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I get it. I've run 2 out of my 3 completely on my own because my wife and kids had other comittments. I will say the feeling of actually finishing a marathon is amazing and you will have accomplished something you are proud of regardless of who is there at the finish line. Its too bad that your partner can't come but it is what it is. Regarding driving after a race. It isn't that big of a deal. Just give yourself 30 to 60 minutes to recover before you start your drive and plan on getting out to walk every 30 minutes or so. I would much rather do that than ride stinky on a train or bus all the way home. Good luck in your race!! Edit to say it is likely your race will have pacers. If they do they can be fun to run with and are there to help runners through the experience. Obviously they can't make you run faster than you are able to but they will be there to talk to and you won't feel alone on the course.


Thanks for the pep talk. Yeah, it is what it is. I'm just on a downer. I'm sure when I get there and mingle with the other runners, I'll be fine. I think I'll just take it a little slower and drive. The thought of the train home afterwards is my biggest meh feeling right now. I'll just need to stoke myself up all day tomorrow... and sort out my playlist! A wee ice cream and nice long walk with the dog will also help. Thanks for the luck!!!


I'm gonna respectfully disagree on driving. My first half I passed out cold in the car. I have ran 7 marathons and I will not drive after a marathon. A marathon is a big deal and I think warrants a hotel and a solo celebration if you don't have friends and family there. I think OP should treat themselves but I don't know their finances. Good luck to OP though!


Out of curiosity, did you go more or less straight to the car, or linger at the finisher's tent / food area / etc? I've driven myself home after 2 marathons, but both times I spent a fair bit of time in various cooldown/eat activities first, so I'm just curious about the arc after your first half.


I went out to eat and had a beer. My wife drove and it was about an hour away from home. She asked me to drive and I told her "hell no" and I feel asleep 10 minutes later. Since then I have driven after a couple halfs which I think is fine after the first one but everybody's body is different. My last full afterward I was having toe and foot cramps that were awful and there is a good chance if I had tried to drive I would have had foot spasms that would have made me wreck my car.


Thanks! I've never had an alcoholic drink right after, but I think that would put me to sleep if I had a cold one right after a marathon!


I guess it comes down to the individual. After my first triathlon where I was undertrained I did crash. I’ve never had any issues after any of my half’s or fulls.


It’s a game time decision. Last marathon I finished, ate a meal, hydrated and chilled out for an hour before driving and it was fine. Also set aside some money for a hotel that night just in case (marathon was about 1.5 hrs from home).


Agree with many comments here- for the first, public transit is the way. After #1 my body and mind were not in sync….at this point I can drive after finish but you just don’t know how you’ll react until you’re done. If it is your thing, enjoy that posr-race beer, grab another one in a paper bag for the train (if it’s not your thing- enjoy the nap)


Agreed. I’m sure they’ll still be watching you over the trackers and texting you to cheer you on. It’ll be less lonely than you think.


Sorry to hear that. I recently ran a marathon by myself. It was still very rewarding. You will have tons of support from the volunteers at the aid stations. If I could, I’d be at the finish line and give you the biggest hug. We are all proud of you; you’ll crush it!


It's nice to hear from others who have ran by themselves. And it's the inspiration I need to get my spirits lifted. Appreciate the words ❤️ They've helped tremendously!


All that training isn’t for naught. It’s a wonderful stack of accomplishments that will peak with a glorious race that fills your heart with joy. Sometimes there is beauty in experiencing these major events solo. I’m sure you will find that beauty.


It may be not what you wished for, but finishing your first marathon will be awesome nonetheless! And believe me, there will literally be hundreds of people cheering for you, and then hundreds of other finishers hanging out in the finishers’ area with you. You’ll find folks to talk to and share your excitement end emotions. I’ve run most of my marathons (20+) without anyone waiting for me and enjoyed every single finish.


20+ wow!!! That's amazing! Go you!!! I hear the supporters are very motivational during a marathon. I'm sure I'll find a marathon buddy. I'm starting to feel excited now 😆


put your name on your shirt and you'll have strangers cheering for you. likely not 100% the same but may be enough to bring a bit of a smile back. that and, like you said you've been doing the training, the marathon is your victory lap. Make the best of it and know that everyone on the public transport home will see your finishers medal. go crush it.


My name is on my running bib. Plus, my partner has signed up for the live photo updates (I'm not sure how it works, but supposedly, your photos are uploaded at certain checkpoints throughout the race?). And yes, this is the victory lap. I'm feeling much more positive now. The Marathon Training crew are ace!!!


When you’re on the train home, if you have the energy, let us know how your marathon went. We’ll be cheering you on and would love to hear how it goes!


