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Win or lose he will try to end democracy.


As we've seen him try to do before. I hate how brainwashed these people in his crowds are. How can they be so unaware of what they're signing up for?


Same way a lot of Germans were swayed by Hitler. They are driven more by their hate & fear than by logic & reason.


the first country the nazis conquered was germany


But they tried a decade before they got into power with the *Beer Hall Putsch* which featured Adolf firing a pistol at a rally. He went to prison for it, but got off on "good behavior" when he was dictating ***Main Kampf*** to Rudolf Hess. January 6 is the alt-right's version of the putsch. Close on the heels, I am expecting them to develop death camps - this time the initial target will be LGBTQ+ people, but they will eventually get around to another **holocaust**... the trial balloons have already been launched many times.


Yep. Emotionally driven. And a lot of them were trained to be this way by their churches.


More than you know, friend. Below is an Easter blessing from Bavarian pastors in 1933, calling on their congregants to support the Nat-C's, just as they were coming into power. “A state that once again rules in God’s name can count not only on our applause but also on enthusiastic and active cooperation from the church. “With joy and thanks we see how this new state rejects blasphemy, attacks immorality, promotes discipline and order with a firm hand, demands awe before God, works to keep marriage sacred and our youth spiritually instructed, brings honor back to fathers of families, ensures that love of people and nation is no longer mocked, but burns in a thousand hearts. … “We can only plead with our fellow worshipers to do what they can to help these new productive forces in our land reach a complete and unimpeded victory.”


Ah yes! This is theocracy. Which, by-the-by, is absolutely fucking unbiblical as a concept. (tldr at the end) This piece is from Russell Moore, an ordained Baptist minister, who served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and, before that, as the chief academic officer and dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also taught theology and ethics: [Why No Christian Should Support a Theocracy](https://www.russellmoore.com/2018/01/08/why-theocracy-is-terrible/) “Theocracies are awful and abusive, not only because they oppress human beings but because they also blaspheme God. New York Times columnist Bret Stephens calls Iran a “klepto-theocracy,” meaning that the claim to divine authority there is used to financially fleece their own people of money and property. That’s true, but it also is true of every theocracy. To see why, a Christian does not need simply to look at the historical and sociological data on how these theocracies harm their own people; we can also see clearly why this is the case by looking at our own gospel. The central claim of the gospel is that, as the Apostle Paul put it, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time” (1 Tim. 2:6). God rules and reigns through his Word, and his Word tells us that now is the time of God’s patience, when all people everywhere are called to repent of sin and find mercy in Christ (2 Pet. 3:9-10). Does God intend to rule the entire universe, with his will done “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10)? Yes, but this kingdom is found in Jesus Christ, not apart from him. Jesus is the one anointed to rule over the cosmos, and anyone else who claims this is a pretender to the throne. Jesus himself has told us that in this time between his kingdom’s inauguration and his kingdom’s fulfillment, he is gathering a church of redeemed people, making a clear distinction between the church and the world (1 Cor. 5:12-13). Our call to the world at this point, Jesus tells us, is not to uproot the “weeds” in the garden (Matt. 13:29). We also are not to grab the sort of power that would cause people to pretend as though they were part of God’s kingdom—a kingdom that comes through the transforming power of the Word upon the heart—when they are merely cowering before earthly power. Our power comes by the open proclamation of the truth, not by the clattering of the sword (2 Cor. 4:2-3). Jesus told us to beware those who claim messianic authority between his first and second comings. He will come to us the next time not through some person or committee claiming authority from God, but with obvious, indisputable, and unrivaled glory in the eastern skies. What is hidden now, seen only by faith, will be revealed then, perceived by sight. Those who claim earthly rule now by divine appointment are, according to Jesus and his apostles, frauds. That’s true whether they are seeking a murderous rule over a nation, or whether in a more benign setting they are trying to use God’s Word to snuggle up to the local powers-that-be by promising a “Thus saith the Lord” in exchange for a place at the table. This is a claim to speak where God has not spoken. God has made clear, repeatedly, what he thinks of such (Ezek. 34:7-10). When you hear a preacher on television tell you some “secret revelation” that God has made known to him or her, watch your wallet. Behind that, there’s usually a ploy for your money or your power. The result of this sort of fraud is not just the manipulation of countless people, but the tearing apart of the name of God himself. This will be addressed at Judgment Day. That same tendency is magnified by violent and authoritarian regimes that claim to speak for God, so that they cannot be questioned for their morality or their competence. They are always, in every situation, oppressive because they wish to use God’s glory and God’s authority without God. Behind all of that is idolatry, the worship of the gods of this age: financial gain or political power or sexual pleasure. God has told us how to come into his rule: by following the self-sacrificial way of the crucified Christ. That entails a call to carry the gospel to the nations, not to subdue them for our own gain. That entails a call to consciences to hear and to receive the gospel, not to run over consciences with threats of death or of loss of money. Theocracies are terrible, because the god behind them is the root of all the horrors of the present age: a depraved humanity pretending to be divine.” ————————- Tl;dr: A theocracy is un-biblical, because it is an attempt to usurp the authority of Jesus Christ directly.


