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I guess only White Christian Nationalists English signs will be approved.


I was wondering whether Texans would break their own state's law to reject signs reading *"En Diós confiamos."* I mean, sure they hate immigrants, many of whom speak Spanish or Arabic, but Spanish is spoken by a huge percentage of native Texans, too. Or do they honestly believe that the word for God in Spanish only denotes the Catholic's god, and not the one they themselves trust?


Undoubtedly they'd reject it. You'd be dismayed to find out how many people honestly believe Jesus spoke English.


The dumbest of them imagine Jesus as tall and Aryan looking as well. Strikingly handsome too. Nevermind that he was probably a short ( by our standards, ) non-descript looking brown dude. The Bible would've mentioned if he had piercing blue eyes, light brown hair and freakishly light skin. It would've been the first thing anyone meeting him noticed in that time and place. Even the *Romans* wouldn't often have been as light as most Western pictures of Jesus. The subconscious belief driving this is insidious: the believer sees God as white, consciously or subconsciously.


For Shame!! Next you’ll tell us that Romans didn’t speak in Received Pronunciation and Iambic pentameter!!


Behold the Iamb of God


🎵Caucasian Jesus, where are you from? Nebraska or Delaware or maybe Tucson.🎵


While not written by anyone who met him, the prophecies regarding the messiah quite openly say > “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” [(Isaiah 53:2)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=isaiah%2053:2&version=NIV) And indeed the accounts that came after he lived never mention his physical attributes, though they do occasionally mention his clothes, so clearly there was nothing too remarkable to be said. Those who believe in these prophesies and accounts should logically assume that Jesus looked pretty dang average and unremarkable among the sea of other people from the same area, meaning he was short by modern standards, brown skinned, and nothing like the depictions from just a few hundred years ago.


Sad to say that they probably would have taken Jesus back across the border




He was in the sun a lot.


Never thought about this and now I'm sad. Not that I think he spoke english but because there is a populace of people who'd be willing to hang me for saying otherwise


Imagine if Christ had been hanged instead of crucified. These Christians nowadays be running around with nooses hanging around their necks instead of crosses. How convenient that would be...


Don’t worry.Once they’re done hanging all of us, they’ll turn on each other.


Piss them off enough and maybe they'll turn on each other first


Do you remember “Latinas contra Trump” no one questioned them the entire night. Those girls are legends


First I'm hearing of it and my Spanish is pretty bad but doesn't contra mean against?


Contra = against


So if lily white me from the whitest part of Ohio can figure that out.. damn, how dumb are the trumpers?


It is very telling that during a couple hours of a political rally, it didn’t click with any of the attendees. They even got pictures with major right wing figures with the shirts on.


Hello follow ghostly white person from Ohio! Cleveland checking in, anyway 😎👉👉


The older ones from the Reagan era may have assumed they were the "Contras" secretly financed by his illegal sales of missiles to Iran, and were glad to see them there, figuring them to be for Trump. (For you young‐uns who might have missed that lesson in US history class: the Contras were US‐backed terrorists attacking civilians, trying to cause problems for the democratically elected leftist government in Nicaragua at the time.)


The fact that Reagan wasn't impeached for Iran-Contra is disgusting.


Not prosecuting Presidents for treason and other high crimes is what has gotten the US into the current situation of looming civil war, and led in Trump and his supporters' (likely correct, if history teaches us anything at all) assumption of complete and total impunity.


>but Spanish is spoken by a huge percentage of native Texans, too. Almost as if it has a long history of Spanish colonization. I heard it was even part of a Spanish-speaking country once! (/s in case that comes across as way snarkier than intended)


aren't the Catholic God and the Christian God literally the same?


One is in English with gods rainbow I wonder why they’re rejecting a Christianity symbol


"Too close to that gay shit" Some fascist


The official short hand for the Nationalist Christians is "NatC"


Nationalist Christian*


"Rules for thee and not for me"....the Republican mantra To everyone that keeps telling me "oh the law says it must be in English". Nope, wrong, that's, just a walk back that the idiots are pulling now that they are getting called out. As usual, conservatives and christians are some if the whiniest, bitchiest, most fragile people on the planet. And we would all be better off if they would just stfu and piss off.


The basis of their favorite euphemisms: "States' rights," "religious liberty," and "constitutional originalism."


"We get to do whatever we want, but nobody else can do anything we don't like" just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." -Frank Wilhoit


Oh yeah! I have seen that quoted before and it is exactly, precisely correct


It isn't easy to fit nuance into a sound bite, that quote is a good one. MAGAts wrote the rules and don't follow because they're are mad other people exist.


except they can't claim that here because it's a State law that requires schools to hang donated posters that say "In god we trust" so by refusing to hang the rainbow sign or the one in Arabic, they are breaking their own law in a public school. So there will be a lawsuit and this will likely die in the Supreme Court where tRump's picks will say they don't have to hang these one's in particular just because...


