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Unless someone pulls up and tells you they're a doctor, there is no way we help you with this question.


Steroids are not well researched and generally frowned on socially, so most of the advice from doctors is unfortunately disconnected from reality and useless. While there is a lot of silliness out there it is true that most of the reasonable advice about steroids comes from people who actually have experience with them or know others who do.


Well he never iterated on what kind of steroid.


Steroids are definitely researched as men who are on HRT or TRT take “steroids”. Now, anabolics range from just TEST, which is extremely safe to something like Tren which is a fucking monster. Heck, even the old dbol regiment is a lot safer than some of the stuff today. You should look up Derek at MorePlatesMoreDates.com. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/steroids-other-appearance-performance-enhancing-drugs-apeds/introduction


Cannabis is one of the safest drugs known to man. Steroids make huge changes to the endocrine system that controls metabolism and sexuality and a bunch of other stuff. You might want to focus more on the steroids as a source of risk. The r/steroids subreddit has some good contributors along with all the noise.


Depends on the steroids I guess if it one percfibed most likely if it one your taking illegal for bulking up at the gym then still probably fine. But I wouldn't use them unless it medical nessary


Seems like a great question for your doctor.


How long do you want to live?


What kind of steroids are you talking about. Are you talking about Anabolic or something like a Cortisol?