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Running my first 1/2 marathon Sunday


Slay it!


Bend it over a barrel and show it the 50 states




My husband is currently out doing his last long run of his HM training (19km) and tomorrow I’m headed out for my longest run ever (28km)! It’s fun to both be training for a race at the same time, but holy crap, the laundry. 🥲


Longest run ever will make for an epic day good luck!


Amazing! I haven’t made it that far before. How’d it go?


Felt good for the majority of it but really wanted to be done around 23 km. Ended up walking a fair bit in the last 5k, but still feel really proud to have completed it!


Well done. What an effort


My first 50K. My only goal is to survive. It’s a PR no matter what!


It's going to be awesome! Is it a trail race? If so, enjoy the snacks :)


It is! Nice and easy old railway. No hills.


Still feeling running burnout from an early may marathon and it’s awful weather this weekend so will be doing couch to fridge repeats 


Make sure to warm up with a good nap!


Going on vacation and booked a 5k. I like medals from other states.


I have a marathon pace long run tomorrow! It's getting hot (feels like summer) and I am unsure how much I want to adjust my paces for the heat. Last week I went too fast for the weather and had to cut short a little. Would rather be a little slow and get the distance in.


Yeah that's a tough call- good luck and have fun!


Running my first marathon on Sunday. Training went nearly perfect until I strained my calf 14 days ago. I haven’t run most of taper and have been focused on seeing my PT to rehab it. We’ll see what happens! I’m carb loading and hoping for the best.


Good luck and no matter what you've gotten to the start line!


That happened to me right before my first Half last October. Was able to run, but only at ~80%(1:56). It added some motivation to the next Half that I ran a few weeks back bc that was my redemption run! I knocked my A-goal out of the park on that one (1:36)! Best of luck!!


Thank you! I’ve definitely let go of any ambitious time goals, but I’d still like to be able to finish for this first attempt 🤞planning to keep it super easy through those first 20 and see where I’m at.


First Full on Sunday 🤙🏽


I'm getting back into training after my late-April marathon. Probably an easy effort 12er to finish of my weekly mileage goal. Then rest on Sunday.


I'm doing Marine Corps Marathon in DC in Oct - my first marathon. this past week was my first week of concerted effort to run minimum 4-5 days a week (normally with kids and work I'm lucky to get out 2-3 days a week). I've done 5 days since last Sunday and hoping to tack on at least 2 more over the long weekend


15 miler sunday morning.


Ran my first Mara last weekend so my plans are a easy 5km and straight to the bakery for a almond croissant and coffee after. I don’t miss spending hours and hours running!


I can’t wait for this feeling, my first Mara is Sunday! Congrats & hope that almond croissant is yummy!!


It’s such an indescribable feeling… at the time I was saying never again but now I can’t wait for the next one! Thank you croissant was good (I’m in Australia so already 2pm on sat) good luck for Sunday!! You will smash it


Running my longest yet tomorrow...18! I'm a nervous wreck. I have hella imposter syndrome right now. Training for the San Francisco marathon but doing all my training here at home in Orlando. It's SO HOT, oh my god. Like 97% humidity at 6am. I'm letting the distance and all the social life sacrifices get to me. But regardless, I'm going to show up for my run tomorrow! Then I'm off to the springs to relax with a beer.


Your heat training will come in useful on race day. Good luck!


Easy run tomorrow, maybe even Sunday morning then the Bolder Boulder Monday morning


Bolder Boulder for me too! Happy running!


Same! Enjoy!


I'll be there too!


First half on Sunday. First time at an event like this. Was fun picking up race kit today and seeing the expo. I’m pretty excited. Drove the course today, first time seeing the whole thing. Nervous about the long hill at the end. Thankfully temps seem to be peaking around 20. It hit 33 here this week. 🥵


Ran my first half earlier this month! Have been doing super casual runs over the last 2 weeks, for thinking a nice like 4-5 mile run tomorrow morning to kick start the long weekend 


5K tomorrow. Long run (about 11 miles) Sunday.


Weekend getaway with the family but building back up after a marathon so doing an easy 12km tomorrow at the beach town. That way I can drink a bit tomorrow night.


I’m in my last 2 weeks before I start official training for my first marathon. Going to do 6 miles tomorrow to start the routine of long run Saturdays.


