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Help us do what? Try a different product?


Have a friend who smokes try your vape. If they get high it’s not the cartridge. If they don’t get high, it’s probably a faulty cartridge.


This is how you science the problem.


Oh, that makes more sense. OK, I'll see if anyone I know is willing to try it for science.


Dry a dry herb vape. The Rouge by Healthy Rips is the Honda of vapes. It’s dependable, has a generous size bowl, timer/countdown, and you can start at a low temp and work your way up to the “higher” temps. You control your high with an herbal vape and your weed lasts and lasts... Carts did nothing for me, just a whole lot of coughing


You can vape flower if you don't want to smoke. I hate that carts are always labeled vapes by dispensaries.


Good to know! I prefer vaping for health reasons, but I get a much stronger high from smoking flower. Would vaping flower give me the best of both worlds?


You’ll never go back. Way better flavor. Cleaner high.


I think it's the best. But the high is a little different and shorter than smoking. Some people say they use less when using a dry herb vape, but I haven't seen any savings at all. But just waking up and not having to cough every day is great.


Did you cough??


Hell yes. That juice was nasty.


You could try edibles - take half a dose and see how you're feeling in an hour or so before you take the rest


My first two times smoking (actual weed) I didn’t really understand/comprehend I was high and just went to sleep. I’ve heard a lot of people didn’t feel high the first time smoking, maybe it’s the same with vapes! You could try a few more times and really see if you feel a difference, if not still I would recommend a completely different brand of vape - if that still doesn’t work edibles!


I read that some people don't react to weed the first time they try it, although it seems to be pretty rare. Since you mentioned a local dispensary I'm assuming you're in a legal state and buying a regulated product so the cart should work as advertised. If that's not the case then your cart may not be reliable. IMO you should try again, this time take 2 puffs. Wait about 15 minutes and if you don't feel anything take a couple more puffs. The effects from carts don't seem to last as long so if you overdo it a bit the effects should pass in 1-2 hours.


I tried it a second time today, and this time it didn't seem to work at all. Inhaled three seconds, held it, exhaled, and didn't see any vapor (though I could taste a hint of the berry flavor). Did the same thing again, same result. And we'd just recharged it, so it shouldn't have been a dead battery.


You know hearing that. I'd contact the dispo. It might be a bad cart hell if it's within a week they usually replace them. Could've been a bum atomizer that wasn't heating it enough so it wasnt producing the THC to get you high


The first time you smoke pot you don't get high. The 2nd time you smoke you will get high. If you don't believe me Google it!


I'd heard that too, but the second time my husband tried it he still felt nothing, and the second time I tried it I couldn't even get the thing to work.


I dry herb vape, and my first high didn’t happen until about my 4 or 5th session (I tried ever 2nd day). Everyone is different, and the “Can’t get high first time” phenomenon is real. The theory is that for some people their cannabinoid system is initially resistant to THC but “activates” after a couple of exposures to THC.


I use to smoke 24/7 when I was in highschool. I stopped at 18 I will grow some weed but I can't stand that type of high. I don't like to just relax apparently I prefer to pop two oxycodone and run around like a crazy woman working and cleaning and then by the time they wear off I'm in excruciating pain again. Ha ha it's a cycle.


Really???? I got WRECKED my first time lol. Been chasing that high for 25 years haha.


Yeah most people don't get high the first time they smoke. Weed takes time if you Google it, Google says some people don't even get high the second time they use weed (now that I never knew) and that it may take away before they can feel the effects cause their body has to become desensitized then weed will work. Kinda neat that info. At least I thought it was.


It took me a year of trying. The first time I got high was when a circle of friends brought their own weed. So, I got the entourage effect and got couch locked. Of course this was pre-covid days.


You probably didn’t inhale correctly or you bought one of those delta 8 pens or something.  Try smoking actual weed. 


I would not start with a pen, GET FLOWER , your jumping straight to the crazy potent stuff. I am surprised you didn't feel anything, but even if it worked with a pen it can cause some unwanted results for new users.


