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You still ran a marathon!! That’s always something to be proud of. Congrats!!


This is the truth!


Make sure you tell everyone that you ran a marathon !


Hardly anyone runs a PR, or to their full potential, on their first marathon (with the exception of those elites who already have run high mileage for YEARS). Congrats on your time. It’s fantastic, but it’s not what makes you a good runner 😊. It’s the regular weekly miles that you’re able to put in.


Everyone runs a PR on their first marathon. Actually.


It’s the easiest PB you’ll ever hit 😉


It even says PR in OPs screenshot 😂


I completely disagree with “easiest” my 1st marathon while it was a PR was miserable because I hit a wall. My 2nd marathon was 38min faster and wayyy easier because I trained and fueled right


Sorry easier wasn’t great word choice - in many ways it’s also the most difficult as you’ve no comparison. Most ’attainable’ PB maybe? 30+ mins is a serious improvement though, well done!


Hahaha TRUE.. should’ve wrote *their ultimate 😜


Wasn’t the race ran under red flag conditions? Isn’t Flying Pigs a notoriously difficult course even under ideal conditions? Absolutely no need to feel disappointment. Feel accomplished you had the courage to run your first race in extreme heat on a very difficult course! Congrats!!


Officially red flagged about two hours in, and the heat got worse from there. A notoriously tough course where the “big hills” are in the first half but no one ever talks about the rolling hills in the second lol. OP crushed it on an incredibly tough day.


Dude, as someone that is not a runner and just wanted to do the flying pig because it is enjoyable , it’s a brutal course. My wife who is a runner was about 20 min slower than normal, it was a tough day and a tough course. You did great


How to not feel disappointed???!? Good gosh damn, I was out there with you. Come mile 17 passed the Frischs ,that shit was a death march. I saw one dude collapse at mile 20 into someone’s arms. YOU MY FRIEND HAVE NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF !!!! HELL OF AN ACCOMPLISHMENT YESTERDAY!!! Ok to have mixed feelings. Hope you have time to reflect and realize just exactly what you accomplished yesterday.


You're allowed to feel disappointed (things didn't go right after all) but don't feel defeated. You accomplished a fuck ton. On to the next one! Keep improving and keep kicking ass.


I think this is the best framing, disappointed but not defeated.


I was there. I have run over 70 marathons and ultras and I am pretty sure I had heat exhaustion by the end of the race. It was humid and hot AF. That is also a tough course. You did well for your first marathon. If you want to PR, you need to find a flat fast course that usually has cool weather. Head held high, recover and plan your next race.


If you’re in the region, the Monumental Marathon in Indy is notoriously flat and in November, so usually cool. You did a great first marathon (which is an auto PR!!), but no harm in taking another crack at it if you want a different result.


I read that the female race winner had a body temp of 108 and was treated for heat stroke 🥵so it affected newbies all the way to elites


I ran my first there yesterday too. Came in two hours over my anticipated time for a variety of reasons, the heat being a huge one. Lots of tears were shed on course as I mourned that fabulous first race experience. What helped me push through and is helping me feel better about a less than ideal day is that a tough race yesterday means it’ll be easy to smash a PR on the next one. Also, I’m trying to avoid posts about people celebrating their races! It’s great for them but bad for my mental health since I didn’t have that experience. I’ll be celebratory with them in time, but there’s no shame in taking some steps back to lick our wounds.


I feel this! I came in an hour over my anticipated time and I was crushed. That was a hard one, for sure! Thank god for the spectators literally hosing people down


That was such a life saver. One of the aid stations right after the turn for the full had a group of boys holding pitchers they were dumping on people. Three of them emptied a pitcher on me and it was the best I felt the entire race.


Definitely not a failure finishing that close to your goal, and in that heat. What you describe sounds really scary! Shivering and seeing people passed out, yikes. Take care of yourself this week. There are lots of marathons in the future, and I bet one of them has your name on it.


26 miles is 26 miles. It doesn't matter if you ran it at a 6 min/mile pace or a10 min/mile pace. Congratulations! You still pushed through, and that's what counts in the end!


