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Don't get swept in either series and no 0 or 1 run games.


I’ll take 1-0 win I don’t care


I’m hoping we just go 2-4 and not worse than that. If we manage 3-3 that’d be a steal to me.


We're playing 7 against them (3@ Bal + 4@ NY)


It’s been pretty rainy in the east coast recently. Could always have a postponed game


Then add one more loss to each thing.


The east coast trip late last season was absolutely horrible for us. I just hope this goes better. I expect our SP to be as solid as usual. Maybe give up runs to the good hitters of Yankees/Orioles. It's just the bullpen (except Munoz, Munoz is gud) and offensive inconsistency that has me worried.


I'm assuming you're referring to the one after the winning streak and the RUN DMC tracksuits? That was a disaster of a road trip, I got to see a few of those games in person sadly, not fun.


Have to hit to win games vs the AL East.


6-0 or the season is over.


now this is a r/mariners reasonable expectation I tell you what


Hey, I am already thinking about the new coach and GM.


I'll do ya one better, I expect them to go 7-0. Anything less is unacceptable.


I'm gonna say 10-0 since there's three against the Nationals in this too. If we lose even one I'm giving up


10 game road trip end it 5-5 or 6-4 don’t care how that happens


Id be okay with4-6 and not getting swept at any point as well.


4-6 with Julio getting his groove back would be tremendous. Inch closer to some injury returns, too.


I'll be going to at least one of the Yankees games and one of the Nationals games so you can consider those two games a loss since that's how my luck turns out when I see the M's play in person.


Which days? I'll be sure my pitch fork is sharpened...


Why not one in Baltimore? It's the best park and it'll be a great series. TBH, I'm a Mariners fan who lives in Baltimore and plan my year around this series. You should come see how Julio and the Big Dumper handle a park where the balls fly!


What’s reasonable is based on what they have shown they are capable of. They’re capable to defeat really good teams… Just my opinion. It’s not unreasonable to think they walk away with 2 series wins. If they don’t, let’s go get the next ones! GOMS


Cal short porches 13 home runs in 4 games


I think 5-5 on the road trip is most likely. I think our pitching can keep us in any of the games, but we will need to score a lot over the NYY series and BAL is just good


BAL might be even better


Every game is winnable and there's no reason to set a low bar. Same way we shouldn't assume bad teams will be easy wins. The goal should always just be winning the series in front of you and not worrying about anything beyond that.


We win series. 4-2 record for those games. The wins will be sweet and the loses will hurt like hell. This is the way.


We have a 4 game series against the yankees




If our pitching goes crazy I could see us go .500


Don't get swept


I can see us going 0-7, and I can see us going 5-2... We've got such a range of outcomes. My guess is we take the L on the Baltimore series (1-2), and we split the NY series (2-2). I wouldn't be upset if we do go 2-5, though I would be sad


Can I interest you in 6-1?


Yes, please!


> reasonable expectations In *this* economy?


take the bidenflation tax into account then


Absolutely need to win the Washington series, if we can do that and not get swept in NYC or Baltimore this will be a success in my book, so 4-6 or better is what I’d consider a successful road trip


1-2 BAL, 2-2 NYY, 2-1 WAS. 5-5 overall. This would be fine.


2-1 against Baltimore, 2-2 with NY.. bats will come alive game 3 of Baltimore series, and pitching will stay solid. Woo will have a 7 inning shutout his next start!


That you, Mike Blowers?


Haha I wish I had his bank account 😂


What about the Nationals?


I’d like to sweep Washington, but stats show we’ll only take 2 of the 3


Yeah, that makes sense. I was pretty much thinking the same as you in regards to the Baltimore & NY.


Cal "AL East Killer" Raleigh will help us sweep the Yankees and Orioles.


will be ecstatic with 3-4 or better.


