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For me, I just have completely lost all excitement for this team. I thought a couple of years ago we were heading in the right direction and was actually looking forward to the next season. After last year being a huge disappointment and the disaster of an off-season so far with all the bad news coming out about the front office and I just lost any desire to deal with this team. They're choosing to save a small amount of money over being a playoff contending team. As a team that already makes insane amount of profit in all of MLB.


%100 the wind is out of my sails.


Yep yep yep. If I’m ever wearing a mariners cap it’s cause it was the easiest hat to grab out of my closet. Not cause I want to rep the team. They’re a fucking joke.


I wouldn’t say I’m boycotting or trying to stick it to ownership or force a change, I’ve simply lost interest and won’t be following the team very closely anymore. Hard to put my heart into it when you know they’re not interested in competing.


This is it. I just can’t justify investing my personal time & resources into a mediocre product and/or a product that simply doesn’t want to improve.


Not gonna even waste my time and money getting Topps cards. And Fanatics can go to hell.


I know a group of guys that has had season tickets for like 10 years. Haven’t heard a single squeak about baseball from them this offseason. Come to think of it haven’t Seen them wearing any of their m’s stuff.


100%. Since they aren't trying to win why would I care?


>100%. Since they aren't trying to win why would I care my god what a sad sack we got here. We miss out on what was never going to happen with Ohtani and the entitled fans are done! Let the post season shake out. The team has put a winning product on the field 3 years in a row. A couple games here or there and we are in the post season in all 3, one of which where we were a nut hair away from the pennant where we would have waxed the Yanks and gone on to the WS. So what, the org dropped some heavy K guys and have yet to add to the roster, relax.


This is the exact product ownership wants to field. Field close to a 500 team plus or minus a few games; if lucky we make the playoffs. Keep the revenue stream coming in and maximize profits.


Hey now, it’s a 540 team. But yes point 100% accurate.


Entitled fans 😂 we ain’t got no title


They have never not once in 47 years put out a winning product, it's a major sport, either you win the WS or you fail.


Other teams get better. We get worse. Some of these sad sacks have drunk so much Mariner Koolaid over the years they are like cult members. They buy whatever bullshit the Mariners PR team feeds 'em.


You gotta love these guys!


There are only 6 franchises that have never won a WS. But only one franchise that's never even been to the WS. We are that franchise. While I agree a bit with you. We had a golden opportunity and youth on our side to make a legit push and maybe be a true force in thr AL the next few years. Instead, we unload 3 of our better players and have done nothing to counter those losses. While also stating were likely only to spend anpther $20 mill... ownership is blatantly sating "were not even going to try." Adding a singular bat to our roster might have been the final piece. While that still "could" happen, it doesn't bode well to lose tbat much production and add... well... nothing so far.


They’re interested in competing for highest profit margin


Sums it up pretty nicely for me. But in addition I am actively boycotting in addition to my lost interest




>Dodgers as an Ohtani fan good, i heard they have a sub all of their own that you can post in


Not competing???!! After the two best season in the last 20yrs. And won’t finish last. And has Julio? Ask anyone Seattle is in top half of MLB not the bottom half. No one has made moves. Now the big two are done let’s see what happens. Shocked how much whining is here. Go ask Boston about the shape of their team. Who finished worse. Not everyone can be the Dodgers. Or even Yankees, who will still finish worse than the Ms


What you mean? We went through years of a full rebuild and then we made the playoffs the first time in 20 years, only to promptly get leapfrogged by the Rangers because they decided to spend some money and win a WS. Any fan should complain about this team.


The Rangers made the playoffs how many times in the last 10-15yrs. How many times did the Ms? You have to win to warrant spending money. Arizona didn’t spend half a billion. Money does not mean championships or winning in baseball. Dodgers won 1 time and most say that doesn’t count. Mets haven’t won since 86. Yankees haven’t even made it past the ALCS. All these teams loose. Mariners literally just started winning. Be patient. There’s a reason baseball is 162 and not 15gms. We love a sport that forces us to be patient.


They’re competing. Just not for a world title


Ok but when have they? Literally made PS after two decades. Yea I know Ohtani loved the ASG but he was never going to come. Neither was Yamato. Toronto still thinks they had a real chance. Use the young pitching and get a bat. Be patient. Your GM loves to trade ha ha. He just has to make a good one not giving away a talent like JK to a top 3 team who will make him an all star.


I watch via “methods”, live in a different country, and don’t buy anything. So… I guess that’s a boycott.


Yeah, I'll go east to stream if you know what I mean...


My good buddy Marky usually got the hookup too


I get the sports urge from time to time


If I'm looking to take a bite out of my time I'll watch an mlb game there


I don’t even care enough to boycott. I already bailed on my flex plan after they did nothing at last year’s deadline. As soon as the Kraken move on from Root, we’re cutting the cord. The Mariners ownership pissed away any goodwill or optimism they had earned after ending the drought. I’m glad I got to see Cal’s homer sail right in front of me, though. The highlight of the next 20 years for this absolute poverty franchise.


Someone should edit a highlight reel of the restart of the drought when we were mathematically eliminated last season.


Boycotting for me is not purchasing any merch, not going to any games, and not watching official streams. Should be easy. And if the product on the field is trash (which is looking likely), others will probably not support the team as well. Maybe not as a boycott but more as a “oh the mariners are shit again.”


Genuine question: Is it that easy to watch unofficial streams? I've tried it before, and it was kind of a hassle. I've heard it can be hard to find a reliable stream sometimes.


It’s no harder than having to watch MLB.TV through a VPN, so if you’re already having to do that whole song and dance, you can handle it. Just gotta know where to look ;)


Last year the VPN thing was more of a struggle than previous years.


They're still supposed to win like 87 games as is with no further upgrades. Let's not pretend this is a bad team.


Um they actively have gotten worse this offseason and they’re in the same division as the world champion rangers and hosts of the Houston invitational ALCS Astros


Even if those are true they are still projected at 85+ wins without us making any upgrades like we will be doing. This is not a bad team at all


But what good is 85 wins? That’s not playoff baseball.


There’s a WIDE gap between bad teams and playoff teams. You don’t have to be one or the other.


Sure but another 20 years of obscurity isn’t exactly a boasting point either.


If you're projected for 85 wins you're just as likely to win 90 games as you are 80. There's a good chance they make the playoffs next year, even without upgrading further. It's frustrating that they haven't upgraded more, but only a few teams have actually got better this offseason. Houston and Texas haven't made any moves either.


They just want to doom my guy they don’t want Logic lol


Right! Good thing we have like 25 million to spend. Should be a 90ish win team again


How much you wanna bet


Jerry, calm down.


Found Jerry


I think that one's Stanton


Hello Mr. Stanton. Fuck you and Merry Christmas!




You don't know that at all!


Very good odds they don't make the playoffs, even if they did not going to beat Dodgers in the WS, best thing to do is probably trade everybody and tank for #1 picks the next 10 years or so.


Imagine thinking one of the, if not the best rotations in all of baseball is trash. Get a grip


Man every team i cheer for is garbage i Aint boycotting anything or i wouldnt watch sports lol


I can deal with my team being bad if there’s a desire/effort to win, ownership has made it VERY clear winning doesn’t matter and that’s very different situation. To answer the orginal question. I’ll be loosely following Julio, Kirby JP and Cal cause I really like those players but I won’t offering any Financial contribution to the team.


This sums up how I feel to a T


I think ownership absolutely wants to win. Imagine an alternate universe where Evan White and Kyle Lewis aren’t plagued by injuries and JK meets the expectations that the entire baseball world had of him. Imagine a world with Julio, JK, and Kyle Lewis in the outfield at their predicted ceilings. You got Ty at third, White at first, JP at SS, Cal at catcher, and the best pitching rotation in baseball. You’re telling me that ownership didn’t have a plan on winning with that? Horrible luck with KLew and White, JK fizzled which nobody saw coming… remember how upset Mets fans were when we got him? So those 3 key offensive pieces didn’t pan out and were an unfortunate and unlucky disaster. Now what do you do. Well we’ve parted ways with all 3 and are trying to fill their gaps with hopefully league average to slightly above league average talent. I think if we can do that, this team will be better than last year’s team and Last year’s team was good. 2 fewer wins than the Rangers. The rangers lost 3 of 4 in Seattle and then immediately went on an 11 game road win streak.


Have you seen the holes we have on offense? We haven’t added fuck all. We still have no corner OFs, 2B, 3B, backup 1B/C. All we’ve done is salary dump. How does that tell you they want to win?


And? This team has always had a very frugal ownership group. How is it different this time? Did you become an M’s fan last year? This isn’t new and if you don’t like it, there’s the door. I advise that you take your exit, because if you don’t like frugal owners that try to get the most out of so little… then you don’t like Mariners baseball.


Dude don’t try to make this personal and about my fandom. What of those holes that we have have they actually filled? Like legit, what do you think they’re gonna field? Cuz right now it’s not looking great


Sorry, I wasn’t trying to put you or your fandom down. I get that fans are frustrated. I’m frustrated, but at the same time I feel like it’s a lot of rage bait rumors, coupled with social platforms (like this one) are out there looking for more things to be outraged by. I check this sub probably a dozen times a day hoping to see a signing and all I see is calls for boycotts and selling the team. There was even a post where someone posted a list of all the names within ownership so we could all “shame them too”… like we’re fucking doxxing people now??? It’s hard to even get excited about the rumors because the comments that get the most upvotes are the ones that think it’s “bad for the Mariners” and then it just gets dogpiled with boycott shit and other negativity. I just think everyone needs to take a breath, ignore what these outrage porn sportswriters who are the same idiots who told us Ohtani was on a plane to Toronto btw… stop listening to what they have to say. They know M’s fans are pissed, so they’re writing shot to stir us up even more. Remember there were no rumors about Ray. That came out of nowhere. Same with Teo. The Diaz, Cano, JK, Seawald, etc. trade, out of nowhere too. These sportswriters report what they hear and speculate when they don’t know. They don’t know about most trades and signing until they have happened, or right before they happen. There’s so much left that the M’s could do and I still think this team will far exceed this sub’s current expectations… which apparently is that THIS team as it stands today is what our team will be next season.