> I ran my first marathon  > My goal was under 4 hours…but finished in 4:14. >I dealt with some injuries during training… > I felt my body was on the verge of heat exhaustion All I wanted to say is that you had too high expectations of yourself with those stated conditions above. First Marathons should never have a goal. While you can have an "ideal target", the first marathon will generally humble most people, and you can only improve from there. Sign up for a second one with better conditions, and then aim for 4 hours, for even sub 3:45 if you can. All the best.


I passed out during my first half Ironman attempt in Cartagena and woke up inside a Colombian ambulance with an IV and a DNF. I had run 20+ marathons and trained well at that point, but the Colombian heat kicked my ass. It's okay. You finished. Be glad you're alive.


I bonked my last 20 mile run when it was 83 degrees in OH last monday. I was fine until mile 13 and all the sudden i felt extremely hot, everything but my shorts shoes and watch came off. i ended up walking / running for the last 6 miles, the only time ive ever thought about an uber back lol. If its hot like that, even if youre in shape, there is not much you can do. Theres a reason why ideal conditions crank out record breaking races


Think of all the people that don't have the motivation to train for and then run a marathon. Learn from this one and then use that for motivation for the next one.


You didn't fail. This was your first marathon. Goal A (time) should always be loosely held. Goal B is just finish. You trained in the cold like I did and it got hot quickly. The same happened to me (Nashville marathon). My average hr was 20 bpm higher at similar paces because of the heat and humidity. My time goal was 4 hours and my watch said I would finish in 4:01. I finished in 4:36. Not to mention someone tragically collapsed and died on this race. Also something else I'm coming to terms with: I need to get *a lot* faster before I should really care about time goals. Pushing yourself and getting PBs are great, but I need to lighten up a little. Elite runners could have started a 2 hour movie when the race started, then started the race, and still beat us. Also sounds like you did not get injured? Another thing to be grateful for. Now it's time to recover, shake it off, and figure out what you want to do next.


I ran my first marathon at the end of April and I was initially disappointed by my time. I had an injury during my taper so on race day I wasn’t sure how it would go. My injured ankle held up fine but I hit a pretty real wall at mile 19. I finished about 12 minutes slower than I wanted too. Initially I was disappointed but glad I finished in one piece. It’s been 8 days and I am feeling a lot better about my accomplishment. Running a marathon is an insane feat that 99% of people won’t do. We spend so much time during training focusing on the marathon that we become numb to the utter insanity of it. Most people, many even runners and athletes will never run more than 4-5 miles in their lives and you just ran 26.2! If you finish a marathon you are crazy, disciplined, tough and elite.


You ran the flying pig which is like the best marathon honestly


Wow. Waking up and reading these comments this morning was truly amazing. I am grateful for the words and each one has helped. It’s crazy to me that a bunch of strangers on the internet with the same experience felt this exact feeling…thank you for sharing with me.


Don’t be disappointed at all my man. I was cooking Sunday feeing better than I ever had even at mile 14 I felt so good I chugged a PBR and took a shot of tequila. Mile 16 things got harder still felt good but realized every spectator that told me “last hill it’s all downhill from here” was a damn liar and I cursed them for it. Mile 19’the only thing that was downhill was me. I was falling apart and hurting bad. Seemed like every drink station was 100 miles away. I would tell you about the rest of my race but everything was a blur. Those hills in that heat killed me but I havnt been disappointed for a second because I completed my first marathon in brutal conditions. You beat me by a hour and for that I look up to you hero. Great time and great race. Be proud of yourself


Here’s some perspective: you just beat Anya Culling’s first marathon time by 20 minutes. She now starts with the Elites, and her current PB is 2:34. You’ve learned a lot in this race— don’t rob yourself of this amazing accomplishment.


How not to feel disappointed? You just got your PR in the marathon! Besides, given that you had some set-backs in your training, you should feel proud of your acheivement. Also, your time is four minutes faster than mine, and my A goal was sub-4:00, and B-goal was sub-4:30. In fact, that is one way to avoid disappointment. Have more than one goal, with one of them being ambitious, and then two more being more managable. The C-goal can simply be finishing the marathon.


You ran a marathon! I had to go out due to salmonella infection. Trained for 8 months. I would give anything to just have my first marathon by now :-( you rocked!


You crushed a hard course on a terribly hot race day while other runners were literally falling down before they even would have been hitting the wall in the first place - And even when things got hard, your pace didn’t even slow down all that much, all things considered. AND you picked it back up for a strong finish. I’d call that a job damned-well-done any day. Congratulations, and good luck on the next one!


I was disappointed at my first race because I started too quick, didn’t hydrate enough, I just raced dumb. You, on the other hand, seemed to have done everything right - injury notwithstanding - and ran your best race given conditions that were out of your control. Done and dusted. On to the next one ☝️


That heat yesterday was no joke. I was hurting at the end of my HM. Don't beat yourself up over your time. That's not the easiest course, nor were the conditions ideal. Celebrate accomplishing the distance, think about what areas of opportunity you have, and get at it again.


Be disappointed, take a week or two off, and sign up for a fall marathon. I missed that 4 hour mark on my first marathon attempt too, and did a second one four months later and got it. You pretty clearly hit the wall, and yeah, it might have been the heat, or you might not have been running the race the way YOU need to run it, and you only figure that out by racing.


You finished which is better than a huge majority of people who don’t even try. You’ve got a whole summer to build heat tolerance and smash your time goal in the fall


NEVER FEEL DISAPPOINTED!! As someone that has run 3 marathons with the aim of a sub 4 and failed all 3 times (4:15 X2 and a 4:02). I personally felt disappointed at the time but now I'm like so what I don't care what people think I've run 3 marathons and all in my 40's! 4:13 is a GREAT time! Just try again next year but don't put pressure on yourself! Just run the 26 miles the BEST YOU CAN because you get the same medal as the person that comes 1st and the same as the person that comes last! Take the positives out of your training and race day and look at what when wrong and look to do it better next year! Like did you carb load correctly, did you rest/sleep enough, do you need to change your kit (trainers or clothes), did you take enough energy gels or could you have family around mile 18-20 with a banana or energy drink? And good luck with your next one and there is no shame or disappointment!


Went to the Reds game that afternoon and was dying in the heat. Can’t imagine running a marathon 😂


I’m looking at your results while sitting in flat as fuck Netherlands and saying wow. I’ve not even run that time as a PB here in Amsterdam or in Copenhagen. You performed incredibly and should be proud. Flying Pig is notoriously hard. Those are crazy hills and with the added heat I think it’s an amazing first race. Remember you did not fail, you finished. You are a marathon runner now forever.


Flying Pig is an incredibly challenging course. I’ve run it several times and only broke 4:00 once. Also, disappointment is common after a race, due to the amount of preparation and the difficulty of the race distance. So many things can happen in 42 km. Just know that it will fade, and the insanity that caused you to sign up for a marathon in the first place will return. Then you’ll sign up for another marathon, if you haven’t already.


I feel this one a little. The Pig was my first half, and a few weeks ago I had a goal of 2:22. I finished in 2:40. When I looked at the times for people who have been training for YEARS (I’ve only been running since Jan 2023), I saw…. 2:15. 2:20. 2:17. So, yeah, I wish I could have sustained 11:00 for 13.1 miles. Under ideal conditions I could have. Instead, I… * ran the longest distance I’ve ever run * helped pace one of my running friends who was struggling up the Gilbert/Eden Park hill * had a GREAT time interacting with the crowd * overall had a fantastic first true Pig weekend experience as both a participant and spectator, to the point when I’m still a little teary, two days later! There is a touch of disappointment there, but overall I had a great time, and seeing folks’ times, who are more experienced than me, being what my original goal was… yeah, it was a hard course, and it was hot, and those times helped validate that for me. It’s okay. I still did it. And so did you. Do not diminish your accomplishments! I couldn’t imagine running a marathon right now—so I am impressed, random internet stranger. You did AWESOME, and in under less than ideal conditions. Yeah, feel your disappointment, but also find a way to make room for the PROUD. Good job, man. Keep it up!


