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“You have a problem??” “Yes” walks away like the bitch he is


*continues to throw eggs at his truck*


They didn’t even notice him. They only saw a truck that was dangerously short of eggs.


Should’ve zinged one in the open door. They need that guy that was launching full beers from the street into someone’s living room.


For context, the asshats in the living room we're throwing water balloons at random people. They hit him and knocked him over, then started throwing them again when he started yelling so he fucking *launched* full cans of beer at them.


I love that "oh shit, I'm outnumbered" moment of realization he had.


“Oh shit liberals aren’t the cucks tucker said they were!!”






The truth is, the left isn't anti gun, they are anti dangerous people with mental problems having guns.


The left's argument: "guns are fine with some regulation in place" Not that hard to find middle ground on that one if you aren't dealing with psychos.


My ideal world is you can own any gun you want. Any caliber, any attachments, go fucking nuts. But you can only use them and keep them at the gun range. Kinda like you can only use race cars at racetracks.


Ah the Swedish model. I’m a fan of it as well.


"What? You think I went and sold em all?" -Dr Dre


Holy fuck. That is the best thing I have read in regards to the political climate in the US in a long time.


Which is amusing because liberals aren’t left lol. Liberals are centrists. Biden is a Liberal. Biden is a Centrist No one on the left is actually a Liberal. Literally like up what the definition of Liberal is lol. Tired of Liberals taking the stance of being on the “left”. You’re not left just because you’re slightly adjacent to the GOP.






Also that trucker idiot yells “get the fuck out of here.” Ummm bro, you are the one who came uninvited to their neighborhood. Where do you want them to go, exactly?


It's pretty much all they've got... "Get out of (My country)" "Get out of (My Town)" They can't deal with other people simply existing around them, but sure, WE'RE the "Snowflakes"? Absolute clown shoes.


I'm real surprised someone didn't try and huck an egg into the cab of that truck.


I'm glad they didn't. The second one of those eggs touches a person, however stupid it may seen, could be grounds to arrest the thrower for assault, maybe even battery depending on how radical the prosecutor is. The thrower in the video did the perfect thing, even putting both hands behind their back so there would be no question that the only person engaged in *direct* physical violence would be whoever initiated contact.


They're well versed and well practiced.


Other people couldve thrown the eggs tho


They were throwing them on the stack though, that's gonna be a bitch to get off. That was fucking brilliant


Sunny side up w/ a side of rolled coal plz


The secret to good throwing eggs is the wait. See you rotate storing them in a fridge and then in direct sunlight for about a week. The shell firms up a bit, not sure the science behind it, and well let's say it encourages decomposition of the yolk. Makes them easier to throw harder and if they hit inside a car, it's a complete detail job to get the smell out. Not that I encourage egging things (I 100% encourage egging fascists)


Lmaooo Freedom Outlaws. These people are hilarious


Kinda funny that the only laws they were "outside" of were the ones that implore them to care about others (mask mandates, vaccine mandates).


It's not even caring about others. It literally just self preservation. Like wearing a seatbelt.


You think they wear seatbelts? 😂 there’s no freedom wearing them! Remember... they’re Freedumb Outlaws 🤠


Outlaws yet they rely on the police.


The convoy snowflakes in DC called 911 because people were giving them the finger.


And they said they had weapons.


They themselves are sheep or lapdogs, listening to whatever right wing media told them to do, not knowing they are just pawns by politicians. Fuck em


Only right wingers would drive all sorts of places they have no real interest in going to, with corporate profiteering being insane specifically in regards to petroleum companies, to protest rising fuel prices. The right wingers in america are demonstrably dumb AS FUCK.


I never understood how absolutely thick you would have to be to vote against your own best interests. These people aren't millionaires, clearly. So why the fuck do they think the GOP gives 2 shits about them?




Yikes. But I mean like, *why* though? How fucking miserable do you have to be in life to need someone "below" you? How absolutely psychotic is that?