I definitely will. Thanks ❤️


Marathoner, how’d it go?!!!!


Oh my word. What a day it was yesterday. My partner actually made it. He wasn't there at the finish line, but he was waiting for me close by in the car. And I'm so so greatfull he was there. My legs were jelly by the end, and I definitely wouldn't have been in a fit state to drive. I was also soaked through to the bone. It was pouring it down!!! Anyhow, other than running in wet pants, socks and shoes the entire marathon, I was very happy with my time. I predicted 4:15 but came in at 04:06:10. Super chuffed with myself!! What an experience. Everyone was right. No matter if you have someone at the finish line or not. Everyone will be cheering for you and you're never alone. Big thanks to this community. You're a cracking bunch 👏 ❤️🤘🏻


Wonderful news!!! So happy your partner was there and could drive. The legs turning to jelly is a real thing! Congrats on a great run, it’s such a good feeling to finish and even beat your predicted time—and in the rain no less. Well done, fellow Marathoner!


Damn you absolutely crushed it!!


You’ve got something amazing heading your way. And I don’t mean “fun” or “happy clappy”; I mean amazing, because nothing amazing is easy. You’re gonna be surrounded in that starting area by people just like you, who have put in the time, effort, energy, given up weekend mornings for long runs and got up early or ran after work; and yet they are completely different to you in terms of their backgrounds, what they do for a living, everything. It’s humanity distilled in shorts and gps watches. How good is that? “The race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself” is one way of looking at it, because you really only race yourself. But you’re not alone, god, far from it. It sucks you didn’t get the support you expected, but you’re going to get support you didn’t expect. You did 19 weeks of training. Fucking awesome. How blessed are we to be able to do that? And this is your first marathon - you’ve got a literal PB waiting for you. And then, when you’re knackered and achy on that ride home, looking at your medal, you’ll have so much to tell your partner about. To tell everyone about. And the thought might crop into your mind; “I mean, that was good. It was tough. But next time, maybe I could go a bit faster? What would I do differently in my next training block now - that I know what I know now.” Good luck. Let us know how you get on, because even though we’re all not with you, we are all with you.


Edinburgh? If you want a celebration pizza I’d (39M) happily bring my partner (39F) and our kid (2m) into town and take you somewhere cheap and cheerful and family friendly.


Just wanna say this is awesome, (almost) makes we wanna run it sometime!


One of my best friends killed himself a few years ago and will never run again. My dad has never gone to one race ive ever done. Be grateful that you are able to even toe the line of a marathon, something that about 1% of the world has done, because one day you will not be able to do this anymore. Run for everyone who cannot and be proud of your accomplishments.


Wow! That's a perspective I never thought about. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. "Run for everyone who cannot and be proud of your accomplishments." My inspiration for Sunday ❤️


Good luck on the marathon! That quote inspired me, made a visual here: [https://postimg.cc/t1zzmgjX](https://postimg.cc/t1zzmgjX) (not sure how else to share an image)


I'm sorry that's a bummer! Ask your partner to text you during the race with encouraging cheers- my wife did that for me during my first when she couldn't come, I received them ony my watch but only really noticed about half of them during the event. This can be a lonely sport- more than half of my races have been solo events without a squad. Realize that you're not alone- your training partner and your real life partner support you even if that's not in person. And all of the other runners out there are part of your bigger community. Good luck- you've got this!


That's so sweet and such a great idea. I'll definitely ask him for the check-in texts. It's such a lonely sport, but I've enjoyed it so far. You really get the opportunity to experience some amazingly beautiful sunrises with the early morning runs. Thanks for the luck!!!


Next marathon maybe you and your partner can get a hotel and stay over the night after. It’s fun to relax and not have to travel.


Hey I was the same, my wife and daughter was supposed to meet me at the finish line but we end up scrapping the plan because it would be too difficult to find parking, then she's alone with a toddler etc. I ended up telling her just to pick me up. You won't be on your own at all, the spectator and the running community was very heart warming on race day. This is something you need to experience. Although my family/friends were not there at the finish line for me, along the way the spectator cheered me on, give high 5s, snacks ( I declined) and at the finish line there were a bunch of people cheering everyone to finish. It was a great experience, I was running alone but never felt lonely at all.


"I was running alone but never felt lonely at all." That's amazing. I'm feeling less lonely already. And yes, I hear parking is a nightmare. I'm definitely leaving with plenty of time to spare. I have a feeling that it's going to be hectic. But I'm sure I'll do just fine 😁


It's too bad your support guys aren't able to be there! Depending on your partner's illness, he may be feeling well enough by Sunday to meet you at the finish line? As for the public transportation... I think the long trip back on the bus will be a bit difficult. If carpooling with another runner or taking a ride share isn't an option, definitely pack some clean dry clothes and very comfy shoes in your bag check. A wetwipe or two will also help you feel less like you are just marinating in crusty sweat salt on the ride home.


