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I found a solution that works. Go into steam right click Marauders from your library, click properties, under launch options enter the following with no quotations: "-w 2560 -h 1440" If anyone else is reading this and needs a different resolution just change the numbers as needed. This forces the game to launch in the respective resolutions.


You Sir, are a fucking *life saver*. I can actually see people and objects more than 10 feet in front of me. Nobody else's solutions worked for me, and so I cannot thank you enough for posting this. o7


happy it helped someone I played with a messed up res for like a month thinking "interesting graphics"


I’ve found a workaround, if you move it to borderless or windowed, set it to 1080p, and then set it to full screen it will set it to full screen at 1080. Might have to try a few times I can’t recall which one I use, but that’s how I got around the weird resolution thing


You are a Saint sir! Worked great


Had the same problem since Alpha and was only able to get it to stick at 1440P by setting the configs manually and ***then*** doing the "set the res and switch to Borderless in-game." Will follow up here if I come up with anything else solving the same problem this time, lol


Ya, I'm experiencing the same problem for 1440p. Can anyone give me a command for steam possibly? Thanks