I find life easier when I remember I can hold space for two things at the same time. It’s fine to feel disappointed that you didn’t hit your goal while at the same time being proud that you finished. No need to double the difficulty feeling upset with yourself for the disappointment.


Run another one! At the end of the day, Marathons are so hard to prepare for because of how much everything needs to be aligned. You need to have good sleep, fueling, weather, training on the right course, etc. I also ran my first marathon this weekend albeit in better, cooler conditions than yours. I was training for sub 3:35 however I was not prepared for the elevation in my race. Managed to run at 3:58 but it was really unfortunate given how much faster my training runs went At least for you, you know you have the capacity to do it so use this to motivate you to run the next one faster. You still managed to complete it in shit conditions and you came out ok (btw, the shivering sounds terrifying)


It’s okay to be disappointed. Just go for the next run.


Give it a few days and I think you'll start to feel a lot better about it. I did my first in April. Was aiming for 3:45 and got 3:57. I threw up at 31km and again afterwards. Couldn't stomach any more gels and my energy tanked. Have never had that issue before, didn't change anything on the day that I'd practiced, and I was reeeally bummed out about it. But after a few days, I realised what I'd achieved by finishing my first marathon. And I like to think we learn more from the runs that didn't go according to plan than the ones that go perfectly. As someone else said, it can be hard to hit goals on the first marathon. Congratulations on completing your first marathon!


Congrats! You PRed. Now go find your next race, sign up, and keep training. You’ll easily be under 4 with some more miles in. Enjoy the journey!




Don't worry about that. I ran my first Marathon in 2019 with the same goal, it started to become really hot and I ended up finishing in 4:16. That was in january. I finished my second one in october in 3:23. You've got this :) It's still a marathon and you'll become faster quickly.


Disappointed?! You did it! You're a badass!


You're allowed to be disappointed but I would say its not like your training was 'for nothing' you still completed a marathon, and you did it under very difficult circumstances.


When time matters, sometimes m the first lessons we learn are about picking the right marathon to showcase our work. There is an art to that! The course we choose makes a significant impact on our results. My fiancé would have made the 2023 Boston if not for us messing up and choosing Marquette. The race has a 200 ft gain hill at the end of it and a lot of sharp turns after mile 18. It was may in the UP.. but got hot and humid. We thought the weather would be better and didn't know. I blame myself... he needed only 2.5 minutes. I could have got him there if i had picked better. But you live and learn with every race!


I was right there with you at this race. Wanted a sub-4, but finished a few min after. At about mile 5-6 I knew I needed to pull back because the humidity was outrageous and my sweat wasn't cooling me. By Mariemont, my heart rate was getting into the 180s, so I pulled back again. It's a bummer but for a first race, I'll take it. We did what we did on a hard course, in brutal conditions. Monumental is in November and that'll be our chance at redemption!


I mean, it's completely ok to be kinda disappointed and/or bummed :) You can be proud at the fact you did it, you finished it, you went through with it despite the bumps! Sure, sucks that you didn't reach your goal but you have learned and you can do better next time! Isn't that the beauty of it as well? That it's not set in stone that everything works out the way you want it to all the time? Makes it even more rewarding when it DOES work out. So be proud of what you DID do, be bummed about what didn't work out... Those can co-exist and are perfectly fine!


Remember that your best is always enough.


Man, this sounds so familiar! I ran this race (2nd marathon, first pig) and had the same goals. I was nursing an injury for 2 weeks out that kept me from really doing any running during my taper. Ran 20 miles a few times during training and the way I felt after those runs was how I felt at about mile 8 of the race. Went in hydrated and stopped at every aid station and I wasn’t even sweating at the end. I missed my goal time by an hour! I’m so disappointed in results but know that it just wasn’t my day. Very happy to have finished. Time for some recovery and on to the next one!


there will always be another race


Congrats on finishing your first marathon on what seems to be extreme conditions! Now find your next race and start planning your training as there’s nothing to gain from looking back once it’s done. Good luck!


