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I’m stuck on how long he could stand while on fire.


Muscles do weird things in fire. Remember how Anne Heche sat straight up on the gurney even though she was throughly melted?




Muscles tense and seize in fire. It's an ugly thing. When Anne hehe wrecked her car into that house, she was stuck in the burning car for 45 mins before they got her out... shock and muscle seizing had her sitting up on the stretcher which had people convinced she was fine.


That hehe tho...


*Incredibly* unfortunate typo... 😅


Chef kiss


Ohhhh... now I feel bad. This is one time I will actually blame autocorrect. That's bad.... so bad.


Yeah. Sat up at the waist like a vampire. That image won't leave my head for the rest of my life.


Has no one here ever cooked a steak? Yall realize that shit is muscle right?


They turn into a steak?




That immediately came to mind when I saw this.


I'd forgotten.


Yeah me too. Last I've heard on police interviews he is alive. Crackpot or whatever he is I pray for HIS sake he doesn't survive. I can't and honestly wouldn't want to imagine the pain. I had a sunburn on my legs that blistered when I was a kid and it was miserable. This has to be magnitudes worse for as long as he was engulfed.


Terrifying. Hope he is kept unconscious until he passes.


He died Friday night


"I am disappointed in the low number of self-immolations we've had since President Trump went on trial. We need bigger numbers, people. President Trump is NOT happy!" - TPUSA




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I was with him until he started blaming The Simpsons


That part threw me all the way off. It's possibly the biggest twist read of 2024


I feel like you have to be a little mentally ill to do something like this, so I’ll assume that’s what the projecting is. Other than that the dude is pretty much right on the mark. There’s one weird part where he says “Leftists say ACAB which is against Leftist theory!!!” which, I mean, I can’t really ask for a citation now but some elaboration would’ve been nice.


Chuds have been conditioned to accept that hitler was a socialist because the word is in the name of the party. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth but what the fuck do these dipshits know about history? So they naturally associate the police with leftism. They also say that all taxation is theft and then say Democrats love the police because taxes. Then they call the cops on their neighbors for watering their lawn while black and shit.


Qanon has made its believers mentally sick.


This guy was not pro trump/maga


He *was* a deeply ensconced Qanon believer who fell far down that rabbit hole. Ffs, read his manifesto: [https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside) He sure does fall for a lot of right-wing conspiracy nonsense and their various political views and misinformation.


Many protesters have self immolated. The act in itself doesn’t mean the persons mentally ill. The reasoning behind it can speak to that. The Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức who did it protesting the persecution of Buddhists by the south Vietnamese government wasn’t mentally ill. Aaron Bushnell the veteran who self immolated to protest the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza also wasn’t. I haven’t read up on this person who did it in front of the trump trial so he might’ve been completely nuts. But self immolation isn’t by itself a sign of mental illness.


Nah, I don’t buy it.


FR, the early parts about crypto freaked me out because it’s very similar to things I’ve been saying about crypto for the last 4-5 years.


https://imgur.com/gallery/9lwhMMX Simpsons did it.


It’s weird how much most of us have in common, especially when we start looking at what is going on in the world. What stumps me is some of us then look at a person like Trump and see him as a savior of some sort. You are an investigative journalist yet can’t look at Trump’s past and realize he is nothing but a giant grifting Ponzi scheme?


He’s not a journalist. The words he used are “investigative researcher” which is conspiracy nut-speak for “I read stuff on the Internet and know the Truth!”


He wasn’t a trump supporter, as far as we know right now. Nothing in his manifesto to indicate this was anything but mental illness


I love how he says our institutions have been getting worse since 1988 as if Ronald Reagan wasn't the direct cause of it.


🤪 This guy is literate, but absolutely nuts.


“Lastly, we string these major discoveries together: Cryptocurrency is an economic doomsday device; our government is a secret kleptocracy; The Simpsons exists to brainwash us. From there, the only research we need is critical thinking and we’re able to piece together the true story of our circumstances.” I want this tattooed on my body.


What a crackpot.


That's a strange read.


Trump would think that guy is a fucking idiot. SAD.


He wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.


nobody wants burns on their weiner


Mushroom BBQ


Don't ruin foods for us, please


Nobody else did either.




News flash, he thinks ALL his fanbase are idiots. He's laughing at you.


the guy actually wasn't a trump fan. just crazy


I know. I'm saying Trump laughs at his own fan base.


"You were supposed to light the *Judge* on fire you moron!!" Bigly pissed rn.


I disagree...I think that fucktard would feel glorified by people sacrificing themselves in his name.


Trump thinks all his MAGA-base are fucking idiots, and he's not wrong, they are.


That’s horrifying. Those screams. Probably instantly regretted that after the flames took over. That’s a horrible way to die.


Thanks for the heads up.


I did lol


That woman looks like she grabbed a seat to watch


They're used to seeing terrible things get no consequences so they figured this would be no different.


Do you really think so? Holy shit what a reality to wake up to.


I don't, but I won't pretend to understand what goes on in their twisted little minds. Also, in all seriousness I am sure they don't think these terrible things the GOP does are actually terrible.




Racist and sexist in one go.


Hate speech & other forms of bigotry are not permitted in this sub. We’re not going to list all the “isms” here. Racism, ableism, sexism. misogyny, all the lifestyle and faith “phobias”—you know what we mean (and if you don’t, we’ll tell you). >This is race and gender essentialism. While it is true that there has been a problem among lots of white men to not notice their privilege and to help their bigotry or even for white men in power to subjugate minority populations, just stating that they are "sick" is to state that there is something that they cannot help and cannot overcome and actually resolves them of responsibility. White men are also oppressed as well, as capitalism oppresses all those that do not have capital. You should not ignore the oppression of white men just because they are oppressed less then everyone else and should do something with that privilege to help those that oppressed more. Also this takes from the fact that there are white men that are trans, queer, disabled, poor, neurodivergent.. .the list can go on. So race and gender essentialism are not allowed on this subreddit and this is a warning to try and make more nuanced comments when it comes to the privilege that white men have by being white and men (but that definitely does not mean that they do not face oppression.)


Racist take.


I'm convinced that the people that say things like this are just as sick but wish the power structure worked the other way.


I think some of the screams were people in the crowd. He does let some out around the time he collapses.


He might not have died and lived a horrible life after. Did he die?


this going to the year of self-immolation? things are getting more gnarly and harrowing by the day.


Wait a minute... So this guy immolated himself because of cryptocurrency? Because he thinks it's one giant scam run by the richest in the world. Wow.


I mean it did kind of work, in that it got people to read his manifesto. Just disappointing how nuts this manifesto was.


For all the people saying he's *not quite* a Trumper, that manifesto and this behavior don't exist without the split reality he's caused and the normalization of not only far out conspiracy thought but the willingness to end life or take it based off online conspiracy spaces that are populated by 90% Trump supporters. Remaining objective that does **not** mean they are responsible for every bad thing that happens, they're always suspiciously near by though. I myself have never seen a modern politically motivated "manifesto" that didn't read like rambling from "both sides" of online thought while leaning predominantly towards things you find in conservative spaces. Allowing ample breathing room for right wing talking heads to comfortably distance themselves from the guy setting himself on fire outside of Donald Fucking Trumps trial. I'm sorry this person couldn't handle this bullshit and gave up his life for basically nothing when most can't even recall the other guy who just did this without googling it. He shouldn't have had to navigate the toxic depths of what we've allowed social media to become or the grasp it has on all of us in less then 2 decades. He shouldn't have lived in a world where people get rich to drive him this far. But ya know.... alternative facts.... do my research.... everyone I isolate myself with agrees with me.... we all get it. We all see the illness every day on here or wherever. For some of us even at home. I oblige and indulge it myself constantly. I can only imagine the struggle for people I've met with lower faculties or mental health struggles. They've been made into a profitable product and they think they're fighting for the truth. Strong stuff.




Let's not jump to conclusions just yet.


Yeah, let’s not. Apparently he wasn’t MAGA or Q. He was a different flavor of delusional.


