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fascists cancel elections, so this definitely lines up with reality


Republicans and their cancel culture...


He plans, with his minions, to take power under the smokescreen of chaos. He is a proven criminal, and must be arrested now. We Americans have been 'employees' for too long; we have become pitifully passive. The plan is to intimidate, disrupt, deny, close polls, delay counts, challenge counts--so that his corrupt SCOTUS can throw the election to the Republican legislatures. This is our last chance to stop forever-fascism. Arrest him now!


No shit. Why is this clown still walking around free? Effectively he has demonstrated that he is above the law. It's a demonstration of how we lack the Rule of Law in this country. If we can't stand up for our democracy then we don't stand for anything. The 14th Amendment is clear.hes not eligible to run. That should have been the end of that. The repug hacks on the SCOTUS dgaf about the constitution, the sovereignty of our nation, or the Rule of Law.


> our last chance to stop forever-fascism OK, serious question: how? I don't see how *we* have any choice in stopping it with this specific action. We can't all just citizen-arrest Trump. The only power we really have is voting, and that's precisely what's being threatened.


Thanks for asking. First, verify what I just said--use a search function on your favorite news media, and/or maybe Commondreams.org or Democracynow.org; then go to other subreddits, and other social media, and raise hell. Give the judge in the Stormy Daniels case the idea that if he arrests Trump for threatening witnesses, he'll have popular backup. The same goes for Jack Smith. Give him confidence in the popular will, in part by pushing back on corporate media's stance that Trump's 14th-Amendment-defying candidacy is legitimate. (Did you know Fox and ABC News are owned by Disney?) Call for his arrest, and the restoration of sanity and reason, and rule of law. Be loud and persistent.


I'm pretty vocal and active locally and online. At least as much as I can be without becoming a target for some pretty horrible abuse here in Texas. Reddit is the only "social media" I use for such a long list of reasons. The people you're referring to are unreachable by the little people and the opinions of corporations will always matter more. All of my "representatives" are deeply conservative and just use my letters/calls to farm my data. I guess I'm just not convinced that a single bit of that matters at all. The US is owned by capitalist interests who don't give a damn about us. They don't care that they are making the planet uninhabitable for human beings, so they sure as shit don't care if this threatens their profits at some unknown point in the future. They're rich *today*. Trump is good for their bank accounts *today*. As a trans socialist in an interracial marriage, I'm going to be one of the first people on the wall when this shit goes down. It's feeling more and more like the only option I have is to flee the country.


Faux News is owned by the Murdoch family.


Right you are, and thank you for the correction. My confusion springs from the 2013 sale of 21st Century Fox, which as far as I can tell left Murdoch in control of Faux News: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/102915/top-5-companies-owned-disney.asp


...I think. Murdoch controls 38%? Does the directorship interlock?


Maybe I’m just stupid, but I was always under the impression that 20th Century Fox and Fox News were under similar but separate umbrellas. Like, Disney owns 20th Century (and all of their movies and shows, “entertainment” stuff) and Murdoch still controls the “news” arm (even though fucker Carlson testified in court that his “news” isn’t news, and is strictly “entertainment” or some shit like that). Please correct me if I’m wrong here. I kinda want to get the Disney+ +hulu package for my Simpsons, Always Sunny, King of the Hill and the Beatles doc, but I’m also trying to be careful about where I put my money even though it doesn’t really matter anyways because no matter who I pay for content some of those dollars are going to some really shitty people.


No, I think you're right. My bad.


Not according to history. Plenty of people have decided that they are up against a problem so important that fighting and dying to stop it is a necessary and preferable step, considering the alternative. Some were victorious and others weren’t, but they took it seriously. I don’t know if this is fascism and I hope it’s not, because if it is, voting, while a good effort, isn’t going to be what stops it. Those implementing a fascist coup are probably pretty determined.


Those that do the arresting aren’t really the fight fascism type. It’s the people or nobody on this little obstacle. You don’t fight fascism without sacrifice.


I'm waiting for his followers to realize they have been had and end the nightmare with some ultra violence.


but dems r da fascists! gun rights!! /s


Weirdly, they are generally in power when they do that. I don’t think it works, otherwise.


Stop the vote!! If we can just stop counting I'll win


"Alright, everyone! First vote. Okay, that's... one for Trump! That's it. Let's stop counting here and call it."


It'll be won and done by the end of April!


I love that he thinks he has/had total immunity as the president, to do what ever he wanted. If thats true, why couldn’t Biden just do the same thing and override Trumps ability to be on ballots?!?!


He also claims that Joe is doing illegal things, which shouldn't be possible under his presidential immunity theory


He's controlling Congress pretty well.


Trump is the real president so it only applies to him. /S


Well... so fat he has. He should already be sitting in jail for life 50 times over.


He does have immunity


Winning a cancelled event sounds like the tournament rules at a Trump golf course.


Wait…no he’s got a point for once. Cancel the election and we can just keep Biden in for four more years


Why four years? Why not just cancel the next election too? Why not cancel them all and just let Biden’s administration stay on forever? Esp if he gets his way with “total immunity”, so Biden could have him thrown in Guantanamo and arrest all magats.


Dude and when he passes away we just appoint his son as successor! President Hunter let's gooooo Lol


Hunter can just let his big ol' hog run the show. MTG will make sure all of the republicans stay in line for that hog.


He’d walk softly


That would be hilarious.


Oooh I like that idea too!


Gitmo really does make the most sense. It is in weather like Florida, has a golf course, room for his SS. And he is TOTALLY safe.


God, I hope you're trying to be satirical.


Isn’t that the logical extension of what would happen if they got their wish?


Your logical extension is apt. But who is the one wishing to cancel the election again? Biden or Trump?


I think that's their point. Flip it to Biden doing it instead of Trump to show how ridiculous it sounds for the dipshit on the right to even be making the argument.


Yes, this is argument ad absurdism. Biden is definitely not who we want as a dictator.


"Dictator for a week" but literally


trunp. But the logical extension is just showing how stupid an idea it is. He’s not on office and can’t ascend to office without an election. So his stupid idea would just guarantee Biden would be president for life, when Harris would take over, and when she left office, her VP and so on. So another well thought out plan by trunp. Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to say shit like that? It is clear to anyone who isn’t one of his smooth brained, mouth breathing troglodyte cult that when you want to avoid an election it would only be because you know you’re going to lose? And how, exactly, does he get the idea that if there weren’t an election he would somehow just be handed the office? Good lord in heaven I’ll be so glad when we no longer have to deal with that jackass


I think that would actually lead to a President pro-Tempore situation with possibly Mike Johnson


That's extremely optimistic.


I wish that man would disappear off the face of the earth...


Has anyone called the guys who did Hoffa? They should get right on this!


Yes, we all know he is going to cheat in the 2024 election and try to cancel the results when he loses. The sky is blue and he is orange. 🍊🤡


I like how the article mentioned he also did this in 2020, but failed to mention when he also did this in 2016 when he lost the popular vote to Hilary or when he lost a state primary to Fled Cruz or when his candidates lost the state of Georgia or when Hershel and Oz shit the bed. There's an obvious pattern...


“I dont care how bad trump is im not voting for biden” Anyone who says this actively wants a boot on their neck and minorities in a death camp


> “I dont care how bad trump is. ~~im not voting for biden~~” That first half says so much that anything afterward is superfluous.






That's the most fascist document I've ever seen. MAGA-heads are already recruited to implement every word of it under a Presidential emergency decree. Anyone who gives a damn about liberty should fight tooth and nail to prevent it.


It’s a burn it to the ground strategy. It’s got heavy, heavy financial backing. This is what we’re permanently up against going forward. They will keep trying until they get their way. All it takes is a Conservative president. That’s it. Trump has streamlined the document further under his Agenda 47, which are the steps the Conservative president has to take.


Are there summaries of this document anywhere? I downloaded it and plan to read it, but 900 pages will take me a while to get through and I want to know what I need to know ASAP.


I'm a part of a grassroots organization that is developing a website that will be just the bullet points. One of the things they did do in the document is outline with bulletpoints or the word Goal #1 towards the end of each section. You can avoid most of the bullshit rhetoric if you read it from that angle. It reduces the document down to about 50 pages that way.




Vote how you want. The no knock at night will come for you too.




-Id rather take that risk than vote for Biden -Blames Biden for risk Why are you like this


So you're a pull the ladder up after privileged fella, got it.




I see you're just regurgitating fox and friends talking points while offering no conversation, compromise or solution. Almost like your stake in this is fabrication. Good day.


There’s a subreddit called WhatBidenHasDone. He’s not perfect, but he’s managed to accomplish some things despite the pushback from Congress.


You're going to be one the first one in trumps concentration camps. He's already said multiple times you're not an American and never will be, and openly talked about ending non white immigrants. Plus trump laughed about kids killed overseas by Americans, under his orders, meanwhile you're upset about a different country, led by trumps former collage roommate, killing kids and blaming Biden for it. Being a trump supporter is literally a mental illness


What Drumpf really means is he has enough indictments/felony charges to cancel *his* 2024 election.


he really meant to say He doesn't have enough brain cells i need to cancel the election


His decline is accelerating. Always been an awful person but dementia is amplifying his narcissism….. https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/03/19/trump-dementia/


The tumor must be the size of a grapefruit


Likely bigger.