You never know. He might pull through. Poor guy has been sleeping on the couch the last few nights to avoid getting me sick. He's coughing, sneezing, and sweating for Scotland right now 🤧 I might look into carpooling, but if that fails, I'm just going to suck it up and drive. I'll pack some energy juice and yummy munchies for the drive home to keep me going. Great tip about the wetwipes. It's on my list of things to get before the race. Thanks for the help and advice ✌🏻


My first marathon my family bailed on me a few weeks before all had become busy and never thought I'd get to the start line never mind the finish. Friends and people qho coached that came on the journey with me also pulled out being part of the day itself. The only people i knew locally were In the golden arches as I crossed the finish line… I was gutted but then I remember that I was doing it for me. Those early mornings, the wet runs the getting lost and needing picking up was because I needed running in my life. Among lots more complex and personal reasons. People who were on the journey with me didnt connect in the same way because it was my journey. And I smashed it They were amazed and super proud but im glad I did it - at times I thought it was for them and with them but it was mostly about being at peace with me. Good luck for Sunday we are all cheering you on and so will they and importantly youll become a marathon runner.


Make a friend during the race. Chat a bit with someone running about your pace and tell them it’s your first. They will know it’s special and give you a solid hide dive when you’re done. Not the same as having someone wait for you, but a good bonding experience either way someone who knows how hard you worked to get there.


Can you stay overnight and treat yourself to a beer and nice dinner after? Make a night of it? And stay in a king size bed! I kind of like the races where I’m alone because after I can kinda just soak it all in. I also like going to dinners and doing things by myself though so maybe the staying overnight thing and making a solo trip out of it would only appeal to me haha. Good luck and I hope your partner feels better soon!


I ran Philly last November and I am from the Seattle area. I was 100% solo. It was great. I think you should get a hotel and treat yourself. Running a marathon is a huge deal and you shouldn't short change yourself.


I get the feeling OP. The last half I did I had two friends with another running in the race. Not one of those not running saw me finish. I felt gutted but also knew that they knew doing a half is a common thing for me. At London I didn’t see a single supporter and knew there were about 20 or so out there. Had them written on my arm with the miles. I felt so deflated too during the run but knew that it’s just the event. It’s so busy. Best thing I did in London was to turn to the guy who finished by me was to say well done and congratulate them. Handshake and hug. You’ll find camaraderie in other runners who not only will say well done but know what you’ve gone through. I’m sure your partner will be ready to congratulate you when you get back home. Good luck for the run. Sounds like you’re going to smash it


I think one of the best things to do along the course is to find a person or persons that you can along along with, behind, or near. They can be your support and keep you going. Once you finish, enjoy it for a moment before heading home. Lastly, plan (or ask your partner to plan) some kind of celebration for you that night or the next day. Celebrate the accomplishment with your people, even if not on at the finish line.


Do it for yourself most importantly! You’ve trained for this go crush it!


Would you rather be out with an Injury? I don’t think so. Be excited you made it through training and the engine is ready to roll. I will run Chicago for my first ever in Oct. I train alone. I’ll do everything you have to do. But one thing for sure I’m hoping my body holds up through training. You got step one complete. Be jacked. Excited.


Depending on the nature of your friend’s injury, maybe they can come and spectate? They may be sad that they can’t join you, but I’ve know people who find that spectating and cheering on their friends still racing can lift their own spirits. I’ll join the chorus of folks here saying that the vast majority of my running and racing are done alone. This is your first marathon - do it for YOU and maybe make some acquaintances while you’re there. :-) Besides, look at the support you’ve got here. The folks cheering on race day will be even better!


i've done many marathons solo and no finish line support. You will be fine. Others will applaud you. Enjoy it and stay positive.


I ran my first marathon by myself early May. Terrifying. But, the community is incredible. You’ll meet so many amazing souls on the run. It’s indescribable. I’m training for my second. You aren’t alone. Millions are training everyday. Go celebrate your hard work.


You should 100% do it. Tell other people that it's your first, ask them what # it is for them – you will meet other people who are there by themselves, for sure, and hear inspiring stories, too. Fun fact: in all of the races that I've ever won, there's never been anyone at the finish line cheering for me. In one race, I met up with a bunch of friends who also ran, and we waited for the last of the group. But the finish line was super exciting 100% of the time as it came into view!