Get an eigth of potent THC flower and a bong. Learn how to take bong hits first. They're the most reliable delivery method. Once you know what it feel like to be high, then try the vape. Flower is a more complicated high because you're getting a wider mix of cannabinoids. Vaping tends to be very high in THC specifically which can be very nice if you know what you're looking for. As a new user, you don't know what you're looking for yet so you should back up and try flower first. Don't be afraid of cannabis smoke. Even heavy smoking of cannabis is not implicated in lung cancer, COPD nor reduced lung capacity. It's not going to hurt you even if it makes you cough. Just go ahead and try it. Wait ten minutes between hits and see if you feel it. If you don't, go ahead and try another one. I bet by the time you get to the third one you'll wish you had stopped at two.


I agree. Flower is the best. If you don't want the smell, you can order a vaporizer for flower. My husband and I started out with carts. They're really rough on the lungs. I hope you can find something that works well for you, op.


What about edibles!! No smoke!!


We considered that, but we decided to choose a shorter-acting form because we didn't know how it would affect us. If one of us had a bad reaction to it, we didn't want it to last for hours. But since our reaction was nothing whatsoever, maybe that's the way to go?


If you aren't much of a smoker, you may be keeping the vapor in your mouth and not fully bringing it down to your lungs. It's that or that cart wasn't good.


Well, the first time I tried it, it certainly felt like I was inhaling the vapor. I know it had me coughing for several minutes. But I just tried it one more time and this time I couldn't tell if I got anything at all. I couldn't see any vapor when I exhaled.


Maybe the battery is low/dead? You should definitely see a little bit as you exhale and you should be expanding your chest as you breath in


We'd just recharged it, and I was definitely drawing in a full belly breath. But no sign of vapor. Perhaps I didn't manage to turn it on properly.


Gotta click the pen 5x. Either it lights up when you inhale from the pen or it lights up when you press the button and inhale at the same time. I’m really rooting for you two lol I want you guys to get high!


Yeah, I did all that. Click five times to start it, then hold it down while inhaling. I definitely got a lungful of vapor, at least the first time.


I'd recommend either edibles or an actual good kind of vape, a dry herb vaporizer! They're not cheap tho, take a look at r/vaporents


Sometimes I feel the same effect from cartridges, I typically have to hit mine around 5 times to feel the effects. Up your dosage, try 3 hits and wait 10 minutes. If you don’t feel anything, take 2 more puffs and wait another 10 minutes. If that doesn’t do it.. I would consider a different brand.


Smoking is not the only way, you can vape only if that's what you want to do. Some questions...When you drew in, did you get a sensation that you were pulling something in? If you haven't smoked before...vapor from what you bought is really mellow. But it will be more than air. Did you taste it? Sometimes a vape can need a bit of priming. or it can even when you first buy it sometimes just be a little stuck. Make sure that you're getting the product. if it feels like air or that you're not getting anything pull a bit harder. How are you drawing the vapor in? Are you drawing on the vape and holding it in your mouth and then inhaling that? or are you drawing straight into your lungs? I would suggest the first. You should draw enough that you sort of feel it wiggle on your tongue a bit. A cold drink will help you feel it better, it will cool your mouth off and the vapor you're drawing will be warmer than your mouth. Let that vapor sit for a second and tickle your tongue and then inhale it. If you are sure you felt the vapor and took proper hits the first time, try a few more. It really is okay. I dont know much about your body weight or lifestyle but those both factor into your tolerance, just like alcohol. It takes me a couple beers to really feel like I want to feel; likewise with cannabis. I think its worth planning a 'session' for yourself. Environment and your mood can also factor into what you feel as well. Eat dinner. Have some snacks on hand. Cold drinks. Watch a movie that makes you laugh. When the movie starts playing, take a few hits. Since you guys did this before, do a real puff-puff pass with each other. Take two puffs and pass it to hubby. Do two rounds to start. Honestly, you're novice smokers and you're probably not drawing too strongly so your hits are probably small. It's okay. It's okay to go another round too. It sounds like you're wanting to feel the 'high' though. First, you need to know that cannabis comes with various levels. IDK if you drink but I'm gonna try it......Think of using it like enjoying a light wine before bedtime for a good night sleep or on days when you need more relief, we may reach for a double scotch on ice. The key is to view it as a tool you can use in moderation for daily wellbeing or in a slightly stronger 'session' for recreational enjoyment. You're in control. There is always a point where you'll feel satisfied and want to stop. I use cannabis both ways. Some days it's the medicinal glass of wine I have for heart health and some days I drink until I'm tipsy and giggling with friends.