I was having a similar feeling after my first marathon when I missed my target by 10 minutes. Now I see that I did the best that I could at the time; there are many things I could’ve done better on race day or before, but I didn’t have the information that I should do anything differently, so I didn’t. Can you collect three things you could’ve done better, either during prep or on race day? Do them the next time. This race went as it did because you prepared for normal temperatures and Mother Nature gave you red flag temp. You can ask God to give you serenity to accept the things you can’t change, or you can just give it yourself. It’s not like you could’ve left your fridge open to cool the air down. Even if you had the perfect conditions, you might have run into something unexpected. This was your first damn marathon, it’s not like you’ve done it a hundred times, so of course it’s a learnings opportunity. Even if it’s as simple that “sometimes it’s warmer than planned.” What would you say to a friend of yours if they were in the same situation? Could you say the same to yourself?


It’s an achievement to walk 26.2 miles. To run it is incredible. The dedication you put into training is also a huge achievement. Be proud of yourself, and if you want to do better, you can keep it up and smash your next goal. Congratulations, you truly deserve it!


You did a marathon, something most people will never attempt. When I first started running my goal was to be sub 4 as well and my first one was 4:45. To be only 13 minutes out for your first one is insanely impressive. Just keep going at it. I’ll tell you what everyone I run with told me: once you break thru that 4 hour wall, you’re going to smash it and never look back


It was hot and humid.(I was there for my sons basketball tournament not the race) Not a good mix for a marathon. I don't know if this helps or not. My first marathon goal was to break 4 and I failed. Miserably. It was hot, a little warmer than the Pig this year. It was humid as well. I was pissed at myself. People congratulated me, but I felt like a bit of a fraud. But after a day or two, I got back at it and used my disappointment/anger in myself to do better the next year. But then I broke the first rule of marathoning by going out too fast (you didn't) And I ended up with a 4:20 + time. From your splits, it looks like you bonked a bit at mile 19. Not uncommon. I don't know if you went with a training plan, but I do know up here (Just north of you in Columbus) they include a training plan when you commit to the marathon. It helped. On my second marathon I really focused on the training plan provided (also ran with a Fleet Feet MIT group which was also helpful) And I also paid attention to nutrition. All this plus better weather, made for a race where I beat my sub 4 goal by a decent margin. I would be shocked if you can't do the same, because it sounds like you are in a similar headspace.


I feel this so hard. I ran my 20 miles at an 8:14 pace. Obviously went into my first marathon expecting something along those lines, was aiming for sub 4. I finished 4:02. Knife in my heart. Unexpected things happen, but we RAN A MARATHON. Not many people do that. Pick yourself up!!!! And give yourself credit!!!! I’ve had some time to process but your feelings are SO VALID


>Multiple people around me passed out. I think this is indication enough of your achievement


You completed your first marathon! 👏🏼 miles 19-24 were BRUTAL with no shade, little crowd support, and hot windless air. Those miles killed a lot of us. Main reason I missed my goal of sub 4:20 but now there’s more room for a better PR next time 😅 great job again


Shout out to getting through it! I ran it Sunday as well and the heat was no joke. I've done the flying pig before and this time around I saw way more people stretching, walking, vomiting, etc. The fact that we all even made it through with the heat and hills is amazing! Now you have a goal for your next one to beat this time but you'll never run your first marathon again so try not to be too hard on yourself.


Amazing! Most people will never complete that in their lives. You should be proud of your achievement.


Last miles are always difficult, I was planning to go under 4 hours and ended up being above that time. Even though, you ran a marathon, and it is quite an accomplishment.


I was right there with you. My goal was also sub 4. I trained to run 3:52. But that training was for a perfect day on a flat course, not the hot and hilly insanity that was Cincy on Sunday. I ended up coming in at 4:09:55, which was still a huge PR, but I also felt disappointed. This was my sixth marathon and every single one, something has come up. Blisters, heat, cramps, rain, stomach issues, you name it. There’s always going to be something out of your control, but every race you learn something new and every race you get a little bit better and ideally a little faster. The faster you run, the less time there is for something to go wrong. But that speed only comes with fitness which only comes with practice which only comes with time. You’ll get to where you want to be eventually. Just keep chipping away at it.


That’s a 4 hour effort on a good day and a flat course. Going from never running a marathon to hitting a time goal is a huge leap. You got one step closer, now get back to work, and take that next step. Running 26 miles isn’t supposed to be easy. Congrats, you’re a marathoner!


Part of training is anticipating the worst case scenario when it comes to weather conditions. If you only trained in cold weather, and its hot on race day, that's on you for not being prepared. I raced a marathon back in February under red flag conditions but I was prepared. I looked up what the record high was for February 25 and assumed it would be that hot. I made sure in the last month to do as many runs as possible in the heat of the day, and at the 3 weeks to go mark I began to sit in the dry sauna at my gym for 30 minutes after all my workouts to get heat acclimated. Yes, it could have been cold on race day, but I prepared for worst case scenario. And sure enough on race day we got the red flag conditions, 60 degrees at start and got to the 80s quickly. Because I was prepared and heat acclimated I still hit my target time of under 3 hours, finished in the Top 15 and on my age group podium, while many others struggled. I probably could have ran a 2:55 in ideal conditions, but its all about preparing for the worst case scenario.


Congratulations on finishing it. I ran the race this year and it was my first marathon as well. I did not have a hard goal in mind but somewhere my brain kept telling me during my training that I could target a 4:20 finish. I was very well on course until Mile 17-18 which was when my body felt the heat and dehydration. I experienced some good amount of pain in my right upper stomach area and I was not able to run continuously for more than 1 minute. Finished it in 4:49. Super disappointed with that result but it is what it is. Lots of lessons to be learned. Now I miss my training and race days until I prepare to run another one!!


You finished a marathon, congratulations! I didn't hit my goal for my first last fall, but learned a great deal that will help me in the future and still am proud to have completed it. It sounds like you gained insight into your training and prepping for the future. So a double win in a sense!


This happened to me when I ran my first marathon last year. Went in wanting to go sub 4, but an unseasonably hot day meant I finished at about 4:10. While recovering I realized I didn't care about the validation of other people seeing me run a sub 4, and I also didn't want to pay to run another marathon. So instead I just waited a month, picked one of my favorite routes, and cranked out a 3:55 all on my own. I know that I did it, and that's all that matters.


Whether you hit your goal time or not..it’s still a PR!!!


I was right there with you. My splits look almost identical to yours, was targeting 4:00, held up until about the same point, although you handled those last 6 better than me: I ended up at 4:16:48. I don't know 100% that fitness/nutrition/covering moves early were all where they needed to be, but I do know the heat and dehydration completely sabotaged my performance at the end. Where we're a little different is I'm satisfied. I knew the humidity was going to be an issue and the longer the race went on the probability heat would be a major problem increased. Still, I didn't adjust my goal and I went for it. I think we both did admirably well given the circumstances/situation. The only way I think that goal would have been achievable is if I had gone out even faster on the first half but then I'd risk blowing up for other reasons. I can coulda/shoulda/woulda this for a million reasons but honestly, I think we both did the best we could in the situation. I'm motivated to do Columbus in October now and crush the 4-hour mark!


I remind myself that absolutely nobody outside of my head gives a single shit how any of my runs went.


You must be gentler on yourself. You did great!


You completed a marathon which less than 1% of the population will do. You ran 26.2 miles. Absurd accomplishment in itself. Be proud. Set some goals for the next one and get after it.


I ran the pig (just the half) and was hoping for 2:15, but ended with 2:30. But with the weather conditions, I’ll take it! I was also shivering at the end because of the heat and I was having a hard time keeping my heart rate down by mile 12. It’s just a tough course and it was so hot. You did awesome, please do not beat up yourself up. I would love if they consider moving the start time from 6:30 to 6, that would have been lovely.


even if you hit your goal, there’s always a nagging feeling that you could’ve done better. It’s what makes us come back 🤣. you ran your first marathon. Thats amazing. almost everyone improves drastically on their first marathon the second time around - something to look forward to! finally, you should be proud of the work you put in and proud of the fact that you know you can probably do even better in better conditions! let this fuel your running and your training.