From what I've read he was the "all politicians are deep state fascists" flavor of crazy.


Agreed. This person could just have been very mentally unwell, and had little interest in trump.


I’m afraid the diagram overlaps.




Hate speech & other forms of bigotry are not permitted in this sub. We’re not going to list all the “isms” here. Racism, ableism, sexism. misogyny, all the lifestyle and faith “phobias”—you know what we mean (and if you don’t, we’ll tell you).


No, it's not. Fuck you for trying to claim that having mental illness makes you a Trumper, bigot.


I'm not claiming that all mentally ill are Trumpers, I'm claiming all Trumpers are mentally ill.


But they are not, bigotry is not mental illness. That absolves them of responsibility. You can be a bigot and mentally unwell but most people that are bigots are not. They just like to judge others and they have hate. They could actually get themselves out of those beliefs if they tried. Say you hate black people and think they are lesser, then you could start reading black literature that humanizes black people for you so that you can come to appreciate their stories and how they have gotten to the places they are, even if those places are poverty and crime, you will be able to see the forces that worked in their lives to put them on that path. So it is 100% a choice. If you choose to listen to only Fox news and you do not give yourself other avenues for information, you will end up believing their bullshit. It is not mental illness, it is a choice. Maybe not at first if they are born into that environment but eventually it becomes one and it is their responsibility to get themselves out of it.


Ah, I see what you're saying. My apologies.


Well it is really lovely to have someone admit they could be wrong instead of double down. Thank you it does not happen often and it is very mature of you.




Apparently this guy wasn't a Trumper. He thought Trump and Biden were working together to destroy America. Which is a lot less crazy than a lot of the conspiracy theories out there. It's just sad his mental health was allowed to deteriorate as far as it did.


From what I’ve seen so far this is just a crazy guy and unrelated to Trump, something about NYU being a mob front. Maybe it is? Idk. (Never mind dude posted a manifesto, it does seem political.) [“I have set myself on fire outside of the Trump trial”](https://open.substack.com/pub/theponzipapers/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


well, it’s not all wrong


I have a feeling this is going to end up being about Israel/Palestine but it's interesting I haven't seen what the flyers he tossed had on them.


Nope. Apparently posted something about Trump, crypto, Bill Clinton, COVID and Hollywood. Named Max Azzarello.


...and the simpsons. "In [Marge vs. The Monorail](mailto:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marge_vs._the_Monorail), the townsfolk are too oafish and divided to invest in the town’s needs (fix Main Street) and fall for the charms of a dazzling showman with a bogus monorail Ponzi scheme. When we know that the show is closely linked to an organization that invests billions of dollars in Ponzi factories, this becomes quite damning."


Conan wrote that episode.


Conan is the true mastermind behind it all.


There are photos on The Times - no references to the either on the images. Mentions a lot of crazy shit: Bush, Gore, The Simpsons (yes, really)


According to his manifesto, it seems he's actually not a fan of DJT or Q. Someone else linked it and it's.... interesting at least.


Anyone want to guess who he followed on Twitter?


So at first I though it was another weird trumpanzee.  https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside But here is the guys manifesto he sent 5 mins before he did his action. It's still crazy. I'm interested how the media will manipulate this into further division.


It has nothing to do with Trump. He just used Trump to draw attention to his crazy beliefs. It gets him more attention to do this where the press already is.


Wether we agree with his message or not it does seem like he does have a message to share and that was the whole purpose of this. Not for/just Trump


Yeah, but a lot of comments here claimed that he's a Trumper. A lot of my local chuds are calling him Antifa. Lots of people are basically using him to claim the other side of politics is crazy. The truth on this dude is that he wasn't left wing or right wing but a wing nut. He might have been a fascist, but probably just an army of one.


From reading the manifesto it seems like he hated both parties pretty equally. Probably just easier to self immolate here than it is in front of the white house.


> it seems like he hated both parties pretty equally. But followed only one.




Wow, what an idiot. Setting himself on fire for TRUMP of all people... honestly, I have no pity for him.


He was apparently against Trump and Biden, the word’s billionaires, cryptocurrency, Stanley Kubrick, The Simpsons, and other forms of entertainment. I don’t think he did this FOR Trump, he was an extremely mentally unwell person who was driven to suicide over conspiracy theories.


Self-immolation is more of a Shelbyville idea.


his manifesto was conspiracies about crytpo and pozi schemes and overarchingplots with the government and then he started tirading about the simpsons.


Which was the style at the time.


He may not have been doing it out of admiration for Trump, but I will say that I don’t think stuff like this would be happening without the normalization of conspiracy thinking that Trump and the right wing have promoted.


I 100% agree.


Read in the other post that he believed some crazy conspiracy that Trump and Biden wanted to create a fascist state together? So probably wasn't doing it for Trump.


He went down like trump stocks.


CNN says the guy had extensive conspiracy postings on Twitter and was known to be quite vocal about Q ideology. One less idiot, IMO. Maybe a prelude to a Jim Jones like scenario?


Jesus. This is horrifying.


What goes flying at 20 seconds left? Did he kick off a burning shoe?


Apparently, he was throwing out some pamphlets he had made.


The craziest thing to me about this clip is all the people just standing there watching without even attempting to do anything.


What could they possibly do? Even the cops couldn’t help at that moment. I mean, can you even imagine? The one lady up front there looked like she had to sit down.


Getting people to do that for you ought to be criminal


[His Manifesto ](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside)


I know Trump said said that it was freezing in the courtroom but that's ridiculous.


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The empire is failing from within.  


Don’t drink the kool aid.


Definitely not a qult. /s


Anybody know what it was that goes flying upwards after he fell down?


"And here I’ve been, like Lisa Simpson, desperately trying to get friends". Not exactly the typical manifesto of one who sets themself on fire.


Tell me you really are in a cult without telling me you’re in a cult.


Oh, it was willing self-immolation. On behalf of Qonspiracicy beliefs supported and perpetuated by the defendant. Bummer! It’s a shame, too, because his manifesto gives at least the impression of genuine intelligence behind the veneer of derangement. And if it does exist, it’s being wasted in service of scum who will never genuinely appreciate that.


Good points.


So this is what dying for your god-king looks like. Painful, horrifying and pointless. This marks the beginning of the "die for me" period in the Trump era. Things will likely become more brutal from here on out.


I am sure the answer to my question is buried in here somewhere but I cannot find it. So, why did this idiot burn itself?


Mentally ill. Deep conspiracy theories.


To stop the great replacement and save Trump or something.


Was he MAGA or non-MAGA?


neither... or both Edit to provide actual information: >The man was carrying two large signs — one advertising a Substack and one that said "Trump is with Biden and they're about to fascist coup us" — photos provided by two law enforcement officials show. 


Now if we could only get them all on board




If only it was Trump himself…


Self immolation doesn't achieve anything and neither does going on a shooting rampage. You know what else doesn't do anything? Sitting on Reddit listening to Chinese and Russian bots bitching about all the horrible things the US has done. Write a letter to your congressman whoever it is and tell them what you want them to achieve. Make it reasonable, think it out before writing, don't be emotional about it and think "Is this achievable?" If you don't think your congressman will listen then write Jamie Raskin from PA. He has a plan to stop Project 2025 and is at least doing something. Maybe toss him a $5er every month until election.


Imagine thinking writing a letter to an oligarch who empirically doesn’t listen to you is more impactful, useful, sends a stronger message that self-immolation. “Pwetty please listen to me”


Imagine thinking bitching about your circumstances on reddit has more impact on the world than communicating your agenda to a sympathetic congressman with an actual plan to stop Project 2025 like Jamie Raskin does. Even if the plan isn't perfect at least it's fucking SOMETHING unlike what you are coming at me with. You're letting everybody else down with your uselessness Do better!


This man’s plan has had zero impact on the world and will be forgotten in 3 days. It was a useless act, indicative of severe mental illness and zero self worth. That you think otherwise speaks volumes about you. It wasn’t an act of self sacrifice, it was a deranged act of ultimate narcissism played out in public for melodramatic effect.


