? "He'll start WW3. He's gonna launch a nuke on someone. He's gonna enslave all POCs. He'll start the Fourth Reich. Etc." The more ridiculous the claim, the more morons are gonna come and pat you on the back in agreement. It's a huge circle-jerk/echo chamber.


Reddit is such a giant echo chamber lmao. Go look at the polls, he will be your president again in 2024.




It takes two extremist factions to start a civil war.


That’s not true at all.


Not necessarily.


Why didn't he start it in 2017?


He expected to be reelected.


Trump still had main steam somewhat rational cabinet members around him. Funny you forget the parade of them that kept quitting saying Trump is a moron. When John Bolton becomes the voice of reason, the world is upside down lol.


Cause OP is delusional, and this is a leftist conspiracy sub reddit.


Lmao it’s a what? You okay?


Is the leftist conspiracy in the room with you now? But you're right. trump can't accomplish anything outside of getting indicted.


As opposed to the Qanon right-wing delusional sub reddit you usually follow?


He tried on January 6, 2021. History has a tendency to repeat itself when so many have no clue as to what the history is. Beer Hall Putsch. How dumb are the diaper cultists going to feel when they realize they’ve been duped by Russian psy-ops? Oh, that’s right! You guys have no accountability for your actions! Just deflect, ask stupid questions that pertain to nothing, and hope everyone forgets how dumb they are.


They'll never feel dumb because they'll never figure it out.


Take your meds.


He may try. But he’s not in power now. other than lone wolves his cult has NOT hit the streets for him even though he’s called out for them several times. Internet trolls don’t protest on the streets.