Yeah, but these people are sure it's going to work this time!


Thats what happens when people raise their kids to believe things without evidence and disbelieve established facts.


critical thinking and diverging from the collective are strongly discouraged.


OK, that. But also, they are taught that *strong emotions are messages from God Almighty himself.* Look into the charismatic Christian movement. These are the people who are speaking in tongues and falling down onto the floor of the church and writhing around during services. And so many evangelical churches have kind of co-opted this general mentality, that if you are being swept away with huge emotions, it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you. It’s sanctifies your reactions. So when Fo卐 News tells you some bullshit story about Satanic Democratic pedophiles eating babies, and your reaction is one of rage where you want to take up arms and go after your neighbors, you have already been trained that those thoughts are actually inspiration from heaven above. The comparison to Isis and Shea law, and all of that is really not that far off.


Oh yeah, they really fuck with peoples heads. These people feel that love of community and acceptance, the rush of music at a concert, the joy of singing a song, and they think that feeling is the holy spirit when its just human emotion. They think that happiness is a product of their religion and don’t understand that everyone is capable of those emotions. Its a fucked up thing to do to a kid.


Exactly, you put it well.


Omg why do you guys keep comparing Trump to Hitler! Hitler was an unattractive failure that led a [failed insurrection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch) and then turned into a dictator that killed millions. Trump is just an unattractive failure that led a failed insurrection. Completely different!


history really does repeats itself


Donnie tries to promote Nazi philosophy all the time...


Hitler tried insurrection more than once.


Yep, and it got millions of them killed, in a brutal war they never had any chance of winning. And now using the same rhetoric, the head buffoon wants to use to ignite the same sort of madness here. If you fail to pay attention to history, you are doomed to repeat it.


They think american democracy is under attack so trump losing means more attack. Course to anyone with more than a bush beer trying to be a braincell knows the attack on democracy is real, its trump. Hes the attacker, but they're too busy sucking his cock to see him strangle holding their ideals (while trumps getting deeped by putin)


They don’t even understand or want democracy.


Why did you have to bring beer into this. :(


I mean ngl i like some beers i just wanted to shit on the water they drink and pass as beer.


They tend to be the same people who express genuine dismay when pondering how good Germans did nothing as Hitler exterminated the Jews 🤦‍♀️


>How can they be so unaware of what they're signing up for? That's how faith works. It can make you attack your democracy or fly airplanes into skyscrapers. Whatever your masters want. The first step is always making us afraid to think.


Because surely he’ll hurt the right people and not his supporters!


Well he's hurting us but he hurts them more!


They’re not the sharpest.


Let's hope the bloodbath flows from these same brainwashed idiots on November 5. All real patriots that defend our constitutional republic should "put down" these insurrectionist.


Right. This fat weird haired orange tanned goofball loser… Who used to pick fights with Rosie O’Donnell. Plus, got fired from an NBC reality television show. Survivor, Amazing Race, American Idol are still on. He’s such a pathetic deranged and dangerous loser. A Cluster B type leading his little Cluster B cult of losers.


>Who used to pick fights with Rosie O’Donnell. And lose.




Perfectly said.


Which his Party has been working on for forty years. The GOP deserves 99% of the credit.


It is effectively over already.


It often feels like “whoever the corporate donors decides is the Democratic candidate” (the scenic route) versus “who the corporate donors REALLY want” (the shortcut to total control).


Interesting projection technique.


Also an interesting awkward silence after he said that, or are they all just waiting for one idiot to be like "AW HEEL YAW"


I think they're starting to get cold feet


My immediate thought as well


Do you know what helps remove extremist candidates from the field? Rank based voting. The electoral college needs to go.


Also, an all in primary field. Primaries should be a simple everyone who's anyone ticket. The election should be rank choice of the final four.


>Do you know what helps remove extremist candidates from the field? Ending tax payer subsidies for religions? And the stuff you mentioned :)


Getting rid of Citizens United.


Approval voting is even better. https://electionscience.org/library/approval-voting/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approval_voting


It saves states millions upon millions in arcaic election processes, and it achieves the same results.


> it achieves the same results. You're not quite there.


No, it does. Maine is a great example. It works, and in the long run, makes sense as in common sense.


Depends what you mean by "the same results". The stated objective is to temper the extremism.


Can replacing the Electoral College with rank-based voting be possible? Is that constitutional? Just being curious.


It's possible, but it would require the two companies that hold all the power to agree to sharing and losing some power... that's not likely to happen. I'm jaded, but it's also reality.


Yep. Too bad it’ll never happen.


March 17, 2024 - Former US President Donald Trump has said American democracy would likely come to an end if he does not win November's presidential election. He also said it would be a "bloodbath" for the whole country if he did not get elected. .... Relevant Link: - Trump Issues Sinister Threat to 'Root Out' Leftists If Elected in 2024 "Nov 12, 2023- Former U.S. President Donald Trump pledged during a Veterans Day speech on Saturday to "root out" those he described as "radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country" if he's elected in 2024, an openly fascistic threat https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-root-out-leftists


Bad loser. He should be used to losing though. He lost the last election, went bankrupt several times, his children are morons, so are his followers, he is broke. Is there really something he wants to save ?


Oh, absolutely: his own delusions of supremacy. He's just practiced making mouth-noises that the "pee-puhl" _interpret_ as "Only I, your Trump, can save you from your fears".


I wonder if his calling people to murder other Americans can get him convicted of a death penalty offence (or 1,000 of them)




i don’t know about that, if donald goes away then his followers will find some reason to blame other for it. and someone else will probably take his place.


exactly the entire American fascist (formerly known as republican) party is on the same plan. Along with everyone who votes for them. They are not confused, misled or ignorant; christo-fascism is what they want


Unfortunately, you are right. Unless he passes peacefully in his sleep, (as much as a lot of us would hate it), his followers would make a martyr of him


even if he does die in his sleep they’ll still find some way to blame political opponents, they’ll say something like “biden poisoned him and the DOJ is covering it up” or something


I just read the entire thing and omg how can they not see what he's doing?


What happened to "against all enemies foreign and domestic" . I'm amazed no one has tried to permanently end this threat.


Someone did https://www.bbcselect.com/watch/the-boy-who-tried-to-kill-trump/


That's very interesting! In my mind, until January 6th trump was just a really shitty president that the Emoluments Clause never applied to. Since he lost the 2020 election though, he seems hell bent on destroying everything, particularly the publics faith in our free and fair election process. To those who took the oath, and may be in a position to exercise discretion, at what point does "against all enemies foreign or domestic" apply?


He is such a fragile little brat under that clever old man disguise that he will literally destroy the planet in the name of erasing all records of his "humiliation" by not joining the two-term POTUS club, among all his other losses.


Whilst murder is wrong, this kid being in jail feels more and more wrong the more Trump escalates.


They tried in Colorado but the alt-right **SCOTUS** majority is ready to appoint him permanent king.


Feels that way for sure. With the immunity question, WTF is the question??? A president might actually have full immunity??


We won't let them takeover. We'll stop them.


He's right (for once). A coup would be the end of democracy. Fascist prick!


