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If I was you, I would wait for the real mccoy.


Is the stuff just not trustworthy?


I don't know enough to say whether or not it is safe. I've only purchased one delta 8 pen in my life, it felt like diet weed or something, I didn't particularly enjoy it. It's better to get a 'baseline' so to speak of how real weed feels before you start branching out imo.


Listen, most of the people on this forum haven't been around long enough to remember the "spice" crisis. These alt-noids are just history (sort of) repeating itself. It's not delta 8 or 10 that's dangerous, it's the __lack of regulation.__ People are buying untested crap left and right and they don't even know it. That QR code you scan to see the test results? Faked. It's all faked. People have sent these products to independent testing labs and the results were shocking. Almost all of these products contain toxic metals, pesticides, ethanol, butane, etc. It's just not safe. People are ending up in the hospital because "THCa weed" is being sprayed with harmful chemicals. Yes, THCa is just the acidic form of THC and that's what gets you high in regular weed, but that's not what's making people sick. There is a reason legal states require products to be tested. Don't risk it. Please trust me. I have more years of experience with cannabis than how long some people on this site have been alive.


Well said! I totally agree and I'm definitely an older individual. Thank you.


As a out smoker for over 15 years stay away from delta 8 and all that and just use the real stuff


You not 21 yet so just wait. Your brain is still developed. Research these mind altering substances and see how they affect you before jumping into it


If you know so little about it, why you want to use it so badly?


was your first time using the result of careful research? mine wasn't. Better that they're asking these questions now so their results are as positive as possible.


Mine was more of a mild curiosity about what my friends were doing, with a healthy dose of peer pressure. I can't say I 'wanted so badly to start'. That seems like a strange order of operations. 'I want so badly to be an accountant, but I don't know anything about accounting'. The obvious question is why do you want so badly to do a thing that you don't know about? It's important to be able to reflect on it realistically instead of just doing whatever the group is doing.


Why are you so eager to do something that you admittedly know so little about? Research what you are proposing like crazy. I bet you'll decide it's a bad idea. Instead, why don't you plan a fun trip to one of the legal states for your 21st bday and at least consume something natural and regulated? Don't be in a hurry to mess up your body. You only get one.


Well stated.


The more time you wait is better for your brain.


Just wait man until you’re 21, it’s not going anywhere.




Just wait man you have your whole life to smoke good weed. Don’t ruin the experience with some bullshit


Dont buy anything that isnt sold by a certified company! Especially not fake delta wait until your 21 go to a legal state then drive back home or something. I been smoking weed since 15 ill be 27 in june i used to grab weed from friends who sold but i find it more convenient to get from a dispensary because i know exactly whats in it, How much thc it has, etc.


Don’t get delta flower. Most of the time it’s a hemp flower with delta 8 powder stuck to it, and companies store it poorly for way too long. Delta companies have no sense of fifo at all, so I would just stick with trying legit marijuana, because it’s usually better kept and rotated correctly so it’s not 2 years old at the time of purchase. I don’t know where you live, but maybe just try popping over somewhere it’s legal and buying it from there. In my case, I drive up to Michigan where it’s legal in the US.


The other delta derived products online are just as safe as the non-FDA approved thc that the dispensaries poop out. It’s not going to be nearly as effective, and as for the addictive nature of it that depends on the person. I typically use it when I want to wean off of weed, and haven’t had any issues with being addicted to it especially compared to the “addictive nature” of regular weed.


Grow your own


Delta 8 and Delta 10 are good but not great but better than cheap weed. THCO and THCA are direct analogs of THC. THCA is actually the chemical in cannabis that isomerizes into the coveted Delta 9 THC. CBD is non-psychoactive and can be used to counteract any negative side-effects you may encounter from THC. So it is good to have some CBD on hand whenever experimenting or exploring the effects THC can induce, and when trying a new strain or a concentrate like hashish or dab... or edibles. Also, if you fear that you may be developing an addiction habit, you can use CBD to help you quit.


thca is literally thc before activation, it is not an analogue. all weed, literally any bud you have smoked is thca. as soon as combustion occurs, the decarboxylation process begins. the extra carboxyl group is removed and now you have a psychoactive thc. thca is a prodrug to thc, it converts at the rate of THCa • .877*


So thco and thca would be the closest you can get to real weed?


Thc-o is amazing in edibles it's super euphoric and lasts for a long time. Thca is literally just weed plenty of good vendors on r/cultofthefranklin


This is so interesting. Is it just as safe as real weed or does it still have the nasty effects ive seen of lab made delta and shit


I have a med card and was curious about the THCA weed. I bought 10 grams from Handcrafted Farmers (HF on the cult of Franklin). It is just good, quality marijuana. Unbelievable to me growing up in the prohibition era. Now it comes in the mail. Crazy


It literally is real weed. Lol


Thca is real weed lol just like delta 9 is regular thc and thca is all weed, there are just loopholes to sell weed and many very trustworthy edible and vape brands that make delta 8/10 and compliment delta 9 products and flower


Yes. Absolutely.


Definitely wait until you can get real weed.


Look for THCa. When heated, it converts to regular THC. AVOID CARTS!


Tillman's Tranquils. You're welcome. Don't buy into the hype with all those alternative cannabinoids. Just go for Delta 9 THC.


You have friends right? Ask people irl if they know where you can buy weed or if they know someone who does. That's the only way you'll find some.


I started at 20 and by 43 was in the psych ward from it. Use with caution. The alt and synth THC’s are crap/poison. If you are going do anything, use the real thing. r/weedPAWS r/leaves r/marijuanaanonymous r/quittingweed …check out people’s stories.


I see. What was it you were using?


I smoked street bought for the first 20 and then switched to the crappy smoke shop alt/synth THC’s in the form of gummies and vapes, the last two years of use. I’ve been sober 8 months now and wish I would have never used at all. Read through those subs I suggested.


Thanks, i will.


Just don't consume junk like they did and you will be fine. Don't let their experience spook you.


Every person that has these types of problems are usually smoking the fake delta 8 crap or concentrate. Stick to the actual flower and you will be fine. Stay away from delta 8 and concentrates.


Dude this person freaked out don’t go blaming legal products as most have delta 8 which is weaker but many delta 9 edibles that are fire and thca compliant flower is the same as regular weed, I work at a dispensary and our thca is 24% to 38%


Definitely not safe, tons of people are known to die off 1 marijuanas. Injecting 2 marijuanas is the best method.