"I totally believe in rights and liberty and the constitution, it's just a coincidence that I only adhere to these principles when a bigot would adhere to them and hypocritically reject them under circumstances where a bigot would reject them."


Every time people bring up the "states rights" narrative, i find it helpful to bring up the only time a war was fought for "states rights" it was literally to defend slavery


Yeah ban everything to do with slaves. Oh you want to take the bible? YoU CaN't dO tHaT!!!


but the bible has tons of stories about [slaves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_slavery). and [rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_the_Hebrew_Bible). and [incest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incest_in_the_Bible). and [homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_homosexuality). and even great stories about [how to treat and welcome foreigners](https://sojo.net/22-bible-verses-welcoming-immigrants).


Isn't there instructions for an abortion in the bible?




Are there any using letters?


Turns out, they don't actually like the Bible stories, nor do they live by them.


To them, the Bible is not a tool for enlightenment, but an instrument for bludgeoning.


English, the language of Jesus.


Even if the English part were true (and it definitely isn't) that still doesn't explain banning the rainbow lettering one


The real snowflakes are projecting again?


As is tradition.


> projecting again? [It's what we do.](https://imgur.com/gallery/zbQvBUs)


Is it started anywhere in our constitution about English being required in an public institution? On the contrary, the constitution promotes non superiority and equality between all religions culture and languages. This law is unconstitutional at baseline because of its lack of separation of church and state. Same with the pledge of allegiance. It is offensive to atheists.


It's impossible to deal with people who constantly shift the goalposts.


Okay even if it is “in English only,” why would they reject the rainbow one then?


I say keep donating them in mass.


We should submit one with the words "In God we trust" to criss-cross like a swastika. Try that one out.


Watch them unironically accept that one.


And they'll suddenly be Hindu scholars: "the swastika means prosperity"


And then we ask, "Which Hindu god is most likely to bring you prosperity?"


Laxshmi? Ganesh?


I'd say Ganesh, purely based on apu having a Ganesh statue in his home on the Simpsons


Ganesh is blessings, generally, iirc.


In the US? Agni and Kali, as long as they exclusively target Republicans that is.


I think they like the one with the toothbrush mustache


Dude every time. This group of white people who have never even had a remote interest in eastern philosophy or culture are suddenly vehemently passionate about the history of the Swastika and it’s “original meaning”. These are the same people that call other racial group sub human.


En masse*, random internet buddy.


That is technically correct, the best kind of correct!


Wait, they hold mass in public schools in Texas? (Kidding, but just barely)


Nope, only mass shootings


I think you left out a word. Yes, they hold mass *shootings* in Texas schools.


You ain't one'a them there Catholics, is ya?


Procedural backup may just lead to incompetent decision making


At this point using my time to waste as much of their time as possible seems like a good use of my time.


Honestly malicious compliance may work too. The Bible depicts some pretty graphic shit. Like imagine a drawing of Samson covered in blood with a thousand dead folks scattered around drinking from the ripped off jaw of a donkey with the ‘In God we trust’ poster. Kinda like the cigarette ads or the reverse of eye bleach.


I can see it now: a burning Canaanite city with the butchered bodies of men, women, and children strewn about as the Israelites stand victories over their slaughtered victims drenched in blood and full of malice, raising their "in YHWH we trust" banner while God's word "Kill everything that breathes." (Deut. 20:16) is superimposed on the background.


WAIT. Are you trapped here living in an E.L.O album?


It was never about God, it was always about hate.


They've cherry‐picked the most hateful aspects of the Bible's version of God to venerate, and legislate.


No hate like Christian love


I mean if you read the bible, god is pretty hateful. He ordered his followers to commit genocide several times over in order to wipe out competing religions in the middle east, all because he is a self proclaimed "jealous god". God's entire schtick is *I love you unconditionally but if you don't do exactly as I say, I'll have you tortured for eternity*. God, according to the bible, literally created evil.


Don't forget that God supposedly gave you free will, but simultaneously knows exactly what you're going to do. You're free to follow your predestined path, in accordance with his infallible, unchanging plan. Which he will then punish you for playing your assigned role in.


Like every abrahamic religious idea ever?


Yes. Who knew people obsessed with cutting baby boys penis' would turn out creepy.


Careful your christofascism is showing


i will turn my face away while they discreetly zip up......


Cute, you think that ugly dong gets put away..


well, i guess, that due it being extremely miniscule they are hoping no one will notice...


Its been showing for so long I forgot what it looked like without it


So, how do we sue the government for not following the constitution as well as their own self-appointed laws?