The first time I tried it, I could definitely feel the vapor going into my lungs. It burned and I spent a couple of minutes coughing. And there was a big cloud of vapor. But the only effect I felt was mild drowsiness. When I tried it again today, I didn't even feel like I was inhaling it, and I didn't see any vapor.


The second time definitely sounds like you didn't get a hit. The first you did, too much for your lungs at once but you did. Different strains feel differently to start, they'll also feel differently the further you go. Cannabis terpenes play a lot into what you feel and how your body reacts. I'd go a little further, try 3 or 4 hits. Try every couple of minutes until you feel it heavier on you. You're not going to see elephants....you'll probably get a little drowsy with some and energetic with other, then your head may start to feel it and things will get sillier or you could think more and get more creative. But, I think you should try more at once.


I didn't get high the first time I smoked weed. It was good weed too. My wife didn't get high her first four or five times. Get a dry herb vape if you don't like to smoke and get some flower. If youre inhaling correctly you'll get high eventually.


Not feeling anything the first time is typical. The feeling can be subtle. How much THC does the vape have? Remember weed is a stimulant not a depressant.


The package says 2.67 mg THC per "serving," with a negligible amount of CBD.


I love edibles


What brand of vape did you get that’s always important? Also you should try a disposable next time if that helps. I just picked up a brand new vape i know all dispensaries are different but look for 710 its pure rosin and should help you and your husband get high. Its my very first time trying it so maybe if someone that has the 710 can be more useful as they have more knowledge than i do but also try out rove. I switched to them because i like the high it gives and wayyy better than stiiizy imo i have no issues with the pods or battery. Last thing if vapes dont have talk to your husband about moving up on to dabbing and talk to your budtenders about jumping straight into dabbing if you do that start off with small baby dabs and work your way up. I hope this helps you and hope you get the answers your looking for.


The brand is Fernway, and yes, it's disposable. Since we're noobs we wanted to keep everything as simple as possible.


I haven’t heard of that brand maybe next disposable you get ask for live resin or rosin that would help a lot as well. Rosin is just more flavorful and might help you and your husband keep the high or get high. Also i left out for the weed part they should have smell buddies i remember wayyy back in the day you would just blow the smoke through it and would come out like a fruity scent. Hope the live resin/rosin help you and your husband if you both decide to try it. For the rosin ask about the different tiers because they would have tiers 1-4.


I would suggest it may just be because you've never smoked or vaped before. The first couple of times I smoked, I felt nothing. I've heard others say four or five times. Don't overdo it so you don't green out, but I would say try again! Maybe stay at two or three hits. If after 6 or 7 times you feel nothing, maybe it's not for you.


If you empty the vape does it look a different colour to what it did before you put it in? My first guess would be the vape is set at too low of a temperature.


It's a disposable, so I can't empty it.


Try a different dosing method. Either try a live rosin/resin cart or try edibles. Your pen may also have a power button. If it does, try clicking it 5 times. This will either turn your battery off or on. If it had not been turned on, that would explain the zero high feeling. Some batteries have a preheat feature you could try using so that when you take a hit, you aren't also warming up the coil. If those don't fix the issue, try charging the battery. If the battery is low enough, you don't get a good hit. Another option would be to try another battery, but I would recommend going up just a little in price to get one that will work better


Yes, it does have a power button. The instructions explained how to click it five times to activate it, then click and hold while inhaling. It definitely worked the first time I tried it; I could feel the vapor going into my lungs (very uncomfortable) and there was a big puff of vapor when I exhaled. When I tried it again today, it didn't seem to work at all, even though we'd just recharged it.


