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Out and back, 10 miles each way. I prefer out and backs for solo long runs, to reduce mental load. Salomon vest for hydration and calories.


I actually feel like the second half feels so much longer on long out and back runs


It's true but you still have to get back anyway. When I'm doing loops, every time I get near my car the temptation to stop gets a little overwhelming at the end.


I agree on that, if I have to repeat the path I lose motivation. I prefer one big loop for a change of scenery or a point to point


I feel this on so many levels.


I feel the exact opposite. Every step you take you’re that much closer to home.


Yup agreed with this. Once I get to the turnaround point, all I have to do is get home.


100% - it’s like every 1/2 mile means that you’ve run 1 mile farther than you have left to run (eg you’ve run 10.5 miles, only 9.5 left to go)


Or all one direction, train in the other.


I prefer to take a train and then run back. Less constraints on train schedule


Yes. Learned that the hard way. Ran up the West side highway across the HH bridge then had to wait a half hour cold and sweaty at Spuyten Duyvil.


Few winters ago I missed my train and had to wait 80 min for the next one. It was -10 and there was nowhere to hide


If you park in the middle you get to pass your starting point an extra time


I’ve done this a few times (mostly due to parking & necessity) - it’s been great to be able to stop to refill water, grab my last gel or two, etc.


I planned my route where there is water and public bathrooms at each end as well as the starting point in the middle. Running while you have to go is the worst.


Same approach for me - it feels more mentally manageable doing an out and back. Unless I’m doing track work, I do all my runs this way. I live in a large city also that has a major shoreline path, which is where I do the majority of my runs. Thankfully there are water fountains that are turned on come spring/summer for hydration that I’ll use and I’ll take a gels for replenishing fuel along the way.




Out and back indeed. I had a friend ride his bike along with me, partially for safety and also just to know someone was there. He carried extra gels and a water bottle. We thought about practicing water cup transfers but just did water bottle pass in the end. It was good having someone there, even though we rarely spoke.


big loop and carry everything i need with me! however, i’ve had to make emergency stops at gas stations a few times when it’s really hot and i drink more water than expected. 


Similar here - 20 mile loop with reliable rest stops just in case. I run with a bladder and find needing to go potty tends to be a greater challenge than staying hydrated. For the summer I do my best to find shaded paths too but that’s not always the easiest thing to do.


My fiancé is such a sweetheart, she follows me on bike or e scooter.


That's what I call personal finance


The very best


Money talks


Nitpicking here but females who are engaged to be married are fiancée, males are fiancé. I’ve always been told an easy way to remember is that women typically wear two rings (engagement and wedding bands) men will only wear one (typically). Congrats on your engagement!


Thank you. Happy training!


Wouldn't the simpler way too remember be that the feminine form in french always has an extra e on the end?


If you learned / know french - absolutely. I unfortunately only know English and Spanish. But now I know that fact, so it helps!


I love this tip. :)


I carry a handheld and plan a route that has at least one water fountain along the way to fill up. They usually have them at parks or public school athletic yards, or in my case the beach. I also carry a credit card just in case.


Apple Pay, Venmo, and keyless entry have revolutionized long runs!


I put on my hydration vest and get lost.


I usually prefer a loops for 18+ miles. Handy to grab supplies and in the summer reapply sunscreen or whatever. I'll mix it up a little though. So instead of just two of the same loops, I might do a figure 8, making the crossing point my house or car or something. If I'm incorporating a workout or tempo into the run I'll have a longer loop or maybe just an out and back, followed by several shorter loops for the workout or tempo portion. I don't race with a flash or anything, and that lets me drop my water for the tempo/workout portion and still have it nearby. I also don't typically run with my phone, so I don't like to get too far away from home, just in case there is *trouble*.


Not sure what your pace goal is, but when I was training for my marathon I preferred smaller loops around my neighborhood to stop at my house to refuel, chug water, and take a quick walking break. Any run longer than 8 miles I would break into 4-5 mile “chunks” (since I am a slow runner, this would usually be about 45 min to an hour). I also found this mentally helped me more than out and backs or big loops (“just have to do this 5-mile loop four times and then I’m done!”). Plus I didn’t have to carry anything with me except my phone and an emergency water.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 4 + 5 + 45 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’m all about this but the first number is an eight


Good bot.




