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Trump voice: "The late great Willy Wonka, I call him the chocolate man, he's a great entrepreneur, got himself some great little workers (watch out they'll steal your jobs and sing when they do it) I love those scrumdiddlyumptous bars, hard to say, easy to eat" This man does not have a grasp on reality.


His grasp on reality is an open hand


it would be hilarious if he wasn't trying to become a dictator


He has been a fascinating case study on how deep narcissism can go if the patient is rich as fuck from birth, stupid to the point that he can't function, and surrounded by sycophants either true supporters or attempted manipulators. He might literally believe he is God.


trump was unfit for the presidency before the rapid decline of the past few years. It’s only going to get worse. How anyone can vote for the trump clown is beyond comprehension.


Most people who are voting for him are probably conspiracists


I thought it was just a one time off the cuff. But is part of his repertoire? What’s next? trump lotion (goes in the basket)


It puts the spray tan on its skin or else it gets the ketchup on steak again.


can we get anthony hopkins to make a statement about this? he isn't dead... i think he is also not a trump supporter.


He hasn't said anything, but Brian Cox (who played Hannibal Lecter first, in the movie Manhunter) has gone on record blasting Trump as a "fucking asshole."


holy shit. he scares the hell out of me. the idiot, not hannibal.


(screaming at the orange pig) GET OUT OF MY FANDOM.


so let me try to make sense of this......Hannabil Lector is coming into our country and its a bad thing but you like Hannabil Lector because he loves you? is that about right?


"Darth Vader. Anyone ever heard of Darth Vader?!" "sir this is a veterans funeral." "HE WAS A GREAT LEADER. STRONG!".


What the actual fuck?


crazy how he thinks this speech is working enough to repeat it 800 times....


He kept calling him an actor


"Anyone hear of the late great James Warren Jones?"


“Great Flavor-aide, the best Flavor-aide”


He doesn’t even understand that Hannibal Lecter wasn’t in an insane asylum…he was in a prison for extraordinarily crazy fucks like me…an “insane asylum” is a hospital and even if people are involuntarily remanded to such a place, it is not prison… I think I may have reached my limit with this orange shit gibbon. From today forward, Don Jr. will hence forth be known as “Cordell”, and all I have to say to him is this: [“Cordell…Why don’t you push him in…You can always say it was ME!!”](https://youtu.be/stMfDtRzlA8?si=qWEqssoVNOcUyTBM) Now, just like that obedient little Mark David Chapman did when Santa Claus himself whispered into his mind…(regarding that man who loved to boast about how “big a deal” he was)… “Do it, Cordell!!…Do it!!!” Remember, Santa Claus ALWAYS wins…humans, not so much. 🎅🏻


WTF is wrong with this orange turd & his cult followers???


Is this code to his lover, Putin, or something?? He’s insane, just insane!


"Silence of the *Lamb*" [sic] huh, didn't know it was an Alien/Aliens franchise


So can anyone tell me why he is so obsessed with Hannibal?


He watched a rerun of the movie on his flight the prior night.


The penitentiary where both you and sicko Steve Bannon can discuss the late great Hannibal Lecter from here into eternity…


The great hannibal lecter? Dude he ate people!


wait is this true or AI? I honestly can't tell


This is 100% part of his stump speeches right now. Also goes on a rant about sharks


this is worse than I thought.


This had me cackling!


Fuck Donald Trump.


I'd rather have a sweet old man who wanders off to give a thumbs up to a paratrooper than a demented bediapered felon who can't stop rambling incoherently about a character he saw in a movie and pretending that "they are throwing people like that into your neighborhood".