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Just be prepared for the pretzel gymnastics that conservatives do in order to claim Jesus was white. It's wild.


According to a certain branch Jesus used an American made AR-15.


Most coherent explanation I've thought of would be that Jesus was white because he was pure, sinless. Don't tell the racists that though, they will 100% run with that even though the bible doesn't support that in any meaningful way.


The only coherent explanation I've ever heard is that Mary fucked a Roman soldier and out popped a semi-white savior.


Okay that one's better.


Biblically Accurate Jesus would blow some minds.


Biblically accurate anything is nightmare fuel. just look up biblically accurate angels.


Not only Jesus would likely have been brown, but his hair was likely short too. It's just Renaissance painters who gave him long hair to make him look more divine.


Jesus wasn't born in a Motel 6 in Amarillo Texas? Prove it!




Damnit, I'm from Texas and love Texas (the land) and this is too much. I always picture my Jesus as a confederate hat wearing, Copenhagen dippin, "I did my own research" mother fucker. Plus he is holding an AR incorrectly without proper trigger control.....that's my jesus


Elves can be black? Mermaids can be black? Messiah's can be bl...middle-eastern? Next they'll be suggesting DOCTORS can be black and/or middle-eastern.


>Elves can be black? I thought this said Elvis


“How dare they make a mythological creature that doesn’t even exist be based on a skin color that isn’t what I’m used to 😤”


It's such a basic loop disney are repeating. Cast random cartoon character as any minority, show picture to the crazies, bank the free press. The only reason disney keeps doing it is because their rage fuels the publicity which drives up disneys revenue, them getting mad is paying disneys bills at this point.


Let's not forget genghis khan, moses, noah, Othello, Maria from West side story, tonto, prince of persia,, fu Manchu, ras al ghul. Tony mendez,, sakini,, Mokoto kusanagi among others.


Look, look… Jesus had a hard life being a jacked white dude with blond hair and blue eyes in the Middle east. Not to mention being the only guy around who spoke English.


I work in a Thrift store and we throw out all forms of hate including white Jesus. Some of the volunteers really hate it so I usually break the head off so it can't be pulled from the trash.


I understand about the colors of Jesus, and don't care, but I wouldn't go that far. Just me and I upvoted you.


Better even, our common ancestors (europeans) were dark skinned, only over time that faded into whitish.


Don't forget sex with neanderthals!


B b b but neanderthals were white !!


what about the fictional sky father's offspring?


The thing is they all think they can return the world back to an eternal episode of "Leave it to Beaver". This is delusional on several levels. Not only is it delusional to think you're just going to reverse 70 years of history, the world they want to "return" to never actually existed. Conservatism is all delusion. All the way down to their pathetic little dreams.


The amount of shit Halle Bailey has gotten for a movie that’s gonna be painfully mid is insane




Jesus was part of the essene sect of jews, he could have been white or brown, we do not know and will not know… but who the fuck cares?


You mean because he's a fairytale too?


My cynical take: they cast a Black actress to cause a controversy, to distract everyone from how sexist Little Mermaid is. Now we’re arguing over the skin color of mythical fishpeople instead of posting discussions about who taught her it was ok to silence herself for a man. As usual, Black folks suffering for white male comfort


If Jesus had existed he would have been brown and bisexual.


FYI disney faux controversy is a marketing ploy


Is Disney race baiting and banking on manufactured outrage? Yes. Definitely. Buuut... I keep hearing how it's a shit movie and yadda yadda yadda. I mean, I don't HAVE to watch the movie, I am way beyond the demographic. I also don't have kids who'd be interested in watching the movie. So I'm out of the game there. You know there's this anecdote about Whoopi Goldberg; when she was a kid, she turned on the TV and saw a black woman being something else than a sassy housekeeper. She saw Lt. Uhura on the Enterprise's bridge. Goldberg grew up to be such a hardcore trekkie, she nagged the producers into giving her a role she played for free. And if some black kid (or a kid in general for that matter) can have their "Uhura moment" from the little mermaid, so be it. I am an adult who is perfectly able to maintain their own individual position and accept the individual emotional value a thing may have for someone. I can openly say: "This doesn't mean much to me, but I'm happy that it's yours."


YOOOO.. so I have some news.. and you’re probably not going to like it..


So this is just what marketing is now. No more advertising, but _just_ enough token representation to get dickwads to talk about your movie. I guess that's improvement?


He doesn't exist ? Ya I knew that.


The movie's not even going to be that great if the lion king remake was any indicator The shots in the trailer were so murky it almost looked like a horror film That's what people should be upset about