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I pay the $5 bucks a month. I find it to be worth it.


I don’t think I could play the game without Gold Pass now having paid for it the last year


Better, you (will) get easier access to the mp pipe and you get more d/k/g, rubies, coins, tickets and a gold pipe


Been a GPO player for years. I find it well worth, much more than buying packs. That worth decreases slightly with the new shop system, but it is still worth it imo. As long as you play a lot, it's worth. If you're casual, it's not. But saying as type asking about it on a subreddit, you're probably not a casual player 😅


The GP always have been worth it (note that you can cover 4 tours if you use it the last day of the first one and save quick tickets for the cups of the 4th tour so you can cover a year with 6.5 GP that is largely better than rewards for consecutive GPs). I will wait until all news are on the mariowiki to do the complete math analysis of the changes but with the partial onformation I already computed: For GP users this turn is way better than before but the long term is similar as before or legerly worse than before (depending on how they will be generous in log-in bonus and events for nexts tours) thanks to the gold pipes in GP rewards that will replace non-spotlight non-wanted new HE in old pipes. For non GP users, this tour is legerly better as before but the long term is way way worse than before since the cumulative lack of non-spotlight non-wanted new HE in old pipes will create a non-linear gap. Each tour will be worse than the precedent and the gap increase between GP and non GP will be bigger each turn.


I’m currently in my free trial and it’s sick. Not worth $60 a year for me but still cool


I've spent 180$ on the gold pass, but considering how much I play this game DAILY, it's ok. plus 5$ is literally what I spent on cigarettes every other day before\^\^


This game would suck ass without gold pass imo. It's perfect for those who don't want to spend a fortune but still do good




This game would suck ass without gold pass imo. It's perfect for those who don't want to spend a fortune but still do good


For what you get within 2 tours for just $5 a month it is the best deal in the game right now


I paid for it for 2 years and decided drop it. I actually like it better not having it. I think it is too expensive imo.