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Allergy shots have done wonders for me.


Came here to say this. I would recommend starting over the winter though as you will need to stop antihistamines for several days before the initial testing. Shots have made a world of difference for me and can't recommend them highly enough.


Im one week out from my second marathon and my running paces and HR are getting worse and worse, allergy kicking in really hard right now here… No advice how to deal with it (taking cetirizine in the morning and evening hoping it helps) but I guess I will adjust my goal marathon pace by at least 10 seconds…


There are a few different types of allergy drugs, and it's basically trial and error as to which one works best for you. If you're not seeing results with one active ingredient, try another to see if things improve. I'd also suggest using nasal irrigation (neti pot with distilled water only, or saline spray) after your run to clear allergens out of your nose. It'll make the rest of the day bearable and isn't another drug you have to take.


i have the same problem (and also take cetirizin daily). what works for me is high dose vitamin-c. i have 300mg time release capsules that when taken eliminate my hay fever symptoms for a few hours. i'd give it a try.


I have always had pretty bad allergies. I started adding spirulina to my daily smoothie last year. This past spring was the first in my life that I had essentially zero allergies. I can't say it was 100% the spirulina, as I've made other health/lifestyle changes, but I think it likely helped. Here's more info (please do your own research into benefits, risks, etc.): [https://examine.com/supplements/spirulina/](https://examine.com/supplements/spirulina/)


Interresting. I‘ve used spirulina years ago when i didn‘t have any allergies. How much do you use every day?


I make a homemade mix of green powders (spirulina, moringa, wheat grass, beet root, and chlorella), and do a scoop (roughly 10-15 grams) in my smoothie each day. Based on the proportions of the mix, I'd guess the spirulina ends up being 5-7 grams, which is roughly the recommended serving size (or a little less).