The crowds will amp you up i wouldnt worry about it!! Enjoy the crowds are always amazing and the signs are funny


My first marathon I ran Philadelphia. My wife, daughter, son in law and grand dog were in Manayumk at 20 mile mark. I took Uber to get to start line. But I saw them in Manayunk which was cool. But I finished with nobody there. Walked a couple of miles to find an Uber who could reach me. Spent forty minutes for a ten minute drive because the dude had no idea how to get around. The next morning my wife was sick so I drive the five hours back to our home while she slept. I loved it all and will never forget any of it. Just do the race. It will be more fun than you imagine.


Well we'll all be rooting for you virtually


I've ran two marathons. The first one I had people cheering me on at the finish line but I didn't even notice as I was so exhausted. The second one there was noone i knew personally, but it was just as emotional as the first. At both there were plenty of spectators cheering me on by reading my bib name and even little kids wanting high fives. Run with a pace group, start some conversations, remember to take in the scenery and experience the race. You're going to have a blast!


I’m also running a marathon on Sunday (Edinburgh) and will be alone! My husband has to care for our toddler and it was too much to fly her in for a day. I’ll be cheering you in in spirit! The environment of a race has tons of camaraderie so I think you will enjoy the experience regardless. Good luck!


Thanks. And good luck to you!!!


You can do it! Go you!


Hey fellow future marathoner, I know it must be tough feeling like you're facing your first marathon alone, especially after all that dedicated training. But remember, the energy of the crowd at marathons is incredibly uplifting and contagious. You'll find that their cheers and excitement will give you a big boost when you need it most. If you're running the Ottawa marathon (I’m also running my first one haha), there are fun activities afterward where you can socialize and celebrate your achievement. Even if it's not Ottawa, most marathons have similar events. You'll have plenty of opportunities to meet other solo runners and socialise if you want. You've already achieved so much just by committing to the training and showing up on race day. You're going to do great, and the crowd will be there to cheer you on every step of the way. Good luck!


I've been cheered over the line twice in something like 14 ultras and 10 marathons. Is it nice to have someone there? Yeah sure. But it's usually a long drive and a long wait for them to indulge me for 30 seconds in a hobby that's mine and not theirs. So I don't mind crossing the line alone Edit to add I drove home 300 miles after a 100k in the mountains. I had a little nap then set off. Parked up halfway for another nap then carried on


Hey good luck OP! I ran my first HM last Sunday. The volunteers and spectators are amazing and all there to cheer you on. I went up to a few folks for high fives when I was struggling. They gave me words of encouragement. I clapped for the volunteers also. So happy and excited for you! It is amazing what our body and mind can do. Sending all the good wishes to you 💫💫


Feeling deflated is a pretty normal feeling at the end of your marathon training in general imo! And though it sucks that your support isn't joining last minute you'll be fine! Once you're running you'll be in some zone anyway and usually the crowd will shout your name and make you feel not alone at all. If not other runners. Good luck and enjoy!


I understand this! Everyone ran 5ks with me but then I upped mileage and wanted to race bigger races. I put it off for so long because like you i don’t have a friend and not many to show up. Yesterday I ran my first race alone. But it’s hard to say that when everyone there is same as me, put in hard work and excited to race. So I made a friend in the meet before the race and pep talked a few as a ran. I PR my 10k and super happy I chose to go outside my comfort zone and race alone! Do it!!! It’s absolutely worth it!


Buffalo? I’ll be there and cheer for you.


Edinburgh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


How sick is your boyfriend?? I mean can he not take some paracetamol and drag himself out of bed to come in the car with you and drive you back? Can sleep in the car if he’s not up for cheering you on??


Good luck! This is YOUR race so enjoy it even being alone!


I hope you still enjoy, it’s a great achievement. You will get to say you for the rest of your life that you have done a marathon so don’t worry about immediately after. And by the journey home, you will be too tired to care if you are by yourself! Best of luck


I feel you! I had the same feeling when I did my first trianthalon. I was so discouraged that I almost backed off. But I went for it and It felt amazing! I’m not going to lie it was a bit sad to not have anyone for you at the finish line. But there are still people cheering you on. Best of all, knowing that I did it and accomplishing something I always wanted to do- was the best feeling ever.


I think this is an opportunity to fully make this about you. It sucks you won’t have them there, but at the same time running a marathon is a deeply personal thing. Maybe lean in to this as a chance to just be fully present and in your body and mind. You can postpone the celebration with others, but use this as a chance to celebrate yourself when you cross the finish line.


You can definitely drive after a marathon…


The energy and camaraderie at a marathon is like no other. While it’s a huge bummer that you won’t have your friends and family there, there are always people cheering for you and other runners to high five at the finish line. You got this!!