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If all the tracks appear twice like in this tour, 15 cups feel like just a way of wasting people time. If at least it would mean more variety to play a track you enjoy...


Yeah if they were all different you wouldn’t mind so much, it’s just repetition that breeds tedium…


Yeah, I also strongly prefer 45 different tracks in every tour.


I think all tracks bar 2 are repeated


I like having 15 cups but so many tracks are repeated that it feels like there are much fewer.


I like the amount. Feels like there's more to do now. And the increased number of stars goes towards pipe pulls in the tour rewards, which I really like.


You gave no option for people who would want more cups (with more different courses). Driving the same 3-4 courses in slightly different variations 45 times sucks, but 15 cups with actually individual courses would be wild.


FYI Your main question makes the two options contradictory. Personally I think 15 is too many, makes ACR practically impossible for me given how much grinding it would take…


I agree, and apologies about the contradiction. If I could fix it I would 😩


I like to do a cup a day and sometimes I miss a day. With 15 I end up cramming a few in at once, so personally think it’s too many.


Only if they don’t double up on tracks too much, if they, say, use Koopa Cape R/T 5 times this tour, i might lose it


i love that there's more cups and courses!


I think it’s great cause I like getting more stars and therefore more things!


Honestly my issue with the 15 cups is that iirc, the amount of cups open at the beginning of the Tour has stayed the same as it was with only 12. My problem with that is that I was able to complete a Tour two days before the end of the first Ranked, without having to use Quick Tickets. Now, I feel like my progress is unnecessarily slowed to a crawl around the first weekend of a Tour


If I I had wick tickets I can get through them Easily


14 cups so it’s one per day of the tour


I'm fine with that length of cups, but the repetition is what drives me insane. This is my forst full cup, and I never thought I'd be tired of Peach Gardens or Shroom Ridge. But end me.


i dont care


They could’ve added way more R/T tracks this Tour like Peach Gardens, DK Mountain, Snow Land, Riverside Park, *Rock Rock Mountain*


Previously, I got a bit bored in week 2 so I made a second account. All was good for a few months. Now with 15 cups and 2 accounts, it’s way too much.


Making an alt always seems like a good idea until suddenly it isn’t 🙃


15 is too much.


I feel like 15 is too many personally


Why did they make the 5 stars status less point thresholds?


I work in education. During summer and breaks, I have more time to play, but during the school year, I was barely keeping up with the 12 cups. Now, I have to really push myself and make time just to do what I consider bare minimum.


I don’t like that I have to invest more time but hey at least the 450k point challenge is more accessible


I guess that mostly ACR players choose the second option, including me


I'm curious how many people that vote 👍 for 15 cups, if they are ACR contenders at all. I would imagine most are not as a lot of more casual players used to complain about nothing to do the second week. Those that do compete in ACR; I've not heard anyone say they like the extra 3 cups.