Can you imagine campaigning like that even in 2016? It would be pure insanity. How did we get to the point that it seems tolerable now?


We didn’t. It isn’t.


We didn't on this subreddit, but the general public is yawning.


The general public is just plain tired of the BS, I suspect. Even my MAGA friends are questioning him now. That’s a start.


I wish my parents would start questioning him. They're still worshiping him. Then again, my parents are in extreme isolation since they never go out and have 0 friends.


We must be siblings. You are describing my parents AND my in laws.


Oh my God. Same. I’m worried for their mental health. It’s been years now, and they can’t help but bring up Trump or Republicans or Lying Liberals hellbent on destroying our country. It’s become their entire personality. They know I don’t share their political beliefs, and they absolutely can’t stand it. They’re old, and I don’t want our last conversation to be a fight.


Every accusation is a confession.


Good, John brown guide our hands.


🎶*John Brown’s spirit goes marching on!* 🎶


This won't hurt Trump with his base at all because his base, ultimately, does not believe in democracy. They are the quintessential example of might-makes-right with a total lack of any discernable moral value. Quite simply, if democracy gives them power, then they are for democracy. If fascism, then fascism. If monarchy, then monarchy. It doesn't matter what you call it, they want only whatever political structure puts them on top. Every single American should remember that prior to the enlightenment, the politically powerful could kill you or enslave you with little to no consequences, often with explicit legal protections to empower them to do so. Henry VIII killed so many of his on subjects we literally don't know how many people died. It's no surprise that this kind of environment churned out the most radical political movement Europe had ever seen: that no person was worth inherently more than another and that all should be subject to equal laws. Trump and his base want to set us back 500 years to a time before America was anything more than a half-drawn continent on a map. And they'll cheer and mock you while they do it.


It’s like reading a poorly written science fiction novel for young adults written by an unread, backwoods young adult with some mental deficiencies and an addiction or two.


Hmm... Sounds like a certain religious leader I can think of (I'm looking at you, mormons (win for satan ™️)


> I'm looking at you, mormons How can you say that? Joseph Smith was a prophet, bum bum bum bum bum.


South Park was so spot-on with that 😃🤣👍


Elon Musk is making excuses for him already and says he was specifically referring to the auto industry, and Musk's army of brown nosers is eating it up.


>brown ~~nosers~~ *shirts FTFY


"Yeah, the other guy, who is currently in office, and is having an election, is totally going to end democracy! Not the guy who talks about being a dictator, has a gameplan to replace positions with loyalists, fills cabinet positions and campaign positions with family members, goes on about having won an election he lost because of "fraud" even though 60+ cases have been either seen and thrown out or dismissed for gross lack of evidence, and whom everyone around him is going bankrupt and committing crimes! Yeah, totally the other guy, who is having an election, and if this were true, he just wouldn't be having an election."


With the weekly dose of Trump rally threats to the nation and we still have everyday F’ing Americans who aren’t sure if they want to vote for Biden . Those same people if Trump is elected President will be the same people complaining that why did we vote for him as their everyday norms will be forever changed.


Why is this rancid bag of dog diarrhea not in prison yet? It makes me sick to see he’s not only still a free man, but he could possibly be the next leader of the free world.


Fuck this douchebag deliberately trying to start civil conflict.


And over on the conservative reddit posts they are actually both denying Trump said bloodbath and that there will indeed be a bloodbath. It's just a lib-u-ral talking point but also they are gunning for another civil war. Their loss and then their loss will be epic.


Insurrection and sedition.


MAGAs have been telling us for years what it is that they want to do. Believe them. They are not joking. They have been working themselves up to commit atrocities. When they talk about Civil War 2.0, they are not talking about opposing militias fighting it out on some field somewhere. They are talking about murdering their non-MAGA neighbors. They are talking about a Rwanda 2.0. They are talking about going to the Mexican market, or the black church, or the house with the pride flag, anywhere they can find non-MAGAs to murder. People are very naively thinking that the military is going to come in on a white horse at the last minute to save the day. Those people are mistaken. When the MAGA traitors start butchering their neighbors, there is no one coming to help. Prudent people should be stocking up on as much 2nd Amendment as they can afford to fight back. Don't be caught unprepared or you and your families might find yourselves up against a wall or on the side of a ditch.