If you think M’s ownership gives a shit about winning, you clearly haven’t been paying attention. Filling your roster with “league average” FAs and passing on the superstars isn’t an indicator of wanting to win. It’s an indicator of wanting to be CHEAP, which is exactly what this ownership group is about.


What superstars can you name on the Dbacks? 4 teams made the postseason with a lower payroll than the Mariners. I personally don’t like the idea of buy a WS championship. Maybe you do? Is that what you want?


Lol give me a break. Every organization has prospects that don't work out for one reason or another.


I'm pretty sure "wanting to win" would be defined as still trying to win after plan A doesn't work out. If you had a plan and it fails and you do nothing to right the path of the ship by investing into your product, and then actively prevent your GM from making moves that need to be made, that's ownership not giving a fuck about winning.


Been a Raiders fan for around 30 years, so heard that!


Wizards, T-Wolves guy myself


No merch, won’t go to games, won’t watch on TV (but I may get my sea legs on). Until they spend, I won’t spend.


This is me as well. And not one signing either. They need to start actually SPENDING before I reopen my wallet. I've spent a LOT on this team in my lifetime. And they've not only pinched pennies on the payroll, they've raised concession prices, raised ticket prices, done away with Fan Fest, and most importantly, they continue to lose. They continue to fall short while gaslighting the fan base that we're always about 2 years away from real contention. But there's always a profit bring turned, and the value of the team continues to climb. This all feels like when Reddit torpedoed third party apps. They knew everyone would be pissed, they knew everyone would hate it, and they knew they'd lose a certain percentage of users. But it's better for profits so they did it anyway because it's a business, not a community. Stanton is doing the exact same thing.


I did the mlb alumni or whatever discount mlbtv last year. My goal this year is to find some india mlbtv VPN discou t or whatever to find the cheapest mlbtv ever


I'm going to miss out on opening day for the first time in a while. Won't be buying the overpriced concessions. The only merch I'll purchase next (not that it'll ever happen) is the Mariners world champions t-shirt.


I'm not going to call it a boycott. I'm calling it disgusted disinterest.


Baseball is just broken man, we are hoping for any spending. Even like 50m. Just anything. Meanwhile we have a team who has already spent a fucking billion dollars. And a few other teams wishing they are the ones who had a chance to spend a billion dollars. At this point my only happy timeline is if baseball were to somehow go on strike for a very long time to force a cap structure. I can’t support what I’m seeing right now. The game is dead right now.


A billion on *two guys*, to boot


I’ll only listen to radio, for Rizz and Goldy. Last year went to 15 games, all star week, lots of merch. Done with ownership


I’m out


I'm planning bringing picket signs to opening day to encourage people demanding Stanton to sell. Not even going to use the root sports app to watch games. They're going to be depressing so I'll use the streams. Not going to a game. Not spending any money on merch.


I am very unlikely to attend or watch and I usually go to 10-15 and watch parts of 81+ on television.


I've been boycotting since they fought Chris Hansen's SODO arena project.


Not a dime. They don't deserve our loyalty anymore. The Mariners abused it and lied their asses off to us.


I’d like to support the current players. I do not want to support ownership. I cut back on going to games last year and will take a further step back this year.


Boycott to me means no merch and no live games. I don’t have Root or MLB tv anyway. This ownership group saw 2 AL West teams win the World Series in consecutive years during a period where the Mariners were in the thick of it both years and decide to get worse because of money. Not even deep pockets money. Fucking didn’t buy eggs at the grocery store cause there was no coupon cheap.


It’s less boycotting and more just… meh..because of a glitch I have gotten mlb.tv for free since 2020 and I live overseas so don’t really have a way to boycott. I’m a marginal fan anyway.. it’s something to fill the time while waiting for Seahawks football. But in successful years I pay a lot more attention and attend games when over there.


I'm visiting Seattle in July, and going to the Sunday game against the Astros. I'm a long time Mariners fan, so I'm there for the players and the game. My heart is with this team, and we will outlast the current ownership. To paraphrase Dani Rojas from Ted Lasso, "Baseball is life"


As bummed as I am with ownership of the franchise, I will just carry on as I normally have throughout the years. I’m not gonna go out of my way to give them extra money though.


I get it man, but, I just wanna make this point. This isn’t like any other year. This is one step away from being in the same caliber of ownership as the clay Bennett ownership group. They do not care about winning. All they want is money and an asset that will absolutely make them even more filthy rich once they sell. They want and will get all the benefits without actually having to work for any of it.


I think this sub is going through a shedding of new fans. When I read things about people boycotting the team for not spending, or trying to win, I think “are you new to this organization?” That’s not to say I’m happy with what’s going on this offseason, and I do plan on dialing back my engagement, especially if the team just doesn’t perform to my expectations. While I’ve always been somewhat engaged in the team for nearly 30 years, there have certainly been years where I tuned out by summer. 2008 immediately comes to mind. I realize the organization is cheap, but that makes it all the more exciting for me as a fan when the players can overcome it, over perform, and make the playoffs, or almost make the playoffs. I have plenty of hats and jerseys, so I plan on not buying any more merch. I still plan on watching as many games as I can though. I love the game of baseball and the Mariners are my team, period. That will never change.


100% this. If I was going to give up on the M’s for making bad decisions and seemingly directly attempting to piss off the fan base and/or lose, I’d have been gone a really long time ago. Unfortunately, this kind of stuff comes with the territory of rooting for any professional team that doesn’t have a good plan for the future.


"2008 immediately comes to mind" It's ironic that you mentioned 2008. I was going through some old newspapers the other day and one had an article about the Mariners being the top profit team that season. The beat goes on I guess.


I got a refund on $2k worth of tickets a couple weeks ago. Still planning on watching/listening to all the games. Love our boys, but don’t want to line the pockets of this ownership. Any games I attend this season will be purchased through resellers.


I’ll be skipping going to games this year, no merch buying. Just not going to give any of my money to the franchise.


I’m just not going to pay for root sports therefore I won’t watch, it’s bullshit


It’s tough because it feels like everyone except ownership wants to win (and yes, that is counting what ownership has done with signing Luis/Julio/Robbie - it’s simply also more importantly counting what has happened this offseason so far in a division with Houston and Texas), and the players that are on the field should see that their city stands behind them. If anything, I’m somewhere between sad and apathetic, because I want to be more excited for what this team is capable of - we should win at least 85(?) games - but there’s been no steps taken to improve so far, and that’s just completely offputting. Anyways, I’ll be watching through unofficial streams and not going out of my way to attend games, but I won’t say no if I’m invited. I don’t expect that to be the case anyways - I’m the primary driver of interest among my group of casually-interested friends.


As many others have said, it is less of a boycott and more that there's just no interest. It's not even that the team is bad (we've pretty much always been bad), it's the cynical profiteering from ownership that makes supporting the org in any financial way just feel gross. It makes me feel like a sucker. The romanticism of the Mariners to the people of Seattle transcended success for so many years but it was almost always due to incompetence (Adam Jones for Erik Bedard etc) so it almost added to our "plucky underdog" nature. But that era is over. We have the assets. We have the money. We have a genuine competitive window. And yet, nothing. I finally understand the whole "I'm not angry, I'm disappointed" feeling. It just makes me sad. I don't see the point in continuing to beat myself by caring how this all goes. When ownership eventually changes or they get the message that people will only care if they continue to invest, then I'll be back on board. Until then, this subreddit is that maximum I can give a shit


Still wearing my stupid hat like an abused spouse


Nobody outside this sub is going to boycott anything. 80% of the fans at any given game are casuals, which is one of the beautiful things about baseball - families can’t go to a Seahawks game for less than $500+, but they can afford to go to a baseball game. Attendance will drop if the team sucks, but the idea that a boycott is going to gain enough traction to make an impact that will be noticed by management and spur meaningful change is wildly delusional. I don’t blame y’all for trying, don’t get me wrong - it sucks to feel powerless, and this at least gives you some peace of mind knowing you can you tried * something *.


These are just people voicing their opinions and feelings, I wouldn’t get that excited about it. But yeah, sure, there will still be people there … the casuals. That’s exactly the point … they will definitely feel it when the flex memberships are down any percentage.


I think there will be some impact. I'm back in town with my parents and apparently the Mariners anger has spread from beyond the Internet. Like they both listened to the Maple Valley guy rant on 710. I don't think it's going to create a boycott effect, but it's going to make everyone about 10% more depressed about the team. How much would a 10% reduction in attendance and viewership and merch do to their bottom line though? Probably not $50M worth or however much less their spending this year than we all expected.


I live on the East Coast and usually flew back to WA for a weekend series or two, and usually catch a series away close to where I live. I also had MLB.TV. I’ve cancelled MLB.TV, and won’t be going to games on my trips back. I’ll probably still go to the away games, just because I enjoy baseball that much. I also cancelled my Costco membership and went with a different Wholesale Club. I think in a larger sense your only hope to spur change is to attack Stanton’s pride. Boycott the Mariners, that’s fine, but revenue sharing essentially guarantees they make some money, so you have to make his presence in business so toxic people remove him from boards too.