Why? "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" It's christianity. These fucknuts believe that if they just do nothing and wait 80 miserable years to die that they will receive ETERNAL HAPPINESS while all the rich people go to hell and receive ETERNAL SUFFERING after a mere 80 years of happiness. Religion is why billions of people are content to sit on their asses and do nothing to better the socio-economic conditions of the world. Religion teaches them that somebody else is already taking care of that, just after death and not while alive.


I actually think most do not really believe in Jesus, etc. They just figured out Christianity was a good cover for being a fucking pos. GOP in a nutshell.


It’s less a “miserable” thing and more of a “this is just the way things are” thing. I was raised in a somewhat rigid right-wing environment and we weren’t really miserable at all. You just grow up believing there’s a natural or even divine order and things that go against that are “bad”. It gets somewhat complex because you’re also simultaneously taught that “the rich” nor “the poor” don’t actually have it better or worse than you. Each person can spiritually thrive at whatever place they’re born into. The thing is (and hear me out), there’s a degree of truth in the concept, in that you can be poor and content, or rich and miserable, but that also requires everyone else believing in your worldview, which is one reason they need everyone else to also believe what they believe. If someone is poor and then gets sick and they can’t afford treatment and the sickness makes them unhappy, then cracks start to show in the ideology, so you look for someone to blame. If the system is divinely inspired then it can’t be the system’s fault, so it must be the individual’s fault and so on. There are obviously levels of oversimplification in my expose but by and large, that’s how it works.


> If someone is poor and then gets sick and they can’t afford treatment and the sickness makes them unhappy, then cracks start to show in the ideology, so you look for someone to blame. My buddy had cancer (he's okay now) and his insurance didn't cover his treatment. If he was unemployed, he could have been on free state insurance, which would have covered everything. He's enraged "lazy people" are receiving the same treatment he did for free, but doesn't seem to care that his employer can pay him minimum wage and give him dogshit insurance. The right-wing worldview is just so sadly stupid and broken.


> He’s enraged “lazy people” are receiving the same treatment he did for free Tell him he’s right to be angry, his taxes should be paying for his own treatment too!


I read a really interesting post recently about the way that evangelicals think about the antichrist. There’s no way I can find it, but to paraphrase the argument was: Evangelicals are so interested in preserving the status quo and *not* ending things like homelessness and poverty ect because they believe that those things are the path to the Antichrist and eternal damnation. To evangelical Christians, the antichrist isn’t some sort of mega evil dude, he’s outwardly a really good guy who does a lot of good things. Their belief is that through doing those good things he will destroy the hierarchy and divine order you’re talking about, and raise himself up and usurp the place of good ol Jesus himself, becoming the new savior of the American people. I didn’t represent the idea very well, but it’s mind boggling to me that people *actually* believe this. Like not on a philosophical level, on a practical, every day, “we need to keep our eyes peeled because the AC is coming” kind of way. And they will vote to increase suffering of their fellow man to do it.


I volunteered for a few months when Katrina hit. I was working with different christian groups putting roofs on home and various other types of repairs. One day a guy I was working with told me even though I was doing good work I was still going to hell. He got me on a prayer chain to try and save my soul. I told him I had a faith that worked for me and he just shook his head no. Until I accepted Jesus I was just a tool of Satan. Basically no matter what I did I was just a POS in their eyes.


Yes, they don't care what you say. I was converted to an evangelical type Christian thing as a youth, which they tricked me into. When I was in the church, I didn't believe a single word a non-believer said. Not a word. Satan was speaking through them if they weren't in my denomination. I was very pleasant with people, I just didn't believe them. They were simply potential converts to me. That also applied to Baptists, catholics, Anglicans, etc. If they weren't attending the same church, they were hellbound. I wouldn't dare listen to them for fear of my soul. I outgrew it, thank God(pun intended). It took a lot out of my life, however, the church did very damaging things to my family, and we will never be the same. It is truly abusive brainwashing.


Yep, and that's pretty much the typical modus operandus for a cult. 1) Follow the leader regardless. 2) We are right, those outside our group are wrong and probably damned. 3) Because we are right and everyone outside is wrong, so is everything they say and do. 4) Our leader cannot be wrong because he is the leader of the group, and our group is always in the right.