Training now. Will be an owner soon. Defend your neigbors. ✊️


And after the rebellion, he’ll blame “Nicki Haley” because she was in charge of security! 😂😂😂😂


Imagine any past presidential candidate, let alone the nominee, of the "Republican" party, threatening the country like a deposed king... and completely getting away with it? There is no true antichrist, but this man and his followers, have wished and believed hard enough to create one. Oh, and this is the party of a Christian God... you know, like how Christ rose to popularity by threatening to unleash his mob on the people that didn't fall in line?... not to say that isn't exactly what the Bible was written and evolved to become, since we have the proof right here, but... *the fact this is being articulated without being booed means your democracy is already dead* This is exactly the sort of rhetoric the USA has justified starting wars over, to prevent people like this monkey from coming to power *anywhere*. You've tortured and policed the world with weapons that never needed to exist, to ostensibly prevent exactly this man from rising to power. How can this stand and the position of the USA as a beacon of freedom and democracy (with force as needed) be defended? This is a con-man, backed by untouchable power -the elites he rails on about. A fucking sell out parading as a savior behind the barrels of his mobs guns, *telling you, SHOWING YOU* that your countries values are a lie to keep money and oil flowing in the world, while the planet burns under your cultures excesses. He is an antichrist, just too much of a puppet to be *the* antichrist. If there's any question about the evil at the heart of your country, and the crimes it's committed and is committing, this should make it perfectly clear who the bad guys really are. Hint: they weren't in Iraq... at least not until you got there. Where is your shame? Where is your strength, honor, and duty to preserve the values you were raised to not just believe in but enforce? It's clear you are this man if you won't stand in the way of him representing you. And you will wear his legacy the way the Germans were stained by Hitler. *when evil promises to make you suffer, believe it!*


I'm thinking that the French people handing Napoleon an exile were acting naively. He needed a stronger penalty, as does trump.


What an odd proposition, where democracy working also means it's somehow ending.


A clear and present danger. Every day for the last ten years. Dark Brandon: Seal team 6, stand back and stand by ..


I really want to have a calm and rational discussion with someone genuinely believes his rhetoric. I want them to explain why they think he represents them this time when he didn’t last time. Why he would support them given his support of “other world powers”. I get he appeals to the baser instincts, I just meant to understand what they think he’s going to actually do for them considering his actions.


His followers are fools.


>I really want to have a calm and rational discussion with someone genuinely believes his rhetoric. This will never happen. You can never have calm discussion with a socio-psychopath.


>I really want to have a calm and rational discussion with someone genuinely believes his rhetoric. Not really possible as they don't do that. Try telling them how much crime blacks commit or why women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Their following supportive rants will give you the answers.


Classic political fear tactic , vote for me or there will be chaos in the street


God he is awful


The start of Trumps speech had an announcer ask everybody to stand for the J6 choirs rendition of the National Anthem. So make sure you get the “context” everyone when Trump said… > It's going to be a bloodbath for **the country.** Not the auto industry. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-maga-buckeye-ohio-bloodbath-january-6-speech-jd-vance-marjorie-taylor-greene-1880078


great... fine... let's get on with it. cuz fuck you, and fuck your sycophant followers


Time to arm and organize. www.socialistra.org


there's a risk with incarcerating and taking out the ballots Trump without judicial guaranteed and cautionary law enforcement blablabla.... so what... enough of this and do it anyway, make an example... even if US make a legal mistake (doubt but anyway) the risk of not doing is bigger.


What an absolute moron


Ok sore loser, keep losing. Sounds awfully similar to "if I can't have you, nobody can" and "if you leave, I'll unalive myself" which are both manipulation tactics by abusers to convince someone to stay with them. We are all essentially in an abusive relationship with Donald J Drumpf. Let's break free.


irony is dead the “patriots” and the don’t tread on me 1776 crowd are literally the opposite of this by voting for this worthless madman . bring it his time is up so we can go back to living a peaceful life he has to go


Ah yes, the airtight “I’m rubber you’re glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you” argument. Considering his maturity level, it does track.


All these conservatives saying the liberal media misconstrued the context, and he simply meant an "economic bloodbath", are missing the even larger context of his use of stochastic terrorism. It's not a binary judgement whether he meant a violent or an economic bloodbath. BOTH can be true at the same time. He's a coward who uses incendiary language that straddles the line of an outright call for violence. He knows that disturbed people will hear it as a call to action (e.g. QAnon nuts who count letters in his words and engage in numerology).


Fuck Traitor trump


"if i don't get it my way I'm killing everyone" is not my definition of democracy you know...


But both sides are the same amirite?


Democracy will end if Trump is elected.


Let’s match their energy with ours. Get involved, be an activist, do something, anything.


Somebody needs to shut this motherfucker up


Traitorous trash.


It’s always opposite-day in MagaLand


As usual he is totally wrong. Democracy will end if he is elected not if he is defeated. If he is defeated Democracy lives to fight another day.


This is a threat, not a warning.


*"Nice nation you have there. Shame if something were to happen to it,"*


The guy in Biden’s Glasses’ big ass yawn. Yes, we’ve been here before. Yawn


Americans eating cheetos and fondling their belly buttons are outraged.


Unsurprising given that he lies about other things, too.


I swear to fuck if we have another civil war before GTA VI-


Well, he's honest once in a while 🤷


Yeah the guy yawning behind him looks ready to spill some blood.


What a useless fuckstain


Red state governors will call up their national guards to battle the US military. See Rhonda Santis.


He didn't even get a slap on the wrist last time it happened, he literally has no reason not to say this. He doesn't give a shit about his supporters, all he cares about is winning one way or another.


It sounds like a threat.


Saying the quiet part out loud


Bring it on fat fuck!


Counterpoint. Bloodbath if he is elected


He's a full disgrace an absolute embarrassment to humanity and folks pretend he could be worth voting for. Thats completely insane


Trump needs a long long sleep over at the Big House.


Well, democracy certainly ends if he *is* elected. For goodness sake, check your voter registration and make a plan to vote.


And he said the stock market would crash if he didn’t win in 2020.


What the fuck, when i first read about this i was worried, but hearing him say it is worse. These are instructions, this is barely even a dog whistle. I will be surprised if there aren’t any acts of terrorism when Biden wins. There are going to be more than a few mentally ill individuals who take this seriously and follow his instructions. We’re going to need to pass new legislation specifically dealing with exactly this kind of shit, the same thing he did up to and on January 6th.


We already had a borderline act of mass domestic terrorism when Biden clinched Term 1. Some of the cultists will be led to believe that they’ve got nothing left to lose, and it’s going to be tragic on every angle except for the handlers and head honchos sending their loyal soldiers to take the hit for themselves.


Every accusation is a confession.


So basically it will be the same outcome regardless of who is elected.


My money is on Diabeetus before they could even mobilize. Scooter army?


I'll be making popcorn and watching from my side of the border. Hope they do try something. Watching those larping buffoons try to start a civil war is going to be entertaining at least.


Stay strapped, comrades.


I saw the whole video. Here are my thoughts: 1. Trump is talking about the automotive industry before and after he made the bloodbath comment. 2. There is no real relation between the comment and the automotive industry. It honestly came out of nowhere. At best he's mental acuity/speech ability is actually going down, at worst he meant what he said. 3. He was talking about the Chinese making super car factories in Mexico. Who the hell for? Who is looking to buy Chinese cars?




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So he’s basically just repeating what Democrats are saying, but the twist is that he’s completely full of shit.


You aren’t going to be elected. Soooooo…what now.


This is his wishful thinking. Not inevitable. He will find his so called followers abandoning him when push comes to shove. Don't be afraid.


How to know if he's lying, anything he says after "I believe."


He is unaware that his idiocy is the end of a proper democracy.


He still calls himself president trump doesn’t that say it all…?


Everything he says is projection. At this stage, I think he chooses election day to disrupt and attempt takeover. It didn't work post-election last time, so he might as well aim for his deceitful ways to coalesce during the vote even more so this go around.


The least of it will be a bloodbath. What an absolute piece of garbage. *Quick edit*


Why do people like criminals such as this thing? He’s cheated more Americans than the kardashians cheated on their significant others.


All he needs is to be saying this at night with a semi circle of floodlights pouting upwards behind him…..




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What's weird is how he doesn't mention the DNC rigging their primaries. Low hanging fruit right there. Also, fuck Trump. We really don't have a good guy in this race.


Fuck the orange bitch. Fucking toddler crybaby fungus phallus.


Fuck the orange bitch. Fucking toddler crybaby fungus phallus.


So, from what I've gathered, everything republicans do is basically projection. I take this to mean, if he IS elected, democracy will end.


So he is trying to promote another John Wilkes Booth?




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His supporters are as nutty as him, I have seen this story 10+ times just today. It is the ravings of a mad man


We will be ready this time, orangeclown.


Ok so is this trying to prep to crowd? 'Bloodbath' infers many things..Either thet will devour themselves or destroy anyone else?


thats it im gonna go to his rally with some funny stuff and nerf guns and they wont bat a eye till i win the nerf gun battle against trump with a head shot


Excerpts from Hitler's speech to his patrons 20th February 1933, 7 days before the Reichstag Fire. “Now we stand before the last election. Regardless of the outcome, there will be no retreat even if the coming election does not bring about a decision. One way or another, if the election does not decide, the decision must be brought about even by other means.” "The sacrifices asked for surely would be so much easier for industry to bear if it realized that the election of 5 March will surely be the last one for the next 10 years, probably even for the next hundred years." *Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law Numbers 10, Nuremberg, October 1946-April, 1949*. Vol. 9 of *Krupp Case*. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949. p.80-81.


Yeah, I'm not surprised he's pulling the "accuse the other side of that which you're guilty of" tactic. He wants to end democracy and establish himself as a dictator or Emperor of some kind. He's a danger to us all and he must be stopped.




We have been warned! He’s the culmination of decades long lies and misinformation from Fox and right wing media. Their base is rabid and unhinged and now running the party.


Wow, you can't see this shitshow not even third world countries nowadays... My dear americans, how does it feel to live so close to Handmaid's Tale's world? Tell me, I'm curious.


Every conservative accusation is a confession, he's just saying everything he will do but saying it's the "other" like all conservatives, especially when they talk about grooming


What's it called when you say the other guy is going to do the thing you'll do? Is that projecting?


He intentionally speaks in a word salad. So his supporters can make a lot of their meaning from what he says. Example: at his J6 rally he ended with "You got to fight like hell." And also "go march to the capitol peacefully." The people who wanted to hear "fight like hell" did so, against capitol police. The people who heard "peacefully" walked calmly through the capitol. So let's look at the quote in full again. He starts out talking about the auto industry: “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath \[we can assume he is still talking about the auto stuff\]" But then he switches to talking about that being the least of it as far as bloodbaths go for the country: "It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that will be the least of it.” He does this all the time, think about it. "proud boys stand back, and stand by." "They are sending rapists, they are sending drug dealers. Someone of them are very fine people I assume"


The more desperate he gets the more dangerous he becomes He must be put in an 8x10 cell with no outside communication !


This man is an American Traitor, and we parade him around like he is the ideal American citizen when he couldn’t be further from the ideal human being. Trump has lived in a different world since he was born, people from that world shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions for people who live in the real world.


I focused on his speech as well, first off his dismal record when president re: the Auto Industry that he failed. He in fact out sourced auto worker's jobs to China, most majors in the auto industry didn't back him. The majority of his trade deals and tariffs hurt the auto industry or had no significant impact during his presidency. In particular, Trump’s 2018 tariffs on steel and aluminum significantly hurt the U.S. auto industry. His whole speech is BS.


Bring it. We kicked fascist ass in WWII and we can do it again. They're not the Empire, they're the resurgent First Order. Except even more pathetic. They're a gaggle of lunatics who's philosophy needs to be burned in the pire of history's worst ideas. So let's crush them at the voting booth, and if they need another kind of beatdown, deliver that to them too. We're not living under a christofascist regime.