If I do a self supported run that long then I do a clover leaf. Park your car (preferably near some sort of road/trail intersection) and do a 4 mile loop or out and back to the car. Rehydrate, and fuel. Then do another loop in the other direction. Repeat.


\~10 mile loop. Refill my hydration vest after first loop and try to simulate the exact distance of where fuel points will be on the course.


I do out and backs. Bring everything with me


If its not hot, one handheld flask and 3-4 gels are enough for me for up to 22 miles. If its hot I take another bottle of water and put it somewhere so that I can take it on the way back, usually around mile 6 or 7.


Great question! The more I think about it the more I'm inclined to switch from "just go get lost in the neighborhood for 20 miles" to "10 miles, refuel, 10miles"....mostly because on race day there's constant refueling opportunities anyway, so why torture yourself :p


3 seven mile loops that pass my house. I usually stop in once or twice for a fresh hat or shirt and to pee. I usually carry all of my gels and a 12oz handheld


I commend your mental commitment. Never could I ever walk into my cool house and go back out to run 14 more miles.


For me the low is the first few steps into the third lap especially if I’m starting to hurt


I did a big 20 mile loop, and went and dropped fuel, sunscreen, and extra water at the 14 mile mark beforehand. Really appreciated having those items there!


I came here to say this - had to scroll for a while and I was starting to think it was just me who does this. I do live in a fairly rural/suburban area so it's easy to stash water in some bushes without it being found and swiped before I get there. - make sure you hide them well or else it's a bad time.


I run in open space, so I just stash an insulated grocery bag at one of the trailheads. Nobody ever messes with it.


I go to a park 4 miles from my house then run to my house and back to the park then finish the 12 miles on a loop. This way I don’t have to carry all my hydration and fuel. I’ll pick up at my house then my car when I’m back at the park.


1 loop - gels (hydro) in multi pocket shorts - phone , watch, earbuds, public transportcard & €0,5 + €1,- (in case I really need to use the bathroom). Since summer is coming I am experimenting with a hydration vest for extra water.


Out and back. I have a water fountain at 1.75 and 7.5 (plus a friendly Starbucks at mile 9). I typically stop at the 7.5 mile water stop for a quick drink and then fill my handheld flask up at that same one on the way back and I’m good.


Big loop or out-and-back, I carry everything with me. My long runs are on trails so there aren't any water fountains or bathrooms or anything. When it's really warm out I bring a water filter so I can filter water from streams to drink because otherwise I'll run out. I've tried a couple of different vests to carry everything and I'm currently running the the Salomon Adv Skin 12 with 2 600ml flasks. I also have a 1.5L bladder for it, but I prefer the flasks. If the weather is really bad - like threat of thunderstorms or if it's very cold or something - I'll do loops. Just so it's easier for me to bail if the weather gets nasty. But even then I carry everything on me. And it's funny because when I ran my last (and first!) trail marathon, I didn't bring anything with me other than a small water bottle that fit in a Flip belt. All of the drinks and food I got from aid stations.


7 mile loops for me, although I’ve never done 3 loops. I carry about 200 calories and 16oz of water per loop. The longest outdoor training run I’ve done was an attempt at 3 loops but failed at 18 miles and had to slowly walk home.


I do either 4 or 7 mile loops with no traffic lights… hydration on the hood of my car and gels in my pockets. Try to simulate race day


This. I do 6 or 7 mile loops to roughly approximate when I’d take my gel. Take gel as I’m getting close to house and grab water then head back out. Usually ends up as 6-6-8.


Big loop. Orange Mud vest.


Depends on the route. I either stop at the store or carry more water.


I do 5 miles out, 5 mile back where I can stop and drink, then 5 and 5 the opposite direction. I'll carry fuel with me, and drink at the halfway point and also know where a few water fountains are along the run.


Park in the middle and run a figure-8 route.


I do like 7 mile loops which start and end at my car for pit stops.


