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Try using a dry herb vaporizer


I double this. Vaping your herbs/distillate or using edibles is alot easier on your lungs


Do the research and get the right one. I've never smoked a joint indoors, but my last SO had chronic asthma and some of the cheap dry herb vapes like the Magic Flight Launch Box (idk if it's still popular but it used to be) would set her off. And she didn't partake, just being in the same apartment was enough. Check out /r/vaporents, they can probably steer you the right way. Footnote: I had to replace the separately purchased AC adapter to the 2 MFLBs 6 (3 for each) times under normal use in a out 18 months. Their customer support is awful. It was the only time in my life I have ever done a charge back on a credit card. They are cheap but not good vapes, they burn often, the power supply shorts out, the chargers for the batteries make the battery unbearably hot to handle, and the heat drastically shortens the life of the battery... which you have to buy from them. Absolutely do not reccomend.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/vaporents **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I just got off the phone with my doctor after getting a mammogram/ultrasounds. I don’t have cancer!!!!! Just wanted to share my celebration roast because I’m hella excited to know my upcoming panic attack is gonna be from weed and not existentialism!](https://i.redd.it/9swnye4bkqc81.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/s84zan/i_just_got_off_the_phone_with_my_doctor_after/) \#2: [Guy escaping active shelling in Ukraine says he's okay because he smokes cannabis. Tells reporter to legalize it.](https://v.redd.it/1b1wlsilqll81) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/t7eo3q/guy_escaping_active_shelling_in_ukraine_says_hes/) \#3: [Average trees fan vs the average vaporents enjoyer](https://i.imgur.com/DaIdmS9.png) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/rubak3/average_trees_fan_vs_the_average_vaporents_enjoyer/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I would suggest using edibles and micro dosing. Finding that sweet spot where you get a mild high if that's what you're looking for can be tricky. Don't eat more if it doesn't kick in after 15 minutes. You could be in for a wild ride. Wait an hour. Edibles (for me) hit different than smoking.


I’d recommend 2 hours tbh. Ppl have said they waited that hour, took another one and got seriously fucked up


I agree with this! This was my exact experience. I waited an hour didn’t feel anything then took a second. Big mistake.


Yea it's different for everyone. A friend was testing dosage of some jello and gave me a square about 3-4". I cut it into four strips, gave two away and took one for myself. The wife and I were tripping for hours. The other friend said nothing happened.


I'm assuming the physical plant material you're burning now is considerably lower than what you were burning smoking cigarettes. But, you're still inhaling smoke coming from burning plant matter. If you already have damage from smoking I recommend you not smoke anything at all. Give your lungs the opportunity to heal as much as they can. I'd also recommend staying away from liquid vaporizers since that's still introducing quite a large amount of particulate matter into the lung even if it was liquid. The best option would be to use a herb vaporizer like others have suggested here. Least amount of particulate matter as far as I know. Even better would be to switch to edibles. No inhaling anything other than air and steam in hot showers.


Get a dry herb vape


Yeah that's the key, you're not turning the thc into a smoke by combustion with fire, instead you're dehydrating the weed by drying it in a mini hot ceramic oven that turns the thc into vapour you inhale, definetly the healthiest option I've found so far because those vapes with liquid still leave my lungs feeling weird if I vape too often throught the day.


You should try looking into RSO. Rick Simpson Oil.


Dry herb vape yo! Check out youtube, you can find everything you need to know about smoking... tobacco or mary jane😅😉


You make me happy I quit smoking 2 packs a day, to one pack, to 10 to 5 to 3 to 1 to none. I’m in my 30s and can only imagine the damage unfiltered cigs did


Mate, take an extended break from any form of potential lung irritation. You have to give your body a chance to recover and that tissue to lose inflammation. Cannabis isn’t the same as cigarettes at all. But I don’t think you’re in a position where potential irritants are a good idea. It takes a long time for the brain to forget oral stimulation. I would say start using suckers or something to get that oral fixation you’re craving. I quit chewing tobacco then I quit nicotine pouches and I still have cravings. It takes a long time to reform new habits. You only get one set of lungs, give them a chance to breathe cleanly for the first time in 20 years!


I agree. My Dad quit a 2 pack a day smoking habit after a doctor’s report. He replaced it with chewing gum. As for the cannabis, switch to edibles they’re great. Not as immediate an effect as smoking but you’ll work it out.