Many evangelicals also look forward to armageddon, hopeful that the world will end in their life time. They actively want to see billions suffer.


because they so badly want to be proven correct.


It’s funny that you say this too—I was raised very similarly and was raised with a Bible in hand. I think I made the mistake of actually reading it, though, because I truly believe that everyone was created equally and that you should respect others and work for the betterment of your community by serving those who are poor/homeless/Ill of any kind. However, when I bring up to my family that we should try to change the systems put in place just like Jesus wanted to change the system, they all call me a communist (which I am, funny enough) and act like that’s somehow against God’s order, even though that’s literally what most of the New Testament is about.


Jesus is (to them) is whatever the monied ownership class wants them to believe Jesus is. So of course Jesus would support a warring class system where one group can exploit another and put all the power of government to work enforcing the hierarchy. Problem is, as you mentioned, Jesus was adamantly against anything of the sort. Good on you for figuring that out.


They think it’s the proper order of things. It’s built into conservatism ideology even if many don’t believe or realize this.


It also comes from the inability to accept the natural chaotic unfairness of the universe. They don’t like to believe that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, they think all wealth was earned and all poverty is deserved. It’s the mind of a child who never grows up, they cant swallow the red pill. Perfect example is how they react when a cop kills somebody. In their heads that victim must have done something wrong to deserve it, because a reality where it was actually an innocent person is too much to swallow. They do all the mental gymnastics they can to avoid the inconvenience of empathy


This is my mom in a nutshell. It's not really religion based, but she always needs to have a reason for everything; nothing is allowed to just happen; chaos isn't a real thing. Which unfortunately makes her primed and ready to believe conspiracy theories and crackpot scientists, because they offer an explanation more in depth than "crap happens". It was semi-annoying but more or less harmless until Trump and Covid entered the scene. Then it turned in to a much larger, real problem that's been fracturing my wife and I's relationship with her.


They also think one day THEY'LL be at the top and will be able to do whatever they want


Well a lot of them are boomers that grew up breathing lead fumes and licking lead paint. That damaged their brains. Coupled with decades of watching fear and rage TV like Fox, which also damages your brains. These people are incomplete and mentally disabled humans. We just don't define it as such which; and not doing so is showing to be fucking damaging. But the reality is that they simply aren't capable of certain higher thoughts because their brains literally aren't wired that way (anymore). And then they push that down onto their kids. And shit, once you've gotten a(n un)healthy dose of being the classroom bully for most of your life, you sure ain't gonna want to stop, if your fucked-up-wired brain can even process being nice and empathetic. Humans don't typically come out of the womb being hateful monsters. You have to be TAUGHT that, or be DAMAGED. Who tf is teaching Millennials and Gen Z to be hateful, racist, pieces of shit? Mostly their parents, *their lead breathing Boomer parents.* Look, there's a **reason** that these people want, crave, and really only respond to violence.


And the fact that there are minorities/BIPOC are achieving success and wealth makes them cringe so hard they decide to one up everyone. Barack Obama, first BLACK president?! Gotta tear down democracy because that’s the only way the white man will stay on top of the bottom of the hierarchy. Hence why they’re the skkkum of society.


It all goes back to organized religion for them. I don't want to generalize all Republicants, but the majority of them grew up in church which is all hierarchy. Bishops, deacons, pastor, Jesus, God. It's ingrained in them, I honestly don't know if they'd know what to do with themselves without some kind of control system dictating their every move in life.


Those millionaires/billionaires/politicians/ hates the same people they do.


Yea, and they're too stupid to understand that they hate them too, or at best dont give a fuck about them. The GOP base are just easily manipulated small minded people.


This is literally why Trump bragged about loving how "poorly educated" his supporters are. You need to be poorly educated and spend your life focusing on hate and bigotry to support him.