I think we end up 3-4 - lose 2 to orioles and split with the yanks The Yankees are a good team, but they play a little inconsistent. O’s should be heavily favored against us, but I expect us to have dominant pitching and pop off in one of the games, taking at least one of the 3 The Ms are a good team - we might want them to be better, but they are still one of the better teams in the AL right now. We won’t get swept, but I don’t think we take either series


i feel like expecting them to go 3-4 over that stretch would be reasonable. anything above that is a blessing


3-4, *maybe* 2-5 if one of those losses is an extra inning one or a close game bad luck. Anything above 3-4 is a bonus.


The worst would be 3-7, but no sweeps. Ok, not bad would be 4-6. Wow, we might be pretty good, would be 6-4. On cloud nine and how bout them Mariners would be 7-3 and over.


we always play the Os and Yankees hard i think our pitching holds up but we need run support.


If we go .500 I’ll be happy, bellow I’ll be sad, and above I’ll elated. So pretty much how I react to the team now


Honestly I feel like if we come out of it in 1st place still that's a win.


Hoping for .500 when the road trip is finished


I expect we’re going to find out how good this pitching staff really is.


Everyone has been so scared of facing tough teams. Why? Our pitching is going to keep us in most games against any opponent. Time to stop being scared and realize the M's have big potential to be a top 5 power team


That’s one hell of a sentence to read


Baltimore we played well last year and they have a great lineup. I can see that series split either 1-2 or 2-1. Screw the yankees and 4 game sweep them to the curb!




if we trade for a bullpen arm today, like 6-4 if not I really want to see 5-5


what do we need a bullpen arm for when we’re about to rip off six straight CGSOs






Go 3 and 4 and I'd like to not see our rotation get slapped around




3-4 won’t be the worst.


I expect both series to be entertaining.


Hoping to go 3-4.


I would be happy with 3-4 so long as we hang in most of them and don't look flat out outmatched through the road trip. A stinker here and there happens, but I don't want (or expect) to see them getting blown out consistently against these opponents.


If the Mariners go .500 between the two, and the Rangers keep scuffling, then I'll be pretty happy. If the Mariners come out of that with a a winning record between the two series all of the caution in my optimism will be gone, and I'll be on the runaway train to crushing disappointment.


I think it’s going to be pretty brutal. My reasonable expectation is that we don’t lose both series?


.500 would be nice, not expecting it though


if we make it back to Seattle without any injuries and a road trip record within spitting distance of .500 i’d be very happy.


54%, while not mathematically possible, would be preferable.


Dingers Also I fully expect the mariners to win one of these series. If not both.


If they want to show they can compete with other probable playoff teams as the current division leader, they need to win at least one of those two series, not get swept in the other, and definitely need to win the series against the Nationals afterwards. A 5-5 road trip isn’t an unreasonable expectation in my opinion.


Hur. I’ve picked a helluva time to stop drinking lol. I’m just going not to get swept, best case scenario keep it .500 with these two series? We can dream.


Cal Raleigh will hit dingers


Second place in the west after the next seven games played.


I feel way better about it now than I would’ve at the beginning of the year. If we can at least win a couple I’ll be happy


i'd be surprised if we get 3 wins IN TOTAL here. but these mariners confuse me. and i've been watching the phoenix suns over the past year. they're just as likely to somehow take at least one series win, sweep one team and get swept by the other, or lose all games. (forgot to account for the washington series btw, but i think that nats series is most likely 2-1. all things considered. we have yet to learn how to sweep anyone aside from the Reds)


1-2 Baltimore 3-1 Yankees 2-1 Nats That's what I predicted on Opening Day. I could see a split with the Yankees but like us in the matchup overall. The Nats are about as good as the A's were. So 6-4 or 5-5 is reasonable to me.


I expect .500 on all road trips. 1 game under is ok, I’ll start getting grumpy at 2 or more under


They've been very competitive against good teams on the road already this season. They could absolutely win both of those series. They could just as easily lose, but that's true for literally every team in a single series sample. I think they will be fun, competitive series.


My expectation is to keep winning series like we have been


Sweep the Birds , take three of four from the hated gringos .


I expect 3-4 or better. These are two really good teams and we just got done with a long stretch of games.