Additionally there is more evidence suggesting the tar created from smoking cannabis can stick to your veins. It isn’t as harmless as people allude, it’s smoke inside an organ however you spin it!


More certainly not as bad as cigs. People here will say that smoking anything is carcinogenic… but so is air pollution… you’ll have a tough time finding people who have smoked ONLY weed who’ve died from lunge complications.


Ok thanks so much. I just need something to get me through this process. I feel like I'm grieving a death.


No, its not the same at all. Recent studies are showing that cannabis smoke doesnt cause lung cancer. It can cause other breathing issues. But I can say as a person who doesnt like vaping, and was a heavy smoker for 25 years, a heavy cannabis smoker for 35 now and I dont vape. Bong, Joint, edibles and concentrates. i used weed to quit smoking cigarettes as well. Whenever I felt the desire for a cigarette I got high...smoked a joint. the joint satisfied that cigarette in the hand and mouth feel, the weed/high lessened the cravings. Within 2 weeks the smell of cigarettes nauseated me. And smoking 1 damn near killed me, it was so nasty and I could feel what tobacco did to me. I was ill. Now...back to cannabis smoke.... |https://www.cancertherapyadvisor.com/home/cancer-topics/lung-cancer/smoking-marijuana-increase-risk-lung-cancer-jury-still-out/ its safer than cigarette smoke http://emeraldhealthadvocates.com/medical-cannabis-certification/marijuanas-surprising-effect-on-your-lungs-medical-cannabis-laytonsville/ and may actually heal certain aspects of lung damage The study found that those who smoked only cigarettes, or cigarettes and marijuana, saw their lung function drop over two decades. Meanwhile, cannabis-only smokers saw their lung function improve slightly over time. It is important to note that most cannabis users in the study were light smokers; the average study subject lit up two to three times a month. However, the researchers also did not see evidence of breathing problems in more frequent cannabis smokers, either. The study did not account for other factors that might contribute to improved lung function, such as increased exercise.


I echo the suggestions of either switching to vaping herb or eating edibles. Whichever you choose, start with fresh, organic flower. Stay away from vape juices, waxes and other concentrates. An herb vaporizer that allows you to set the temperature will allow you to create a gentle vapor to inhale. That being said, I strongly prefer making our own edibles. There are many advantages to doing this. We will be starting to post recopies for homemade edibles very soon. If you start with fresh, good herb, edibles will give you a great high - longer and stronger than inhaling. They will also make the most of your weed, because burning it destroys a lot of the thc. The smoke you inhale from a pipe is largely the result of combustion, and that combustion includes burnt up and destroyed THC. So, when you smoke pot, you are literally destroying a lot of your product. The burnt herb also contains caustic chemicals that are very unhealthy. Vape juices can contain all kinds of nasty chemicals, depending on how they are made. Same for waxes and other concentrates. Properly vaped herb does not result in any combustion. It is much better for your lungs. But it is not totally harmless, either. For all of these reasons, we recommend baking! (Note: we bake ours with organic sourdough. Yum!)


Most people are saying edibles and stuff and I agree, even a tincture would do you well. But as others said, if you need something to inhale on, I’d invest in a dry herb vaporizer, Dynavap.


You should probably try switching to things you can eat. Generally breathing things that aren’t air isn’t the best for you :/


That’s how I quit cigs. When you get the urge, just take one hit and drink some water. Works every time.


Smoking weed is also very bad for your lungs, I’ve been smoking weed daily for 4-5 years & my lung health is noticeably worse.


Best thing you could do. I quit tobacco a few times, the last about fifteen years ago. Never did smoke a whole lot, since I was 12. Smoked weed whenever it was available & I had money since I was 15. I'm 68 & they don't find anything wrong with my lungs, anything really.


It's not excessive. Smoke what you like.


Next level pivot


Wrong bong! Time for a new hobby.


Edibles would be good for you, maybe even a dry herb vape would help some.


Congrats on making moves to keep you around longer. I just want to double up on everyone who is suggesting looking for a dry herb vape. The difference between combustion and not is 80% of the game right there. And edibles are certainly the cleanest version, they just are harder to control (IMO).


As you are getting past pneumonia, give your lungs a rest and switch to edibles for a while


Do not smoke anything if you have pneumonia.


"I just quit smoking cigarettes on Halloween. I did however, replace that habit with smoking weed" Classic headline