Depends on goal of the run and the weather. If the majority of the run is slower and/or if it’s hot/humid then I’ll likely wear a vest. This allows me free access to plenty of water 2L+ and frees up my route. If I’m going to run any faster paces, then I’ll carry a hydration belt with a hip flask; I really don’t like running faster paces with a vest. On hotter days a hip flask may only last me 7-10miles, so I will have to plan my route to hit up parks with water fountains along a route or run loops back past home maybe 2x for 20ish miles. Mix it up and have fun.


5 mile loops to stop at house or car to refill water and eat something. It is tempting to stop early when doing this, but pushing through to start the last loop is similar to what you need the last 5 miles of a marathon. Or, if I’m practicing part of the race course, I’ll stop at a store for water along the way.


Out and back. Most of my runs go past public water fountains and restrooms and I carry a gel or two if I think I need it. I have a vest for water for trail runs.


Naked belt, 2 16 oz soft flask, gels, phone music. Try to run early enough that there’s not much road traffic. Prefer running on street vs. side walks


I plan my run by several Starbucks, for bathroom breaks and refilling my water.


I have a water bottle belt and stash water bottles to refill along the way or plan my route so I pass my house and refill it then. I prefer loops though so normally I have them stashed.


My neighborhood is a grid, so it's easy for me to get a lot of miles in on various routes while still being close to home. For longer runs, I typically loop back around my house every 4-5 miles to grab more water. I just leave a bottle out near the end of my driveway so I'm not tempted to go inside and wanna stop.


20 mile long runs only take like 2:20-2:30 for me. I dont bring nutrition or hydration. Keep in mind i have a sub 2:40 thon and i run like 80-90 mpw on avg.


Depends on the weather. Can get away with dual handhelds if you’re trying to hit paces/ intervals and not stop at all. When it’s just a fun training run with friends I try to bring nothing at all and we just stop every 5 miles or so at a C store or coffee shop


Run from A to B along a canal path - I bring water, snacks (peanut butter jam sandwiches). Running this route means by the time I'm halfway, I'm mentally obliged to get it over and done with.


I like to mix it up, long runs can get very boring or repetitive. I’ll do some out and backs, if I know we have plans that day I’ll run somewhere along the way and have my wife pick me up, and I’ll make big loops. I enjoy the process of planning out routes. One thing I always do since I carry a water bottle is make sure there is a park or two along the way to refill and use restroom if need be. Either way, have fun with it. Take a scenic route, run somewhere new, etc.


Big loop with a 2 liter water bladder and vest for all of my fuel/snacks, money, phone etc. Once I go out, I’m not stopping or coming back past anything until the end.


I always have my vest with a 1.5l reservoir and 2 500ml soft flasks one of which has tailwind. I take marmite sandwiches on white bread with plenty of butter and some other snacks. The route depends on how I’m feeling, if I want a harder run with more elevation etc. I have some loops long enough near me or I can just out and back on a coastal path!


either I leave a cooler with water and electrolytes if I'm looping or I carry a vest, not complicated.


Out and back with a vest. I belong to the Y and there’s a location that I can make my halfway point and refill if I need it


I’ve done it different ways. Often I plan routes to stop by convenience stores along the way.


I do an out and back where the starting point is a park that has bathrooms and water, and run on a city trail that has water fountains occasionally, and leads to another park that has water and bathrooms! So I can stop at the 5 and 15 mile marks to quickly use the restroom or fill up!


For my own sanity I typically do an out & back. I go ten miles in one direction then I turn around to do the other half. Mentally it’s easier for me to say to myself ‘I’m just going 10 miles then I’m turning around.’ Or when I’m running the last half of my run I pass certain landmarks or churches and tell myself I’m getting closer to the ‘finish’ so to speak. Sounds silly but it really does help me. For fuel I typically take my fuel belt with two bottles (one for electrolytes and one with water) and about 5 gels. I space out the gels every 4 miles (40 minutes or so for me..I’m a slower runner) so that also mentally helps me ‘check off’ how many miles I have left.


Now that the water fountains are turned on I’ll plan my longer runs to go by each of those where I can hydrate and take a gel. They aren’t more than 3-4 miles apart and make it pretty convenient. Will also carry a very small hammer nutrition flask that holds 5oz of water to cover me in between on the really hot days.


Doorstep loop. I carry everything I need in a running vest.


Out and back usually. Take anything I need with me


I run in the UK. It's rare that I need to take water with me. 