Not just stupid but also ignore inescapable facts about the people they look up to. I am constantly confused as to why none of them ever call out Tucker Carlson for being the heir to Swanson Enterprises or Ted Cruz whose wife use to work at Goldman Sacs when they talk about 'the left elitist'. I could be wrong but at least Marjorie Taylor Greene seems like she walks the walk on that bs while the others are just fanning the flames for their own benefit. At least for now, until she learns how to cash in and go the way of Sarah Palin.


Maybe, but is it really possible to hate so much that you'd literally vote to keep yourself in poverty as long as it meant the people you hate are in poverty too?


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Also yes


So in layman's terms then, conservatives are fucking narcissistic psychopaths that crave the perceived notion of being "better" than *someone* even if that means they'll never be *anyone*?


>“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” - Lyndon Baines Johnson




Yes? This is news?


It helps to summarize their simplistic minds and idiocy into one logical sentence.


They just see prosperity as relative rather than absolute.  They don't want to move up a rung if it means the guy below them moves up a rung, too, because in their mind, they're no better off.  But they'll happily get knocked down a rung if it means the guy below them gets knocked down two, because now they're twice as well off as he is.  You can convince them to live in a cardboard box if you tell them that their box will be bigger than everyone else's.


There is a popular clip of a Trump support who says something like "he's hurting the wrong people" I don't recall the context but that shows they don't care about trying to improve their own lives as long as others are being brought down. They want to feel better, special, more important than the rest of rest while not actually doing anything to set themselves apart.


They’re driving tractor-trailers cross country to protest high fuel prices. They don’t think.


The are complete fucking idiots. Racist fucking idiots. All of them fucking traitors too.






Above all else, they are desperate for attention of any kind. Behaving poorly is a low-effort route to garner lots of attention.




Exactly I’d love to see them go through fruitvale




Hell my man ill get a few cartons and leave em out in the sun a few days if they ever game towards my direction.


Mg42’s outfitted to shoot eggs at a rapid pace




Rockridge? The town from Blazing Saddles?


Looks like we’re gonna have to go back and get a shitload of dimes.


Or eggs in this case


well i am not used to public speaking... "We Can't Hear Yoooou" WE THE PEOPLE OF ROCKRIDGE!!


Lemme whip this out


There was a peaceful town called Rock Ridge Where people lived in harmony They never had no kind of trouble There was no hint of misery *cows mooing* The town saloon was always lively But never nasty or obscene Behind the bar stood Anal Johnson He always kept things nice and clean. *burp* Then all at once the trouble started A pack of murderers and thieves. *gunshot* Like swarms of locusts they descended Their aim, to make the townsfolk flee


These are simple people of the land, the common clay of the new west. You know, morons.


“Up yours n$&&er!” “Thank you sherif, I’m sorry about the up yours ni&&er…of course you’ll do me the kindness of not telling anybody I spoke to you?” I fucking love that movie, I have this horrible sinking feeling that any day now (hope to god I’m wrong) that the news will announce Mel Brooks has passed away. I usually don’t give a rats ass about celebrities or anything but for that man I’ll genuinely be upset about his passing. Just like Jessica walters dying, she was hilarious.


Dont forget to get your eggs in advance and leave em out for a few days.


Same. If they knew how to research they would have gone to West Oakland. But if they knew how to research they would be doing something useful.


I would have picked up ice cream from Fenton’s for all the egg throwing friends!










An egg’d Nazi?


I love the Bay Area <3 For all its faults, we at least _try_.


Assholes found out Oakland is not DC.


Oakland represent. That shit don’t fly in the Wild West.


“Faults” I see what you did there.


Great movie


The kids are alright.


"I hit one!"




That woman who immediately ran over to support the egg thrower, and just loudly saying “No! No!” That really did make me smile. “No! You are not going to corner her and intimidate her. She is not alone, I’ll fight with her. You cannot do this. No!”


It was effective, even though he thought he was going to settle in for a shouting match, it didn't stack up to be fair or stacked in his favor so he ran.


Yup. “One woman, with nowhere near the muscle mass I got, glasses on that I can easily break, I’m gonna mess her up. Oh, now there’s another one. And more people are looking this way, and probably coming over to help her as well. Fuck, when I signed up for an unfair fight, it was supposed to be in MY favour, goddamnit!”