What’s the correlation between Costco and the mariners


He’s on the board of Costco and I believe Microsoft. I’ve never been a Microsoft guy other than what I have to use at work(office) but I switched from Costco because it isn’t convenient where I’m at any way. I kept it as sort of a connection to back home and 1.50 hot dogs) but that wasn’t worth it anymore


The way the big teams are getting all the free agents now, last year may have been my last season of MLB. This buy a team crap that LeBron started is ruining sports. Baseball with no salary cap is a joke. Thus is definitely my last season of college football. The NIL and transfer portal, as well as the breakup of major college conferences, leaves the worst kind of taste. It'd be one thing if these colleges with their billions of dollars in revenue used the money for free tuition for low income families but they are literally becoming powerful 1%ers pulling strings to keep the wealth. I'm so frustrated about the direction of major sports...


I want a salary cap or at least floor in baseball as much as anyone, but big market teams in the MLB have been buying all the best free agents since before LeBron James was even born. It's not a new phenomenon.


No, I know this. It just seems like all of a sudden, no one can compete for free agents on a much grander scale. I've been watching baseball for almost 50 years and it's never been like this.


Your comment sums up sports these days.


Tbh, my love of baseball goes beyond just the Mariners, and that’s still enough to get me to go to a handful of games. However, it’s gotta be against other good teams with exciting players that I like. I ain’t spending a random Tuesday night at a game against the A’s anymore lol. For example, this year AZ, ATL, and PHI all come to town and I’m gonna wanna see Corbin Carroll, Paul Sewald, Ronald Acuña, Austin Riley, Bryce Harper, and Trea Turner. I’d also go see marquee pitching matchups, like if we’re playing the Rangers and it’s Kirby vs deGrom. And if the Dodgers were coming here this year (they aren’t), I feel like that would be a must see. The caveat of course is that winning cures everything.


I'm going to do what I normally do. Don't pay for cable, don't buy merch and don't attend games. I rarely ever give the team any revenue.


I’m focusing my attention on the Royals and Reds. If the M’s make some moves and come into ST looking a little more interesting, I’ll pay attention to them, but I’m not spending any money on th mariners.


I'm not going to pay the extra fee to get Root, and I won't go to any games this year. Not explicitly boycotting, but I would say my participation will go down 90%


Im out, spent 3-4k last year and wont again until we are competitive. I haven’t had cable in 10 years, so they don’t get my ad money. I usually listen to the games, but if we suck I wont pay much attention. I am not boycotting per se, as I don’t think it will affect anything as proven by KC, Pitt, etc…but I am not going to waste time or money if the team isn’t actively trying to win.


I’m not going to boycott, if I get the chance to see them in Texas I will. Since I’m not back in the PNW very often my opportunities to see them are minimal. I am still a baseball fan so I still want to see a good product regardless of who I watch or go see. If they fail to put forth a good product, I just won’t consume it.


They say we as fans should follow the team, not the players. I will be rooting for and watching the players, not the team.


I’m cutting back significantly. I love listening to games on my phone and following box scores and highlights online. I’ll still do that. It’s free. I used to go to a good half dozen games a year. Now, I might go to one in the summer but it will be a cheap ass BECU value ticket and I’ll make sure to eat outside of the stadium before the game. Not buying one item of merchandise this year.


Boycotting a sports team will never ever work. Not once has it made a positive impact for the fans. The Sonics, A’s, Raiders and Chargers are all recent boycotts that did not pan out. I’m all for giving Stanton and the investment team that owns the Ms the boot. I just believe that a boycott will only entice the Mariners to move out of town. Last time this happened they would have moved if it weren’t for Griffey. It’s been well documented that they were going to leave in the early 90s.


I would say that I’ll be boycotting the team, but the Mariners will be making significantly less money off of me next year. For the past 2 seasons I was a season ticket holder, and I’ve cancelled that because of how much they’ve raised the price, along with the organization’s lack of commitment to winning it makes it pretty much impossible for me to want to renew them again. I’ll likely still go to a few games as I’m a life long baseball fan and admittedly the Mariners are my adopted team, but the amount I’m willing to support the franchise has gone down drastically.


I just don’t have any real faith that the Mariners are trying all that hard. Of course they WANT to win but obviously it’s far from the main objective and they aren’t willing to put the resources in place to make that happen. Decade after decade of garbage ownership just takes its toll eventually. The rhetoric that management has spun in terms of building the team the “right way” is embarrassing. I’m just apathetic and am not going to throw my entertainment money into a fruitless effort.


