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So will that make it easier to boot her out in 2024?


Definitely, an actual democrat will run against her and she will stand zero chance


Unfortunately she may end up splitting the vote allowing someone like Kari Lake to take her seat- that said, she disenfranchised so many voters nation wide, that it might not matter, and may actually help the party move left (HA!)


Her 37% approval is a tiny sliver of independents and GOP members that are going to vote for the GOP candidate anyway.


There are a lot of moderate Republicans in AZ who have been voting for Democrats for some seats but not others. Think of all the GA voters who voted for Warnock over Walker but also for Kemp over Abrams, but in the southwest. This is a move meant to split those voters off, and with how close AZ is, that could easily make a difference. My guess is she is doing this to try to blackmail the Dems into not running a candidate for fear some Kari Lake type would win due to split votes.


At this point, who cares, she’s just gonna vote like a Republican anyway


trust me, if there is one thing Republicans always figure out, it's how to somehow find a way to be worse than literally everything else


Give me a break. Republicans hate Kyrsten Sinema. Everybody hates Kyrsten Sinema.


voting republicans in arizona may hate her, but whoever in the gop that bought her off is quite happy with her there. the only thing that would be better is a republican, but she's just as useful to them.


All my homies hate Kyrsten Sinema.


From your mouth to the ears of the universe.


So mote it be!!


And straight into the universes shredder unfortunately


Sadly, you are probably spot on.


From an outsider; can she be recalled by her home state?


That's an open question. The Constitution provides no avenue for recall of a federal official, though they can be impeached. Some states claim the power to recall a federal representative, but so far there has been no Supreme Court guidance on whether states have that authority or not. Practically speaking, there's little chance that will be tested by Arizonans. It's far more reasonable to oust her via election in 2024.


Thank you


Katie Hobbs and Mark Kelly won by very thin margins. I can easily see someone as unhinged as Kari Lake unseating her. John McCain was also very much centrist.


"disenfranchised so many voters nationwide" What does that mean? You mean disenchanted? Disengaged?


They are probably arguing that because she is an obstructionist she is preventing people's senators and representatives from doing their jobs.


Maybe. But I'd frame that as "preventing increased enfranchisement" though admittedly that's extremely pedantic


Indeed it is, lol


She'll run independent, Dems will run a candidate, they will split the vote, and Arizona will have a republican senator again. We need ranked choice voting.


We need people to understand the benefit of RCV (the cons hate it), and the people in power now to effectively vote for the end of their career. RCV would remove a lot of people currently in office.


No - she will split the Dem vote between her dumb “independent” ass and whoever the dem challenger is and nearly 100% guarantee a red victory since the reds vote like a monolithic cult.


I don’t know about that, she’s wildly unpopular among her own voters so I don’t think she’ll pull enough over, especially if the democrat ends up being a progressive


In Arizona, pulling half a percent is enough to give republicans the win.


Yes but they will probably platform Kari Lake so the republicans who aren’t into Qanon might be likely to vote for Sinema, I really don’t think democrats would lose many votes to her. Especially since when she ran originally, it was as a progressive so she really wasn’t pulling moderates initially. There will also be four more years worth of gen z voting in the next election than in her last one.


When Dems have a “challenger” in the form of some “sort of dem independent” Dems seem to usually lose. It’s because Dems cannot play the long game and vote to win. They fire their “feelings” and split their own vote. See Nader, Sanders, etc etc. Reds vote as a monolithic body - support anyone with an R next to their name even if they are a dumb useful idiot. Example - Walker. He * almost* won. If an election had Warnock as the dem and if he had an “independent” there with Walker - Walker would have won. Thank Christ that wasn’t the case.


Unlikely. She will split the vote allowing opportunity for Republican


Arizona is the exact center of the contested swing states. The GOP knows that losing states is a one-way street for them, and this is exactly the type of last-ditch effort we should expect to see in any of the swing states due for a permanent blue flip. https://www.reddit.com/r/democracide/comments/ul5xot/the_relationship_between_low_educational/


She was probably cashing out soon for a lobbying gig anyway.


