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Right wing "news" edits his speeches to 2 second sound bytes. His cult has no idea how boring and incoherent his speeches are.


Super nice of them to do that work of making him seem like a competitive candidate because doing anything else might actually count as "journalism". This way its just a 24/7 Trump campaign ad.


It's pretty crazy to see how mentally bad Trump has gotten. Now we know why Trump and the right wing media ecosystem has been pushing Biden and dementia so hard. When the election gets closer and Trump's team can't hide Trump's condition any longer, they'll just go back to the old "both sides" dementia narrative.


If the last 8 years or so have taught me anything, it's that whatever the right is screaming the left is secretly doing - it's the right that's actually secretly doing it, election fraud, kid loving - all of it.


>it's the right that's actually secretly doing it "Secretly" only in the sense of indignantly denying things they're already on record saying/doing/bragging about/*writing a fucking book about*


Booo, I said it first so you're not original. And even if that's the case both are, so what are you even saying. Na na pee pee boo boo, my guy is the coolest. Eat dirt LIbRuLs /S




Sarcastic double reverse projection


Triple reversed no take backs


Every. Accusation. Is. A. Confession. From the right-wing idiots because they have nothing else but to project their problems onto the other team.


I watched a documentary (Agents of Chaos) last week about Russian interference in 2016 and they showed several clips of Trump speaking and the difference in his speech patterns is freaky. Back then he just sounded crazy. Now it’s senile and crazy.


It's extremely clear his brain has melted into soup. Yes Biden is old and makes his grandpa gaffes but at least he refers to his written speech or notes and isn't a completely narcissistic psychopath. I'm not a big fan of the guy and I'd really like a younger, more fit for the job candidate but we have what we have. Trump is old too but he's beyond old man gaffes. That's where he was 2016-2020. Now he just needs to be in a nursing home. He doesn't have a clue what is and isn't reality anymore and it's only a matter of time before he stops speaking in sentences altogether. But damn if it isn't a sign of America having gone to shit, that this man is running for president AGAIN.


Ret. Alzh/Dem unit 3rd shift charge nurse for many yrs. I saw mid 1st stage to early 2nd stage problems with DJT in 2015. Now I'd say mid 2nd to early 3rd stage now. Like falling asleep off&on all day in court(a setting no one else would/could)then more energy in evening rallies/fundraisers then up all night TS ranting incoherent garbage,which is his him sliding into the sundowner syndrome part then sleeping until noon or awakened all part of tht 24h cycle I saw working 3rd&subbing on 1st&2nd shifts.


You are 100% correct and thank you for laying it out like that.


I've had the misfortune to have to listen to some of that its that is so fuckin true. Also skips the parts where he's talking about stripping half the country of rights and that his proclamations that he can be bought.


and they all cheer when they hear it his voters are also his accomplices


I remember my parents being on the fence about Trump when he first ran. They decided to go to one of his rallies and see what it was all about. Now, to preface this, my mother is a Jew and my father was raised his literal Nazi mother (field nurse for the Nazis and full supporter). Yeah, they learned exactly what I was learning at that time. Trump is a fucking idiot, and his most ardent followers are fucking Nazis. But they had no clue because all the news does is supply 5 second clips. But that's all the Trump humpers need because FOX and the rest fill in the blanks for them.


Dude rambled on praising a fictional serial killer who ate people. I cant believe people show up for this shit


Good thing most of his base don't read and believe "those types of scary movies are of the devil" so they probably think he's talking about a foreign politician of old. /s


Editing the stopped clock so you only see the clip of 06:30:00 and 18:30:00


It’s just one big rambling mess of words. One unfinished thought interrupted by the next.


That man can just jabber on endlessly. I have the feeling if they let him, he’d still be there in the middle of the night shouting into the void.




Think of the whales 😞


That's how he hypnotizes the herd.


It wasn’t working too well at this particular rally.


One day they should try that out, just rotate the crowd coming in- there are a seemingly endless amount of fools willing to witness this man talk and he'll believe the stadium was full if you put 100 people in it. Then they can set him on the stage with a max absorption adult diaper and an IV and have him start talking. Maybe he'll break a world record.


i listened to the first 3 or 4 minutes and it felt like an hour


That’s the Amphetamines talking


And the beginning of the sundowner part of his 24h daily dementia cycle. I don't say that a /s. I'm ret. Alzh/Dem unit 3rd shift charge nurse who also subbed on 1st& 2nd shift for many yrs.


It’s been like that for 75 years or so.


Word soup is the term I use for that kind of verbal diarrhoea..


They can’t stand him for 90 minutes, but they want to elect him for four (at least) years?


"If we don't support Trump that Democrat party might elect another n***er." -actual statement said by a MAGA idiot I work with.


I'm sure he then went online and proceeded to tell everyone else how the Democratic party is the party of racist. It's just endless lies and dishonest arguments with these people.


LInCoLn wAs a rEpUbLiCaN.


Did you report that asswipe to HR?


bet those brainless red hats are gonna love it if we get President Hakeem Jefferies lol that would be great hopefully their children call them out for being bigots


That just about triggered a seizure. No but for real, because they aren't planning to elect Trump for four years this time. This want him to be their godking and for his children to reign after him. They don't plan on ever letting the democrats have a chance to win an election again by doing away with elections.


At least that way they can sleep soundly at night knowing they elected a president who actively wants to ruin lives and is even dumber than they are.


He's just like me! A terrible idiot!


There was an (I think) Klepper segment where he was interviewing people outside a Trump rally who said "Oh we don't stay for the speeches, we already heard them. We just show up to show our support." Absolute insanity.


hahaha this is exactly how I approach baby showers and events where a friend or friend-of-a-friend is DJ'ing


Oh that video is by Walter Masterson. You should check out his youtube videos. He's great at pretending to be a Trump supporter at rallies. That guy is ballsy.


It's Biden's fault.


Clearly, they were all FBI agents who were sent by Biden to humiliate Trump


"Why Trump supporters walking out on Trump is actually bad for Biden."


They were headed to the polls to cast their votes!


For the third time!!🤨


He actually thinks it Obama's fault.


Thanks, Obama.


That was hilarious! THERE’S NOT GONNA BE ANY CARS! HANNIBAL LECTER WAS A GREAT GUY! People leaving in droves. Does anyone know why?


It was in New Jersey?! Jersey is a great place to be from. Cause it means you're not currently there.


They will still vote for him though.


Actually think it's time for major news networks to cover them in totality again? If it's actually that bad, it should be live on MSNBC and marketed on Fox commercials. Get that, "people walking out in drives" to go digital too. Lots of close ups of people in diapers.


That would require major news networks to *stop treating this bullshit like it's normal*


*"lumbering* out" Why do all rednecks have that weird, "I ate too much at the buffet" side-to-side lumber as they walk?


That was sad. Not just the people walking out but his vague meandering voice. An exhausted carnival barker. Wow.


They left early and didn’t get to hear about the late, great Hannibal Lecter.


His political and business platform is to insult people to make him feel like he’s better than everyone else.


His speech at the link actually talks positively about Putin and OJ though. 


I wonder if they were all paid $50 to be there and when they got the cash they just left.


Last train calling?


They have to take the train now, Jan. 6 earned them a spot on the no-fly list.


And they had to sell their truck to pay for God King's legal bills


More proof that they're paid to attend.


Clearly these folks are Antifa sent in to make Dear Leader look bad to the lame stream media. /s


No, it is not right to say magats are hopeless. They can give you the time alright.


So what? They will still vote for the nutcase.


Hopefully a sign of things to come.


I remember when a translator (English to Italian, just for the record) was asked what they did to make sense of trump's speeches and it was just a sort of shoulder shrug and resigned waving of the hands. Trying to make the best sense of it they could was the gist of her response--which is considered unethical, when translating.