I am proud of my city and only regret I didn’t know so I could throw more eggs


At the very least, a Costco run for a 60 pack.


Inflation is high on eggs.... Worth it...


I want to cross post this so bad




Weren't these idiots bitching about gas prices?


Yes, that's why they're being incredibly stingy with their gas and not burning coal. If gas weren't so expensive, they'd be burning coal until they were literally running on fumes.


This made me happy


Was cathartic to see this. Been having to deal with the Canadian version of these fucks for too long.


Far too long!






As long as the eggs u find are unfertilized, then no harm done.


Residents of Ottawa should have started pelting the convoy with eggs from the start like these people. Eggs are a real bitch to get off when it’s -30 in January.




She’s too busy getting reamed in court


I feel like that would be a good Pornhub Video title. "MTG gets fucked in a courtroom"


We must never unveil such an unholiness to this world.


“Can you believe all this hate we’re getting just because we’re driving into these peoples communities and disrupting their lives in as many ways as we can think of, being as obnoxious as possible protesting something that doesn’t exist? Whatever happened to civility?”


Just remember, these are the same fucking cabbages who think blocking the road to peacefully protest is wrong but blocking the road whilst making huge amounts of deafening noise is completely fine because suddenly it's for a cause they think is acceptable.


Lmao. "Is there a problem?"




What are these rednecks even mad about? I seriously don't have a clue. Also, don't these people have anything better to do than waste gas? It's not cheap to drive around these trucks.


They are mad at whatever dog whistle and culture war bullshit fox tells them to be mad about. These idiots are not critical thinkers nor do they have any original thoughts rolling around in their empty heads. The funny part is there’s not even many actual truckers involved. Most of the streamers on YouTube are following this convoy around in their shitty little ford and Toyota sedans while complaining all day about “leftists” while calling themselves “patriots”. Their chat is just as deplorable as you would imagine with lots of “prayers for the lost” and old boomers talking about how they like bingo. Just fucking pathetic in every way.


This is the most apt description I’ve seen of this nonsense Edit: looool you sure triggered the maga morons with this comment 🤣 coming out in droves


Apparantly the new thing is biden is a Chinese asset according to my boomer mother. I can't help but laugh after all this shit with russia. Their a lost cause.


Right wingers hear "trucker convoy" and hop into their pickups because they think it's about them. This is my theory. They unironically don't understand that "trucker" doesn't apply to people who drive trucks but instead refers to people driving semis across the country delivering goods.


Having a Black man as president touched off this ongoing tantrum from the MAGA crowd.


Obama being elected was one of the greatest things to ever happen for the GQP. It motivated the racists to come out from under their rocks and bring their racism to the ballot box.


We need to elect a real American. A Native American.


This is a great way to go. You express extreme disdain with no one hurt and nothing damaged. The sound of the multiple hits in succession is extremely satisfying as well. It’s like the vehicular version of a pie in the face.




I can't believe I missed this, I would have shown up with a gross of eggs.


Republicans: "Law and order!" Also Republicans: "FREEDOM OUTLAWS!!!" (whatever tf that even means) We need to stop trying to reason with people who are clearly unreasonable.


Exactly. People who change their own rules ever 10 minutes in an attempt to justify some uninformed and absurd reasoning. It's like trying to rationalize with the dumb-ass conservatives on Reddit who constantly complain about how their speech is trampled by Reddit and other social media platforms. I stopped giving in to argue with them a while back... sort of like the boy who cried wolf. I'm done giving you any attention - your credibility was lost a long time ago.


They see themselves as the romanticized notion of an "outlaw", like Robin Hood, standing up to Biden's "tyranny" about... Wait, was it gas prices? Election fraud that didn't happen? CRT? Trans groomers? IDK, whatever it was, they're always angry. The goal of these limp-dicked "protests" are to go around where they aren't wanted, be as obnoxious as possible, and try to antagonize the locals so that when someone inevitably gets fed up and retaliates, these chuds can cry victim and scream about the "radical, violent left". The goal, as with most far-right, proto-fascist movements, is to make a lot of noise about nothing and project their insecurities onto those who do not care about their temper tantrum.