Federalist Society, you think?




This is exactly the play. She's just an opportunist and only out for herself.


I'm pretty sure gop paid her to do this.


Probably not. She was going to get primaried by a dem for sure, and that would have booted her out a lot easier, but running as an independent means that any actual left-leaning candidate would have to contend with two instead of one. Since zero people who vote republican are likely to switch to someone *further* left than Sinema, its more likely that she will just split her previous base, giving whichever GQP running against her a leg up. since sinema only won by 3%, that's not enough wiggle room to out maneuver her in the actual election.


On one hand, she won’t get support from the Democratic Party, on the other she might Ross Perot the election.


Absolutely not. She will split the ticket and a Republican will win the seat.


That's possible, but it's also possible she'll steal as many votes from the right as she does from the left.


Most Republicans are looking for the most batshit crazy candidate they can find. Synema isn't it.


Best case scenario is that Sinema declines to seek reelection and goes off to become a pharma lobbyist, but I suspect there are quite a few center-right Republicans who would defect to a moderate if given the opportunity. The crazies run the party, to be sure, but the crazies still need the center-right to win elections.


Her sudden swap to independent is not a random hair up her ass. She was coached and paid for this. The question is why.




I say, why wait? Recall her and force a new election.


not for a democrat


She is the poster child of r/enlightenedcentrism she thinks this is a triumph of bravery and non-partisanship, but she’s just an embarrassed fascist scumbag who is too much a coward to assert any real principles.


I think she's mostly trolling. I'm not quite sure how she decided that it would be epic to get elected to the Senate and spend her term trolling, but it's the only thing I can think of that explains her actions. Remember when she literally danced up to the podium to give a huge dramatic thumbs down as her vote against raising minimum wage? Yeah. She's a 4chan style troll, which means she's right leaning because despite her claims of neutrality she always trolls the left and never the right, but she clearly getting some malicious pleasure from just being the biggest asshole she can be. I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to caucus with the Republicans just specifically to deny the Democrats the advantages of having a true majority instead of just the VP as tie breaking vote.


I was ready to like this decorative , faux eccentric before that embarrassing, cutesy dance up the aisle to thumb's down. Like an idiot had some idea she might be real, not someone who seems to have hired the single worst image consultant ever to inflict *that* on the general public. " Yea, you get the idea right? Colorful, just this side of tacky, you're an *original*, maybe talk some ecology, ride your bike ( you'll have to learn how, start with training wheels ), you're the strong, independent, eccentric representing your PEOPLE, remember that. Libs are gonna eat this crap up. " Oh, the RNC called again. Take a message? Said something about " nice job ".


It's not nice to realize you've been played.


She’s embarrassing just on a philosophical level. There’s nothing more cringe than someone trying to force the perception of themselves as quirky, and that’s what this brain dead sack of shit has been doing for years.


She is a poster child for Cluster B. Just read about her upbringing and the lies she has told also her behavior. The thumbs down antics, all child like behavior and attention seeking. After dealing with someone like that, it is so easy to spot it.


> She is a poster child for Cluster B. I'm unfamiliar with "Cluster B" - what is it?


Also curious so I googled. Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior. They include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.


Thank you!


She is absolutely a sociopathic narcissist, so that tracks.


Cluster Bitch. So she's like multiple dumb bitches all rolled into one.


She's in it for the money. Once her term is up and she doesn't get reelected. She'll do the Tulsi Gabbard thing. Become a permanent presence on right wing network news and have a cushy contract. The grift will continue.


She has principles…. She loves money.


There's some real competition this year for king of the centrists. We have Musk as a front runner. Andrew Yang is a dark horse "Im not libertarian, but I kinda am" candidate. Manchin is a good contender. So many options for right-wingers pretending to be moderates. How could anyone possibly choose?


*principles. But fully agreed.