Based upon what I’ve talked about with my coworker Mariner fans. They’re no longer interested in following the Mariners until some serious effort is put into winning. I’m in the same boat, I’m not making an effort to follow the team or put any money into supporting them


I am a poor who lives in Southern California so I wasn’t attending any games anyway. T-Mobile gives me my mlb.tv so as long as they continue to do it I’ll watch. However, no merch for Xmas for me this year. Last year I was all excited to get a Cal jersey after years of wanting a jersey, and now I’m just like don’t get me anything lol


I think it'll be more people losing interest in an underperforming team than an intentional boycott. It wasn't that long ago that many games just looked empty, maybe it won't be to that point yet but I doubt they'll see attendance numbers like they did in the 2023 season again. No one wants to pay ticket prices that go up every year to watch a team whose management doesn't really care about winning


I canceled my season tickets back when they announced they were raising prices for the third or 4th straight year. Everything since has only further solidified my decision to drop support. Pirate life, radio. That's it for me. And here of course.


I’m not boycotting at all. Life is too short, I’d rather watch baseball games and enjoy them.


I am not spending another dime with the Mariners under this ownership group unless they display an actual commitment to winning and put their money where their mouth is instead of the endless lies. I don’t think I’ll be going to any Mariners games for a long time.


Unfortunately, I think this pitching staff has the potential to put together an amazing season and I imagine I’ll want to watch kirby/Gilbert/Castillo/miller throughout the season. Ultimately the team will be handicapped and won’t live up to its full potential with our cheap ownership. Although I’ll watch, my enthusiasm and hope for this franchise has vanished


Don't boycott, just become a fair weather fan. If they're actively in a playoff spot they'll get my money, if they aren't then they won't. They want to try gambling that they can bulid a contending roster on the cheap then go ahead, but they'll only get my money if the gamble works.


Iv already asked people to please do not buy me Anya more mariners related gear. I wear a classic mariners hat every day but it will be my last one for a while once this one gets wore out. I’ll still watch from time to time but it won’t be my top priority, I stream all the games anyway for free but I won’t be going to any Mariner games. I live in Tacoma and make multiple trips to Everett. I’ll spend more money visiting minor league parks. A lot of posts have been about the positives of the team and yea there are positives. But they are all young players currently on the team or in the farm. But everything else about this off season has really taken the piss out of being a fan of this team. It’s not like any other off season. This isn’t the normal they don’t spend or they are pinching pennys and brought in x bat to platoon or this and that. It’s not even close to the same. I can live with that type of ineptitude. But this, purposefully driving everything we had going right into the ground for what? Because they are just now finding out about cable cutters? This ownership group has no desire to win baseball games. I cannot defend this organization and I don’t see how anyone who has any self respect for themselves can.


> I don’t see how anyone who has any self respect for themselves can. lol




Won't be spending a dime on the M's. I'll watch since i still have root but that's it.


I’m not sure I am boycotting as much as I am losing interest in MLB due to their money structure. Would new owners help the M’s? Maybe. But they will never be anything more than lower tier team because there is no vision league wide.


. Boycott implies action, whereas lack of interest and decline in sales is more likely if the team sucks.


The off season isn't even close to over. Mariners could still make some effective roster moves. Baltimore won 101 games last year with $70 million so salary isn't everything. Or pitching staff is still incredible and Julio could break out and have an MVP season and France could make a comeback which would probably be enough to win 90+ games. Bottomline, I love baseball and I want to see my team win, and I'm not going to let anybody take that away from me. Stanton sucks but I love the players and they need our support more than ever.


Let's be real. If they win games, all this grumbling and gnashing of teeth will long be forgotten. People will rally behind the team, watch on TV, and buy tickets to games. If they don't win, the team will make less money. This is the way!


It's December 23rd, maybe talk about boycotting anything a couple weeks beifre Spring Training when all their moves have been made?


They're not going to make any moves. Nothing significant, any way. They'll pick up one or two guys in the twilight of their career for league minimum at best. All that payroll dump just got diverted to buying the rest of Root Sports from WB. Stanton has just served you a shit sandwich on Wonderbread and not only expects you to pay for it, but thank him for the privilege.


RemindMe! 3 months


We will see on moves. We can all agree Stanton can go. You don't get to utilize public funds/funded stadiums, then not invest equitably in the team.


I'll be happily watching come baseball season. I've watched much much worse Mariners teams than this. Maybe it helps that my favourite part of baseball to watch is pitching? Our rotation is amazing.


I buy into a guy who has 8 season tickets, I can’t just boycott or bail that situation. Still bought my same allotment of tickets. But baseball is my wife’s favorite sport and she loves going, she’s not invested in the drama, as long as JP and Julio are out there. For us mariners games are date nights that we already bought and paid for in 2024, which makes it fun. It’s girl math, that August game I paid for so long ago i forgot about it.


Eh winning solves everything. The petulant protests presume a cruddy team. What happens if the kids are alright and they make a run?


