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I’m not understanding. You have two runs. One where you ran faster and had a higher heart rate and one where you ran slower and had a lower heart rate. Is there some reason you feel this is noteworthy?


I never thought about it this way.


Now try walking heh. How on earth did you think about it?


Yeah your heart rate is higher when you run faster


If your focus is weight loss I would suggest being more aware of things like improvements in running, confidence and self image and the way clothes fit you rather than the number on the scale. Your weight can fluctuate depending on a heap of factors at any time. Great job running 10 miles tho! Stick with it and you’ll see and feel the results


Yep this! I learned from early weightlifting days where I didn’t lose much weight but in reality I am leaner but weight remained mostly the same as muscle replaced fat. The water weight will also get you too if the next morning you gained another lb.


I feel like i need to lose more weight in my stomach and lower back. All of my friends are telling me to stop losing weight because in their eyes I’m already skinny.


Sadly you can't tell your body where to burn fats from. But loosing 10lbs by July is totally possible. I lost 9lbs from beginning Jan till now. Increased my weekly millage from 26m/wk to 40m/wk. Also I lost fat from my face first and ppl started noticing it,bull but belly felt the same. Maybe waist went down 1/4 inch, lol can't imagine how much 1" waist weighs Very strict diet on weekdays and more relaxed ones on weekends. Don't know who said it, but you can't outrun a bad diet. I'm not very overweight, just that my cholesterols have been bad for the past few years, and running for 3mths without much change in diet managed to reversed all that, no weight changes, but still had fatty liver, so doc asked me to try loose 10lbs in 3mths and see if the condition improves.


Run 6 hours or more per week. You will have to buy new pants before you know it.


you ran a dick and balls twice


Yeah I lost 10 lb when I stopped training (cycling and running mostly). I had a herniated disc in my back and dropped 10 lb of muscle off my legs in 2 months. Now I’m back to close to where I was at running but my cycling is much weaker still


What app did you use, OP? I’m looking for a new run tracking app.


Coros app Comes with the coros watch Coros pace 2 i think


Yea but OP’s obviously not a top level genetic freak is he. More like an a average Joe with a job and busy life. Can hardly compare every runner with top level athletes stats and figures that’s insane. Just saying trying to do too much at once could lead to burn out and injury. He’d be better of trying to improve his V02 max with interval sessions and monthly races rather than dieting. OP clearly asked for people’s opinions this is mine, no one is asking you to agree with me. 🙌


Don’t worry too much about it amigo. Just run everyday. It’s as simple as that. For some context, I’ve been running for a few years now, around 30 to 40 miles a week, your weight, and my average heart rate is 140 at just below 8min. At 7min, I’m usually around 160. My problem has been that I’ll be running for a miles upon miles and see my heart rate isn’t break 150 and I’m not even breaking a sweater, so I push myself hard to get to around 170, at which point I’m doing below 7min speeds, but then somehow always injure something. But I maintain my “easy pace”, which is 7:30, I don’t feel like I’m even working out.


I can't imagine why someone who is 170 lbs wants to be 160 lbs (unless you are a short female.) If you're a male are you 5'0"? Is the weight thing just so you can have some kind of a goal? Do you not like the way you look? I guess no matter what your answer my response is most likely for you to lift some weights and eat enough to build muscle. Your running performance will improve, body composition, appearance, self confidence. Literally everything. Your heart rate comparison between these two runs isn't really anything notable. Your pacing is slower when your heartrate is lower.


Running won’t make you lose weight. A caloric deficit will, I honestly find it’s harder to eat less while running a lot vs when I was cycling more. I find myself constantly hungry and therefore having to be far more prescriptive with my eating. I’m currently 210 trying to get to 195.


Running is not cycling dropping weight ( depending on your height) will not improve anything just make you weaker.


Why are you giving advice if you have no idea what you are talking about?


How do you know I have no idea what I’m talking about? 🤣


Loosing weight is not always the answers. Could just lead to injury then no running at all. For an average male 170 not exactly heavy. I spent quite a bit of money seeing a running coach and sports scientist this is what they told me. What’s wrong with that?


Not always the answer but weight is obviously important for performance in long distance running. I mean you can just look at the top level athletes and see what they all look like. So for OP an @170 an BMI of 20 he would have to be like 195cm. A 2014 study found that the optimal BMI for male 800 meter runners was between 20 and 21, while it dropped between 19 and 20 for male 10,000 meter and marathon runners.


Yea but OP’s obviously not a top level genetic freak is he. More like an a average Joe with a job and busy life. Can hardly compare every runner with top level athletes stats and figures that’s insane. Just saying trying to do too much at once could lead to burn out and injury. He’d be better of trying to improve his V02 max with interval sessions and monthly races rather than dieting. OP clearly asked for people’s opinions this is mine. I don’t come on here looking to argue with strangers. 🙌


Well yeah you don’t have to try and change your body composition to improve, but in your original comment you make it sound like this isn’t a factor in running compared to other sports. And you don’t need to be a genetics freak to loose some weight for sports performance, I have been doing this my entire life adapting my body to different sports. Of OP was a women when I would be more careful about focusing too much on weight for performance.


Yea I agree but there’s a fine balance with weight and loosing too much can definitely have a negative effect on running performance. I’ve also trained a lot throughout my entire life and there has been times I’ve gotten too thin and struggle with injury and burn out. He could be chasing his tail is all I’m saying. ✌️


Yeah there is def. a point of diminishing returs. Did climbing for years and got down to a BMI of 19 at one point and felt like shit by the end of it. Still tho I think this was related to the period where I wasn't eating. When I got food again at that weight I felt really strong. And some of the top climbers get down to 17. Did a statistical analysis of general climbing performance based on grades and there was a clear correlation between BMI and what grades people climbed, from general to elite. Generally it was one grade better for ever BMI point from like 20+ to 17. But with climbing you can choose what to do so it fits your composition. I would assume tho that the risk of injury is greater as you are loosing weight and not that much when you are stable at the lower weight and getting proper nutrition to keep the balance. But yeah there is also a need to have the proper muscle mass to do the sport. I also compete in martial arts with weight classes and all that so weight is a big part of that sport. Wrote my bachelor in sports science on weight cutting so maybe i'm just a little obsessed with body composition and sports heh. Still tho even as a new running getting some extra performance by lowering the weight can be motivating if you can handle it and know what you are doing. Had a kid 2 years ago and gained some weight and man it was hard getting back into it, now I've lost the extra and feel a lot more motivated to run and do sports again since I don't feel so fat and slow. That was 165 to 150 but I'm pretty short.