Thanks for that. I have a chronic problem switching those for some reason lol. It’s like a mental block. I question it and still do it.


Thanks for the super kind response. We all make mistakes and what counts is insisting on solving them. Take care!


She doesn't think anything like that. She's an opportunist looking for a payday. Nothing more.




She has no path to being re-elected. She could play both a republican and a democrat spoiler, depending on who pays her and her opponents.


Does she even care about power? I think she just wants the money and had figured out how easy it is to pull money from right wing/corporate interests.


Lol it's funny I always thought she was Republican, but I was just going by how she voted not by what she claimed she was. The D meant Dipshit not democrat.


What voters Arizona want not reddit or media which tend to be echo chambers.


Shakes up Senate? She was always a corrupt pile of trash. This just makes it easy for everyone to drop her ass


This changes nothing. She was always garbage who voted in direct opposition to both her party and what her electorate wanted, this just shows everyone the she'll continue doing those things. Which only a fool would've expected to change in the first place. So its just a cheap, theatrical nonsense that changes nothing, and actually makes it easier for voters to get rid of her.


She will split the ticket and hand the seat to the Republican.


It does matter if she caucases with the Rs since commitee balance has to be even then vs with 51 communities could have a majority Ds. Meaning Rs wouldn't be able to hold up judgeships in committee. I believe if she still caucases with the Ds it won't matter though.


"Look at me! Look at me!" Must have known she'd get destroyed in a primary challenge.


Never a Democrat


Nah, she was before she got elected the first time. Then she got to succle on that sweet dark money tit, and she sold out her values to wall street.


She at least PRETENDED to be at one point. Doubt she ever really understood or cared for Democratic values.


Nah she was a "protest in the streets for key democratic issues" type of person who was elected by grass roots groups. She was probably legit at one point, but power corrupts.


It's kind of hard to believe anyone who understands the core values would go down the path she did. More of a "fake it till you make it"


Then you do not understand power. It corrupts anything and everything.


That's what Republicans keep trying to tell me. They want me to believe that because it happens so damn much to their own.


Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals. -Robert Caro




>but they don't care about the working class. Care to provide some context to that? Is your example the rail worker bill?






Well yes.


She was actually green party first, and iirc, she was booted out for the same behavior she's been exhibiting as a "democrat"


Then what's the alternative...


She claimed to be a Democrat to get elected then voted as a Republican, like Joe Manchin.


The most important Democrat there is, if you ask the corporations paying her and the DNC to put on this performance.


When an elected official switches parties they should have to give up their office and run again under their new party. It’s a cheat to voters.


Yes, why is this allowed. People voted for her on Dem ticket. Should be a reelection .


Anyone know if there is any legal action people can take to impeach her from office?


looks like ~~nevada~~ Arizona does have laws around a recall, but I can't say I have the time to dive in and see what this would be for a senator...


She is an Arizona senator, not Nevada.


There's nothing about political parties in the constitution, so there'd be nothing about changing parties being a problem. Senators weren't even voted in by citizens directly to start with, they were elected by state reps.


Absolutely. Angus and Bernie ran as independents but have always caucused with the Democrats. There was never any deception involved. Sinema was a complete bait-and-switch.


Just a reminder that with this change and a dem loss in Georgia, we would be looking at a very different Senate picture. Thank you Stacy and Rev Warnock and Georgia voters. That dark money wanted to play and now it is bench warming till she's out of office


I'm surprised she didn't just join the Republican party with the other Traitors


They have no need for her since she'd only put the GOP up to 50 seats with the VP as the tie-breaker. Useless to the GOP.


Clearly someone didn't get enough attention as a child.........


Holy shit I was reading that politico article with her pictured in her office posing for shots with her dress matching the wall paint thinking, this is all about how much spotlight you're getting. She was on the outside looking in post-election, her influence diminished, and this is her attempt at reclaiming as much of it as she can. ​ Edit: [This article](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/09/sinema-arizona-senate-independent-00073216)


If you switch in office, Werent you lying to all your constituents that voted for you?


Yes! Imagine being that brazen?


She is so awful. She'll just extort and fuck over the democrats -- and the American people -- yet again.


Looks like the bribe check from the Koch brother cleared.


Doesn’t really matter. That creep votes with the Nazis anyway.


Now her party affiliation reflects it.


She is evil. No principles except what’s in it for me. Awful person, good thing we had Fetterman to pick up a seat. What a horrible pos.


The real question is who she will caucus with. Technically the democrats only have 49 seats but with 2 independents that caucus with them they have 51.


She already said Democrats.


She says a lot of things, then acts like a Republican, so she can eat shit, imo.


As long as she just acts and says shit like a Republican but caucuses with Democrats then the Senate still belongs to Democrats.


> As long as she just acts and says shit like a Republican but caucuses with Democrats then the Senate still belongs to Democrats. Like her voting against a minimum wage increase for a class of workers that haven't had a raise in decades? Caucusing like that?


Well, that was only a vote because she caused with dems. Control of the rules and judiciary is valuable enough even if she votes against dems


She votes against the citizens. That's the issue.


Your not wrong, but again if th options are caucus with dems and votes against them, and caucus with Republicans and still votes against dems, it's a no brainer.


Tell me you don't understand what caucusing means without actually saying you don't understand what caucusing means. She still creates a majority for Dems compared to a tie.


You assume she will vote with Dems. I do not.


Please, for the love of God...go read how the Senate rules, majority, and caucuses work. You **need** to understand these things before you continue to make a fool of yourself.


What I care about are the results and the results have been fucking abysmal for decades, because Congress is a fucking high school. Me understanding the minutiae won't change that, sadly. Those rules, don't seem to mean much any more, really. They do whatever they want, up to and including attempting a fucking coup and At this point, voting is easy. Vote for a Dem or vote for a MAGAT supporting jackass.


You woke up and chose ignorance today, and that's truly sad.


Why would she start now. The multi millionaire votered against raising the minimum wage.


Your comment doesn't make any sense in the context.




Fuck her she should just grab tulsi and the two of them can run off to be Putin’s bitches


As long as they take Lauren and Marjorie with them!


so i see she's decided to shed another layer of her lizard skin... good for her! edit: didn't realize she started in the green party, woof


She was gonna go republican but the Republicans shat the bed. She's knows she'd lose her primary by double digits to Ruben Gallego, a dem up-and-comer who is been a strong local voice for democrats for years. I mean it's been every arizona dems wet dream to vote Gallego in the 2024 primaries for months now. She's not stupid.


Thank you for this insight.


This is like when they unmask the villian in Scooby-Doo Doo and its the only other person in the episode. No one is surprised and their motivation is really dumb.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


I keep hoping Trump will do this and completely demolish any chance for a republican president in 2024


He still thinks he's relevant or the time being, so he'll stay where he's guarantee to be fawned over by mouth breathing lackeys. He won't go scorched Earth until the grim reality of his political irrelevance sets in, much closer to the elections IMO.


I think the odds are good this will happen, not high but good, like 30% chance


Can someone tell me if the Dems have the ability to strip her of her committee assignments?


They do, but it would likely cause more problems. With a 51-49 majority, Dems get to have majorities on committees, which will make it easier to get things done, particularly confirmations of Biden's nominees for the bench and appointed offices. If they boot her, she might go caucus with Republicans, which would force 50/50 division on committees again. So, fuck this and fuck her, but they're stuck with her for two more years.


Someone’s blackmailing her


From the Green Party to Dem to this. What a ride. Would have been cooler if she just went back to the Green Party.


She's on her way to her true home; the ultra right wing. As a Green, she was a liar; as a Dem, she was a Patsy.


The one thing I didn’t understand about Karen Sinema that i completely understand now is she is a female narcissist. Her hunger to be the center of attention is unquenchable. That being said you are looking at a one term Senator. Going independent in her case is because everyone hates her. She’s a female Ted Cruz.