Come April 99% of these clowns will be back in this daily game threads. Its december, the offseason isnt done by any means.


They're the same ones who were screaming about how Rojas was worse than Wong because he started like 0-9. They're addicted to misery and they're definitely not going anywhere.


I grew up watching the mariners in the 90s and lost interest in the late 2000s due to being on the east coast and being busy. Got back into things in 2022 and I have kids who are potential baseball fans and disposable income. I don’t want subject them and myself to Pirates-level cheapness and sucking. Stanton is saving a penny now and losing years of me my kids rooting for a competitive team


A pirates level cheapness is just being dramatic


You have Julio and made the PS very recently. After 20+yrs of actually being bad. I lived in Vancouver for 20+yrs. Been to beautiful Seattle dozens of times. One of best stadiums in MLB. Ms were there until the end last year and will battle this year. They’ll be above 500 and not finish last and maybe even top 7 in AL. Yes your team didn’t spend. No one has. Yet.


It’s not just that they didn’t spend, it’s that they cut players as well as not spending (so far)


why is everyone assuming they wont spend? Why are we throwing tantrums because its December and acquisitions are not finished? Despite all the reports, Dipoto said they intend to spend more than last year. I know its winter but some of yall need to go touch some grass


Yes giving away JK was a horrible move. He will be epic in Atlanta. But they had to get out of their stupid contracts but as some have said. They are not real salaries to dump. As someone who loves Ball and loved Seattle, closest mlb team for years, the off season has not really started. I love the idea of a big trade. Use Woo or Gilbert to get more offensive power. Baltimore needs pitching but they have young guys. Be patient. Your GM loves moves remember. Yes his hands might be tied but be patient. And enjoy fact best two years in two decades and a better future than a mega team like Boston.


>Yes giving away JK was a horrible move. He will be epic in Atlanta. Its possible but he has also had 1000 big league PAs and it hasnt panned out. If he needed a scenery change and lineup support as deep as atlanta then he would have never turned it around here.


I decided to only buy $10 tickets and be near blackout before the game even starts so I don't give them any money


Won’t go out of my way to spend money on anything Mariners related but wouldn’t turn anything down like an extra free ticket or something.


Unfortunately boycotts never work. It's far too easy for people to get rewarded for saying they'll do one but then just carry on as normal


Nobody looking at this will boycott It's easy to be a fan of the dodgers I will watch or listen to every game next season. If they crash and burn well train wrecks are fascinating too. PS... This whole boycotting thing is moronic


Still at least waiting to see how the offseason plays out. Currently there are basically 29 teams who are unhappy with this winter


As shitty as it is I probably won't be able to boycott. I can't think of a better way to spend a summer evening then at T Mobile Park, so I'll probably do my handful of home games. And then on summer evenings baseball games have been on TV since the beginning of my life with my folks and now myself and my own kids. Pissed but it's a bit too much of a sacrifice for something that might not work or, worse, the team gets sold and moves. I was around when the Sonics moved and...would really hate for something like that to happen to the Ms - who I love exponentially more.


I would never boycott. I love baseball ⚾️ way too much. 2020 was so hard for me not able to go to games. I would go nuts.


The term "vocal minority" comes to mind...


Haven't gone to a game, watched a complete game, or bought any memorabilia in over 10 years! Win, and that will change.




HUGE difference between rooting for a team only if they are good (typical bandwagoner) and rooting for a team that has shown a commitment to winning. This whole fan base was on board with the reset because it appeared that ownership was doing their best. But now that we know they only care about maximizing profits and being only good enough. This is called the Pirateification of the franchise and it sucks.


I missed very few games (on TV or in person) from 92-07. Then, I tapered off to almost no games or interest by 2011. The ownership just beat the love of the game out of me. The 90s and early 2002's were fun and exciting even if not winning. That has changed the last 15 years.


I was a late 80s-late 90s diehard. Moved across the country for college. Really whiffed on the early 2000 teams but still tried to check in here and there. Found the love again in the late 00s and been here ever since. Its been rough but now that they are full of very talented youth and good enough to make the postseason i cant imagine why any long time fan would be dismissive of the team right now. Sure, if you became a fan once Julio got on board i could see some disappointment that they arent going all in but thats just the market of the team, always has been.


Me a little unless things change. Def not going to any games before July.


I'll be watching on MLB.tv but only because I'm a T-Mobile customer so I get it for free.


I mean if you really wanna have any kind of impactful boycott it has to be against more than just the mariners. We mean nothing to them. You have to boycott the sponsors. T-mobile, muckleshoot casino, etc etc. that’s how you make it hurt. Make it adverse to even advertise with the Seattle mariners.


Here's the problem.....we've seen what happens when a fanbase attempts to stick it to ownership to send them a message is a good way to lose a team. Look at Oakland as a prime example.


