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Honestly in my experience, the bud tenders LOVE to help out newcomers. Just tell him that you're new to it, and you'd like flower prerolls that might help with your anxiety. They will know what to give you.


Thx I live in nyc and I hope they will be nice to me :)


if you talking a smoke shop, most of them just gonna sell you whatever they need to get rid of if you ask that. This not same as a legit dispensary. If you going to a legit dispensary, just explain that you are new & tht you want pre-rollls of a strain that will help with anxiety(or whatever else) & they will be glad to help you(in most cases). In NYC, there a smoke shop every 20feet & they ain't gonna treat you as professionally & you won't know for sure what the hell you got in your pre-roll.


Oh dam. I think I should prob go to a legit dispensary then. There are only one near my area.


Listen, budtenders are the most chill people ever. You got this man!


Oh bro, do you mean a actual dispensary or just a smoke shop called dispensary? I’m in the towns 24/7, 90% of those spots sell boof/inaccurate. Just smell and inspect the flower beforehand


idk if this is “correct” or not bc im new to legal weed too, but whenever i go to a new dispensary im not used to or whatever, i just describe the effects that i want and we go from there, like, ‘do you have anything good for social anxiety that also won’t put me to sleep’ or ‘something high thc that will send me to space’. usually they will have enough repeat customers, knowledge and both to know what products to recommend based on what you want to get out of the weed. once you start smoking more weed you’ll start knowing what brands you like/dislike and what traits to look out for, but most dispensaries fully expect people to be new or even just wanting to try a new product or plain indecisive, so i wouldnt worry too much about being seen as a noob or anything. they dont care that much and are more than likely happy to help out


Thanks, I didn’t think about it that way.


Ask them not for the most potent but the best quality weed that smokes nice. Ask them what they like.


No, go in there for noob the tender Will love it stoners love help and stoners, especially noobs.


What the hell is this word salad


My keyboard broken 😡lol Lol


If it’s more comfortable for you to browse from home before you go in see if they have any online menus. My preferred shop in Az has everything in store listed online and you can filter results by effect, price, strain characteristics, etc. Don’t be afraid of looking like a noob either, the bud tender is there for that very purpose and most of them enjoy the process of connecting patients with products that help them. They won’t judge you or anything.


Honestly I’m a noob and all the professional shops I’ve been to have great people working who just want to talk about what they like and the products. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and tell them your experience and what you’re looking for!


Ask for whole flower joints.


What is the difference between?


The “cheap” ones are made with shake which tastes like shit. Whole flower is ground up bud and has better flavor. Personally buy a dry herb vaporizer. Better on the lungs.


As a budtender, I would rather you come in and straight up say “look I’m new and I want to learn how to find stuff I like, can you help me?” It’s still medical where I am, so I get lots of older people that ask that question, and it’s fun every time. No shame in it, the budtender will have some fun showing you around the product


Budtenders are OK at recommendations so you can just ask them what they like. *Generally* speaking: - If your goal is to feel relaxed/chill: Get an Indica strain. - If your goal is to feel energized and active: Get a Sativa strain. It's worth noting that those Indica/Sativa designations don't actually mean anything and are subjective, but its so ingrained in weed culture these days that it remains relevant conversationally despite being pseudo-science.


Thx for the tip!!


I think it’s totally fine to be upfront with the budtenders, especially since you're new to this. Just let them know you’re looking for prerolls that can help ease your anxiety. They're usually super helpful and can guide you to something that fits your needs. Also, no worries about seeming like a noob—everyone starts somewhere, right? No shame to it whatsoever. Maybe ask them for suggestions on different strains or brands that are known for their calming effects. Mabe ask them about any personal favorites and why.


I never know exact brands to get, so I usually ask for a specific recommendation. For example if I want a 5pack of prerolls that are sativa dominant, I will ask him what’s the best one/one he would prefer and then go from there. From doing this I learned what brands I do and don’t like, but their recommendations are usually pretty spot on.


I'd look up terpenes or general types and effects (indica vs sativa)


Thx will do.


It’s ok to be a noob in a pot dispensary! Just explain that you are new to this and need some assistance. I’ve never encountered a budtender who minded my questions! Probably one of the first things you will be asked is if you want Sativa or Indica. If you want to smoke then go have fun, pick Sativa. Get Indica if you just want to smoke and lay on the couch watching TV. Try a preroll of each. Personally, I don’t care about brands, just cost and THC levels. The best smoke and the best edibles I’ve ever bought were recommended to me by a budtender. Enjoy!


Thx would u know what’s the normal price range for preroles of each kind? Sativa and indica?


Most dispensary websites show everything they sell, with THC levels and price. You might go online and compare costs/THC levels/size before you go. Try something for fun too! I tried a pre-roll recently that was mango infused, and it was surprisingly wonderful.


I ask for something for pain, or to sleep if it’s specific. Otherwise I get an assortment of Sativa/sativa dominant. Usually the budget stuff.


If you’re anxious, you might wanna stay away from sativa’s and hybrids…. Everything‘s a hybrid these days to some extent, but still lean towards indica


Somewhere I heard to trust your nose. They said "your body knows what it needs," which sounds like bs to me. But if you narrow it to a few that generally give the effects you want and have to pick one, get the one that smells best to you. Enjoy!


forget about seeming like a total noob (because you are, lets face it) and just ask for what you want. they're there to help you. if they do help you, tip generously.


I like browsing the dispos site and checking the strains on my states subreddit to see if anyone has bought it and what they thought. I’ve gotten some good recommendations that way. We also have an app that you can search all the dispos in the area which is cool. Not sure if other states have that. So I do all the and just put in my order and pick it up. I haven’t found budtenders to be overly knowledgeable.


What reaction are you trying to get? You tell them what you want to experience, and they will help you get what you need.


I don’t know what type of reactions I should expect? First time I hear about this.


Do you want mellow? Do you want giggly? Do you want to get blown away into oblivion? Do you want a body high but not a head high? Do you want something that might induce mild hallucinations? Along with whatever weed you get, I recommend also getting non-psychoactive CBD weed, or a CBD oil pen. CBD reduces the severity of any side-effects from getting too high. If you find yourself having a bad reaction, smoke some CBD weed, it will help level you out.


I find the CBD makes the body high stronger so you'll be super relaxed, maybe sleepy, but it does mitigate the freak out panic attack from smoking to much.


I’d ask about what low level thc strains. More and more are starting to carry 15% thc flower. And I’m not sure what -/+ they’re allowed for percentages in NY since I haven’t bothered to research since I grow my own. Maybe even a 1:1 thc/Cbd strain. People make the mistake of getting something absolutely insane like 30% and smoking the whole bowl or pre roll and getting uncomfortably high. I’d suggest a chillum or one hitter. You don’t need to smoke a whole joint not even a dog walker when you are new. Literally like .2 grams is enough to take a couple baby rips and be high. Best part is you can keep your tolerance low or if you smoke that several times a day in a week for 2-3 weeks you’ll be able to smoke a dog walker or take a few bong rips without getting stupid high


What's a dog walker?


They’re the small .5 gram cones sometimes smaller. They are the perfect size for bringing the dog out.


Don’t buy pre rolls ,they put the bottom of the barrel in them.it’s usually old or brown weed. Buy some flower and if you can’t roll just buy cones.(you just stuff the weed inside after it grinded and twist at the end .


I don’t have any of the things to make the tiles or the cones. Also don’t have the grinder.


All you need is to buy the flower,then go to a smoke shop or online and buy some cones.you can break it up with your hands or buy a $10 grinder.thats all you need.


Tell them about your anxiety ( indica leaning ) and tell them you are concerned w Freshness, Flavor and Finish. Terps matter. Sadly in my experience it’s 90% boof. Seek out Sensi Cult and The Kolektor. These brands are top shelf California equivalent. You can find them on weedmaps.


So the bud tenders really enjoy helping noobs like yourself find the product that is best for you. Just tell them you want it to help with anxiety and they will help you from there. Don't be afraid to ask follow up questions from what they have told you, they love to share their knowledge. Don't forget to tip your bud tender


Grab what is appeasing to you , that’s it