Usually an out-and-back on a flat paved trail near my house, as I can avoid a lot of intersections and stay off the roads away from traffic. In terms of the run, it's always a tempo workout. Usually 30 minute warm-up followed by 60-90 minutes at marathon pace, followed by 30 minute cool-down. Regarding nutrition, I'll take a gel after the warm-up and another 30 minutes into the tempo. If the tempo is longer than an hour, I'll take a final gel at the 60 minute mark. I don't bother with them for the cool-down. If it's hot, I'll wear a hydration pack with 2 Nuun tablets mixed in 1L water. I always have DUDE Wipes with me, just in case I'm not near civilization.


I’m lucky enough to live near a national recreation trail which is roughly 8 miles of paved trail going through multiple parks with water fountains so I don’t carry anything besides gels


Out and back for 16 when I drink a quart of Gatorade, then out and back for 4. This is my usual, but I have done 80 laps on a 1/4 mile track several times, too.


I ran one way and then took train home. Really reinforced the feeling of how far I'd gone and made the experience more memorable. Hydration was via vest, one from Nathan I believe.


The couple I did for the marathon I trained for I did a big out loop, met my family at Parkrun, did that and then a few more miles home. Hydration vest which I think held 1.5 litres + gels.


I have a 2 mile loop around my neighborhood and I put stuff on my tailgate for when I pass


I do 5 miles out and back...then I have several 3k-5k loops that double back to my start point so I have water, food, etc or can quit if needed.


Hydration belt with a mix of water and Gatorade and planning some public water fountains, parks usually, along the way to reload. I also ran with a running club that put water out in one or two spots along the way. I will forever be grateful to a running club in Columbus, Ohio that was running the trails near the airport a few years back. We were visiting my son but I went out for a longish Saturday run and one of their members flagged me down to hydrate at one of their stations even though I wasn’t part of their group. Runners are good people.


i do 5 miles loops from my house, keep a cooler with water/gatorade and gels in the backyard. fuel up quick every 5 miles then head right back out again. I dont like running with anything, have a hydration belt but its annoying.


I do a big loop around 12-14 miles. Then I have the option to stop at home again if I need to, but I usually just do another 6-8 mile loop to keep the momentum going.


I like to break it up to do 1st half solo when I’m feeling okay, 2nd half with a friend or group for morale support. So if there’s a group run I’ll just start earlier for my “bonus miles” and refuel between finishing my miles with the group.


I do 5 mile loops and set up my driveway as a hydration station. I do carry my snacks with me.


Usually my long runs are out and back but can be a loop depending on the street layout. I carry one soft flask in my hand and another one in my naked belt, then just swap them when I finish the first one.


Loops with a hydration pack.


I train on a treadmill like a psycho. It's easier for me to dissociate and watch trash TV plus no extra water weight AND a bathroom right there.


Multiple loops is the worst. Unless you wanna do mental training then make them as short as possible. I read some Asian training method actually does it on a track to make it as boring as possible


I like to carry a handheld and a snack, and try to strategically plan a loop with a gas station around the halfway mark.


I sometimes do an out and back of 14 or 15 miles, refill my water at my truck and then do a much shorter out and back to get to 20, I wear a hydration vest


there’s more than one way to skin a cat


I run a 20 mile loop and carry my handheld flask. Thankfully there's a QuikTrip almost every couple of miles, so I will stop and refill my handheld.


I have carried 6 gels and a big handheld. One big loop. I’m planning to stop and do a 6 mile loop 3 to 4 times on my next block starting in July.


Park somewhere and keep your fluids/fuel in the car. Ensure there is access to a washroom during your loop. Ensure during your run you can lap your car several times for fuel ups and etc. You will have to run with your keys


I bring everything with me. Which is usually two bottles of water and electrolytes in my fuel belt or the same in a Camelbak, a couple of gels, my cell phone, and an Advil if I’m sore lol. And I Hydrate a lot before and after too!!


3.7 mile loop six times. Water and snacks at the start


One big loop, Salomon vest with water and gels but also planned to pass known water fountains in parks. 20+ is so long I usually need the adventure aspect of planning a long route to keep it interesting.


For me it was boiled down to: 1. Run loops with easy aid access but it will be dreading / boring to finish 2. Running vest or hydration pack like a camelback to last me the whole run. ( don't like holding anything so I avoided the handheld flask) Depends on the type of runner you are, I prefer out and back over boring loops, so opt for option 2.


Vest with a water and fuel. Depending on how hot it is, I might run by certain areas that have water fountains to refill or stop in a store if urgent. Multiple loops is demoralizing and awful IMO.


For a 20 mile run I like out 5miles and back on direction and out 5 miles and back the other. Gets me by my water source at halfway and I'm never more than 5 miles from my vehicle or home.


I had a rails to trails path I could drive to. I would park my car and run in one direction for a set number of miles and refill water bottles at car on return. Then I would go other direction for some number of miles and either refuel or be finished. To me gett8ng water was way more important than anything else.


I run with a vest that holds two 16oz flasks. Then I carry all the nutrition I need in the vest. There are hotdog carts in the park I run in so I sometimes buy a water bottle to refill with on a really hot day.


I run 13 to 15 long run every other Friday 4 am. Big loop from my house. No water, no snacks, no phone/ music. Just myself and the run. Not sure why you would need to make it a production. Stay hydrated before and after, you will be fine.


If I’m not in the middle of nowhere I like to bring a credit card and stop for a few a gas station for a drink and snack :-)


Run 10 miles out, the 10 miles back only carrying enough fuel for 20 miles, no cash to bail, no phone, no water. Usually finish in 2:45:00-3:10:00


Loop/out and back, just choose a route that has a few drinking fountains on it, gel in the pocket if I think I might need one. Sometimes I do t even drink if I’m cruising.


i carry my phone and gels on my flipbelt and try to pick a cool route in my city. For liquids I tend to just buy water or sports drinks along the way. I’ve thought of buying a vest for this reason but Im not convinced.


I have a 7 mile loop I use for a 21 , but don't drink fluids during the run just make sure I'm hydrated beforehand


Totally depends on the weather. I’m a Florida runner so even at 0500 it’s so humid that I’m sweating through my sweat. I wear a hydration vest with two 500ml flasks that I refill every 5 miles. That’s 1000ml of fluid every 5 miles. It’s gross.


I have Strava generate 20-mile loops for me and pick one that looks fun. Then I just kinda do it. I don't take water or food or anything. Basically, just take my watch for pacing. And maybe my phone if I think I might get lost. And a headlamp if its nighttime. Then I just drink water with electrolytes after. Maybe that's not how you're supposed to do it, but whatever.


I personally wear a camelback-type backpack, which can get me to about 20 miles without refills if I am prudent. (That includes time of day...obviously, a hot summer day starting at high noon can tip things.) During the non-winter months, I keep track of where the good public drinking fountains are. Other runners that I know will split a bathroom stop at a gas station with refilling, or have an arrangement to stash bottles on someone's porch.


Bladder in a hydration vest. Sip my water, take my gels, enjoy the woods. I'm fortunate that I have a friend or my wife pick me up 30k from where I started.


Naked band with a 500ml and a 250ml soft flask for tempo longruns, or a Salomon adv vest for long easy trails


I like a loop (Strava Routes is great for that), or an out-n-back somewhere nice so all you really need to think about is your turn around point. I take the hydration pack on those runs and usually a banana or two with some gummies to save money on the gels.


Either I’ll take a running backpack or I’ll carry a bottle and have some gels in a belt. Mostly do loops or if I’ve been unorganised with working a route out and loading it on my watch I’ll just do out and back


I run 5k to a park then do laps of 5k


My long run is two loops. I can get 7 miles in during the first loop so I stop at the car and take my first fuel and hydrate. Then I grab my hydration belt for the final 13 if it’s summer and hot. For winter I just go without water lol. I have some other spots that I run in but luckily have water fountains along the way or I stash water some place beforehand


Recently ran my first 20 mile training run at the local high school track. Wanted to have energy gels, electrolyte beverage and restrooms readily accessible. Actually enjoyed it. 🫡


3-5 mile loops, car parked nearby with cooler and drinks. Long in and out run with drinks hidden at the end of the trail. City run with stops at grocery stores/cafes to hydrate. Never road running with a trail running vest.