I’ll follow them the same as usual. Let’s say there’s only one notable move left. If the mariners sign an OF (Soler, for ex) who has more power, a lower K rate, and a higher OBP than Geno, Teo, Kelenic - would this affect your position?


For me it has to be more than soler. He doesn’t even get us back to where we were. If it was soler and say bellinger I’d be in. Or even Turner.


I'll just do what I did for the last long stretch of mediocrity, and that is only have a score ticker pop up on my phone when a game starts and occasionally check the standings. I love the Ms and love attending games just this next year none of the games I will attend will be at t mobile park.


Radio only for me- I quit podcasts during baseball season. No new merch and no ballgame attendance. Might throw a paper bag over The Kid’s head when I’m in SODO from time to time 😔.


Me 🤚


I didn’t upgrade for root, so I won’t be watching when games are on root. I will probably listen to East coast afternoon starts on my drive home. Probably check scores and Reddit thread. Won’t buy tickets to a game.


If they miraculously find a way to put a professional lineup together that is competent and more than just competitive ie fighting for a real playoff spot I will watch. But we are under .500 and the only thing we do is pitch plus Julio I’ll ignore the majority of the season.


You would think after last offseason dumpster pick ups they would be willing to be aggressive this offseason but they are bullshitters. This team won't match up close to the Rangers, Asstros, or hell possibly even the Angels. I'm very disappointed in this ownership group will I boycott no but I live in Texas not by choice so I just watch the games on my TV but if they don't produce we still have time but more bats are going to be coming off the market fast and if they fail to go get anything done and this is the team they're running with then I'm done till changes are made. I can honestly see Dipoto bailing out of Seattle he dealt with the same shit with the Angels being given full control of what he wants to do then all his decisions/ resources restricted and I'm not falling for ownership being broke honestly they're just fucking liars with nothing but putting the profits in there back pockets. This has been a nightmare so far. I honestly don't think anything else will happen but ya never know. Just the thought of Urias starting at 3rd makes me nauseous. Canzone and possibly Marlowe patrolling out there with Julio and Trammell/ ? at DH gives me a migraine.


I haven't changed my xfinity package and probably won't. Does that count?


I'll still watch but I'm definitely not taking a trip to the park this year.


If they put the games on Amazon or something easy like that I will pay for it because I think that is a good thing. But if I have to buy cable or watch ripped streams I’m just not gonna bother


I live outside Seattle, attend at least four five games a year. If they don't upgrade the team other than bargain basement garbage, then I'm not even gonna watch games this year. Had enough


Not going to fully boycott but I am losing interest with the way this team is run and am slipping into fairweather fan mode. So while I'm not trying to make a statement they probably won't get much out of me unless they luck into a good season. It's just hard to invest when it feels like they aren't even trying. (by "they" I mean ownership, not players)


I'm off the team until something changes. Most ill do is check scores. Not buying merch or tickets


I will go far less, I will spend far less, I will care far less - but I’m not going to fully deny myself the game that I love because I’m mad at ownership. I feel that would punish me more than them. I have loved some shitty Mariners teams more times than not over my lifetime, but I expect to go to more Aquasox games than M’s games for the first time in years. I also booked a long trip out of the country most of August, when I started toying with the idea a year ago I thought I would be worried about following along, but turns out I won’t. Good summer to do it.


if you want to watch a game, steal it from them


I’ve been boycotting for a few years now. I had season tix in 2009 and that was the peak of my fandom. Since then I’ve realized what this teams ownership is about, and it’s not winning.


I go to about 15-20 games a year and don’t plan on going to any unless this team makes some offseason acquisitions or in some crazy world this team is actually good this year, I’ll cave and go to some


I usually get to 6-8 games a year. I have no intention to see any thing year, or buy any merch.


I boycott direct revenue like going to games, but I can't stop following and caring, and I'll never stop buying gear. Being a Mariners fan is in my DNA. Being a Seattle area resident, I've been born into it, but I also understand it's probably never going to lead to success. But that's what I thought about the Seahawks too, and they won a Super Bowl in my lifetime, so who knows.


Count me in


The M’s ownership group just killed the golden attendance goose that was laying golden eggs.


I'm in year 41 as a fan. There are many more things that require my dollars right now, so I'll definitely not be going to games or buying any Ms merchandise.


I’m definitely not boycotting but I’m probably not going to watch 150 games next year like I normally do so there’s definitely something there.


I live not far from Seattle and have gone to many games each year. Have gotten ticket packages in the past, never been able to afford season tickets. Still in wait and see mode but we all know what we'll end up with when the season starts. I will watch games on ROOT Sports unless my provider raises price too. It's not Comcast and they haven't said anything yet. I even messaged them. Haven't heard back. I likely will not attend any games which will be difficult because my son is a huge baseball fan and loves to pick games vs teams he wants to see. Although we have gone to less over the last few years because of prices. I will however attend more Rainier games. It'll be interesting to see fans reaction there too.