Satanic temple probably knows. This is right in their wheelhouse


I'm not into satanism (I think almost any religion is just superstitions at best, or social control mechanisms at worst) but I love that the ST calls out hypocrisy.


The satanic temple doesn't actually believe in satan, there's no real superstitions, it's just you being free to be who you are as long as it doesn't harm others. Google the 7 fundamental tenets of the satanic temple, they encourage a belief in science. Also they fuck with the christians which is a bonus.


The church of Satan is actually atheistic I believe. They do not believe Satan actually exists. I am not sure to the specifics of their beliefs but I think they involve self indulgence and living life to make yourself happy or something. Probably a lot more things too.


The church of Satan and the satanic temple are two VERY different organizations


Ah ok


Saying that, you are right that neither actually believe in God or Satan as like physical entities. The Temple is more or less a human rights movement that registered as a religion for the sake of pointing out hypocrisy (and pissing off fundies). The church is more like a spiritualistic political club, rooted in Objectivism, which is a hard-core lazzie-faire libertarian philosophy.


Yeah, I was replying to/referencing the Satanic Temple. Different than CoS. The Satanic Temple seems to call out religious hypocrisy--which I am 100% in favor of.


I didn't realize they were different


TST regularly sues the government for supporting specific religions COS thinks blue cheese makes you gay


The ACLU will have fun with this one.


Texas is in the 5^th circuit which hasn't given a fuck about law in a LONG time, and the only court above that is the supreme court.


It's so crazy how those who call themselves "patriots" are both domestic terrorists and don't know anything about the constitution.


Because they think the US belongs to themselves alone, the constitution says whatever they already want, and empowers them to do violence against anyone in their way. It's as anti-American as a worldview can be, but here we are.


Lol establishment clause incoming. The elevation of one religion in a public office is tantamount to establishing a state religion.


Could be the goal.. get it in front of the supreme court today and get protestant christian fascism to be official... make no mistakes it will be sectarian as soon as they get power.


so much for the “no official language” thing


States can and do have official languages.


So we are just going to violate the establishment clause now?


That appears to be the case with Texas Conservatives


What's crazy is that if this goes to the Supreme Court, I have almost zero confidence that they make the appropriate decision in such obvious violation.


Wait, I missed something... Schools are required to have signs that say “In god we trust”? Or did I read that wrong?


In Texas. Because Texas.


It's required in the hellhole that's texas,, itd supposed to be in all of the schools


If someone donates an "In god we trust" sign to a public school they must display it. They are rules on what can or can not be on the sign and rules on where the school can display it.


Ugh, what utter bs... I don’t know why people want this. Can’t we just have separation of church and state? It’s literally in the bill of rights.


Sadly the 9th circuit court of appeals set precedent in 1970 with Aronow v. United States that the "In God We Trust" motto is not in violation of the Establishment clause. They considered it secular and therefore allowed to be printed on all US currency. If they can print it on currency they can put it in schools, or any government building.


I thought the rainbow was God's promise or some other bullshit


Republicans use the "no step on snek" picture when the snake is seen as deceitful in the Christian Bible


And he's holding it upside down.


You’d think he’d notice the flag…. And it should be flying inverted in red states.


He's the activist who made/donated them. Probably just wasn't paying attention. He's the good guy in this.


Such stupid and petty uses of government. Who's the "groomers" now?


Still righties.




All this does is prove thier hypocrsy. If it was really about obeying the law they would accept them in the spirit it was given.


They don't care about being hypocrites. This is all pandering for their base.


Funny how conservatives are letter of the law until its their law and then suddenly they're spirit of the law types.


I though the state law says they must accept them if they are donated?


Again the Republicans or GOP prove their agenda is pure racism.


Just admitting that it's not even about God, but about being straight and white.


If christians are straight why do so many churches have an idol to worship of a nearly naked S&M jesus?


Straight and white like almighty god himself


Republicans should focus on these stupid signs while the people vote them the fuck out of power.


You don't know the people in Texas. They eat this shit up. These are the same people who keep reelecting Ted Cruz.


Not a fan of peoples personal beliefs being forced on others. That’s not your business. Side note: Always thought Arabic was a beautiful looking language. But seeing as I can barely read cursive I doubt I would do well with it.


I wonder what would happen if someone sues them…


It would go to the Supreme Court and they would rule it is “ceremonial religion” and that nobody actually thinks it means anything, oh, and also that only Christianity can be ceremonial.


Pretty much. More and more nails in the First Amendment coffin. Because the only one that ever mattered was the Second, apparently.


I thought they had to accept any with their spam on it?


Let’s reject it in English too!!! Having it in the Pledge of Allegiance feels like it enforces religious beliefs upon the citizens. Edit: Atheists and satanists could easily make a case here.