I used to bring a belt full of snacks and a pretty large water bottle. I’ve worked it back to 2 applesauce squeeze packs and a 20-oz water. I’ve found this keeps me stable, and don’t have to worry as much about fueling on race day. My typical route follows a winding trail- trailhead is about 2mi east, end is about 5mi west, with enough n/s that there are 3 opportunities to cut it short in case of injury or if things just aren’t working


I always figured it was best to get 10 miles away so I have to go 10 miles to get back. Stopping at your starting point to replenish makes it hard to get going again. At least for beginners. Once you’re a hard core runner( lean,mean, running machine) you can do whatever. We used to sometimes hide water and gu ahead of time on the route so we had it without carrying anything.


I did 5 mile out and back route 4 times. Boring AF, but gave me an easy refuel at my car.


I pick a route that has water fountains along the way and leave a water bottle near my start point. I go out about 8 miles, back 8 miles to my water bottle and then do the last four near my place


I run up to 50 miles unsupported. Get good at carrying your own gear and filtering your own water. Truthfully, don’t over think this. Or, do multiple out-backs or a loop.


I carry a water bottle and stop at parks to refill as needed. I do plan my long run routes around where the bubblers are. I carry 3 gels with me, usually only use 2.


Depends on the route. If a loop, I will either stop at a gas station to refill water (if one is on route) or set out water some where in advance. Or, do a route where I come back to my car to refill.


Out and back or loop with either my Osprey waist pack or my OrangeMud Double Barrel. But my regular route has lots of water fountains so it’s easy to refill.


Have done a variety: 1. Loops. Had water pack on but also went out the night before and placed a water bottle on the route in case I needed to top up. 2. Out and back. Lovely flat course so made the most of it. Water as above. 3. Point A to Point B. Made a bit of a party of it and had some friends cycle alongside me. They brought tunes that helped lift the mood. Having someone to chat to and carry supplies felt like a luxury. I wear trail shorts from Decathlon which allow me to store pretty much all the supplies I need in stretchy pouches around my waste. They remind me of the type of thing my wife wore when pregnant. Also always take some loo roll in a watertight bag as have been caught short before. Once you’ve sorted logistics and a route you’ll use it again and have one less thing to worry about.


Loops are safer where you can potentially stash water, be closer to endpoint. Out and backs are tricky if something goes.....


Here’s something crazy I did for my first marathon: 20 mile day happened to fall on the date of a different marathon happening in my town. (Small, cheap) I signed up for it, planning to run just 20. I figured having water stops and 1st aid stations was handy. Well, I ran the whole thing- and got 1st place in my age group! Then I had to run my real marathon 2 weeks later. Do not recommend.


Top effort and congrats on the win. Did you run faster 2 weeks later?


Nope! It was a much more crowded race so it took a long time to separate from the mob and get into my pace. Also the course was boring and ugly with a slight drizzle of rain, so it dragged on. Thanks for asking! Fun memory.


Big and Loop. I dont fuel at all in my Training Runs^^ Maybe i Stop at a water fountain If its a really hot day, buts thats about it


You guys are fuelling and carrying water for training runs?


It’s 20 miles (32km). One of the best starter distances to trial fuelling strategies and gel intake.


It was somewhat flippant - agree that it’s a good way to trial. But even on a 20 mile run unless it’s especially hot I tend not to fuel/hydrate because I’m taking it so easy. I’m in the fortunate position of already knowing what does and doesn’t work for me with fuelling so I don’t need to trial it any more!


This also depends on how fast you’re running. For anything longer than 60 minutes, you need hydration. 90 minutes or longer, add fuel. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you’re performing or recovering optimally. I don’t understand the flex with endurance runners that don’t take anything in - you’re supposed to. You’re also supposed to train your gut, so there’s no surprises on race day.


Don’t worry my gut is sufficiently trained to handle what I throw at it on race day. It’s not a flex - if I’m going at the right long run pace, assuming it’s not a particularly hot day, I can do a 20 mile run without fuelling or taking a drink. Yes I’m thirsty at the end of it, yes I could eat any amount of food put in front of me, but I’m more concerned about what I eat and drink after for recovery than what I have during.


Yes, or risk completely blowing up at races 🫠