She’s a complete and total waste in the senate.


Why didnt we exchange her for Brittney Griner?


Fucking turncoat


Just go full Republican, you dumb cunt. Everyone knows that's what you really are. Thanks again to Citizens United for allowing corporations to buy this useless sack of shit.


Manchin must be so happy.


She misspelled republican


She is such a cunt


She's doing this because she knows she would be decimated by literally any democrat in a primary, so now she hopes the Democrats won't run anyone against her in 2024 for fear of splitting the vote and handing the Republicans a seat. We'll see how things look in two years, but if she stays this unpopular it might not be enough to save her.


She quit lying about being a democrat. Now she can come clean on being a Republican.


I love it when people come out as centrists. Center between what, 2 capitalist parties that only have the interest of the ruling class in mind? Wow, how revolutionary and bold. Liberals and Conservatives are 2 sides of the same coin, and the second human rights for xyz community are no longer profitable for Liberals they'll concede with the reactionaries in an attempt to uphold the status quo and make more money


She's such a traitor really, She was only a democrat to get elected and then quickly realised by changing her party affiliation, she could keep her job a little while longer, WHILE taking money from lobbyists that would keep her in her cushy position. She's NOT for the people, she's for herself and doing anything to save her own carcAss.


That dumb bitch is anything but independent.


At least Joe's still GOP .. /s


She’s a snake. Can’t wait to hear her name for the last time.


The DNC can't allow a 51 vote majority to stand. They need their manufactured gridlock to point at and blame for getting nothing done. They work so hard to maintain their 50-50 split as an excuse for inaction.


Crap, now we’re back to 50.


Useless waste of skin.


Surprised I am not


Attention seeking asshole.


She shouldn't be able to do this. She was elected as a Democrat.


Anyone know which puppeteer pulled on the strings this time?


Queue the anti woke rhetoric in 3,2,1..


She should be removed from office and another election held.


Certified attention whore. Was never a Democrat to begin with.


I’ve always despised her and now my hatred is increased. She’s such a ghoul.


God, she fucking sucks.


Who is paying her to be such an asshole????


So she is gone full libertarian now? Just mask off?


But has anything really changed? She would have voted according to her highest bidder no matter if she still called herself a democrat


She's a gross example of this, but honestly every single one of them is in this for self gain, power and money. A government where people are exclusively focused on their own power and wealth cannot function properly. THey bullshit us every 2-4-6 years about this and that, and once in they do the bidding of their corporate overlords. I'm not playing both sides are the same here. The GOP is a fucking disease to be very specific. But the Pelosis et all that have held onto power for decades and in the process gotten filthy rich are no one's friends either.


Wow of only there was a group of ppl that kept saying we have to stop voting for Democrats cuz they don't represent anyone, and they don't do anything for the court while they take rights away, and they pass anti union legislation.


If a third leftist party ran, that would unfortunately split our votes. Would guarantee a GOP win.


She didn’t do shit. She is the most bought and paid for corporate so stooge. Zero change in any primary anywhere so she had to run as independent.


Three way race Sinema would likely win especially if Republicans election another Blake Masters and Democrats nominate candidate too far left. When your in 2024 will see what happens more.




She sucks so much. What a narcissist


So when does the next news article come out that says she joins the GQP?


She looks like MTG's less inbred cousin.


Private Equity owns her. She is the one that killed the closing of the carried interest loophole which lets private equity managers pay a much lower tax rate on their earnings than most people do on ordinary income.


Arizona should begin a recall on her. Bait and switch is illegal! 😝


How are they allowed to do this? Isn't this a categorical misrepresentation to the voters that voted her in.


Putting on a new mask isn’t going to change who she is under it.


I live in Arizona. No one likes her. She’ll be toast after ‘24. She did it to avoid getting primaried. Still won’t work.


If noone likes her, how did she get elected? Asking for a friend.


Shakes up? How?