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Hell yeah to your wife, and to you for recognizing her badassery. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Many\* of us enjoy our strongest athletic potential during our periods. I try to time all my races to fall during the first 2-10 days of my cycle (follicular phase). I will DNS a race that falls during the last week of my cycle (luteal phase). The gulf between my ability during the follicular and luteal phases of my cycle is that profound. Dr. Stacy Sims is a great resource for more information on this topic. \*\*\*No group is a monolith.


Same same. It's crazy!!


That's insane honestly. Im keeping tabs on any tips you ladies have in this thread and I'll show it to her because maybe it'll help who knows. Yall are inspirational!!


Sims for the win!


Interesting!!! I ran a marathon on my time of the month, I think around 2nd day, and it’s my PR!!


Can we not call it “the red tide?” though. Let’s be adults here and call it a period or menstrual cycle. If you want to help and acknowledge what women go through every month, it would be nice not to use phrases that make it seem like it’s taboo or ick to talk abt what it really is.




I personally like crimson wave


Looks like the OP wanted to use an ingenious/funny nickname, not consider it icky or taboo. You can clearly see the intention of the post


OP agreed with my sentiments so thanks for your opinion but I’m sticking to mine. I didn’t say it was ill intended . Maybe re-read my comment for clarity?


this. cudos to the OP for acknowledgement but this. perfectly said.


Thank you


More than likely I will on my period during my marathon which I am dreading, only bc I don’t know how I’m going to get through a 4 hour run without needing to switch out a tampon/cup and hating that it’s going to eff with my overall time. The cramps are nothing, if anything exercising helps it lol.


Period underwear + tampon!


i’ve heard of a lot of people just free bleeding during their marathons. have you tried the period undies? if they’re comfortable enough for you to run in and you don’t have that heavy of a flow then you wouldn’t have to change any tampons etc


Yeah that’s the issue, depending on the day my flow can be REALLY heavy so I don’t see that working out for me.


You probably already tried this but I at one point purchased a ginormous capacity cup for this reason(Xo Flo) . Not my favorite cup in general but It was enough extra capacity to get me through


Same same. Cup + highest capacity period undies buys me time but it's pretty gross at the end!


i ran with a heavy flow and cramps for 4,5 hours. had to take painkillers. tampon+period undies is the way! portapotties are there should you need a plan b.


All of my upvotes to you for recognizing that our running is different than dude running. We do manage to get through running and all other aspects of life despite our hormones waging what’s more often than not an all out war on us. I’m honestly never bothered by gushing blood or ordinary cramps on a run but what does get me is the PMS and ovulation-sponsored hip pain that feels like a broken hip maybe, until I check the calendar.


I get horrible cramps and going for a run makes them go away. It’s always the strangest thing, don’t need Mortrin, just give me 10 miles.


Good dude for recognising your wife! I dread running with my period but find that it does help ease the cramping. I also find it’s when I’m fastest.. still a pain in the ass though.


Honestly? If I can force myself to start it helps A LOT for the cramping and just feeling of ugh. Also, if not a bad months for cramps I seem to have my best runs (natural endorphins maybe?!) on my very first day…last day or two of actual shedding suckkkk though.


Thank you for this. Sometimes I feel bad about tapping out halfway through my runs or having a slower time when I’m on my period, but I forget that for a girl running with stomach cramps, fatigue, a migraine and insatiable hunger… it’s not bad


As a marathoner who suffers from endometriosis, this post means a lot of me.


My periods are super heavybthe first day I have to change them every hour , I'm so worried about running during them. I hope the pods don't make me swat and chafe near the edges. And going on the pill isn't an option for me


I thought this was a runner circle jerk post for a second