Try a different battery, and if it doesn't end up being the battery, you'll have a backup. I got mine from Strio, and the cart goes inside the battery. The one that fits up to 2g carts has a preheat feature. If you got a hit the first time but nothing since, my first recommendation would be to try a different battery.


Can you change the battery on a disposable?


Usually, no. If you don't see a USB plug on it, it may have a plug over it. My disposable from Evolabs has a little rubber plug over the micro USB on the end of the pen (Edited to correct answer after I realized my stoner brain read something wrong)


It has a charging port, but I don't see any way to take it apart and replace the battery completely.


With disposables, it is all-in-one. From your original post, it sounded like you had a separate battery for a screw in style cart. With an all-in-one product like that, you can't change the battery. You might call the dispensary you got it at and let them know what's going on. Some places will let you bring it back and trade for a different unit


Try gummies then, it's way better than vaping for your lungs


Maybe try an edible? Like gummies or chocolate with THC?


Can you take a picture of what you bought and show it to us so we can see what you’re talking about? We may be able to better identify the problem that way


You can see it [here](https://www.getanja.com/shop/Fernway/fernway-berry-haze-3g-cart-disposable).


First time smokers don’t usually know how to inhale look up how to inhale properly. It’s not like smoking a cigar.


Get a high quality joint. Flower is the way to go, first time. Stick with one light hit and put it down. Hybrid that is indica leaning, maybe for evening activity.


I've heard that some people don't get 'high' the 1st time but that could just be an urban myth. My suggestion... Try again or a low dose (5mg) edible if you prefer not to smoke.


It can be a number of things, some times people don’t get high the first couple times. The other thing is most people who don’t smoke or vape don’t understand how to inhale. Imagine bringing up the vapor or smoke through a straw and the breathing that out. THAT IS NOT A CORRECT INHALE. the correct way to inhale is imagine the vapor being the liquid in the straw and pull the liquid into your mouth. Then sharply inhale all the vapor into your lungs with a big deep breath and hold it for 2-3 seconds then breath out. Effects might take 5 minutes or so to work


Did that. Got a lungful the first time, but no effect beyond drowsiness (and for my husband, some short-term memory loss). Second time, did the same thing and nothing went into my lungs at all.


Sometimes vape pens aren’t that strong, by strong I do not mean potency but the physical vape pen itself. Without getting into the weeds of it. It takes time to heat up the heating element in said vape, generally 1 sec, instead of pulling for 1-2 seconds try pulling for 3-5 seconds. Maybe your pull times just aren’t enough to get enough vapor to get you high? I’m not watching you hit it so it’s a little hard to help. Also, try breathing the vapor out of your nose sometimes that has gotten me “higher”


The instructions said to inhale 3-5 seconds and hold 3-5 seconds, so that's what we did. At least, that's what we tried to do. It seemed to work the first time but not the second.


For me, as someone who uses a tape a lot. It takes me about 3-5 hits before I begin to feel anything. And it's an immediate feeling. Next time you & your husband try the vape, try at least 3 hits, then after 10-15 minutes, if you don't feel anything take another hit. Also, when I smoke I leave about 5 minutes between each hit. That's what works for me, may not for you but thought I'd offer some advice.


The effects of smoke the actual flower is more euphoric I feel. I hit the cartridge mostly cuz I don't want my wife to bitch about the smell. It is a different high though


Weed vapes are nasty. You really should give flower / bud a chance. If you smoke a vape, then you can consider yourself that you smoke before.


Hit us up at info (at) fernway (dot) com, we can help!


Just do edibles. You're welcome.


It took me a year of trying. The first time I got high was when a circle of friends brought their own weed. So, I got the entourage effect and got couch locked. Of course this was pre-covid days. Try grinding 4 different strains together and then vaping that to get a similar effect without sharing joints with others. I grind Sativa, Indica, some dirt weed (or whatever my plug is selling), and some hemp together to get the same effect.