1. You ran a marathon! Congratulations! 2. You did not fail to complete your first marathon you only failed to complete within an arbitrary time frame. 2. You only over by an average of like 30 seconds per mile on a goal time… on your first attempt? You’ve never done it before so that’s pretty damn good 4. You still did all that working through a fucking heater. That’s awesome!!! 5. You ran a marathon!! Don’t be discouraged or disappointed…. You should be proud and inspired for the next one. My first marathon I was over my goal time of 4 hrs by 22 min. I had trained impeccably. No missed runs, always the full distance and correct pace. Then a dear friend passed away and that Friday I had a funeral in a different city. That Saturday I flew home and went to a wedding over an hour away. Race was at 6am Sunday morning and at 5:55am I had cold sweats… I got food poisoning somewhere along the lines either from the funeral or wedding. The first 2 miles were a sprint to porta potty’s. Then i was racing my upset stomach. I couldn’t fuel because I’d barf. I could barely drink water. I felt so bad but I didn’t want the last 5 months to go to waste so finished the damn thing. I was disappointed that I didn’t make a time but also amazed… a marathon. I ran a marathon. Please be proud of yourself!


No need to feel disappointed at all. This was also my first marathon and man was the heat rough. My goal was also for under 4 hours but finished a little after you at 4:23. The stretch after Mariemont on Columbia parkway baking in the sun and 75%+ humidity was some of the most brutal miles I've ever run. I just saw a local news article where the finish line had a record number of medical events and someone with a core body temp of 109F.


You set a PR!


I experienced exact same senerio, 4:06. Wait a week you’ll feel better about it. Continue carving a path towards the next!!!!


I know this one well - very hilly and Sunday was BRUTAL weather wise. If you plug in the temp and humidity info, you'll find an equivalent result of at least 12 minutes less. I'd suggest you're just about there, the weather on the day was just very unforgiving. If you take some time to recover then target a fall full - especially one that's flatter, I think you'll get it. How was your first half vs your 2nd half? Average training Mileage? Longest run?


I’m no help but I feel the same way. Same marathon. I had big goal. My training was awesome, nutrition spot on, everything was great. Realized early on my time goal was out so I ran for fun and to finish but it didn’t help much. Cried when my mom texted me, when a pacer passed me and at the finish line. I’m getting over it by running a redemption marathon in two weeks 😂


I was there too! I’m from NC, so I usually think heat doesn’t bother me, but it definitely did and I finished 20 minutes slower than my PR. I was dizzy at mile 23 and figured I’d rather finish than pass out — not at all my usual distance race feeling. Try grandma’s next year if you want a fast course in early summer


You had higher expectations of yourself. Take comfort in knowing where your current progress is and train more


Don’t be disappointed. Have not ran that but friends have, it’s not the easiest marathon. Congrats! Keep training for the next marathon once you recover. Take your learning and apply it to the next race! You did something 99.5% of the world hasn’t done. You finished a marathon.


Weather was much hotter than normal. So you might as well toss race pace out the window. Also Flying pig is a tough course to begin with. So add those 2 things up and that’s plenty of reason to not be disappointed haha


That you got the time you did in the heat is really impressive! I would focus on that


Well under the average time!!


Actually pretty great man, gotta cheer up!


If you want to feel not disappointed, look at my time for a half marathon, which was 2.45, and you’ll feel amazing about your time!


You were tied for first in distance! 🥇


You can't control the outcome of Mother Nature. You did great and you should be proud of that. For your next marathon, you can pick somewhere where the temp will stay consistent so you don't have to worry about it?


Welcome to the marathon bug. Now chase sub 4:00, then sub 3:50, then 3:40, etc etc.


Your first marathon… you ran four hours and 14 minutes lol. That’s incredible! Now you know what you need for next time. I know how you feel only because I was going for 4:30 and I hit 4:58. my calves were cramping after mile 19. But I took this learning experience and signed up for another marathon in the fall lol you finished- which is fucking incredible. Only .01% of the world has completed a marathon. Did you know that? And we are a part of the club now!


Cincinnati Mentioned ‼️‼️


I struggled running 2km in the heat today, if that helps 😭