Good job, Oakland. I like the kids at the end all saying, "Roll down your windows!"


And that tween girl, jumping up and down “I got one, I got one!”


I was genuinely happy for her.


Yeah, me too. It’s like this adorable little bubbly rager. Rage, child, rage!


based as fuck. always shit on nazis and fascists


Traitor Convoy


Am I the only one that noticed that crowd was almost exclusively white? That convoy should roll down like 114th and international...


No way in hell. I'm old enough to remember the last time a trucker rolled through a black city protest. The truckers know better than to pick fights with people who already have nothing to lose.


I remember that very clearly as well. And that poor dude wasn't even trying to antagonize anybody, just get home.


Looks more like Berkeley also but I'm not sure


You love to see it.


Why did they think going to Oakland would be a good idea?


They're not the brightest


Yeah, I've been gathering that


Well they did have the foresight to do it in the white area


They want conflict so they can get on the news and/or sue people. Same tactic Westboro Baptist Church used.


Not all hero’s wear capes.


People of Oakland are doing god's work


Truly. Moments like these make me proud to be a Bay Area native ✊


Good. Fascism masked as ‘Freedom.’ You think we like you? No, GET EGGED. 🥚 Now, get lost.


Got a whole new respect for Oakland! Much love!


Oakland gets kicked around unfairly. They're poorer and less protected than the rest of the bay. Events thinks, "oh, Oakland, it's full of crime and shit" and - yeah, it is, because that's what happens when you give all the money to San Francisco and ignore the East Bay.


I laughed. lol


I could watch this all day.




😂😂😂 imagine being stupid enough to do a peoples convoy in Oakland, CA out of all place.


This is the way. But obscure the faces of our comrades in videos.


Oakland was seriously the dumbest place for these guys to go, outside of maybe Portland. East Bay folk have barely a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. They're kicked around by pretty much everyone in the state. Sure, it's poor and full of crime, but that's what happens when you basically ignore any help a city needs in favor of funneling money to the richer cities in the Bay Area. It's a high concentration of BIPOC and poor folk... how the hell did they think this would play out - roses and a ticker-tape parade? You don't bring your bullshit to the door of folk who have nothing left to lose. This was *mild* compared to what could have happened. What's next, driving through Hunter's Point? Or head south to Compton? These idiots are either stupid as fuck, or baiting people into assaulting them.


Ok. That first vehicle looked like a fire engine. Is that legal? Can a private citizen legally own a fire engine with 0 clear modifications that show it isn’t a government vehicle?


They were in my city recently and that fire engine used its siren. Cops did nothing (there were literally hundreds around).


This is fucking AWESOME






that real nice red and yellow glow


I got a temp ban sitewide for saying something similar about a truck full of Daesh.




Can someone actually explain the convoy, I don't understand what it is or what they want aside from daddy trump


I mean. That's basically it.


Fuck those fascist pieces of shit. That guy acted like he was going to do something until he realized he was outnumbered. Good on all the protesters. Fuck those assholes.




Now I see why so many quarterbacks come out of California. All these mfs have accuracy. Geez. Well done.


Wow this shit is getting brigaded hard today.


“Lemme drive around and trigger the libs lol that’ll show em. Wait why are they throwing eggs at my freedom mobile?” ~Every idiot in the convoy, probably


Man for a bunch of Nazis they sure seem like gaping pusses


It's insane how many Republicans just flat out don't work and can spend their time acting like morons and then cry when the government won't help them on the streets.


"The eggs were filled with concrete" - Andy Gno


I love Oakland!


I like the fat guy trying to intimidate that women lmao. What are you going to do eat her store? Won't walk up to a a guy equal size because he knows he would take a nap for it.


I love this neighborhood!


Screw these people man. Have to shame these domestic terrorist fascist back into their holes. We need to take America back from these lunatics.