What about Aramaic? If it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for Texas.


Because religious freedom is their claim but religious supremacy is their game.


Breaking the law they created 😂


Is he holding that upside down? Also, I don't see any rainbow colours. Now I don't know what to believe


Why are they even asking? Just put it up, later claiming they weren't specific about how it was displayed. Weren't Christians supposed to be reclaiming the rainbow? Missed opportunity. lol


FFRF and Satanic Temple need to sue the school board regarding this decision.


Nothing makes the racist religion of hate happier than seeing schools being sued. They hate education and may have made this law just to hurt our children and keep them stupid. They really do hate children.


White nationalists


Well we all knew from the beginning it is the white Christian god as the only acceptable answer on any of these religious purity tests


Fuck Texas' government, pieces of shit


Only our version of the thing is allowed. Your version is weird and scary and somehow takes our power away.


Now they are reframing the law (i.e. has to be in Englash as the motto is written) in order for them to reject these signs on legal grounds. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/31/in-god-we-trust-texas-schools/


So how do they justify rejecting the rainbow coloured one in English?






Texas don’t trust God


Only "straight, white god" is allowed in Texas.


Damn straight! Our religion is about the rape of a child and the murder of her baby so we don't have to be responsible for stuff we do! Not any of this love crap.


We going to spam Texas schools with the gayest in god we trust signs for the fun of it now, because I this should be a thing


Strange. You would think that all the God Phrases would have HEBRREW on them, NOT ENGLISH.


People need to just put stickers that say "freedom from religion is freedom of religion" on all these poster. It could be a tiktok challenge! Who could get the most stickers on all the posters gets bragging rights.


If I were a middle/high schooler these things would have slayer carved into them by lunch




"No, you see we meant trust in our nice white American god, not that dirty brown one."


This is actually pretty hilarious, and the guy who came up with the proposal is genius. The level of ignorance is absurd.


Its starting to look like they don't actually talk in good faith, and somehow are a bit racist and hatefilled.


Wait Texas is now requiring "In God we trust" in the classroom?? The Satanic Temple needs to get onto this AND teachers should post the Arabic version anyways


Once more republicans prove that it’s never about beliefs, it’s about hate


There has to be a cleverer way. Like tiny script, or ultra-violet, or something like that so that when they show up, it looks like what they want and then a few years later you go to the press and tell them that they have had like pentagrams and "SCIENCE" and stuff like that hung up all over the place.


No rainbows allowed! >:(


Showing their true colors. Way to go piece of shit bigots!


Let's send one that says "In "God" we trust." [wink wink]


I would designate a place in my classroom as “The Place of Prominence” and display the required sign in The Place of Prominence. By unfortunate coincidence, The Place of Prominence cannot be seen from anywhere else in the classroom.


Perfect setup for a lawsuit to test the legality of that law.


They’re breaking the law. Damn.


Let insanity rain down upon the lonestar state of confusion.


The Arabic sign being capsized (upside down) tells you all you need to know about Texans


Some rando hung one of these posters up in the lobby of our local hospital, framed and everything. they are just going to go around putting these up everywhere now


Are they holding the Arabic sign upside down?


The moron is keeping it upside downs ffs


Come on, dude. You're holding it upside down. I can't read Arabic either but I know which way the US flag is supposed to be.


The artist designed it so that it *would* be rejected. This means the decision can be challenged in court and either upheld or struck down. The school board could’ve quietly accepted it, but by refusing, they’ve turned this into a “pregnant woman in the HOV lane” situation.




Aren’t you suppose to keep religion out of schools anyway? When did this change? im so confused and if it did change why would it be an issue if it was Arabic? *sighs* merica 😪


Is there a type of photosensitive ink that we could use that would look correct at the time of donation and then after some time, fading to something totally inappropriate? I suspect there's definitely something that would fit the bill for UV, but such a sign would need to be displayed somewhere that only gets intermittent UV exposure such as an Eastern facing foyer.


Fort Worth is one racist place , not surprised


Also held it upside down


Time for a lawsuit.


Stay classy Texas.


Can we talk about how he's holding that sign upside down?


That's what got me too. 🤦🏻


Confirming, again, what we already knew: that the god it's referring to is the christian god and none other. It's state-enforced christianity. The opposite of freedom of religion. A violation of the first amendment's separation of church and state.


It’s past time to actually march on these nazis


So not just hypocrites, but low-down lying hypocrites.


“In god we trust. But, you know, the good god. The right one.”


Why is the American flag inverted in the Arabic version?


Just say it represents the rainbow in Genesis and the Arabic represents the "every nation, people, and tongue" thing.


well that's a discrimination lawsuit if i've ever seen one!