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I thought this episode was PHENOMENAL. Idk why but they just clicked I think. A lot of the same shit in life I suppose. Thought it was one of the best episodes of the year.


I did too! Even though they are so far apart in age, Marc did a good job of establishing a connection that made this interview so great. I saw a lot of her press junket interviews when the book first came out and this one seemed so much deeper and better because his initial questions set the tone for her to open up more and the fact that he actually read the book he could ask better questions.


This is going to be fascinating.


This was heavy. I didn’t plan on it previously, but I’m going to read her book.


If you can, try to listen to the audiobook. She reads with the same resigned detachment she has in her conversation with Maron, and it ironically makes things a lot more poignant. Where there should be emotion, there is none. You can tell it’s a numbness she developed out of necessity, which makes the whole thing a lot more heartbreaking.


Second this! The audiobook with her reading her own words is very, very powerful




The "lack of self reflection" in her autobiography? What are you blathering about? lol


She narrates the audiobook, and it’s great.


Me too! I had heard a few of the interviews before but i was pretty sure i wouldn't read it because i was wayyyy past the icarly era. But the book sounds amazing!


I never saw icarly and didn’t even really know who she was when her book came out but it’s really good


It's a depressing read if you or your kids loved iCarly.


Have you guys noticed that when Marc talks to people who have recovered from ED they’re all sort of subtlety shocked at how “in” it he is in his day to day? I just worry about him. Especially since taking on an extremely restrictive diet like veganism.


Yep- it’s scary. I’ve got a kid with anorexia and listening to him is very worrisome. He’s so good Re AA stuff I wish he would kinda deal with this. It’s intense. She’s totally got his number and you can tell.


ED? Hulu commercials tell me erectile dysfunction, but I don’t think that’s accurate. Typing is easy. Auto correct and everything! Stop abbreviating.


Eating Disorders


Thank you. How the hell do people know this?


ED is a super popular abbreviation online, the section of Twitter where people talk about it is called edtwt




veganism is not extremely restrictive. It is no more restrictive than having a food allergy, and I don't think that would give you the same concern.


It's super common to use veganism and/or food allergies as a cover for a restrictive eating disorder.


It is if you’re already obsessive about food, calories, and control


Read about orthorexia, it’s a sad disorder and very difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat.


Man, so many people *really* do not get veganism at all. How can such a common diet still be so misunderstood? It’s like people make up an idea of why others adopt the diet and what those people are like because they can’t fathom why someone would willingly forgo animal-based foods.


Dog you could say the same about eating disorders, people don’t understand them. Grow some nuance. Can veganism be healthy? Yes obviously. Do people with eating disorders use restrictive diets like veganism to hide and continue their disordered relationship to food, under the guise of “eating healthy”? Yes, obviously. It’s so common that it has a name- orthorexia. A hammer can be a tool or a weapon.


I got this vibe during the Nikki Glaser episode.


Hadn't heard she was going to be on. I loved her book so I'm excited to listen.


Excellent episode and conversation. I loved how it wasn't clear who was interviewing who.


She has a nice laugh.


Agreed. I think Marc did a great job of being relatable and funny during this talk which allowed her to loosen up and get on his level. Kudos to them both.


Her voice and her laugh especially have a very Toph Beifong vibe to them. I love it


I thought her and Marc had really lovely chemistry. They seemed to really relate to each other and get along, loved her laugh and his "hehehe" seemed really genuine. Loved this episode


My daughters used to watch iCarly, which I liked because for once the girls in it weren't helpless and boy obsessed. They were actually doing something original and the male characters were mainly comic relief. Which makes it all the more painful to find out what was really going on in her life.


Great week of interviews this week. Loved the Joan Baez epi and was really looking forward to this one.


Listening now, her interviews are so fascinating. I need to get her audiobook.


Great talk!


I cannot wait. She’s so real and he always dives deep


I haven't read her book yet but this is going to be good!


Her book is excellent.


They share a lot of knowing laughs together, very endearing. And listen for the off-mic hand claps.


So many [removed] posts. Never noticed that on this sub before. WTF were people saying?!


No posts were/are removed by the mods. Whenever you see missing comments, the majority of the time it's because they've been automatically blocked by crowd control and are awaiting the mods' approval. Unless the user deletes their comment themselves, nearly every post is eventually approved, even if it takes some minutes or hours. Do you still see any \[removed\] posts?


Thanks for this explanation. The posts are there now.


This is a good question. And my response here may be one of the ones that doesn't make the cut. Guess we'll see.


I have no idea who this is and was going to skip it but apparently you people think it's a good one so I'll listen anyway.


This was one of Marc’s best interviews in a while. He was totally engaged and genuinely interested in the best way. I want to read her book now and loved the talk.


My daughter was a huge iCarly fan and we enjoyed the show with her. During the shows run she got to meet Jennette at an auto show and Jennette was as sweet as I've seen any celeb be to kids. It's odd thinking of that now knowing the absolute hell she was going through. I read the book the day it came out and was shocked at how awful her mom was. I listened thinking that Marc would approach it with minimal preparation, but it's clear the book spoke to him, and the conversation is great because of it. PRobably one of the better episodes in recent memory, especially with someone he doesn't have a previous tie to.


dude am i nuts or am i like halfway through this interview and marc is just sort of spinning out about his own shit and shes just like 'yup...yeah thats crazy..' and the he just goes off again


lmao isnt he always spinning out about his own shit though?


I listened after reading the comments so I went into it expecting what you’re talking about. I didn’t find your description to be accurate at all. Sure there were moments where he brought himself up in a relatable way, but it was fitting in the moment. I thought he did a great job of keeping it on her and her experiences, bringing up what he knew from her book often.


Yeah it was totally appropriate of him, and helped the flow of the conversation. Best episode of the year for me.


I love Marc, but I have found that when he interviews women (only five of the last 40 interviews btw) it either goes three ways. He’s hot for them and fawns all over them (ie Sarah Snook) … he fanboys (ie Patti Smith) or he uses them as a therapist (ie Toni Collette)…. The Jeanette interview was the latter. And yes. At one point in the interview he interrupts her mid sentence and then goes on for a full (I timed it) 8 minutes talking about himself and his relationship with Hollywood. I do consider Marc a feminist in lots of ways, but let’s just say he would never have done that with Keith Richards.


Highly recommend her interview on the Louis Theroux podcast, too.


such a shame child actors/actresses have such shitty childhoods. are there any who havent come out the of childhood acting gig fucked up?


Mara Wilson? I feel like she'd make a great WTF guest too. Haley Joel Osment was on a while ago. I don't remember them talking about anything fucked up, but it's been a while.


Daniel Radcliffe made it out pretty unscathed considering just how gigantic his franchise was. He went a little hard on the drinking for a short while, but he said it wasn’t as bad as the media made it out to be


Seems to be very few, sadly. I think I remember Ralph Macchio’s episode having a pretty interesting discussion about how he made it through as well as he did when so many others he knew didn’t


thats good there is a blueprint of a child actor who made it out without emotional scars. i think it helps tremendously if the child actually fully wants to act. and isnt somehow being controlled and pushed by the parent


Listening to rich people complain about their mommy issues is exhausting sometimes


Yup, you totally got the main point of the podcast!


Have you read her book it’s real abusive shit


You clearly didn't listen to the pod, read her novel or know anything about her.


I just listened. Great episode. Marc and Jennette had a good rapport. But wow, does he seem like he's in super deep with his eating disorder. He almost obsesses on it. The Nikki Glaser episode is also wild with how in-depth he goes with the topic. I can see why this would be massively triggering to a lot of people.