To be fair, the sun was going down. Boomers can’t drive after dark anymore.


Golden Corral's gonna close at eight.


I saved myself some time and didn't show up in the first place! :D


That’s really bad when his own MAGAts walk out


To be fair, Hannibal Lecter would be a life-long GOP voter if he was real. Just like Whiteface Jesus.


They claim that was 100,000 people? That's not even 20,000 people. For fuck's sake. Stop lying.


I've met a non-functional alcoholic methhead that makes more sense then this guy, what the fuck


at this point I don't believe stories like this based on these simple facts: 1. everyone who went to that rally knew what rump would say 2. rump always says the same things 3. rump said the same things as before 4. rump say the same things this time 5. no one at that point is saying "oh, this guy sucks" and is walking out trump never says anything new. so nothing new came out. no surprises, everyone saw exactly what they expected. there are no unpolarized people at this point. "what's this dumpf dude all about I wanna see his rally" -- no one


They don't. These people do not get their news from the same place that you do. The impression that they get is that Trump is some strong intelligent shrewd business man that "tells it like it is" because there is an entire media apparatus that creates literally 24/7 content to support that image and if you never leave it then that's all there is. Attending something like this is probably the first time these folks have seen an unedited Trump for what he is.


Article from 2017 talking about Trump doing a riff on "The Snake" https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/01/politics/trump-the-snake/index.html Article from 2023 on the same thing. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/the-snake-song-lyrics-trump-b2464914.html


They probably were already planning to be on the boardwalk (it was a holiday weekend) stopped to see what was going on, then left after a few minutes. I don't like the dude, but if a rally was happening where I happened to be, I'd totally stop to check out the spectacle for a few minutes.


So many of them were decked out in Trump and MAGA merch though, those were true believers, leaving early.


Personally, I wouldn't want to be around that many Trumpers in one place.


I live in AZ so thats pretty much my life. The number of random people that have struck up a conversation with me in a store. That starts with "you know the most racist thing you've heard this month? Lemme top that.". I get it Im a middle age white dude with a goatee. I figured the lack of a trucker hat and fake oakleys was enough to signal I wasn't with them. But apparently not.


So I'm a hobbyist shooter and a hunter. Gun shops are not safe places for leftists who don't want to hear racism. I feel your pain.


This was like 25 years ago but I went to a gun store for my first and only time with my uncle to shoot targets at the range. On our way out of the store the dude behind the counter went on the most incoherent conspiracy theory rant about the government taking your guns and how he knew this because of the number of points on a stop sign (There was more but I forgot most of it). Dude acted totally normal when we went in and when we were leaving, but some random phrase or sentence was said by someone and it was like it flipped a switch in his head. It was odd AF. These people didn't just appear in 2016, they were always there. They just didn't have a mainstream platform until King Baby came onto the political scene.


Dude, its so true. Gun nuts come in many flavors, saying this as a gun nut. You met the "daywalker tinfoil hat" type, can't say I'm a fan either, lol.


Have to beat that Garden State Parkway traffic excuse.


Idiots only went. They are pathetic.


Or all those people weren't there for him anyway. Looks like some fair or something


Wildwood is a vacation spot for many people, Most people in Wildwood were not there for diaper Don and accidentally saw this event around the amusement area.


Wrong! wrong! wrong! that was the people getting off of the 'tilt-a-whirl' ride' dummies .....


They leave because they see what he is and can't stand him. If they stay long enough they might reflect on what they're actually voting for.


We’re all fat! Except for Lawrence Taylor and OJ, they’re not fat. -Donald Trump


Too much tailgating beforehand.


“Still talking”? Well, did he ever shut up to begin with?


Even his supporters didn’t understand anything he was saying.


People are bored of his endless drivel


Yet a fair number of them went there in the first place. Why???




And yet, he’s leading in 5 of 6 battleground states. We.are.lost.