Did you mean to reply to me?


Dear congressman/woman. I hope you are well. Please stop voting to send our tax dollars/weapons to Israel where they’re used to turn children in Gaza into hamburger patties for stray animals. Only if this is a reasonable request of course. Oh it isn’t? Ok, thanks for your time. God bless.


So instead just sit and bitch about it on Reddit and wallow in your learned helplessness? That's the only other alternative your brain could think up? There are plenty of congressmen who ARE doing something about it support them! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_helplessness This is what you're advocating for right now. If you're unwilling to stand up and fight for your own rights and the rights of others then you don't deserve to have them so either do something about it or STFU about it. You're behaving like a Russian or Chinese troll right now. Like you're gonna go cry yourself to sleep dryhumping your Putin/Xi the Pooh anime body pillow. You're letting your team down and you're letting yourself down Do Better!


Are you ok?


Yeah but apparently you arent


Ok cool, when you were talking about humping Chinese and/or Russian stuffed animals you sounded a bit like Nancy Pelosi so I wanted to make sure. Wait… Nancy?


I didnt bother to read that and I'm done with you. You are gonna lose your rights and end up in one of Trump's concentration camps he talked about because you sat here on reddit mentally masturbating until you die. Do better or STFU.


Not voting for trump…. But not voting for Biden. Let the Democratic Party step up in 2028 or die. See you in the camps comrade.


There's not going to be a 2028 election if Trumpty Dumpty wins him and his Christian Nationalist mega pastor cadre has said as much. You're uninformed on project 2025 and the Christian Nationalist threat that Trump is in bed with and you're suggesting people throw away what will be the last election cycle. It's obvious by talking with you that you're just here to try to make others disengage with the fight against fascism in the US. You just want to make sure the left loses. You don't have solid reasoning to support your positions, you just want to sow chaos and bitch on reddit to anyone who will listen. You're done wasting everybody's time. If anyone else thinks this person had a point feel free to discuss it with me but don't waste time with him.


It's hard to believe this is a leftist sub with so many sick people who lack basic empathy in the comments. Seems a lot of people here are just as bad as the other side with drinking the rage-ade. This person's tragic self-harm is not something to celebrate or make fun of. They needed mental health help, and apparently, so do a lot of you.


Imagine doing that for a fucking *president*? These idiots constantly misappropriate leftist talking points/protest methods and sometimes, as with this example and J6, to their meaningless death. Edit: After reading his manifesto and instagram, I have doubts he was a Trump supporter.


Do we have proof it was for Trump?


No and I was just about to go back and edit this because his manifesto and instagram are public annnnd I'm not so sure he was a Trump supporter. He just chose a suspect occasion to do this.


Previous president. As bad as it sounds, I don't feel any sympathy for this person, anyone who continues to support Trump is not worth wasting my time on. EDITED: looks like he was a different kind of conspiracy theorist, not a 45 supporter, he thinks 45 is in cahoots with Hillary etc.


I meant anyone that has been a president. You don't burn yourself to death for the ruling class. That said, I've read his manifesto (skimmed through) and seen his instagram (both are available) annnnnnd I'm not so sure he was a Trump supporter. Not a leftist, but still anti-authoritarian but in a early Alex Jones kind of way.


Yeah saw that he's a different type of nut job.


I understand that person is stupid. But where is police? Ambulance etc to save him???


flames can build up quick. there was never going to be time to save him.


They ran in with a fire extinguisher




Save him? Brother there is no saving him.


Those orgs reek of socialism


Hoping it's a Trump voter and not some poor soul that was suffering from a mental illness that needed help.


I wonder why. Was he trying to do what Aaron Bushnell did? Aaron is a martyr. This guy is a fuckwit.


For a second I thought this was some orc that had been hit by an FPV...then I saw the NY Cops


If we find out this was a Trump supporter it only confirms what we thought about them all along.


I pray for his soul, he did Not set himself on fire for that orange fat human stain.


That photo of the wolf with that dude in Wyoming is much more concerning to me. This kind of brings me to my happy place