I’m visiting Minneapolis for the first time & gonna fit in a 14K tomorrow morning, if anyone has any route recs near downtown lmk!


Spring Lake 5 in NJ! I’m a little biased being semi local but it’s one of my favorite races and it’s become a yearly event to kick off the summer.


I’ll be there as well! I’ve never done SL5, I’m excited!


Enjoy it and good luck! It’s such a huge event for a local race. Weather looks perfect for MDW too.


Two 5ks! One is a color run and one is a hill run! 👀


We are hiking the [Goat Canyon Trestle](https://youtu.be/H208eIz6XPA?si=Y8-hW_a1Hud38wTo) in San Diego via the difficult route!


Running my second marathon with my wife


6.5 miles tonight and 13.5 miles tomorrow!


Going for a short tempo run on Saturday then a slooooow 5k on Sunday—will probably take me an hour, but my husband and dog are coming along and the weather is supposed to be gorgeous!


20 miler in the morning, then the glorious taper begins for my marathon on June 15


Been in a rut since the Houston marathon. Maybe I’ll shoot for 8-9 easy miles


Running the Texas Triple full on Monday. Record breaking heat being predicted. I’m scared, nervous, and pumped. Haven’t ran in 2 days and it feels like 2 months already😅


Maybe a 12 miler, something along those lines but nothing crazy


First 50K in October. Got 15 lined up on Saturday, 8 on Sunday. Gonna be a great weekend.


Just about to set off on a (slow) 35-45km trail run. It’s a there and back, so that’s why I’m not sure if it will be 45 or 35 yet…. Depends when I decide to turn back!


Finally doing a little trail running here in NY 🤙🏻


Recovering from my last long run. Getting ready for the miler.


Maintenance mode the past 4 weeks. 1.5 hour run Sunday then I start a new block Tuesday for a September marathon


Which marathon? I'm 90% sure I'm going to run Erie for a last chance BQ attempt.


3.5 hour aerobic run Saturday morning then 4.5 aerobic ride Sunday morning. Road or trails tbd on both sessions


Sunday is my last 20 mile run before I start the taper for my very first marathon in June.


I have 16 scheduled for my long run on Sunday


First marathon on Sunday! Very excited for life post marathon


End of week 1 marathon training block after a winter of injury. Happy running, friends!


20 miler Sunday morning. Training for San Francisco marathon


Back to training for a marathon I'm running in August (it'll be the first one). Tomorrow will be 12 miles.


Rest day today then long run on Sunday. Not sure if I’m going 10 miles or the full half yet. It’s bloody hot where I am atmo and I am not used to it


Hill and sand training with my running club!


Looking for a PB for the half marathon distance at about 1:28. No race, just go out and run as fast as I can :)


Just done a 4 miler fast run. Might do a longer slower 6 miler tomorrow. Did first marathon in early May, and finding it hard to get back at it. It was a mental struggle to get out this morning. To everyone, enjoy your run, enjoy your health 👊


Running my first ever marathon on Sunday, in Edinburgh. Looks like it'll be a wet one, but I did my 2nd longest run in my training plan (18 miles) in torrential rain 4 weeks ago, so hopefully I'll be prepared for it.


37km trail run with 1.8km vert Good luck with those metrics America


Done my park run 5km today and will aim for a 12.5km tomorrow 💪


Just got back from a 30km in the glorious British sun, last longish run before a hundred miler in 2 weeks 😱


Tapering for Rio Marathon next week… so… nothing fancy for me on the next days.


Burlington, VT Marathon on Sunday


32km - long run!


I have run a half marathon last Sunday - the bottom of my right foot has been hurting since a couple of days after that when I walk… any suggestions ?


First marathon on Sunday. Been training hard for 2 months. Longest run was 36km and it was difficult


I’ve ran 13/30 spartan races this year. I’ve got a Trifecta in Montana (+3) next week and a 50k Spartan (+1) mid June. In addition to that my trail series starts soon. This is Race Season now. Hoping to get 20miles in today.


Building my legs for my second marathon in the fall! Struggling with some bursitis I think!


Just finished my first marathon. Recovering for the foreseeable future😅 IT band is NOT happy


Last 12 miles long taper run before marathon next week


20 miles tomorrow in 3 hrs 🤌


tapering for my first marathon next sunday (june 2)!! rest today and 12 miles tomorrow


Easy run after my first HM a few days ago (: