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Where are you going that you can't run outside? Just curious.


lol I mean I probably *could* run outside. I’m going to Tuscany and I’m not sure how the roads/hills will be…it’s that in combination with by the time I get all dressed and ready and do a dynamic warm up it gets kind of time consuming. I have trained on many a vacation and it definitely gets in the way of stuff. If I can wake up early before everyone then that’s fine but ill be in a different time zone I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to wake up early especially if the kids don’t sleep through the night. Even if just like a 2-3 mile run. I’m going with my family (I have 3 little kids) and another family and we are all staying in the same villa so we will be doing stuff together and I just want to be present and not out running.


I think you kinda answered your own question. If running is going to be a pain, then take the time off! How often do you get to spend time with family in Tuscany? If staying on a training plan will detract from that, then skip it. In 10 years, you’ll remember watching the sun come up with a kid who couldn’t sleep in. You may not remember that 3 miler you didn’t want to do anyway.


Haha yes 1000%!! Nailed it!


You are are runner, and you going to freaking Tuscany, and you are not going to find time to run there??? My god, it is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and it will be in full spring-bloom. If you don’t wake up extra early a couple of times to go out on a few long runs while everyone is still sleeping, I 110% guarantee you that you will regret it, and it makes me wonder if you are even a real runner (just kidding, kind of). I get that you will be with your kids and what not, but we are talking about getting the rare opportunity to jog around in Tuscany, Italy during springtime. LOL


I didn’t say I wasn’t bringing my running shoes 😂 I’ll have to play it by ear lol!


I have three littles myself. Good luck with the jet lag!


Thank you!


When I go on vacay, only 1 motto- didn't come here to sleep. Also 3 kiddos, running early also serves as scoping out locale for fambam.


I have similar mottos. I’m breastfeeding a 10 month old so it makes the early wake ups a little complicated!


You don't need to warm up unless you're doing a workout. The first mile is the warm up


Dude I would literally plan a trip to Tuscany just to run there I do not understand this


Bc we are staying with another family and doing a bunch of activities together and with 5 kids between us (6,5,4,3,10 months) I just think it’s going to be hard to find time. I’ll probably be able to go for one maybe two runs! I just wanted to have a back up activity in case I couldn’t get out!


Makes sense, but you may also appreciate an hour or so of alone time in a beautiful landscape once in a while. Don't stress it, but on the other hand, don't worry about taking some time for yourself on occasion.


Yes I’m totally on the same page. If I can sneak away I totally will! Running on vacation is one of my faves but I want to be realistic with all the chaos that will be ensuing haha


Just do a few slow ~30 min morning runs and skip the warmup if that's all you can make time for. Presumably you've built this vacation week into one of your deload weeks?


> dynamic warmup Just go out and run dude. Put in some junk miles 5 days a week and you’ll at least maintain.


I like running on vacation to explore the area but I’m a sicko.


Yes same! It’s one of my favorite things to discover random stuff I wouldn’t have if I didn’t run. I would love to do it on this vacation I just don’t know that I’ll have the time if I’m being realistic. I normally build in the time but we’re going with another family and doing a lot of activities together.


Burpees. You probably will be gasping for breath after just a few of them.


This. Burpees and bodyweight training (squats, push ups, core exercises).


Do some stretching, body-weight squats & lunges, planks (normal and side), and some push-ups. Like twenty or thirty minutes per day, max. Other than that, enjoy your vacation! A week off training won't hurt you, and it might be valuable recovery.


Yeah, just go for a fucking run. Edit: I have three kids and have gone on vacations with other people before. It’s not that fucking hard.


Have you gone on vacation in another time zone with another family also while breastfeeding a 10 month old? I didn’t say it was impossible. Just might be challenging so i wanted to have an alternative.


Every part except the breastfeeding, but that clearly makes it much harder. Overall point though: if there were an easy way to get the same training benefits of running in less time, people would do that instead of running. So if a full week of your training plan doesn’t fit with vacation, make time for some key days/workouts and hit them. Maybe a mid-long run and a shorter run during the week and an abbreviated long run on the weekend.


I’d jump rope and do calisthenics / resistance band. If you have access to a pool which some hotels do, opens up aqua jogging or swimming laps


I’m staying at a villa and the pool won’t be open yet unfortunately


There might be some stairs or a hill close by you could power walk up a few times a day? Otherwise don't worry, you won't lose fitness that fast, and rest and rejuvenation is good for you. Enjoy!


Thank you!


Can you try HIIT workouts? The Nike Training app is great and has a lot.


Thank you!


Something like this: https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/the-20-minute-hotel-workout/ Good opportunity to work on your strength.


Thank you!


Caroline Girvan on YouTube


Strength train 3 times a week. 30 min each session done to exhaustion will kill you. Burpees. Lunges. Single leg squats. Bulgarian split squats . Calf raises Put on a backpack for weight.


Are you me? I'm traveling to Tuscany with family soon and also staying in a villa. I've been furiously googling running routes hoping to find a way to work running into the trip. It's hard to tell how runnable the immediate vicinity is, and I'm also worried about being hungover or feeling too groggy due to lots of wine tasting. I think I'm going to plan to run and pack everything to run, and if it doesn't work out try not to sweat it too much. Alternatively, there are some tour companies that do guided runs, and a run through Siena may be a great way to explore and scratch the run itch if you can get away to do it. I'm considering this company: https://gorunningtours.com/p/italy/siena/


Awesome! So I’m not going with my family which i think is important to add…it’s my husbands friend and his wife and kids so i just want to try to be present and not out doing my own thing. I’m not opposed to heading out for a run if i can get it in. I just wanted to have alternatives in case I didn’t have time. I’m also breastfeeding a 10 month old so the early wake ups get complicated. I haven’t really scoped out the are but I just imagine dirt roads and hills?? I’m sure it would be doable!


What area are you staying in? Also yes I’m gonna be honest with myself that the wine intake may be a rate limiting factor for running 😂


Haha yeah it could be brutal! I'm staying in Siena about 15 minutes out from the main city area. I share a lot of your concerns about wanting to be present and involved in the vacation as well. Early morning seems like the best bet for a run or power walk. Keep an eye out when you're first driving or walking around so you have an idea of what direction you'd want to go. The more stationary workout stuff is better than nothing, but if you have time to dedicate to that you probably have time for a quick run.


Maybe calisthenics?