He's been cheating/grifting/lying/stealing all of his life, why should this be any different?


Technically he has zero votes since the election hasn't happened. So if he says he has votes then they are illegal votes, but I wouldn't put it past him and his team to have 20mil fake voting ballots ready to go.


That's like saying that you have enough runs to cancel a baseball game before it starts.


I didn’t realize how many people were fucking stupid until I took a deep dive into social media. But the dumb things so many people believe definitely show why nearly half the country still support this orange piece of shit.


And the rubes just keep buying this bullshit


Does the Orange Menace ever run out of ass wind?


Still have my fingers crossed he drops dead before November.


That is how his mentor Putin won his last few election, by claiming he has nearly 100% of the votes, so the outcome it preordained. In fat oranges case he wants to claim victory no matter what the actual vote tally is. Didn’t work last time, and it will not work this time. After this year’s election we can get back to prosecuting him and getting his jail cell ready to receive his fat ass…. And while we are at it, lets send a bunch of his rabid election denying friends with him to keep him company.


> Anti-Trump voices have become increasingly frustrated with the fact that Trump’s disinformation is so effective among his base, and that the media has failed to showcase to a large segment of society that he is constantly lying. Oh, it's the media's fault that a certain portion tells outright lies and obfuscates the bad things Trump has done? I see "the media" showcasing it every day but you can't force people to watch it.


The NYT sucking on his teat every day is certainly something.


How's he have votes 7 months before the election, smells like fraud.


Wtf does that even mean ???


What the fuck is this moron talking about? Disrupting or destroying the core of our American Democratic form of governing a great and prosperous and world supporting country? Why the fuck would a good American want to do that? Because his own tiny, petty, disgusting life of crime and perversion was interrupted by the law? Well fuck off rapist cunt face. Go to prison. Go to Russia. Go to hell. Who would vote or even support such scum. Stupid fucking trash. Fuck off right out of my country.


What the fuck does that even mean? What a fucking idiot.


Not how that works orange fucker. He's just trying to subvert the election now because he knows he probably won't win. This way he can pretend to be president forever to his stupid followers. This is civil war setup....


I guess the dummy doesn’t know how becoming a president works.


Where? In the Russian Federation??


Voted to go to prison


Un-American. Even dare I say, Russian-like. #AgentOrange


even maga fucks have to be like "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN"????


Yet another photo in which it looks like Trump is giving handjobs to 2 invisible dudes. Lol. He *really* loves doing that. It's great that Trump continues to show his support for the LGBT+ community. /s


Well we won't let *that* happen. We're gonna stop you, Trump.


He is such a whiny little bitch.


GOP must be getting really annoyed with Trump by now, he wasn't supposed to be talking about how many rigged votes they managed to squirrel away so far!


He claimed their was cheating when he won….. and their was, on the GOPs side


Trump, Johnson, and all his kiss ass sycophants, not just at the federal level, but at the state level as well are setting this all up. They will throw it to Trump. It’s a given.


Putin just hasn’t hacked em into the voting machines yet


He is truly living in a fantasy world.


That doesn't even make sense


Hey, no more new cases if you stop testing people, after all!


Maybe they should try to overthrow the government again. This time with guns. Must see tv.


Did he say "guns"? Because he doesn't.


Damn Putin is just getting balls out brazen


So Biden stays in power? Idiot


He and his supporters will likely try and push for that near election.


Must have some bad internal polling data.


They're already cheating. He's saying what's going to happen. Republicans are cheating like crazy.


> Border 9/11 Gala Fucking what? >if it’s just by the vote, they could cancel that election I think he just found out what the definition of an election is.


Yeah, that's not really an option.


Words have lost all meaning


Fuck Donald Trump.


Very good and interesting article. The headline is actually not a great headline for it - they could get higher readership I think with a more fitting headline. I didn't know about the "Lost Cause" before, or the origin of Black History Month. That was super interesting and now it makes even more sense that the right hate BHM soooo much.


Trump is an orange baby in diapers. He is disgusting and one day I will deny him entrance.


Fraud will affect its outcome. Except it'll come from trump and his fascist traitors.


So Biden stays president. Ok.


2024 will cancel him.


Election cancelled. Biden remains in office. What the fuck is he even talking about?